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Modeling magnetism: The antiferromagnetic ground state of the C60/Si(001)‐c(4×4) surface is predicted by means of density functional theory calculations. Two adjacent dangling bonds (DBs) generated by the adsorption of C60 are antiferromagnetically coupled with each other. This study demonstrates that magnetic Si surfaces can be prepared by engineering single Si DBs with unpaired electrons.


The mechanism of dissolution of the Li+ ion in an electrolytic solvent is investigated by the direct ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) method. Lithium fluoroborate (Li+BF4?) and ethylene carbonate (EC) are examined as the origin of the Li+ ion and the solvent molecule, respectively. This salt is widely utilized as the electrolyte in the lithium ion secondary battery. The binding of EC to the Li+ moiety of the Li+BF4? salt is exothermic, and the binding energies at the CAM–B3LYP/6‐311++G(d,p) level for n=1, 2, 3, and 4, where n is the number of EC molecules binding to the Li+ ion, (EC)n(Li+BF4?), are calculated to be 91.5, 89.8, 87.2, and 84.0 kcal mol?1 (per EC molecule), respectively. The intermolecular distances between Li+ and the F atom of BF4? are elongated: 1.773 Å (n=0), 1.820 Å (n=1), 1.974 Å (n=2), 1.942 Å (n=3), and 4.156 Å (n=4). The atomic bond populations between Li+ and the F atom for n=0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 are 0.202, 0.186, 0.150, 0.038, and 0.0, respectively. These results indicate that the interaction of Li+ with BF4? becomes weaker as the number of EC molecules is increased. The direct AIMD calculation for n=4 shows that EC reacts spontaneously with (EC)3(Li+BF4?) and the Li+ ion is stripped from the salt. The following substitution reaction takes place: EC+(EC)3(Li+BF4?)→(EC)4Li+?(BF4?). The reaction mechanism is discussed on the basis of the theoretical results.  相似文献   

The cover picture shows …?‥the solvent effect of water upon the lowest‐lying singlet excitation in acetone. The transition, which involves the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO), is blue‐shifted in water (sol) with respect to the gas phase (vac), since the HOMO is stronger stabilized in water than the LUMO. The authors calculate the absorption and fluorescence spectra of acetone in water with a hybrid Car–Parrinello quantum chemical/classical molecular dynamics approach and investigate the influence of the solvent. The lower part of the picture shows the excitation energy during a simulation. One configuration with a very high excitation energy (three hydrogen bonds, short C?O bond) and one configuration with a very low excitation energy (two hydrogen bonds, long C?O bond) are shown in detail. Find out more in the article by Rothlisberger and co‐workers on pages pp. 1177–1182.  相似文献   

The catalytic cycle for the Murai reaction at room temperature between ethylene and acetophenone catalyzed by [Ru(H)2(H2)2(PMe3)2] has been studied computationally at the B3PW91 level. The active species is the ruthenium dihydride complex [Ru(H)2(PMe3)2]. Coordination of the ketone group to Ru induces very easy C H bond cleavage. Coordination of ethylene after ketone de-coordination, followed by ethylene insertion into a Ru H bond, creates the Ru ethyl bond. Isomerization of the complex to a RuIV intermediate creates the geometry adapted to C C bond formation. Re-coordination of the ketone before the C C coupling lowers the energy of the corresponding TS. The highest point on the potential energy surface (PES) is the TS for the isomerization to the RuIV intermediate, which prepares the catalyst geometry for the C C coupling step. Inclusion of dispersion corrections significantly lowers the height of the overall activation barrier. The actual bond cleavage and bond forming processes are associated to low activation barriers because of the presence of hydrogen atoms around the Ru center. They act as redox buffers through formation and breaking of H H bonds in the coordination sphere. This flexibility allows optimal repartition of the various ligands according to the change in stereoelectronic demands along the catalytic cycle.  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are regarded as key intermediates in the molecular growth process that forms soot from incomplete fossil fuel combustion. Although heavily researched, the reaction mechanisms for PAH formation have only been investigated through bulk experiments; therefore, current models remain conjectural. We report the first observation of a directed synthesis of a PAH under single‐collision conditions. By using a crossed‐molecular‐beam apparatus, phenyl radicals react with C3H4 isomers, methylacetylene and allene, to form indene at collision energies of 45 kJ mol?1. The reaction dynamics supported by theoretical calculations show that both isomers decay through the same collision complex, are indirect, have long lifetimes, and form indene in high yields. Through the use of deuterium‐substituted reactants, we were able to identify the reaction pathway to indene.  相似文献   

对基态碱金属原子Ba(1S)与ClO2分子的反应进行了量子化学从头计算,讨论并比较了二重态势能面上的两条不同的反应产物通道,结果表明,通道(1)-即生成氯化物的通道在能量上有利,反应的主要产物是BaCl和O2,这与实验结果一致,此外,对少数低激发态产物的生成进行了讨论。  相似文献   

