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利用台西南盆地三维高精度地震资料,对南海北部陆坡聚集流体活动系统进行了分析和研究.在研究区识别出了断层、气烟囱、泥火山、泥底辟等聚集流体活动系统.研究区聚集流体活动系统主要特征包括:①断层与气烟囱相伴生;②气烟囱发育的区域与似海底反射(BSR)分布区域基本吻合,在气烟囱上方可以识别出一定长度的BSR;③泥底辟/泥火山导...  相似文献   

张旭东  尹成  曾凡详  赵斌 《地质通报》2021,40(2-3):280-286
利用台西南盆地三维高精度地震资料,对南海北部陆坡聚集流体活动系统进行了分析和研究。在研究区识别出了断层、气烟囱、泥火山、泥底辟等聚集流体活动系统。研究区聚集流体活动系统主要特征包括:①断层与气烟囱相伴生;②气烟囱发育的区域与似海底反射(BSR)分布区域基本吻合,在气烟囱上方可以识别出一定长度的BSR;③泥底辟/泥火山导致周围和上覆地层形成了大量小尺度断层和微裂隙,中、深部流体可沿破裂带向上运移至天然气水合物稳定带内形成天然气水合物。因此,研究区聚集流体活动系统为天然气水合物发育成藏提供了流体来源,有利于天然气水合物的聚集,对于揭示天然气水合物的富集规律意义重大,能够为其他区域天然气水合物勘探提供借鉴。  相似文献   

在万安盆地北部隆起西南段发现的西卫16潜山披覆的构造油气藏,是一个大型、高丰度、高产、轻质油气藏。本文详细讨论了该构造的生、储、盖和圈闭条件,利用流体势软件计算了不同目的层的流体势。绘制了不同目的层的油、水势叠合图和所、水势又 图,分析了圈闭相领凹陷油气运聚与圈闭时空匹配关系;编制主要断层的断面剖面图,综合考虑民裂活动性质、持续时间、断裂带物质、岩性对接情况等多种地质因素,对断层封闭条件进行了分析  相似文献   

热流体活动示踪标志及其地质意义   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
解习农  董伟良 《地球科学》1999,24(2):183-188
沉只盆地内热流体活动过程实际上是热流体聚集与散失的动平衡过程,热流体活动必然导致温度和压力以及化学条件的改变,尽管如此,沉积盆地内流体活动的示踪难度较大,通过经盆地典型实例的剖析,认为较为有效的方法就是通过热流体活动中的温度效应进行示踪研究,其中较为有交的参数有伊-蒙矿物的转换、镜质体反射率和有机物热解指标以及流登攀民裹体等,这些参数的不同形式异常均指示了来自深部的热流体的活动。  相似文献   

南海地质构造与油气资源   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
文章对南海海盆的边缘构造、盆内的断裂构造以及岛弧与弧后盆地的构造特征进行了论述。指出南海海盆喜马拉雅期构造层、基底及盖层特点。根据陆缘扩张观点将珠江口盆地的沉积盖层在扩张型陆缘演化阶段划分为第1扩张旋回(K2-E13)、第2扩张旋回(E23-N11)和第3扩张旋回(N21),上述3个旋回控制着生、储.盖的分布。东沙断隆亦是如此。南沙断块区的礼乐断块盆地以及曾母地堑带的曾母地堑盆地和万安地堑盆地均具有含油气远景。  相似文献   

在南海扩张过程中微板块断裂、碰撞、拼接的构造背景下,南海南部中新世以来发育碳酸盐岩台地及生物礁,经过后期成岩改造形成了大量碳酸盐岩储层并蕴藏着丰富的油气资源.为了了解该海域碳酸盐岩储层的发育特征和成因机制,以北康盆地高精度二维地震资料为基础并结合邻区岩心、薄片资料,对该区域碳酸盐岩储层发育的类型、储集空间、成岩作用以及控制因素开展了系统研究.结果表明,南海南部碳酸盐岩储层类型多且储集空间丰富,主要有两类,分别为礁滩储层和不整合面岩溶储层;发育多种孔隙类型,包括原生孔隙和次生孔隙,以次生孔隙为主,包括铸模孔、粒内溶孔、粒间溶孔和晶内溶孔等. 该区域碳酸盐岩储集空间主要受白垩化作用、溶蚀作用和白云岩化的建设性改造,并且主要受构造、沉积、古气候和流体活动因素的控制.北康盆地碳酸盐岩可以作为良好的储层,并具有良好的油气成藏条件,能形成“下生上储”的碳酸盐岩油气藏.   相似文献   

