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Blood Oxygenation Level Dependent (BOLD) contrast imaging of human brain function using echo-planar imaging at 4 T gives good freedom from motion artifact, high signal-to-noise ratio/unit time, and adequate spatial resolution. Studies were made of brain activation associated with perceptual and cognitive tasks of several minutes duration.Several cortical areas show task-dependent activity consistent across subjects, in images with a spatial resolution of 2.5 mm×2.5 mm×5 mm and a temporal resolution of up to 1 s. Multislice data were obtained at a rate of up to five slices per second. At 4 T, fractional changes of magnetic resonance (MR) image intensity up to 25% were observed.Novel cross-correlation methods, including the effect of the temporal point-spread function associated with the relatively slow hemodynamic response of the brain, allow activation maps of the brain to be generated with statistically meaningful thresholds.With appropriate data analysis, it is clear that oxygenation changes in large draining veins distant from active neural tissue do not dominate the changes observed, especially when brain tasks activating only a limited volume of gray matter are chosen. This is consistent with downstream dilution of blood oxygenation changes and direct optical observations of functional brain activity in animals.  相似文献   

Gliomas are infiltrative primary brain tumors that are extremely heterogeneous in terms of both their imaging characteristics and response to therapy. Anatomic magnetic resonance (MR) images are limited in terms of their ability to evaluate the spatial extent of the lesion and to distinguish recurrent tumor from treatment-induced necrosis. An in vivo molecular imaging technique that has shown promising results for assisting in the evaluation of gliomas is MR spectroscopic imaging (MRSI). Examples of these data are presented and compared with results obtained from diffusion-weighted and perfusion-weighted MR images.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance imaging of rodent teeth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, the anatomical structures of rat jaws are studied using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with high spatial resolution. In vivo microimages of teeth from 3- and 12-week-old (young and adult) rats have been performed. A 2 T nuclear magnetic resonance microscope was used to collect, with multiple orientations, non-invasive 2D data images using the spin-echo technique. MRI appears well suited to give images of the oral area and may represent a useful tool for diagnosis of dental diseases and more particularly of pulp pathologies. This work was presented at the ESMRMB meeting in Brussels, September 1997.  相似文献   

Objective: The objective of the study was to determine the feasibility of using apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) measurement for the differential diagnosis of malignancy in ovarian masses. Materials and methods: Twelve cases involving ovarian masses were imaged using spin echo diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Five cases involved malignant ovarian masses, on the basis of postoperative histologic examination, and the rest involved benign masses. The ovarian masses were imaged in vivo (10 cases) before surgery and ex vivo (8 cases) after surgical resection. Diffusion-weighted data were corrected for motion using the phase data from unweighted data in nine cases. Multifactorial analysis of variance was used to evaluate the effects of malignancy, location (in vivo versus ex vivo), and motion correction on the measurement of ADC intensity and texture. Results: Motion correction caused an undesirable spatial smoothing of the ADC maps and a significant interaction ( ) was found between location and motion correction. ADC value ( ) and texture ( ) differences were found between malignant and nonmalignant ovarian masses. Conclusion: Measurement of ADC intensity and texture has the potential to differentially diagnose malignancy in individual ovarian masses if the problem of image motion artifact can be eliminated through the use of faster imaging sequences.Acknowledgements. The cooperation of Dr. Vance Chow in the acquisition of the in vivo diffusion MRI data is gratefully acknowledged. Thanks to Ron Borowsky for discussions on the statistical data analysis. Data management, final data analysis, and figure preparation was completed by Jennifer Hadley. This work was supported by the Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR) and the Saskatchewan Health Services Utilization and Research Commission (HSURC).  相似文献   

