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The development of neuro-muscular correlations, in vertebrates   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

Peroxidases in Acetabularia: their possible role in development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. Crude enzymatic extracts from Acetabularia exhibit very low peroxidase activity after a lag period. Starch gel electrophoresis of extracts from growing algae shows a single, extremely anodic band. Extracts of small, slow-growing or cap-bearing algae, which do not grow any more, do not exhibit any peroxidase band. Cytochemical staining with benzidine reveals changes in both the quantity and distribution of peroxidase along the polarized Acetabularia cell. The homogenous staining of small algae becomes distributed along a negative apico-basal gradient when the algae initiate their rapid growth phase. This polarized pattern is repeated on the hair whorls. A similar developmental sequence directs cap growth, with an initial intense staining reaction of the primordium, which later leaves only the corona inferior stained blue. Finally, the Acetabularia cell remains slightly blue at the edges of the rhizoidal out-growths and cap rays. Crude extracts of Acetabularia induce a lag in standard horseradish peroxidase (HRP) activity. The inhibitor is always present in small and growing algae; it is sometimes absent or less active in cap-bearing algae. In no case does it change the kinetics of the HRP reaction with guaïacol. The lag is completely suppressed by pretreatment with either H2O2 or ascorbate oxidase. The changes in peroxidase activity, correlated with developmental stage and according to a polarized gradient, suggest that the enzyme could be involved in some way in the control of morphogenesis in Acetabularia . An inhibitor of peroxidase activity, which disappears as the cap matures, might, in turn, exert a regulatory function.  相似文献   

Mature blood cells are derived from haemopoietic stem cells which grow and proliferate to give rise to progenitor cells more restricted in their proliferation and differentiation capacity. These in turn give rise to cells belonging to any of the haemopoietic lineages. The haemopoietic growth factors interleukin 3, granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor, granulocyte colony stimulating factor, macrophage colony-stimulating factor and erythropoietin act on haemopoietic cells to promote cell survival, proliferation, differentiation and maturation, as well as many functions of the mature cells. These factors, now purified to homogeneity and molecularly cloned have recently become available. This has facilitated studies of their roles in cell production, and the range of target cells sensitive to them in vitro and in vivo in several species. The latter experimental data led to the first clinical trials where these factors have been used successfully in several clinical settings: erythropoietin to correct the anaemia of renal disease; granulocyte and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factors to accelerate haemopoietic regeneration after chemotherapy and bone marrow transplantation, and in other situations where increase in the numbers of white cells and stimulation of their function were required. The results to date allow optimism; the clinical use of growth factors not only in haematology and oncology, but in wider fields of medicine may well constitute a major breakthrough in the near future.  相似文献   

Iron-rich structures have been described in the beak of homing pigeons, chickens and several species of migratory birds and interpreted as magnetoreceptors. Here, we will briefly review findings associated with these receptors that throw light on their nature, their function and their role in avian navigation. Electrophysiological recordings from the ophthalmic nerve, behavioral studies and a ZENK-study indicate that the trigeminal system, the nerves innervating the beak, mediate information on magnetic changes, with the electrophysiological study suggesting that these are changes in intensity. Behavioral studies support the involvement of magnetite and the trigeminal system in magnetoreception, but clearly show that the inclination compass normally used by birds represents a separate system. However, if this compass is disrupted by certain light conditions, migrating birds show ‘fixed direction’ responses to the magnetic field, which originate in the receptors in the beak. Together, these findings point out that there are magnetite-based magnetoreceptors located in the upper beak close to the skin. Their natural function appears to be recording magnetic intensity and thus providing one component of the multi-factorial ‘navigational map’ of birds.  相似文献   

This paper considers molecular mechanisms of DNA methylation and histone modifications in plants. The role of these epigenetic processes in plant development is discussed.  相似文献   

Cooperative breeding in birds: the role of ecology   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
Theory predicts that cooperative breeding should only occurin species in which certain individuals are constrained frombreeding independently by some peculiarity of the species' ecology.Here, we use comparative methods to examine the role of variationin ecology in explaining differences between taxa in the frequencyof cooperative breeding. We address three questions. First,does the frequency of cooperative breeding vary at just one phylogeneticlevel, or across several levels? Second, are differences inthe frequency of cooperative breeding among closely-relatedspecies correlated with ecology? Last, are ecological differencesbetween ancient lineages important in predisposing certain lineagesto cooperative breeding? We find that variation in the frequencyof cooperative breeding occurs across all phylogenetic levels,with 40% among families and 60% within families. Also, variationin the frequency of cooperative breeding between closely related speciesis associated with ecological differences. However, differencesin the frequency of cooperative breeding among more ancientlineages are not correlated with differences in ecology. Together,our results suggest that cooperative breeding is not due toany single factor, but is a two step-process: life-history predispositionand ecological facilitation. Low annual mortality predisposescertain lineages to cooperative breeding. Subsequently, changesin ecology facilitate the evolution of cooperative breedingwithin these predisposed lineages. The key ecological changesappear to be sedentariness and living in a relatively invariableand warm climate. Thus, although ecological variation is notthe most important factor in predisposing lineages to cooperativebreeding, it is important in determining exactly which speciesor populations in a predisposed lineage will adopt cooperativebreeding.  相似文献   

It is becoming apparent that birds learn from their own experiences of nest building. What is not clear is whether birds can learn from watching conspecifics build. As social learning allows an animal to gain information without engaging in costly trial-and-error learning, first-time builders should exploit the successful habits of experienced builders. We presented first-time nest-building male zebra finches with either a familiar or an unfamiliar conspecific male building with material of a colour the observer did not like. When given the opportunity to build, males that had watched a familiar male build switched their material preference to that used by the familiar male. Males that observed unfamiliar birds did not. Thus, first-time nest builders use social information and copy the nest material choices when demonstrators are familiar but not when they are strangers. The relationships between individuals therefore influence how nest-building expertise is socially transmitted in zebra finches.  相似文献   