仇毅翔  王曙光 《化学学报》2006,64(17):1793-1798
采用密度泛函理论方法,在TZ2P-STO基组水平下,对金属四重键化合物M2Cl4(PMe3)4(M=Cr,Mo,W)和Mo2X4(PMe3)4(X=F,Cl,Br,I)的几何结构进行优化,分析了电子结构,并运用TDDFT方法对其低占据激发态进行了计算.考虑相对论效应的ZORA方法能够较好地重现M2X4(PMe3)4的几何结构.M2X4(PMe3)4的电子结构分析表明其d电子的组态为σ2π4δ2,前线轨道能级顺序为πlig<πd/σd<δd<δd*.金属原子和卤素配体的改变虽然使轨道能量发生变化,但没有影响轨道的排布顺序.TDDFT方法对M2X4(PMe3)4δd→δd*和πd→δd*跃迁能量的计算较为准确,对πlig→δd*(LMCT)跃迁能量的计算误差较大.金属原子、卤素配体以及相对论效应对激发能的影响可以根据分子轨道能级的变化给予解释.  相似文献   

The interaction of O2 with the doped icosahedral X@Al12 (X = Al?, P+, C, Si) clusters with 40 valence electrons were investigated using density functional theory methods. A different behavior exhibited between Al13? and X@Al12 (X = P+, C, Si) when they interact with O2. The dissociation of O2 on Al13? is strongly dependent on spin state of oxygen molecule. But X@Al12 (X = P+, C, and Si) is not the case. The transform of spin moment from O2 to Al13? is much faster. Small molecularly binding energy and relatively high energy barrier show that these clusters are all reluctant reacts with the ground state O2. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Comput Chem 2010  相似文献   

A riddle solved! Despite its simple formula, the structure of the (SCN)x polymer has remained elusive since its first synthesis in 1929. From energetics as well as NMR chemical shifts, based on DFT calculations, we have strong evidence that it is indeed a tangle of linear chains, made up from N‐linked S2C2N five‐membered rings.


Despite significant progress in recent years, the cleavage of unstrained C(sp3)? C(sp3) bonds remains challenging. A C? C coupling and cleavage reaction in a PC(sp3)P iridium pincer complex is mechanistically studied; the reaction proceeds via the formation of a carbene intermediate and can be described as a competition between α‐hydrogen and α‐alkyl elimination; the latter process was observed experimentally and is an unusual way of C(sp3)? C(sp3) bond scission, which has previously not been studied in detail. Mechanistic details that are based upon kinetic studies, activation parameters, and DFT calculations are also discussed. A full characterization of a C? C agostic intermediate is presented.  相似文献   

With the help of state‐of‐the‐art ab initio molecular dynamics methods, we investigated the reaction pathway of the {tBu3P + H2 + B(C6F5)3} system at the mesoscopic level. It is shown that: i) the onset of H2 activation is at much larger boron???phosphorus distances than previously thought; ii) the system evolves to the product in a roaming‐like fashion because of quasi‐periodic nuclear motion along the asymmetric normal mode of P???H?H???B fragment; iii) transient configurations of a certain type are present despite structural interference from the solvent; iv) transient‐state configurations with sub‐picosecond lifetime have potentially interesting infrared activity in the organic solvent (toluene) as well as in the gas phase. The presented results should be helpful for future experimental and theoretical studies of frustrated Lewis pair (FLP) activity.  相似文献   

A direct ab initio dynamics method is used to investigate the hydrogen‐abstraction reaction CH3CHF2+Cl. One transition state is located for α‐H abstraction, and two are identified for β‐H abstraction. The potential‐energy surface (PES) is obtained at the G3(MP2)//MP2/6‐311G(d, p) level. Furthermore, the rate constants of the three channels are evaluated by using canonical variational transition‐state theory (CVT) with small‐curvature tunneling (SCT) contributions over a wide temperature range of 200–2500 K. The dynamic calculations show that the reaction proceeds mainly by α‐H abstraction over the whole temperature range. The calculated rate constants and branching ratios are both in good agreement with the available experimental values.  相似文献   

