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The North American Great Lakes were designated with 43 locally degraded Areas of Concern (AOCs) in the 1980s. Remediation activities geared towards restoring beneficial use impairments (BUIs) at the AOCs have been conducted by both the American and Canadian governments. Here we examine if the fish consumption BUI has been restored at the Thunder Bay Harbour and St. Marys River AOCs within the Canadian waters by applying a three-tier assessment framework using the fish contaminant data collected by the Government of Ontario, Canada. Fish consumption advisories published by the government as well as simulated advisories based on the post-2005 data were examined in Tiers 1 and 2. The results highlighted that the restrictions advised on eating fish from the AOCs are mild and are typically similar to other non-AOC areas of lakes Superior and Huron. Temporal trend analyses of three contaminants of concern, mercury, PCB and dioxins/furans, generally showed substantial improvements over the last 30+ years and mostly continued declining trends in the recent years. These findings support a re-designation of the fish consumption BUI to “not impaired” at the two AOCs. As a follow up, it is recommended to confirm improvements in the dioxin/furan/dioxin-like PCB levels in fish at the Thunder Bay AOC. It is also advisable to conduct a survey to properly define “beneficial use” of fish consumption for the AOCs (i.e., which fish and in what quantity do people eat), and thereby validate the critical assumption of 8+ meals/month as a non-restrictive advice used in this assessment.  相似文献   

In 1972, the US and Canada committed to restore the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the Great Lakes Ecosystem under the first Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement. During subsequent amendments, part of the St. Lawrence River at Massena NY, and segments of three tributaries, were designated as one Area of Concern (AOC) due to various beneficial use impairments (BUIs). Plankton beneficial use was designated impaired within this AOC because phytoplankton and zooplankton population data were unavailable or needed “further assessment”. Contaminated sediments from industrial waste disposal have been largely remediated, thus, the plankton BUI may currently be obsolete. The St. Lawrence River at Massena AOC remedial action plan established two criteria which may be used to assess the plankton BUI; the second states that, “in the absence of community structure data, plankton bioassays confirm no toxicity impact in ambient waters”. This study was implemented during 2011 to determine whether this criterion was achieved. Acute toxicity and chronic toxicity of local waters were quantified seasonally using standardized bioassays with green alga Selenastrum capricornutum and water flea Ceriodaphnia dubia to test the hypothesis that waters from sites within the AOC were no more toxic than were waters from adjacent reference sites. The results of univariate and multivariate analyses confirm that ambient waters from most AOC sites (and seasons) were not toxic to both species. Assuming both test species represent natural plankton assemblages, the quality of surface waters throughout most of this AOC should not seriously impair the health of resident plankton communities.  相似文献   

Widespread invasion of Round Goby (Neogobius melanostomus) throughout the Great Lakes has raised concerns regarding increased egg predation on fish species. To better understand nest predation, we examined nesting habitat selected by three upper St. Lawrence River Centrarchid species and the predator assemblage at nests during the 2011 and 2012 egg incubation and larval periods. Following removal of guarding males by angling, 5-min observations were used to identify and enumerate predators at rock bass (Ambloplites rupestris; n = 81), pumpkinseed (Lepomis gibbosus; n = 80), and smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu; n = 40) nests. Differences in nesting habitat among centrarchids corresponded with differences in nest predator assemblages along a gradient defined primarily by depth and substrate. Pumpkinseed nests in shallow depths with soft substrate were visited principally by minnow spp., but few round goby. Smallmouth bass nests at greater depth with hard substrates were frequented nearly exclusively by round goby, while rock bass nests at intermediate depth with a mix of hard and soft substrates were visited by round goby and yellow perch (Perca flavescens). Rock bass nests had a higher predator burden than pumpkinseed nests in 2011, but no differences were observed among centrarchid species in 2012. Round goby were a major component of the predators at rock bass and smallmouth bass nests. However, predation burden imposed by yellow perch was higher than round goby at rock bass nests. We conclude nesting habitat selection influences native and non-native egg predator assemblages, but whether round goby predation is additive or compensatory remains unclear.  相似文献   