A sample of 20 bovine ovaries were imaged in vitro using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques to determine the visibility of various physiologic structures. In particular, the possibility of using NMR imaging to differentiate atretic follicles from physiologically selected and ovulatory follicles was examined. Five of the 20 ovaries were preserved in formalin, whereas the remaining 15 were preserved in a saline solution and imaged within 18 hours of death. Images weighted by T1 and T2 proton spin relaxation rates were obtained along with some three-dimensional (3-D) data sets acquired via a fast imaging with steady-state precession technique. Physiologically different structures were easily identified in the images from their morphology, especially in the 3-D images. Weighting by T1 and T2 was able to separate structures in the fresh ovaries in the following manner. Atretic and cohort follicles appear dark in T1-weighted images and bright in T2-weighted images. Ovulatory follicles appear bright in both T1-and T2-weighted images, whereas prephysiologic selection follicles present an intermediate brightness in T1-weighted images and appear dark in T2-weighted images. The corpus luteum appears bright in T1-weighted images and dark in T2-weighted images, whereas cysts in the corpus luteum appear dark in T1-weighted images and bright in T2-weighted images. The varying brightness of the follicles at different stages of development is hypothesized to be related to different hormone and protein concentrations in the follicular fluid. For example, it is known that physiologically selected preovulatory follicles contain high concentrations of estrogens in a viscous follicular fluid. The increased viscosity may occur only when the follicle fluid contains high concentrations of estrogen and contributes to bright T1-weighted images. The possibility of using nuclear relaxation-weighted NMR imaging for the study of follicular dynamics and other ovarian biology therefore shows great promise.  相似文献   


The 9.4 T scanner in Maastricht is a whole-body magnet with head gradients and parallel RF transmit capability. At the time of the design, it was conceptualized to be one of the best fMRI scanners in the world, but it has also been used for anatomical and diffusion imaging. 9.4 T offers increases in sensitivity and contrast, but the technical ultra-high field (UHF) challenges, such as field inhomogeneities and constraints set by RF power deposition, are exacerbated compared to 7 T. This article reviews some of the 9.4 T work done in Maastricht. Functional imaging experiments included blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) and blood-volume weighted (VASO) fMRI using different readouts. BOLD benefits from shorter T2* at 9.4 T while VASO from longer T1. We show examples of both ex vivo and in vivo anatomical imaging. For many applications, pTx and optimized coils are essential to harness the full potential of 9.4 T. Our experience shows that, while considerable effort was required compared to our 7 T scanner, we could obtain high-quality anatomical and functional data, which illustrates the potential of MR acquisitions at even higher field strengths. The practical challenges of working with a relatively unique system are also discussed.


In this paper we introduce an improved harmonic phase (HARP) analysis for complementary spatial modulation of magnetization (CSPAMM) tagging of the mouse left ventricular wall, which enables the determination of regional displacement fields with the same resolution as the corresponding CINE anatomical images. CINE MRI was used to measure global function, such as the ejection fraction. The method was tested on two healthy mouse hearts and two mouse hearts with a myocardial infarction, which was induced by a ligation of the left anterior descending coronary artery. We show that the regional displacement fields can be determined. The mean circumferential strain for the left ventricular wall of one of the healthy mice was –0.09 ± 0.04 (mean ± standard deviation), while for one of the infarcted mouse hearts strains of –0.02 ± 0.02 and –0.10 ± 0.03 were found in the infarcted and remote regions, respectively.  相似文献   

High-resolution venography of the brain using magnetic resonance imaging   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The purpose of this study was to evaluate a non-flow related magnetic resonance imaging method to visualize small veins independent of arteries in the human brain. A long TE, high-resolution 3D gradient echo MR acquisition was used to highlight venous information. The method is based on the paramagnetic property of deoxyhemoglobin and the resulting phase difference between veins and brain parenchyma at long echo times. The MR magnitude images were masked with a phase mask filter to enhance small structure visibility.. Venous information down to sub-pixel vessel diameters of several hundred microns is visible. Venous data are displayed in an angiographic manner using a minimum intensity projection algorithm. Both superficial veins and deep white matter veins are visible. The method has been successfully applied in volunteers. Preliminary results in patients with cerebral arteriovenous malformations indicate its potential in clinical applications. The proposed method is easy to implement and does not require administration of a contrast agent or application of specially designed rf pulses to highlight the veins. Rather it exploits the intrinsic magnetic properties (BOLD-effect) and the prolonged T 2* of venous blood. The method may be of diagnostic potential in the assessment of arteriovenous malformations or other vascular venous lesions. © 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

