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蒋宗宇  尹刚 《铸造》1989,(10):18-21
用50×60×210mm的铜钼奥贝球铁试块试验表明,分级等温淬火机械性能优于等温淬火.900~920℃下保温2小时、350~370℃下保温1.5~2小时,б_b≥880N/mm~2、δ≥5~6%,机加工不困难.  相似文献   

针对某厂汽车发动机奥贝球铁齿轮材料,研究了等温淬火工艺对奥贝球铁组织和性能的影响。结果表明:经880℃奥氏体化+320℃等温淬火处理,可获得上贝氏体/下贝氏体的混合组织。该组织具有优良的综合机械性能,满足了汽车发动机齿轮的技术要求。  相似文献   

奥贝球铁最佳等温淬火时间的确定方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
提出了金相法、硬度法,磁性法和残余奥氏体量法四种确定奥贝球铁最佳等温淬火时间的方法,并进行了实验验证。研究表明,这四种方法的综合使用,可以保证所测最佳等温淬火时间的准确性。  相似文献   

吴光英 《金属热处理》2005,30(Z1):322-324
本文简单介绍了奥贝球铁(ADI)等温淬火连续生产线.  相似文献   

研究了等温温度和等温时间对球铁凸轮轴力学性能的影响。结果显示:(1)抗拉强度随凸轮轴等温温度的升高而降低,伸长率先升高后降低,约在380℃达到最大值;抗拉强度随着等温时间的延长而升高,伸长率先升高后降低,约在3h达到最大值。(2)本试验条件下,球铁凸轮轴合适的等温淬火工艺为:900℃×1h+380℃×3h,此工艺下得到的球铁凸轮轴抗拉强度高于900MPa,伸长率高于7%,满足使用要求。  相似文献   

球铁齿轮等温淬火   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
齿轮机构的噪声是发动机主要噪声源。我们以降低振动噪声为目的,开发了性能符合要求、韧性高的等温淬火球铁齿轮,在金牛集团生产的ZH1105W柴油机上使用效果良好,降低了成本。1球铁齿轮等温淬火工艺一般钢齿轮需经570℃氮碳共渗或渗碳处理。虽然渗碳淬火的齿...  相似文献   

本文简要地介绍了等温淬火球铁的机械性能,详细地分析了球铁等温淬火的工艺过程,并展望了这种材料广阔的生产应用前景.  相似文献   

设计了低碳球铁的两组化学成分,通过金相、拉伸及硬度实验,分别研究了相同奥氏体化工艺(890℃×40 min)、不同等温淬火工艺对低碳球铁组织与力学性能的影响。实验发现,A组成分试样奥氏体化后,在340℃×60 min工艺下获得最好的力学性能(σb=1 103.98 MPa,δ=6.84%);B组成分试样在320℃×120 min工艺下获得最好的力学性能(σb=1 352.58MPa,δ=10.67%)。对比金相组织后发现,在最低温度等温淬火的B组成分试样组织最好。球化处理加二次孕育后,其球化级别及石墨球径级别提高、分布均匀。  相似文献   

等温淬火球铁(ADI)的热处理技术   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
详细叙述了等温淬火球铁的热处理工艺规范,指出热处理工艺参数应根据性能要求,视加热方式、工件厚度及装炉量等具体情况而定。  相似文献   

我国等温淬火球铁的现状及前景   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
张忠仇  李克锐  吴建基 《铸造》2004,53(2):87-92
综述了我国等温淬火球铁(ADI)的现状及前景.阐述了ADI的优异综合性能和优点,并提出了我国ADI行业存在的问题和建议.  相似文献   