Antibiotics in animal feed and their role in resistance development   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Animals and humans constitute overlapping reservoirs of resistance, and consequently use of antimicrobials in animals can impact on public health. For example, the occurrence of vancomycin-resistant enterococci in food-animals is associated with the use of avoparcin, a glycopeptide antibiotic used as a feed additive for the growth promotion of animals. Vancomycin-resistant enterococci and vancomycin resistance determinants can therefore spread from animals to humans. The bans on avoparcin and other antibiotics as growth promoters in the EU have provided scientists with a unique opportunity to investigate the effects of the withdrawal of a major antimicrobial selective pressure on the occurrence and spread of antimicrobial resistance. The data shows that although the levels of resistance in animals and food, and consequently in humans, has been markedly reduced after the termination of use, the effects on animal health and productivity have been very minor.  相似文献   

Summary Eggs of the brush turkey (BT) and mallee fowl (MF) are incubated in mounds of soil and plant litter. Humidity in BT mounds is always near saturation (>99% RH), but in MF mounds it drops to lower values in summer (x=77% RH). Despite these high humidities, the eggs lose an average of 9.5% (BT) and 12.0% (MF) of their initial mass by evaporation before hatching. The rate of evaporation increases during incubation several-fold due to large changes in water vapor conductance of the shell and embryonic heat production. Values of in fully incubated eggs in mound material are about 3–6 times higher than values obtained from unincubated eggs in desiccators. This effect depends on two factors: (1) increases with ambient humidity, especially above 80% RH, possibly because the effective site of evaporation moves out along the walls of the pores in the eggshell. (2) Structural changes of the pores due to calcium absorption by the embryo directly increase . The first factor is most important in BT eggs and the second is dominant in MF eggs. Production of metabolic heat by the embryo increases the vapor pressure difference across the shell and further increases , especially in mounds of high humidity. The changes in pore structure are adaptive because they produce high conductances to respiratory gases and cause normal gas tensions within the egg at the end of development, yet is low enough in early development to prevent excessive water loss. Water not lost by evaporation or taken up by the embryo is stored and released during hatching. A small amount of mass is lost during incubation by respiratory gas exchange.Abbreviations BT brush turkey - MF mallee fowl - RH relative humidity  相似文献   


Female ticks of the family Ixodidae utilize their salivary glands as the major organs for fluid balance, secreting back into the host a dilute saliva. Feeding is composed of three phases: a preparatory phase (1–2 days) during which the tick establishes the feeding lesion, a slow phase (~7 days) during which body weight increases 10-fold, and a rapid phase (~1 day) in which body weight increases a further 10-fold. Following engorgement, the salivary glands are resorbed by an autolytic process triggered by an ecdysteroid hormone. If a female is removed from the host prior to repletion, her subsequent behaviour depends mostly on two factors: the degree of engorgement achieved and whether or not she has mated. If removed during the preparatory or slow phase of engorgement, the salivary glands are not resorbed, the tick will lay virtually no eggs and she will reattach to a host if given the opportunity, all of this irrespective of whether she is virgin or mated. If removed during the rapid phase of engorgement, however, mated females will not reattach to a host even if given the opportunity. Instead, they will resorb the salivary glands within 4 days post-removal and lay a batch of eggs. Virgin females removed after exceeding 10-fold the unfed weight likewise refuse to resume feeding if given the opportunity, but salivary gland reabsorption is delayed (to 8 days post-removal); if any eggs are laid, they are infertile. A number of chemical “factors” entering the female during copulation influence her feeding behaviour and egg development. Here we discuss the complexities of these interactions and suggest how they might be adaptive to ticks in nature.  相似文献   

Brumm H 《Current biology : CB》2006,16(23):R1003-R1004
Birds adjust their songs to make themselves heard in the presence of ambient noise. New research comparing songs of great tits across Europe shows how animals adapt their signals to the urban din.  相似文献   

The results of scientific research have played a central role in convincing decision-makers of the plight of farmland birds and in the development of land management measures and policies designed to reverse the population declines. Several types of study have contributed to what is now a considerable knowledge base on the ecological requirements of key species, the reasons for their declines and the remedial measures necessary to bring about population recovery. They include: monitoring; analyses of large-scale datasets; detailed studies of particular species, land-uses or land management practices; and the development and testing of solutions. As a consequence, there is now an excellent qualitative understanding of farmland bird ecology, which is well reflected in the suite of land management schemes and other policy initiatives that currently operate in England. Future research efforts should focus on the further development and testing of solutions and gaining a better understanding of the quantitative relationship between the provision of resources (especially nesting and foraging habitats) and the population response of target bird species. Such work should ensure that land management measures are deployed at the required scale, in appropriate locations and are of sufficient quality to influence the national populations of the declining species.  相似文献   

It was established by micrurgical methods that the second step of adenohypophysis morphogenesis related to the submergence of the Rathke pouch epithelium in the proliferating mesenchyme takes place due to high adhesivity of cells of the anterior wall of adenohypophysis anlage towards diencephalon base independently submerging in the mesenchyme. Cell adhesion ensures the direct contact of both the formations on the basis of which characteristic relationships between hypothalamus and adenohypophysis arise during development.  相似文献   

Receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) and their ligands are important components of the signalling pathways by which cells interact. This review summarizes a growing body of genetic evidence showing that many developmentally important mutations in Drosophila and the mouse are in the genes that encode RTKs or their ligands, indicating that these molecules play central roles during both invertebrate and vertebrate development.  相似文献   

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