The introduction of phase-array coils, fast spin echo, and certain other pulse sequences together with use of contrast agents has refined the application of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in pelvic disease. It makes management decisions in a number of benign conditions including uterine anomalies, adenomyosis, and leiomyomas of the uterus and endometriosis, especially in the context of infertility; it facilitates identification and characterisation of adnexal masses. In uterine malignancy, the multiplanar capability and excellent soft tissue contrast permit accurate assessment of depth of tumor invasion, tumor volume, and extension to adjacent structures. Its precise role in the management of primary and recurrent ovarian cancer remains to be decided. In pelvic malignancy, contrast facilitates identification of viable tumor but does not improve tissue specificity. In obstetrics, MRI is an attractive alternative to X-ray pelvimetry and assists in the evaluation of associated uterine and pelvic pathology. The use of echo-planar imaging eliminates movement artifact and has the potential to complement ultrasound in the assessment of fetal abnormalities and provide a method of identifying growth retardation from volume measurements of body organs.  相似文献   

Coronary artery imaging is an important investigation for the management of coronary artery disease. Alternative noninvasive imaging would be useful, but the small caliber and tortuosity of the coronary vessels and cardiac and respiratory motion create formidable imaging problems. We first studied 21 normal subjects and 5 with coronary artery disease established by X-ray contrast angiography, of whom 2 had undergone bypass grafting. Of these, 22 were imaged successfully. Identification of the artery was possible for the left main stem, left anterior descending, right coronary, and left circumflex arteries respectively in 95%, 91%, 95%, and 76%. The arterial diameter at the origin could be measured in 77%, 77%, 81%, and 63%. The mean ±SD arterial diameter in each case (4.8±0.8, 3.7±0.5, 3.9±0.9, and 2.9±0.6 mm) was not significantly different from reference values (allp=ns). The mean length of artery visualized was 10.4±5.2,46.7±22.8,53.7±27.9, and 26.3±17.5 mm. In 12 normal males, the total coronary area was 30.9±9.2 mm2 and the ratio compared with body surface area was 16.4±4.4 mm2 m–2 (bothp=ns compared with reference values). In seven patients, with X-ray contrast coronary angiography, the proximal arterial diameter measured by magnetic resonance was 3.9±1.1 mm, and by X-ray contrast angiography 3.7±1.0 mm (p=ns). We then studied 17 patients with angina. Imaging of just the relevant artery was performed and analysis was blinded to the X-ray angiography results. Stenosis was identified on the magnetic resonance (MR) images by localized reduction in vessel signal intensity. Stenosis location by MR was assessed by measurement of its distance from a reference vessel, with correlation to the X-ray findings. X-ray coronary angiography showed 23 stenoses of which 15 (65%) were correctly located by blind assessment of the MR images. Of the eight remaining stenoses, a further 5 (63%) were correctly located on the MR images after retrospective comparison (overall sensitivity 87%). There were three lesions thought to represent stenosis by MR, which on review of the X-ray angiogram proved to be a minor stenosis <50% (two cases) or a tortuous vessel (one case). Greater signal loss was seen in the more severe stenoses. The stenosis length by MRI was greater than by X-ray (8.4 versus 5.1 mm,p<0.001). The overestimation of stenosis length may be due to turbulence.  相似文献   


Cancer therapy for both central nervous system (CNS) and non-CNS tumors has been previously associated with transient and long-term cognitive deterioration, commonly referred to as ‘chemo fog’. This therapy-related damage to otherwise normal-appearing brain tissue is reported using post-mortem neuropathological analysis. Although the literature on monitoring therapy effects on structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is well established, such macroscopic structural changes appear relatively late and irreversible. Early quantitative MRI biomarkers of therapy-induced damage would potentially permit taking these treatment side effects into account, paving the way towards a more personalized treatment planning.

