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张宏滨 《数据通信》2013,(3):20-21,25
波分复用WDM(Wavelength Division Multiplexing)网络由于具有超大容量传输、节省光纤资源、平滑升级扩容等优点,因此被认为是未来骨干网的发展方向。波长资源是影响WDM网络性能的主要因素,而波长转换算法是解决网络资源合理配置和提高网络运行效率的重要途径,所以研究波长转换问题具有十分重要的意义。本文首先简要介绍了WDM网络的发展情况和研究波长转换算法的重要意义,接着总结前人在波长转换算法上的研究成果,然后结合前人理论成果,提出关于波长转换问题的两条定理并给出详细证明,最后对全文进行总结并确定下一步研究方向。  相似文献   

叶通  邱昆  唐明光 《通信学报》2001,22(7):32-37
本文主要探讨了Mesh-torus网络中,部分网络节点使用有限波长转换技术给网络性能带来的影响。我们比较了在非泊松业务模型下,有限波长转换和全波长转换在阻塞率、转换增益和公平性方面的性能,发现基于PVWP方案时网络节点只需具有转换度为d=3的波长转换能力就能达到全波长转换的性能。因此,通过将PVWP和有限波长转换技术结合来降低网络成本是可行的。  相似文献   

WDM网络中支持优先级的波长分配算法   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文提出了一种在WDM网络中支持优先级的波长分配算法,通过计算相对容量损失,力图在对较高优先级光路建立请求进行波长分配时,找到对较优先级请求影响最小的波长分配方案,这样,该算法既保证了较高优先级光路建立请求具有较低的阻塞率,同时又对较低优先级请求进行了优化,从而改善了全网的平均阻塞率。文中给出了计算机仿真结果。  相似文献   

分析稀疏-部分波长转换网络的结构,论证了该结构在获得优秀的阻塞性能同时,能显著地节省波长转换器的数目.  相似文献   

肖诗源  刘贤德  金鑫 《电子学报》2005,33(6):1140-1142
本文基于分层图模型,提出了在节点波长转换范围受限和波长转换器数目受限情况下,解决WDM网络的动态路由和波长分配问题的一种算法.通过计算机仿真,研究了本算法的性能以及这两种波长转换受限情况对网络阻塞率的影响.  相似文献   

王烨  李乐民  王晟 《电子与信息学报》2001,23(12):1403-1410
目前研究波长转换器对WDM网络性能影响的文献一般都是针对单光纤网络并且不考虑网络抗毁的要求。该文使用整数线性规划建模和动态系统仿真的方法,分别研究了静态业务和动态业务下,多光纤网状WDM网络在满足抗毁要求时,节点配置波长转换器对网络性能的影响,以此对使用波长转换器获得的好处给出较为全面的结论。  相似文献   

本文在简单地介绍了各种波长转换技术之后,对基于半导体光放大器的交叉增益调制,交叉相位调制,以及四波混频效应的波长转换技术进行了深入地分析,为了阐明波长转换技术在WDM全光网络的中的应用,研究了一种分析模型。  相似文献   

该文首次研究了波分复用(Wavelength Division Multiplex,WDM)网络中如何在最佳节点中确定波长变换器数目的算法,设计了3种启发式算法,通过在NSFNET(the U.S.NationalScience Foundation backbone NETwork,美国科学基金会骨干网络),ARPANBT(the AdvancedResearch Projects Agency NETwork,美国高级研究规划局网络),CERNET(China Educationand Research NETwork,中国教育科研网络)上的仿真,比较了3种算法的性能差异,得出算法1的性能最优,且复杂度最低。另外,通过比较在部分节点以及全部节点中运用算法1确定波长变换器的数目,得出:在WDM网络中,在部分节点中装配有限的波长变换器也可以达到全部节点中装备波长变换器的性能,并且还可以降低光交叉连接设备(Optical Cross-Connects,OXC)的成本,减少复杂的控制。  相似文献   

文章对动态业务模型下的稀疏波长变换网络性能进行了分析与研究,对波分复用(WDM)网络中引入波长变换器后的网络性能进行了系统的仿真,分析了波长变换器数量、波长变换器位置、波长变换范围以及路由波长算法等因素对网络性能的影响。  相似文献   

在WDM网上,波长连续性限制会降低网络的信道利用率,增加光路建立请求的阻塞率。采用波长重路由技术可以减少波长连续性限制对网络性能的影响。该文采用波长图模型,对多光纤WDM网中支持QoS的波长重路由算法进行了探讨,提出一种支持QoS的波长重路由算法--动态选择法,并采用两种网络模型,在不同负载的动态业务下对所提算法进行了仿真研究;仿真结果表明所提算法既满足了上层业务不同的QoS要求,同时又充分利用了有限的网络资源,使全网的平均阻塞率降低。  相似文献   