The sodium–sulfur (NAS) battery is a candidate for energy storage and load leveling in power systems, by using the reversible reduction of elemental sulfur by sodium metal to give a liquid mixture of polysulfides (Na2Sn) at approximately 320 °C. We investigated a large number of reactions possibly occurring in such sodium polysulfide melts by using density functional calculations at the G3X(MP2)/B3LYP/6‐31+G(2df,p) level of theory including polarizable continuum model (PCM) corrections for two polarizable phases, to obtain geometric and, for the first time, thermodynamic data for the liquid sodium–sulfur system. Novel reaction sequences for the electrochemical reduction of elemental sulfur are proposed on the basis of their Gibbs reaction energies. We suggest that the primary reduction product of S8 is the radical anion ${{\rm S}{{{{\bullet}}- \hfill \atop 8\hfill}}}$ , which decomposes at the operating temperature of NAS batteries exergonically to the radicals ${{\rm S}{{{{\bullet}}- \hfill \atop 2\hfill}}}$ and ${{\rm S}{{{{\bullet}}- \hfill \atop 3\hfill}}}$ together with the neutral species S6 and S5, respectively. In addition, ${{\rm S}{{{{\bullet}}- \hfill \atop 8\hfill}}}$ is predicted to disproportionate exergonically to S8 and ${{\rm S}{{2- \hfill \atop 8\hfill}}}$ followed by the dissociation of the latter into two ${{\rm S}{{{{\bullet}}- \hfill \atop 4\hfill}}}$ radical ions. By recombination reactions of these radicals various polysulfide dianions can in principle be formed. However, polysulfide dianions larger than ${{\rm S}{{2- \hfill \atop 4\hfill}}}$ are thermally unstable at 320 °C and smaller dianions as well as radical monoanions dominate in Na2Sn (n=2–5) melts instead. The reverse reactions are predicted to take place when the NAS battery is charged. We show that ion pairs of the types ${{\rm NaS}{{{{\bullet}}\hfill \atop 2\hfill}}}$ , ${{\rm NaS}{{- \hfill \atop n\hfill}}}$ , and Na2Sn can be expected at least for n=2 and 3 in NAS batteries, but are unlikely in aqueous sodium polysulfide except at high concentrations. The structures of such radicals and anions with up to nine sulfur atoms are reported, because they are predicted to play a key role in the electrochemical reduction process. A large number of isomerization, disproportionation, and sulfurization reactions of polysulfide mono‐ and dianions have been investigated in the gas phase and in a polarizable continuum, and numerous reaction enthalpies as well as Gibbs energies are reported.  相似文献   

P makes it possible : The convenient oxidative synthesis of the 16‐electron organophosphorus iron sandwich complex [Fe(η4‐P2C2tBu2)2] (see structure) suggests that the elusive all‐carbon complex [Fe(η4‐C4H4)2] is a viable synthetic target.


Radical cations of a heptathienoacene α,β‐substituted with four n‐decyl side groups (D4T7 . +) form exceptionally stable π‐dimer dications already at ambient temperature (Chem. Comm. 2011 , 47, 12622). This extraordinary π‐dimerization process is investigated here with a focus on the ultimate [D4T7 . +]2 π‐dimer dication and yet‐unreported transitory species formed during and after the oxidation. To this end, we use a joint experimental and theoretical approach that combines cyclic voltammetry, in situ spectrochemistry and spectroelectrochemistry, EPR spectroscopy, and DFT calculations. The impact of temperature, thienoacene concentration, and the nature and concentration of counteranions on the π‐dimerization process is also investigated in detail. Two different transitory species were detected in the course of the one‐electron oxidation: 1) a different transient conformation of the ultimate [D4T7 . +]2 π‐dimer dications, the stability of which is strongly affected by the applied experimental conditions, and 2) intermediate [D4T7]2 . + π‐dimer radical cations formed prior to the fully oxidized [D4T7]2 . + π‐dimer dications. Thus, this comprehensive work demonstrates the formation of peculiar supramolecular species of heptathienoacene radical cations, the stability, nature, and structure of which have been successfully analyzed. We therefore believe that this study leads to a deeper fundamental understanding of the mechanism of dimer formation between conjugated aromatic systems.  相似文献   

An in depth study of the reactivity of an N‐heterocyclic carbene (NHC)‐stabilized silylene monohydride with alkynes is reported. The reaction of silylene monohydride 1 , tBu3Si(H)Si←NHC, with diphenylacetylene afforded silole 2 , tBu3Si(H)Si(C4Ph4). The density functional theory (DFT) calculations for the reaction mechanism of the [2+2+1] cycloaddition revealed that the NHC played a major part stabilizing zwitterionic transition states and intermediates to assist the cyclization pathway. A significantly different outcome was observed, when silylene monohydride 1 was treated with phenylacetylene, which gave rise to supersilyl substituted 1‐alkenyl‐1‐alkynylsilane 3 , tBu3Si(H)Si(CH?CHPh)(C?CPh). Mechanistic investigations using an isotope labelling technique and DFT calculations suggest that this reaction occurs through a similar zwitterionic intermediate and subsequent hydrogen abstraction from a second molecule of phenylacetylene.  相似文献   

任杰  陈玮  卢红亮  徐敏  张卫 《化学学报》2006,64(11):1133-1139
用密度泛函方法研究了ZrO2在羟基预处理的Si(100)-2×1表面原子层淀积(ALD)初始反应过程的反应机理, ZrO2的ALD过程包括两个前体反应物ZrCl4和H2O交替的半反应. 两个半反应都经历一个相似的吸附中间体反应路径. 比较单羟基Si表面反应的反应焓变, 可以发现双羟基Si表面反应, 由于相邻羟基的存在, 对ZrCl4的半反应影响较大, 尤其是化学吸附能增加明显. 而对于H2O的半反应, 单、双羟基Si表面反应的能量变化不是很明显. 使用内禀反应坐标(IRC)方法, 验证了两个半反应存在相似的过渡态结构和反应机理. 另外, 发现随着温度的升高, 吸附络合物的稳定性降低, 其向反应物方向的解吸附变得容易, 而向产物方向的解离难度增加.  相似文献   

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