This systematic review (PROSPERO number 224196) provides an overview of quantitative tomographic imaging methods, potentially identifying the adverse side effects of cancer therapy in normal-appearing brain tissue. Seventy studies were obtained from the MEDLINE and Web of Science databases. Studies reporting changes in normal-appearing brain tissue using MRI, PET, or SPECT quantitative biomarkers, related to radio-, chemo-, immuno-, or hormone therapy for any kind of solid, cystic, or liquid tumor were included. The main findings of the reviewed studies were summarized, providing also the risk of bias of each study assessed using a modified QUADAS-2 tool. For each imaging method, this review provides the methodological background, and the benefits and shortcomings of each method from the imaging perspective. Finally, a set of recommendations is proposed to support future research.


Fast SE imaging provides considerable measure time reduction, high signal-to-noise ratios as well as similar contrast behavior compared to conventional SE sequences. Besides TR and TEeff, echo train length (ETL), interecho time , and-space trajectory determine image contrast and image quality in fast SE sequences. True proton density contrast (CSF hypointense) and not too strong T2 contrast are essential requirements in routine brain MRI. A Turbo SE sequence with very short echo train length (ETL=3), short TEeff and short interecho time (17 ms), and TR=2000 ms was selected for proton density contrast; a Turbo SE sequence with ETL=7, TEeff=90 ms, =22 ms, and TR=3250 ms was selected for T2-weighted images. Using both single-echo Turbo SE sequences yielded 50% measure time reduction compared to the conventional SE technique. Conventional SE and optimized Turbo SE sequences were compared in 150 patients resulting in very similar signal and contrast behavior. Furthermore, reduced flow artifacts in proton density—and especially in T2-weighted Turbo SE images—and better contrast of high-intensity lesions in proton density-weighted Turbo SE images were found. Slightly reduced edge sharpness—mainly in T2-weighted Turbo SE images—did not reduce diagnostic reliability. Differences between conventional and Turbo SE images concerning image contrast and quality are explained regarding special features of fast SE technique.Address for correspondence: Institut für Röntgendiagnostik, Klinikum der Universität Regensburg, Franz-Josef-Strauß-Allee 11, 93042 Regensburg, Germany. Additional reprints of this chapter may be obtained from the Reprints Department, Chapman & Hall, One Venn Plaza, New York, NY 10119.  相似文献   

特征选择和分类算法是影响脑磁共振图像分类精度的2个最主要的因素。随机森林算法作为一种优秀组合分类器逐渐成为近年来研究的热点,通过加权脑磁共振3种(T1、T2、PD加权像)图像,采用非统一滑动窗口尺寸提取二维图像的纹理特征、形状特征、HAAR特征、灰度特征以及边缘检测算子、最大类间方差(OTSU)作为随机森林算法的输入特征,从而分类出图像的10类组织。经过对加拿大蒙特利尔神经科学研究院提供的脑仿真核磁共振图像实验,随机森林算法对二维脑MR图像的分类精度可以达到94%以上。  相似文献   

The anatomy of the female pelvic floor and urethra is complex. With the introduction of MRI, the discussion about the normal anatomy of this area has not diminished. The use of a body coil may be contributary to this. In the present study images obtained with an endovaginal coil are compared with those of a quadrature body coil series to study the possible advantages of endovaginal imaging. Axial and radial T2-w TSE images at a 1.0-T machine were obtained in seven healthy volunteers. The pelvic floor structures as well as the levator ani muscle and the urogenital diaphragm are excellently demonstrated with the endovaginal coil. Also, the urethrovaginal sphincter could be recognized in six volunteers, but only in three with the body coil. In six volunteers a new ligamentous structure, the urethropelvic sling, connecting the urethra to the levator ani muscle and contributing to the supporting mechanism of the urethra is shown with the endovaginal coil. The zonal anatomy of the urethra is excellently shown with the endovaginal coil. The urethral length could only be accurately measured with this coil and ranged from 3.1 to 3.6 cm. Compared with the body coil, endovaginal MRI is excellent in demonstrating the anatomy of the pelvic floor and urethra.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the state of tissue hydration in patients suffering from peripheral vascular disease and neuropathy as a result of diabetes is important in their treatment. Further, because magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is uniquely able to generate information about soft tissues and their water content, it is ideal for studying disorders of this kind. The feet and hands, often affected in diabetes, are ideal for studying fundamental aspects of the disease state and the response of patients to treatment. In this preliminary study, two related areas are reported: the measurement of diffusion coefficients in the finger and the visualization of the distribution of edema and muscle atrophy in the feet of people suffering from diabetes. Diffusion coefficients of water have been measured in the normal finger as a baseline study for a current patient study. It was found that the measured diffusion coefficient increased with subject age; this is not consistent with a direct-hydration model and it is conjectured that this could be linked to structural changes in proteins. Linked to this study, we have also imaged the feet of patients suffering from diabetes. Magnetization transfer has clearly demonstrated changes in muscle tissue with atrophy caused by motor neuropathy—in general, the amount of tissue water is increased as muscle volume decreases. Further, it is evident that these changes can be related to changes in cross-linking of protein and collagen molecules as muscle fibers become thinned, thus relating these studies to the diffusion coefficient measurements. The studies of the feet have also revealed artifacts in the images, consistent with the deposition of ferrous material in tissues. It is surmised that this is caused by hemosiderin deposits at ulcer sites associated with progress of the disease. MRI could be a useful tool for monitoring the distribution of ulcers below the skin surface and provide a means of determining the response of patients to treatment.  相似文献   