The non-native swim bladder nematode Anguillicoloides crassus was first documented in wild American eel (Anguilla rostrata) in South Carolina in 1996, and has since spread through rivers and estuaries along the east coast of the United States and Canada. American eel in Canada are a species of conservation concern, primarily due to a severe decline in recruitment within the St. Lawrence River watershed. We report the first occurrence of A. crassus in American eel in the St. Lawrence River watershed in 2010. Prevalence of A. crassus infection remained low through 2014, but has since increased to approximately 30% over the past 3 years. Infection intensity has also increased from only a single nematode up to 2013 to an average of 6.5 nematodes per infected eel in 2018. In outmigrating silver-stage eels sampled in the St. Lawrence estuary, the first occurrence of A. crassus was noted in 2015 and prevalence has fluctuated from a low 0.2% in 2015 to a high of 3.6% in 2017. In 2018, A. crassus was first identified in an eel recruiting to the upper St. Lawrence River. A. crassus was likely inadvertently introduced to the St. Lawrence River watershed during a conservation stocking research project in which glass-stage eels from infected areas were translocated to the region to supplement natural recruitment. It is not clear at this time what harm this additional threat will pose to an already declining contingent of this panmictic species.  相似文献   

Recent surface-water surveys suggest that high nutrient concentrations and nuisance algae remain issues in the St. Lawrence River Area of Concern (AOC) at Cornwall, Ontario, specifically in the tributaries and nearshore zones of Lake St. Francis (LSF). In particular, it is unclear whether management actions designed to reduce nutrient inputs, first implemented in the 1990s as part of the Remedial Action Plan for the AOC, have reduced algal production or influenced assemblage composition. To address this issue, a paleolimnological approach was used to provide a historical context for the present-day nutrient concentrations and to quantify the extent of change in water quality in LSF since the early 1990s. A sediment core was collected near the north shore of LSF and was examined for changes in the concentrations and compositions of fossil diatoms and pigments, as well as stable isotope (δ15N and δ13C) values. Analyses of diatom and pigment concentrations indicated that overall algal abundance has risen in the last few decades, including trends of increasing occurrences of potentially toxic cyanobacteria, despite ongoing remediation efforts. Temporal patterns of stable isotope signatures in the core suggest a steady increase in nutrient influx since the mid-20th century, with the post-1990 increase in algal production likely attributable to recent inputs associated with land-use changes in local contributing watersheds. These patterns suggest that the AOC delisting goals for the LSF tributaries will not be reached without a drastic change in land management practices.  相似文献   

In this study, the utility of quagga mussels (Dreissena bugensis) as biomonitors was investigated by measuring total concentrations of three trace metals, cadmium, copper, and zinc, in soft tissues. Quagga mussels were sampled from five sites along the upper St. Lawrence River, including one industrially influenced site, from 1999 through 2007. Mussels were collected from near-shore areas, divided into 5 size classes based on maximum shell length, and tissues were pooled for analysis of each size group. Two-way analysis of variance and a posteriori range tests were used to test for differences among sites along a distance gradient from the outflow of Lake Ontario and to examine inter-annual variability within and among sites. Cadmium concentrations were higher nearer the outflow of the lake. Copper concentrations varied among sites and years, but were generally highest near the industrial site. Zinc concentrations were relatively uniform, possibly reflecting internal regulation. Animal size measured as shell length was not an important factor in this section of the river, but warrants further consideration in a wider range of ecosystems and contaminant exposure levels. In general, concentrations of the three metals were not high compared to reports in the published literature for dreissenid mussels in contaminated environments. However, few studies have utilized quagga mussels rather than zebra mussels. The two species may differ in bioaccumulation patterns and may not be interchangeable as biomonitors. Further studies of bioaccumulation of contaminants by quagga mussels in a wider range of contaminant exposures would be useful particularly as quagga mussels displace zebra mussels in the Laurentian Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River.  相似文献   

