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Geology of Ore Deposits - Gold and silver mineralogy is studied in ores of the Biksizak base-metal deposit (South Urals, Russia). This is a skarn-related carbonate replacement mineralization...  相似文献   

The first data on study of individual fluid inclusions in the Zhilnoye deposit have been obtained. It has been found that the gold-bearing quartz veins of the deposit were formed by heterogeneous hydrothermal fluids with low salt concentrations (0.2–3.6 wt% equiv. NaCl under intermediate temperature conditions of 246–350°C). The fluid pressure was 80–160 bar corresponding to 0.3–0.6 km depths of formation under hydrostatic conditions. The parameters of the mineral-forming fluids of the Zhilnoye deposit correspond to typical parameters of the fluids of epithermal deposits.  相似文献   

Geology of Ore Deposits - The first results of optical microscopy, cathodoluminescence (CL), ultraviolet fluorescence (UV), electron-probe microanalysis (EPMA), and laser-ablation...  相似文献   

The paper presents pioneering data on the composition, texture, and crystal structure of molybdenite from various types of molybdenum mineralization at the Bystrinsky Cu–Au–Fe porphyry–skarn deposit in the eastern Transbaikal region, Russia. The data were obtained using electron microprobe analysis (EMPA), laser ablation–inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS), and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). Molybdenite found at the deposit in skarn, sulfide-poor quartz veins, and quartz–feldspar alteration markedly differs in the concentrations of trace elements determined by their species in the mineral, as well as in its structural features. Molybdenite-2H from skarn associated with phyllosilicates occurs as ultrafine crystals with uniform shape and texture; no dislocations or inclusions were found but amorphous silica was. The molybdenite composition is highly contrasting in the content and distribution of both structure-related (Re, W, and Se) and other (Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Ag, Cd, Sb, Te, Ag, Pd, Au, Hg, Pb, and Bi) metals. In the sulfide-poor quartz veins, highly structurally heterogeneous (2H + 3R) molybdenite microcrystals with abundant defects (dislocations and volumetrically distributed inclusions) are associated with illite, goethite, and barite. Some single crystals are unique three-phase (2H + 3R polytypes + amorphous MoS2). The mineral has a low concentration of all trace elements, which are uniformly distributed. However, individual domains with uniquely high Pd, Te, Ni, Hg, and W concentrations caused by mineral inclusions are found in some grains. Molybdenite from quartz–feldspar alteration is characterized by low concentrations of all trace elements except for Re and Se, which enrich some domains of the grains. Our data indicate that the compositional and structural heterogeneity of molybdenite from the Bystrinsky deposit are its crucial features, which obviously correlate with the types of Mo mineralization.  相似文献   

Geology of Ore Deposits - The Gol’tsovoe Ag–Pb–Zn-deposit (1600 t silver in ores with an average grade of 1025 g/t Ag) is located on the southeastern flank of the Dukat mining...  相似文献   

The Berezitovoe deposit is a large-sized Au-Ag-Zn-Pb deposit in the east of the SelengaStanovoi superterrane, Russia. Au-Ag orebodies are hosted by tourmaline-garnet-quartz-muscovite metasomatic rocks; Zn-Pb orebodies are hosted by granodiorites, porphyritic granites and tourmalinegarnet-quartz-muscovite metasomatic rocks. These orebodies are surrounded by wall rocks dominated by the Tukuringra Complex granodiorites, porphyritic granites, and gneissic granodiorites. The alteration includes silicification and garnet, sericitization chloritization, carbonatization and kaollinization. LA-ICP-MS U-Pb zircon dating indicates that the gold mineralization can be divided into two stages in the Berezitovoe polymetallic gold deposit(at 363.5 ± 1.5 Ma, and133.4± 0.5).Hornblende-plagioclase gneisses of the Mogocha Group in the study area underwent Paleoproterozoic metamorphism(at 1870 ± 7.8 and 2400 ± 13 Ma), gneissic granodiorite of the Tukuringra Complex yields a late Paleozoic magmatic age(at 379.2 ± 1.1 Ma),and subalkaline porphyritic granitoid of the Amudzhikan Complex yield late Mesozoic magmatic ages(133-139 and 150-163 Ma). Granodiorites of the Tukuringra Complex in the study area have high concentrations of SiO_2(average of 60.9 wt%), are aluminum-oversaturated(average A/CNK of 1.49), are enriched in the large ion lithophile elements(e.g.,K, Rb, and Ba), U, Th, and Pb, are depleted in high field strength elements(e.g., Ta, Nb, and Ti), and have slightly negative Eu and no Ce anomalies in chondrite-normalized rare earth element diagrams.Fluid inclusions from quartz veins include three types: aqueous two-phase, CO_2-bearing three-phase,and pure CO_2. Aqueous two-phase inclusions homogenize at 167℃-249℃ and have salinities of 4.32%-9.47% NaCl equivalent, densities of 0.86-0.95 g/cm~3, and formed at depths of 0.52-0.94 km. In comparison, the C0_2-bearing three-phase inclusions have homogenization temperatures of 265℃-346℃,salinities of 7.14%-11.57% NaCl equivalent, and total densities of 0.62-0.67 g/cm~3. The geochemical and zircon U-Pb data and the regional tectonic evolution of the study area, show that the Berezitovoe polymetallic gold deposit formed in an island arc or active continental margin setting, most probably related to late Paleozoic subduction of Okhotsk Ocean crust beneath the Siberian Plate.  相似文献   