An investigation was carried out to examine the influence of austempering time on the resultant microstructure and the room-temperature mechanical properties of an unalloyed and low manganese ductile cast iron with initially ferritic as-cast structure. The effect of austempering time on the plane strain fracture toughness of this material was also studied. Compact tension and round cylindrical tensile specimens were prepared from unalloyed ductile cast iron with low manganese content and with a ferritic as-cast (solidified) structure. These specimens were then austempered in the upper (371 °C) and lower (260 °C) bainitic temperature ranges for different time periods, ranging from 30 min. to 4 h. Microstructural features such as type of bainite and the volume fraction of ferrite and austenite and its carbon content were evaluated by X-ray diffraction to examine the influence of microstructure on the mechanical properties and fracture toughness of this material. The results of the present investigation indicate that for this low manganese austempered ductile iron (ADI), upper ausferritic microstructures exhibit higher fracture toughness than lower ausferritic microstructures. Yield and tensile strength of the material was found to increase with an increase in austempering time in a lower bainitic temperature range, whereas in the upper bainitic temperature range, time has no significant effect on the mechanical properties. A retained austenite content between 30 to 35% was found to provide optimum fracture toughness. Fracture toughness was found to increase with the parameter (XγCγ/d)1/2, where is the volume fraction of austenite, is the carbon content of the austenite, and d is the mean free path of dislocation motion in ferrite.  相似文献   

Austempering kinetic measurements and mechanical property measurements are reported for two Mn ductile irons with and without Co and three austempering treatments. It is shown that Co accelerates the stage I reaction in each of the irons and for each of the austempering treatments but has little affect on the stage II reaction. Consequently, the processing window is widened and moves to earlier austempering times. This can be useful in the austempering of thicker section components to obtain the higher ductility grades of the ADI standard and to increase process productivity.  相似文献   

研究了等温淬火工艺对含铬球墨铸铁组织、硬度、冲击性能和耐磨性的影响。结果表明:奥氏体化温度升高,能促进球状石墨长大,增加残留奥氏体含量。淬火后组织主要为球状石墨、针状贝氏体、含铬碳化物及残留奥氏体。当淬火等温温度在240~270 ℃,随着等温温度升高,试样硬度和耐磨性均降低;在240 ℃等温时冲击韧度较低,继续升高等温温度,冲击韧度先增大后降低;当试样经910 ℃×80 min奥氏体化、270 ℃×180 min等温淬火后,含铬球墨铸铁的硬度可达54.1 HRC、冲击韧度αk可达8.1 J·cm-2,有较好的耐磨性。  相似文献   

The equilibrium partition ratio, k, has been measured for Mn, Mo, Si, Ni and Cu in a ductile iron with composition(wt.%): 3.45 C, 0.25 Mn, 0.25 Mo, 2.45 Si, 0.5Ni and 0.5Cu with different nodule counts obtained from different section sizes of13, 25, 75 mm in the as cast, austenitized(at 870 °C for times 1, 4 and 6 hours) and austempered(at 375 °C for times 1 to 1,440 min) samples. Results show that Mn and Mo segregate positively at cell boundaries, but Si, Ni and Cu concentrate in an inverse manner in the vicinity ofgraphite nodules and there is a depletion ofthese elements at cell boundaries. Segregation curves for Ni and Cu are more smooth than for Si. Carbide formation has been observed at cell boundaries. Based on the results, the partition ratios for all elements decrease with increasing the nodule count. More carbide with coarser morphology has been observed in the microstructure with a lower nodule count. Austenitization for a longer time can decrease partition ratio, but cannot eliminate it entirely. Increasing the austenitization temperature has the same effect. Austenitizing parameters have no significant effect on carbides volume fraction. The kinetics ofaustempering is faster in higher nodule counts and subsequently better mechanical properties including higher ductility, strength and toughness have been observed for all austempering conditions studied.  相似文献   