We compiled macroinvertebrate data collected from 1995 to 2014 from the St. Louis River Area of Concern (AOC) of Lake Superior. Our objective was to define depth-adjusted cutoff values for benthos condition classes to provide an analytical tool for quantifying progress toward achieving removal targets for the degraded benthos beneficial use impairment. We used quantile regression to model the limiting effect of depth on selected benthos metrics, including taxa richness, percent non-oligochaete individuals, combined percent Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera, and Odonata individuals, and density of ephemerid mayfly nymphs (Hexagenia). We created a scaled trimetric index from the first three metrics. Metric values above the 75th percentile quantile regression model prediction were defined as being in relatively excellent condition in the context of the degraded beneficial use impairment for that depth. We set the cutoff between good and fair condition as the 50th percentile model prediction, and we set the cutoff between fair and poor condition as the 25th percentile model prediction. We examined sampler type, geographic zone, and substrate type for confounding effects. Based on these analyses we combined data across sampler types and created separate models for each of three geographic zones. We used the resulting condition-class cutoff values to determine the relative benthic condition for three adjacent habitat restoration project areas. The depth-limited pattern of ephemerid abundance we observed in the St. Louis River AOC also occurred elsewhere in the Great Lakes. We provide tabulated model predictions for application of our depth-adjusted condition class cutoff values to new sample data.  相似文献   

Time Since Invasion (TSI) at invaded sites is an important factor that can moderate invasive species abundances and their ecological impacts on resident communities, and yet it remains rarely addressed by invasion studies. We revisit the ecological impacts of round goby invasion in the Upper St. Lawrence River (Canada) on macroinvertebrate and fish communities, by taking into consideration the effects of TSI since initial invasion 20 years ago. Our objectives were to: 1) test the effect of TSI and invasion status on round goby abundance, and 2) investigate the effects of TSI, invasion status, and round goby abundance on macroinvertebrate and fish communities. Round goby abundance displayed a strong positive relationship with TSI. Environmental conditions, especially substrate and water conductivity were found to reduce round goby TSI and characterize uninvaded sites and >12 years TSI sites. However, we detected first potential signals of a reduction in round goby abundance at sites with TSI of 17–19 years compared with sites having 13–16 years TSI which had similar environmental conditions. Nonetheless, round gobies continued to have enduring impacts on total macroinvertebrate diversity, even at sites with TSI of 17–19 years, likely as a result of ongoing predation. This observation was supported by a negative association of round goby TSI on the abundance of dominant macroinvertebrate taxa at sampling sites in the Upper St Lawrence River, as well as dietary stomach content data. The fish community was less sensitive to round goby TSI than macroinvertebrate communities.  相似文献   

The temporal and spatial relationships of a suite of organochlorine contaminants and mercury were examined in various fish species of the St. Clair River/Lake St. Clair corridor, Canada, in order to evaluate the effectiveness of remediation efforts and to assess the risk to human and wildlife fish consumers. In Lake St. Clair, fish tissue concentrations of mercury, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), octachlorostyrene (OCS), hexachlorobenzene (HCB), and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) decreased consistently from the 1970s until the 1980s and 1990s, after which the rate of contaminant decline slowed or concentrations stabilized. This trend was consistent in up to 13 species (both young-of-the-year and adult fishes) comprising different trophic positions and dietary habits, suggesting that the changes were reflective of ambient conditions rather than food web processes. Elevated concentrations of mercury, PCBs, OCS, HCB, and DDT were detected in St. Clair River young-of-the-year spottail shiner compared with fish from Lake Huron, indicating that non-atmospheric inputs of these chemicals, likely originating from sediment, remain in the St. Clair River. Current concentrations of mercury and PCBs, and mercury, PCBs, and DDT remain of concern to human and wildlife fish consumers, respectively. Given that contaminant decreases have generally stabilized in fish, we suggest that further natural recovery of contaminants in St. Clair corridor fishes will be slow since contaminants will likely continue to be influenced by sediment levels.  相似文献   

Knowledge concerning critical habitats such as spawning sites is crucial to the preservation of vulnerable fish species like sturgeons. For lake sturgeon Acipenser fulvescens populations in the Lower St. Lawrence and Ottawa river systems, knowledge about spawning sites has been documented primarily in the grey literature, unpublished reports, or notes, with very little published in peer-reviewed literature. Here, we reviewed over 100 reports, articles, and unpublished observations in the Lower St. Lawrence and Ottawa river systems to synthesize available information concerning the location of lake sturgeon spawning sites, the level of spawning activity, and the methodologies used for assessments. In this review, 38 lake sturgeon spawning sites were identified. Of these sites, 11 were enhanced or artificially created for lake sturgeon. In the Lower St. Lawrence River, 68% of known spawning sites were located downstream from a dam compared to 47% in the Ottawa River. The use of the two artificially created spawning sites in the Lower St. Lawrence River has not yet been confirmed, while one site established in the Ottawa River has had confirmed spawning activity, although the spawning run size is unknown. In contrast, spawning has been confirmed for the seven natural spawning sites that have been artificially expanded in these systems, and two of these sites have large spawning runs. Information revealed by this review suggests that lake sturgeon populations in these large river systems rely on multiple spawning sites and that expanding natural spawning grounds may be more effective than creating new ones.  相似文献   