The deposit under study is a hydrothermal filling-metasomatic vein type lead-zinc-silver deposit, in whichgold and silver can be recovered as by-products. These metals mainly occur as microgranular native gold,electrum, stephanite, acanthite, pyraragyrite, freibergite, and native silver. Gold minerals tend to be associatedwith galenobismutite, native bismuth and unnamed Bi_2Te. They are either enclosed in pyrite, marmatite,iron-bearing sphalerite and galens or fill the microfissures of these minerals. Silver minerals usually occur incleavages or fissures of galena, marmatite and pyrite, but are not associated with gold and bismuth minerals.Gold and silver mineralizations occurred later than lead and zinc, while the silver mineralization was precededby that of gold.  相似文献   

Geology of Ore Deposits - Heterogeneous rhythmic–zonal aggregates of tennantite-IV partly or completely replacing early homogeneous Zn-tetrahedrite-I grains and euhedral...  相似文献   

This paper deals with the genetic mineralogy of pyrite from the Jindoushan gold deposi.As a predominant gold-bearing mineral,pyrite bears lots of information about mineralization,which can be elucidated throug the study of mineralogical characters such as crystal form,chemical composiion,thermo-electrical coefficient,etc.In addition,the detailed genetic mineralogy data of pyrite can also help evaluate the prospects of gold deposits.  相似文献   

We report new data on the stratigraphy, mineralogy and geochemistry of the rocks and ores of the Maslovsky Pt–Cu–Ni sulfide deposit which is thought to be the southwestern extension of the Noril’sk 1 intrusion. Variations in the Ta/Nb ratio of the gabbro-dolerites hosting the sulfide mineralization and the compositions of their pyroxene and olivine indicate that these rocks were produced by two discrete magmatic pulses, which gave rise to the Northern and Southern Maslovsky intrusions that together host the Maslovsky deposit. The Northern intrusion is located inside the Tungusska sandstones and basalt of the Ivakinsky Formation. The Southern intrusion cuts through all of the lower units of the Siberian Trap tuff-lavas, including the Lower Nadezhdinsky Formation; demonstrating that the ore-bearing intrusions of the Noril’sk Complex post-date that unit. Rocks in both intrusions have low TiO2 and elevated MgO contents (average mean TiO2 <1 and MgO?=?12?wt.%) that are more primitive than the lavas of the Upper Formations of the Siberian Traps which suggests that the ore-bearing intrusions result from a separate magmatic event. Unusually high concentrations of both HREE (Dy+Yb+Er+Lu) and Y (up to 1.2 and 2.1?ppm, respectively) occur in olivines (Fo79.5 and 0.25% NiO) from picritic and taxitic gabbro-dolerites with disseminated sulfide mineralization. Thus accumulation of HREE, Y and Ni in the melts is correlated with the mineral potential of the intrusions. The TiO2 concentration in pyroxene has a strong negative correlation with the Mg# of both host mineral and Mg# of host rock. Sulfides from the Northern Maslovsky intrusion are predominantly chalcopyrite–pyrrhotite–pentlandite with subordinate and minor amounts of cubanite, bornite and millerite and a diverse assemblage of rare precious metal minerals including native metals (Au, Ag and Pd), Sn–Pd–Pt–Bi–Pb compounds and Fe–Pt alloys. Sulfides from the Southern Maslovsky intrusion have δ 34S?=?5–6‰ up to 10.8‰ in two samples whereas the country rock basalt have δ 34S?=?3–4‰, implying there was no in situ assimilation of surrounding rocks by magmas.  相似文献   