The resistivity of a ductile iron with 0.77% Cu, 0.5% Ni during austempering at 400 °C was measured to investigate the influence of austenitising temperature on the kinetics of phase transformation. The specimens were heat-treated in a vacuum furnace by passing through a direct current which was monitored and controlled with a personal computer to follow the heating and cooling scheme. Three temperatures, 950, 900 and 850 °C were used to austenitise the ductile iron matrix. After a holding period at the austenitising temperature, the specimens were quenched, with a liquid nitrogen spray, to 400 °C to conduct the isothermal transformation. During the isothermal transformation at 400 °C, the resistivity varied with time and clearly showed three sequences of transformation: stage 1; the process window; and stage 2; The changes of resistivity around the process window were related to the volume fraction of retained austenite which was measured by the X- ray diffraction technique. A model is then proposed to predict the volume fraction of retained austenite from the change of resistivity for austempering during the period of the process window. A further kinetics analysis demonstrates that the reaction of all three stages obey the Johnson-Mehl equation with average values of exponent n equal to 1.25, 1.07, and 1.48 respectively. It is also shown that increasing the austenitising temperature will reduce the reaction rate and suppress the start of the austempering reaction.  相似文献   

The mass-production considerations in replacing forged and induction-hardened steel crankshafts with ADI are described for a four-cylinder 120 h.p. petrol engine and a single-cylinder diesel engine. Microstructure, mechanical property, solidification, casting system, heat treatment and machining problems are examined for castings made using the sandwich and inmould treatment methods. Analysis of the results shows that the steel crankshafts can be replaced without a change in design by ADI components with a 10% weight saving and 30% lower production costs. It was found also that successful production of a heavy-duty ADI component requires close control over all the manufacturing processes.  相似文献   

Austempering kinetic measurements and mechanical property measurements are reported for irons with different Mn contents and different nodule counts after austenitising at 870 °C and austempering at 375 °C. It is shown that increasing nodule count, which reduces segregation and changes the size and distribution of intercellular boundaries, increases the interphase boundary area between graphite and matrix and decreases the continuity of the unreacted austenite in the intercellular boundary. This accelerates the stage I reaction which broadens the heat treatment window and moves it to earlier austempering times. A high nodule count can be used to counter the delay of the stage I reaction caused by Mn additions used to increase the hardenability of the iron. A high nodule count produces a finer, more uniform ausferrite structure that increases the strength, ductility and impact energy of the austempered iron.  相似文献   

A ductile iron containing 0.6% copper as the main alloying element was austempered at a fixed austempering temperature of 330 °C for a fixed austempering time of 60 min after austenitization at 850 °C for different austenitization periods of 60, 90, and 120 min. The austempering process was repeated after changing austenitization temperature to 900 °C. The effect of austenitization temperature and time was studied on the carbon content and its distribution in the austenite after austenitization. The effect of austenitization parameters was also studied on austempered microstructure, structural parameters like volume fraction of austenite, X γ , carbon content C γ , and X γ C γ , and bainitic ferrite needle size, d α after austempering. The average carbon content of austenite increases linearly with austenitization time and reaches a saturation level. Higher austenitization temperature results in higher carbon content of austenite. As regards the austempered structure, the lowering austenitization temperature causes significant refinement and more uniform distribution of austempered structure, and a decrease in the volume fraction of retained austenite.  相似文献   

In the present research, TTT curve of bainitic ductile iron under the condition of controlled cooling was generated. The cooling rate of grinding ball and its temperature distribution were also measured at the same time. It can be concluded that the bainitic zone of TTT curve is separated from the pearlitic zone. As compared to the water-quenching condition, more even cooling rate and temperature distribution can be achieved in the controlled cooling process. The controlled cooling can keep away from pearlitic zone in the high temperature cooling stage and produce similar results to the process of traditional isothermal cooling with a low cooling rate in the low temperature cooling stage.  相似文献   

对一种球墨铸铁铸件进行了等温正火处理,分析了其不同等温正火工艺下的布氏硬度和显微组织。结果表明,等温温度一定时,随着正火加热温度的升高,硬度随之升高,当正火加热温度一定时,随着等温温度提高,硬度逐渐降低。加热温度为900 ℃、等温温度为650 ℃处理后球铁铸件的显微组织为大量珠光体(>85%)和少量铁素体,硬度较高(375~380 HB);正火温度较低(850 ℃)、等温温度较高(700 ℃)时的显微组织为大量的游离铁素体(>60%)和少量珠光体,硬度较低(200~205 HB)。根据试验结果提出了一种较为合理的球墨铸铁等温正火工艺。  相似文献   

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