A wavelength-routed optical network can suffer inefficiencies due to the wavelength-continuity constraint (under which a signal has to remain on the same wavelength from the source to the destination). In order to eliminate or reduce the effects of this constraint, a device called a wavelength converter may be utilized. Due to the high cost of these wavelength converters, many studies have attempted to determine the exact benefits of wavelength conversion. However, most of these studies have focused on optical networks that implement full wavelength conversion capabilities. An alternative to full wavelength conversion is to employ only a sparse number of wavelength converters throughout the network, thereby reducing network costs. This study will focus on different versions of sparse wavelength conversion--namely, sparse nodal conversion, sparse switch-output conversion, and sparse (or limited) range conversion--to determine if most of the benefits of full conversion can be obtained using only sparse conversion. Simulation and analytical results on these three different classes of sparse wavelength conversion will be presented. In addition, this study will present heuristic techniques for the placement of sparse conversion facilities within an optical network.  相似文献   

波长转换器的应用有效地提高了光网络的网络性能.把整数线性算法(ILP)做了相应改动并应用到所有节点均配有波长转换能力受限的波长转换器的OBS网络中,与通常采用的最短路径算法(SP)的性能进行了比较分析,同时在典型拓扑上进行了仿真.结果表明ILP算法比SP算法更有效地降低了全网丢包率.  相似文献   

朱竹青  王发强  殷奎喜 《中国激光》2004,31(10):245-1251
对基于半导体光放大器(SOA)交叉增益调制(XGM)效应的全光波分复用一光时分复用(WDM—OTDM)转换后的两路时分复用输出信号的消光比(ER)特性进行了分析。研究了两路波分复用的输入抽运光和探测光的功率、波长、抽运光的消光比、数据速率以及半导体光放大器的偏置电流、腔长和模场限制因子对转换信号消光比的影响。模拟结果表明,增大抽运光输入功率,选择长波长抽运光,可以增加转换光相应信道消光比,但减小了相邻信道的输出消光比;增加抽运光消光比,可以提高转换光消光比,但各个信道增长幅度不同;减小探测光输入功率,选取短波长探测光波长,增加半导体光放大器的腔长和模场限制因子以及大的偏置电流可提高转换光消光比;对于两路或多路波分复用信号转换时分复用信号的过程中,一定要考虑转换光每个信道消光比的均衡。  相似文献   

This paper gives a brief introduction to the various wavelength conversion techniques. In order to explain the applications and benefits of the wavelength conversion techniques in WDM all-optical networks, several analytical models are studied.  相似文献   

Providing grooming capability to optical crossconnects (OXCs) in wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) networks can allow an effective use of the network bandwidth, however, it increases the node cost that operators must sustain when compared to a non-grooming network. Therefore, operators might consider using sparse grooming instead of full grooming networks. In this article we consider sparse groomed optical networks. Our contribution is 2-fold. First, we address the grooming placement problem that seeks for a set of grooming nodes in the network that leads to the highest overall throughput. This problem is separated into two sub-problems: (i) selection of nodes having grooming capability; (ii) maximization of network throughput assuming the grooming nodes found by the previous step. These two sub-problems are mathematically formulated for different OXC placing strategies considering a static traffic scenario. In the second part, we design a practical heuristic grooming algorithm suitable for dynamic traffic scenarios. The benefit of using sparse grooming nodes, when compared with a non-grooming scenario, is evaluated in terms of throughput and optical port utilization. Our analysis differs of previous ones since it considers grooming at a granularity coarser than the traffic granularity, which is an important aspect since network cost improvement can be obtained at the expense of irrelevant performance impairments. Results show that the insertion of coarse granularity OXCs can be a viable solution for network throughput increase since this can be done at the expense of relatively few or no extra optical ports.
M. C. R. MedeirosEmail:

雷达一维距离像成像本质上是对雷达目标散射特性进行信号表示的过程,它以其获取的简单性及有效性,在雷达成像及目标识别方面得到了广泛的应用。针对雷达目标几何绕射参数化模型,利用稀疏分解方法,研究了高分辨一维距离像的重构及特征提取问题。以此可以避免奈奎斯特采样定理的弊端,以更贴近信号本质特征的方法处理雷达回波信号。通过匹配追踪算法,寻找最佳匹配原子的位置,以此估计雷达目标散射点参数。实验结果表明该方法在信号重构及特征提取方面的有效性。  相似文献   

Wavelength Conversion Placement in WDM Mesh Optical Networks*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wavelength conversion helps improve the performance of wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) optical networks that employ wavelength routing. In this paper, we address the problem of optimally placing a limited number of wavelength converters in mesh topologies. Two objective functions, namely, minimizing the average blocking probability and minimizing the maximum blocking probability over all routes, are considered. In the first part of the paper, we extend an earlier analytical model to compute the blocking probability on an arbitrary route in a mesh topology, given the traffic and locations of converters. We then propose heuristic algorithms to place wavelength converters, and evaluate the performance of the proposed heuristics using the analytical model. Results suggest that simple heuristics are sufficient to give near-optimal performance.  相似文献   

作为自动交换全光网络中的核心器件,全光波长转换器的研究是目前的热点问题。本文基于半导体激光器实现波长转换的理论模型,利用速率方程,通过数值求解不同输入信号波长下的转换波形,得到波长转换间隔对波长转换特性的影响。这对于实用化中,选取适当的输入信号光波长有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

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