The mineralogical–geochemical and thermobarogeochemical features of the Teploe Ag–Au epithermal deposit are considered. The dissolution and redeposition of ore minerals are a result of thermal metamorphism. The redistribution of Ag leads to the formation of lenaite and exsolution structures in minerals of the Cu–Ag–S system; abundant stromeyerite, jalpaite, and mckinstryite compose a significant amount of ores. The atypical physicochemical parameters of the formation of ores include high (for epithermal mineralization) temperatures and low salinity and density of the fluid typical of a dry vapor. The results of fluid inclusion study ascribe the Teploe deposit to an intermediate class of epithermal deposits.  相似文献   

Electron paramagnetic resonance spectra, absorption spectra, cathodoluminescence spectra and infrared spectra of sphalerite from the Lechang remoulded sedimentary lead-zinc deposit have been studied so as to provide microscopic evidence for the formation conditions and mineralization stages of the deposit as well as the geochemical processes of mineralization. On the basis of thermodynamic calculations, the stable fields of sphalerite from different mineralization stages were determined and are shown in logfs_2-logfo_2 diagrams; furthermore. the physico-chemical conditions of mineralization and the properties of mineralization solutions are discussed so that reliability of the genetic information provided by the spectroscopy of sphalerite may also be verified. It is suggested that the temperature and pH value of the mineralization system decrease, and so do the fugacities of O_2, S_2, H_2. and H_2S and the activities of HS~- and SO_4~(2-) from the early to late stages of minerahzation.  相似文献   

New data are presented on segregations and compositions of bournonite-seligmannite series of minerals in gold-bearing veinlets of the Beresitovoe deposit located in the eastern part of the Mongolia–Okhotsk Orogenic Belt. It was established that these minerals represent a discrete series of stoichiometric solid compounds with As formula coefficients varying from 0.2 to 1.2. It is shown that minerals of this series are characteristic of ore deposits that undergo high-grade metamorphism, the PT conditions of which are sufficient for melting of primary sulfides.  相似文献   

Davydenko  D. B. 《Geotectonics》2020,54(5):665-678
Geotectonics - The paper presents the results of the study of objects spatially related to extremely high hydrocarbon (HC) emissions identified in the North Caspian Sea. The analysis of variable...  相似文献   

Auriferous cherts in the Middle Carboniferous Jinchang Formation are the dominant host rocks of auriferous quartz veins and mixed orebodies comprised of gold-bearing quartz veins and cherts in the Mojiang gold deposit.The rocks exhibit sedimentary texture and structure and are composed of hot-water deposited minerals.The FeO,Fe2O3,Au and Ag contents of the auriferous cherts are high;the Cr,Ni and Co contents are also high but significantly variable;MnO/TiO2 and TFe/TiO2 ratios are relatively higy.As viewed from a few diagrams that distinguish different chert formations,the auriferous cherts are in or near the range of hot-water deposited cherts.Because the correlation coefficients between Au contents and those of Cr, Ni of the rocks are negative,a great Au amount in the cherts might not be brought about by later hydrothermal alterations.The rare-earth elements,O and Si isotopic compositions of the auriferous cherts demonstrate that the cherts belong to hot-water deposited rocks.The later hydrothermal alterations made the petrochemical compositions of the cherts deviate from the characteristics of hot-water deposition.In general,the geological and geochemical features of the auriferous cherts demonstrate that the rocks were formed by hot water deposition.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - Data on the mineralogical and geochemical features of three epithermal gold deposits in Kamchatka, as well as on the compositions and physicochemical parameters of...  相似文献   

Integrated gravitational, electrical-magnetic surveys and data processing carried out in the Sanshandao–Jiaojia area, Eastern Shandong Province, northeast China, aim to illuminate the geological characteristics of this shallow-covered area and delineate deep-seated gold prospecting targets. In this region, altogether 12 faults exert critical control on distribution of three types of Early Precambrian metamorphic rock series, i.e. those in the metamorphic rock area, in the granitic rock area underlying the metamorphic rock, and in the remnant metamorphic rock area in granites, respectively. Additionally, the faults have major effects on distribution of four Mesozoic Linglong rock bodies of granite, i.e. the Cangshang, Liangguo, Zhuqiao-Miaojia and Jincheng granites. The Sanshandao and Jiaojia Faults are two well-known regional ore-controlling faults; they have opposite dip direction, and intersect at a depth of 4500 m. Fracture alteration zones have striking geophysical differences relative to the surrounding county rocks. The two faults extend down along dip direction in a gentle wave form, and appear at some steps with different dips. These steps comprise favorable gold prospecting areas, consistent with a step metallogenic model. Six deep-seated gold-prospecting targets are delineated, i.e. Jincheng-Qianchenjia, Xiaoxizhuang-Zhaoxian, Xiyou-Wujiazhuangzi, Xiangyangling-Xinlicun, Panjiawuzi and Miaojia-Pinglidian.  相似文献   

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