We evaluated the potential of vegetation and sediment habitats in wetlands of the St. Lawrence River for developing a macroinvertebrate bioassessment program with reference conditions. During September 2004, we collected macroinvertebrates in emergent vegetation and sediment in both fluvial sites (reference) and tributary-plume sites (impacted) in waters of the north and south shores of Lake Saint-Pierre (St. Lawrence River). In each habitat, we compared taxa richness, abundance, and community structure of macroinvertebrates between reference and impacted sites, and used multivariate models to relate macroinvertebrate community to environmental conditions. Each habitat was suitable for discriminating reference fluvial sites from impacted tributary-plume sites based on macroinvertebrate communities. In emergent vegetation, macroinvertebrates were dominated by epibenthic fauna such as crustaceans (Gammaridae, Asellidae) and molluscs (Valvatidae) at fluvial sites, and insect larvae (Chironomidae, Caenidae) at tributary-plume sites. In sediment, macroinvertebrates comprised a greater proportion of endobenthic fauna such as Oligochaeta and Sphaeridae. Crustaceans and molluscs were still dominant at fluvial sites and Oligocheata and Chironomidae at tributary-plume sites. No strong difference was depicted in macroinvertebrate composition between north and south shore water masses. Environmental variables explained a higher proportion of variance in macroinvertebrate community composition in emergent vegetation than in sediment (68% versus 44%). Macroinvertebrate composition in sediment was more related to metal contamination, whereas macroinvertebrate composition in emergent vegetation was related primarily to vegetation type and water quality. Relevance of the study for bioassessment of macroinvertebrates in the St. Lawrence River using the reference condition approach is discussed.  相似文献   

Observation of phytoplankton and water chemistry along the main channel of the St. Lawrence River was made at a high spatial resolution (every 12 km) in order to infer the factors that influence development of this phytoplankton community. The phytoplankton community in the main channel was collected over a 10-d period (mid July 2018) from the headwaters to near the beginning of the St. Lawrence River estuary. Total phosphorus concentration in river water increased with distance downstream (154–2,750 nM) and phytoplankton biomass (1.4–10.5 µg chl-a/L) was strongly correlated (r = 0.84, 46 d.f.) to the concentration of total phosphorus. Diatoms, chrysophytes and dinoflagellates dominated the phytoplankton community at the outlet of Lake Ontario and total chlorophyll-a concentrations increased three-fold with 500 km transit downstream from Lake Ontario; phycocyanin-rich Cyanobacteria showed the greatest proportional increase (227%). Total P concentrations observed in 1997 along this transect were identical to those observed in 2018; however, chl-a concentrations were much lower in 1997, a finding attributed to a greater filter feeding benthic organism impact on the standing crop of phytoplankton. Observations support the hypothesis that the phytoplankton community composition in this large river is strongly influenced by the headwater characteristics (Lake Ontario) and gradually influenced by entrainment of nutrient-rich tributary waters.  相似文献   