3-D ultrasound imaging: a review   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The development of 3-D ultrasound imaging is a way to address the disadvantages of conventional ultrasound imaging. In this article the authors review approaches that have been attempted in the development of 3-D ultrasound imaging such as 3-D B-mode, color Doppler, and power Doppler systems. Acquisition, reconstruction, and rendering techniques for 3-D imaging are discussed, as well as applications and limitations  相似文献   

Techniques for elastic imaging: a review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this article the authors review imaging techniques for assessing the elastic properties of tissue. They briefly look at the fundamental techniques in the above-mentioned fields and then present elastography techniques developed by current research groups. The authors' review is focused on published papers in the archival literature  相似文献   

To identify pituitary iron overload in patients with transfusional hemochromatosis causing secondary hypogonadism, we prospectively evaluated signal intensity abnormalities of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland of 18 patients affected by transfusion-dependent thalassemia major and secondary hypogonadism. Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging is useful to assess pituitary iron overload in patients with transfusional hemochromatosis and secondary hypogonadism by detection of a significant decreased signal intensity of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland on GRE T2*-weighted images. The decreased signal intensity of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland on GRE T2*-weighted images was correlated to increasing serum ferritin level (r=−0.84,r 2=−0.70,P<0.001). Indeed, the lower the signal intensity of the pituitary gland the greater the serum ferritin level. However an exact quantification of pituitary iron overload by correlation with serum ferritin level is not allowed. No correlation was found between MR imaging results and hormonal status; however, the detection of pituitary iron overload on GRE T2*-weighted images is consistent with the hypothesis of hypogonadotrophic pituitary insufficiency due to iron-induced cellular damage.  相似文献   

Objective: to optimize magnetic resonance angiography technique for the selective study of the anatomy of pulmonary veins. Materials and methods: twenty consecutive patients (13 males and seven females; mean age 30.5 years) prospectively studied were enrolled. Magnetic resonance angiography was performed using a 1 T superconductive magnet and three dimensional time of flight technique (3D TOF). Imaging with steady-state free precession sequence during intravenous infusion of contrast medium (Gd DTPA 0.2 mmol kg-1) administration was employed using the following parameters: FA 20°, TR 58 ms, TE 6 ms, MA 192 x 256, NEX 1, slice thickness 4 mm and slice orientation on the Z and F planes. Results: in the right lung magnetic resonance angiography well visualized 124 venous vessels on the coronal plane versus 106 venous vessels on the sagittal plane, whereas in the left lung magnetic resonance angiography visualized 96 vessels on the coronal plane versus 44 visualized on the sagittal plane. Our data suggest that 3D time of flight with contrast medium is a promising evaluation technique for pulmonary veins, and that combined evaluation of acquisitions on coronal and sagittal planes allows the visualization of a higher number of venous vessels. Conclusion: 3D time of flight with contrast medium and without breath-hold permits to visualize a venous vascular map of the lungs. © 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

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