Twentieth-century historic industrial activity in Cornwall, ON loaded high amounts of metals and metalloids to the St. Lawrence River. Despite industrial improvements and the eventual closure of point-source polluters, sedimentary contamination in the Cornwall waterfront remains above provincial guidelines, causing concern for ecosystem management. We analysed chironomid (Order: Diptera) subfossils from modern-day surface-sediment samples and a sediment core from the Cornwall waterfront in order to better understand historic pollution impacts and potential recovery. Modern-day chironomid assemblages were diverse (48 genera, >70 species) and overall assemblage structure was weakly related to sedimentary zinc concentrations, with Procladius, Paratanytarsus, and Ablabesmyia identified as zinc-tolerant and Rheotanytarsus, Polypedilum and Paratendipes identified as zinc-sensitive. The sediment core showed peak total mercury (THg) concentrations were an order of magnitude higher than in modern-day surface sediments. In sections of the core below 10 cm in depth, THg concentrations were high (~30–50 µg/g) and chironomids were nearly absent from the record. Above 10 cm (c. 1980) THg concentrations decreased and chironomid taxa returned in low abundances. Subsequent intervals displayed an increase in diversity, abundance, and the relative abundance of metal-sensitive taxa. This study provides evidence of ecological change which co-occurs with Cornwall’s historic industrial activity and indicates progress toward related ecological goals identified in the current management strategy.  相似文献   

Near-shore surface sediment of the St. Clair River (Ontario) extending along 9 km of waterfront downstream of local industries were contaminated with mercury (Hg), hexachlorobenzene, hexachlorobutadiene and octachlorostyrene based on data collected in 2006 and 2008. However, unlike Hg, concentrations of organic compounds were low at most stations suggesting improvements in sediment quality since 2001 (post sediment remediation projects). Concentrations of Hg were greater than Provincial Sediment Quality Guidelines and ranged as high as 41 μg/g in the surficial 0–5 cm sediment. Measured (2001–2004 data) and estimated (2006 data) concentrations of methyl Hg in invertebrates were greater than concentrations in invertebrates collected from upstream reference stations. Predicted methyl Hg concentrations in walleye using food chain multipliers, benthic invertebrate Hg tissue concentrations and current sediment concentrations exceeded human health consumption guidelines and were consistent with measured sport fish data supporting assumptions about Hg biomagnification. Historical data showed that for fish collected from the lower St. Clair River and Lake St. Clair, Hg concentrations have declined since 1978, but have remained stable since the mid 1980s, consistent with the sediment Hg data. The consistency in the sediment and fish datasets and the absence of a known significant local point source of Hg suggests that the sediment may be an important source of Hg to the St. Clair River food-chain.  相似文献   

The St. Lawrence River near Cornwall Ontario is affected by industrial mercury contamination of sediments and biota. It has been suggested that pulp and paper mill effluents may stimulate bacterial mercury methylation in these sediments, leading to contamination of aquatic biota. To test this hypothesis, we examined sediment–porewater dynamics of total mercury (THg) and methyl mercury (MeHg) at a site with high concentrations of wood fibers from a pulp and paper mill effluent and a nearby reference site with low wood fiber content. Dissolved phase THg (THgdiss) and MeHg (MeHgdiss) in porewater profiles showed that 38 ± 30.9% (SD) of THg in porewaters was in the methylated form regardless of wood fiber content. MeHgdiss and THgdiss concentrations were homogeneous between porewater and overlying water, indicating (a) that there is minimal net diffusion of MeHgdiss and THgdiss and (b) that redox-dependent processes such as sulfate reduction and Fe reduction were not associated with MeHgdiss distribution in these sediment profiles. MeHg and THg in solid phase showed coincident subsurface peaks at depths > 40 cm suggesting either that historical deposits of MeHg on particles (MeHg(p)) are preserved in deep sediments, or that Hg methylation is active in deep sediments.  相似文献   

We conducted a 2-year, multi-gear survey in the lower St. Louis River, which includes the Duluth-Superior harbor, an international shipping port and non-native species invasion “hotspot.” Our objectives were to quantify the contribution of non-native species to the overall fish assemblage and assess their spatial distribution and abundance. We captured 10 non-native fishes; none, however, were first detections. Non-native fishes composed roughly one quarter of the total species richness, were found in 84% of samples, and composed 15% of the total abundance. The spatial distribution and abundance of non-native fishes was dependent on gear selection (and thereby habitat selection), sampling location, and abundance measure (individuals or biomass). We used a recently published non-native species establishment framework to integrate catch data from the different gears. Viewed in the context of this framework, we identified only two non-native fishes, Eurasian ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernuus) and round goby (Neogobius melanostomus), as both widespread and abundant, whereas we identified three as localized and rare. Moreover, the time since first detection of non-native fishes was not predictive of their frequency of occurrence across the study area, underscoring the importance of environmental and biological factors in controlling fish establishment success. Although non-native fishes constitute a considerable portion of the trawl catch in the river channel, from a multi-gear system-wide perspective, native fishes collectively make up the majority of the fish biomass and abundance in the lower St. Louis River.  相似文献   

The St. Marys River connects Lake Superior to Lake Huron, comprising the international border between Michigan, United States, and Ontario, Canada. This Great Lakes connecting channel naturally encompasses various habitats including lakes, wetlands, islands, tributaries, side channels, and main channels. The St. Marys River Rapids are shallow rock areas with high flow velocities (>1 m/s) in the upper river adjacent to the navigation locks and electric power generating stations, while the Little Rapids are shallow, recently restored rocky areas with lower velocities located about 7 km downstream. The St. Marys River Rapids provide important spawning habitat for several native and introduced fishes, but spawning by lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) was not previously documented. We sampled for lake sturgeon eggs and larvae in both locations during June and July 2018–2019 using weekly benthic egg mat lifts and overnight D-frame larval fish drift nets. Viable lake sturgeon eggs (11 in 2018, 45 in 2019) were collected in the tailrace of a hydroelectric power facility adjacent to the St. Marys River Rapids. Larval lake sturgeon (21 in 2018, 1 in 2019) were collected in the same area as the eggs. Neither lake sturgeon eggs nor larvae were collected at Little Rapids in either year. Our results are the first documentation of successful lake sturgeon spawning and larval drift in the upper St. Marys River. While our observations showed spawning in a human-made tailrace area, the fate of larvae produced here is unknown and warrants further research.  相似文献   

An integrated multibeam echo sounder and acoustic Doppler current profiler field survey was conducted in July 2008 to investigate the morphodynamics of the St. Clair River at the outlet of Lake Huron. The principal morphological features of the upper St. Clair River included flow-transverse bedforms that appear weakly mobile, erosive bedforms in cohesive muds, thin non-cohesive veneers of weakly mobile sediment that cover an underlying cohesive (till or glacio-lacustrine) surface, and vegetation that covers the bed. The flow was characterized by acceleration as the banks constrict from Lake Huron into the St. Clair River, an approximately 1500-m long region of flow separation downstream from the Blue Water Bridge, and secondary flow connected to: i) channel curvature; ii) forcing of the flow by local bed topography, and iii) flow wakes in the lee side of ship wrecks. Nearshore, sand-sized, sediment from Lake Huron was capable of being transported into, and principally along, the banks of the upper St. Clair River by the measured flow. A comparison of bathymetric surveys conducted in 2007 and 2008 identifies that the gravel bed does undergo slow downstream movement, but that this movement does not appear to be generated by the mean flow, and could possibly be caused by ship-propeller-induced turbulence. The study results suggest that the measured mean flow and dredging within the channel have not produced major scour of the upper St. Clair River and that the recent fall in the level of Lake Huron is unlikely to have been caused by these mechanisms.  相似文献   

The lower 3.5 km of Eighteenmile Creek, a tributary to Lake Ontario in New York, was designated as an Area of Concern (AOC) in 1985 under the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement due to extensive contamination of bed sediments by polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and other toxicants. Five beneficial use impairments (BUIs) have been identified in this AOC, including degraded fish and wildlife populations. We surveyed fish communities in the Eighteenmile Creek AOC and in a comparable section of a nearby reference stream (Oak Orchard Creek) during June 2019 to infer whether legacy contaminants are currently impairing fish communities in the AOC to an extent that they differ from the regional reference condition. Estimates of community abundance, biomass, diversity, and fish condition from each system were compared using a noninferiority testing framework. Biomass, diversity, and fish condition in the Eighteenmile Creek AOC were similar or superior to that in Oak Orchard Creek, while abundance was 20% lower in the AOC. These findings and those of a 2007 sampling effort suggest that fish communities in the Eighteenmile Creek AOC are not impaired despite recent studies indicating that PCBs are bioaccumulating in fish tissues at 1–2 orders of magnitude above background levels. Future assessments in the Eighteenmile Creek AOC might focus on the condition of benthic macroinvertebrate communities and potential toxicity of local contaminants to piscivorous wildlife in order to fully address the remaining aspects of the fish and wildlife populations beneficial use impairment.  相似文献   

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