南海北部陆缘中生代沉积层序、对比和油气地质意义   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
南海北部陆缘陆上粤中-粤东地区出露一系列的中生界,可以划分为15个Ⅲ级沉积层序。在毗邻海区的潮汕坳陷的地震剖面和LF35-1-1井也可以识别出12个Ⅲ级沉积层序。这些Ⅲ级层序组成了6个Ⅱ级层序和2个Ⅰ级层序,反映出由海向陆的环境变化过程。陆区和海区中生界在岩性、岩相以及层序地层等方面存在可对比性。陆区上地层-沉积特征以及模式可以作为模型应用于海区中生界相关研究,对南海北部中生界油气勘探具有指导意义。  相似文献   

南海北部陆架南北卫浅滩的成因及油气地质意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
世界范围内的陆架调查已经清楚,陆架浅滩是普遍发育于陆架区的一种海底地貌类型。在中国陆架上发育多个知名浅滩,这些浅滩和现今动力条件处于动态平衡状态,为现今潮流沉积体系。然而,南海北部陆架的南北卫浅滩在地貌上被称为陆架浅滩,但其成因却和其他陆架浅滩有着根本不同。根据地震剖面解释结果,本文指出,南海北部珠江口东南陆架上发育的南卫滩、北卫滩和惠州滩都属于构造地形,其下部各对应一个底辟构造。这3个底辟构造并不是孤立的,而是在深部属于同一个较大的背冲构造。这个背冲构造位于南北卫滩的下方,其上几个突出的底辟,则和本文讨论的南卫滩、北卫滩和惠州滩相对应。南卫滩、北卫滩和惠州滩在成因上具有统一的深部背景,从而在平面上构成一个统一的底辟系统,本文称为南北卫滩底辟系统。该底辟系统以北卫滩为中心,包括南卫滩、惠州滩和陆丰滩,形成一个大致呈圆形,直径约50km的区域。在构造上,该底辟系统位于珠一坳陷和东沙隆起之间。南北卫滩底辟系统的发育起因于东沙隆起后在南海东北部形成的挤压应力环境。底辟系统的发育活化了惠陆-东沙含油气系统的输导层,并重新调整了油气运移的势差和势梯度,在环绕南北卫滩底辟系统一定距离的圆周上形成一个有利于油气聚集的环带。已知的油气田基本分布于这个环带上。下一步的油气勘探方向应该考虑围绕这个环带重点展开。同时,应该考虑在南北卫滩底辟系统的中心带内开展气藏的勘探工作。  相似文献   

南海作为西太平洋最大的边缘海,油气资源丰富,油气赋存规律的南北差异性大。本文在系统梳理南海中—新生代地层、沉积相发育特征的基础上,对南海南北典型含油气盆地的石油地质条件进行了对比分析。结果认为南海打开过程对古南海沉积地层的改造,使得现有残余地层南北分离,主要分布于北部的珠江口盆地—台西南盆地和南部的礼乐盆地中,推测发育“自生自储”、“新生古储”或“古生新储”的中—新生界油气成藏模式。南海新生代油气藏在“北张、南挤”的构造应力背景下,古近纪以来的古水系控制了大型碎屑岩油气藏的分布;区域构造运动和海平面变化控制了中新世碳酸盐岩油气藏的发育;早新生代以来的古地貌控制的深水峡谷、深海扇、扇三角洲沉积体系孕育了潜在深水油气藏。总之,南海南北地层沉积各有特色,油气成藏条件各有优势,但均有良好的油气勘探前景,本文以期为未来南海油气勘探战略部署和选区提供参考。  相似文献   

沉积盆地中地质流体运动与油气成藏   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
沉积盆地内地质流体运动的驱动力主要有压实作用、地下水重力作用、构造作用和进入盆地中的热流。在不同的驱动力作用下,地质流体可有离心流、向心流、穿越流以及幕式和集中式等不同的运动特征,对油气成藏的影响亦存在差异。在压实作用驱动下,油气藏围绕盆地生油中心成环状分布。在重力作用驱动下,油气主要聚集在地下水的低势区,如盆地的斜坡和中心,或地下水中下游的靠盆地一侧。构造作用驱动下的油气运移比较复杂,油气主要聚集在冲断层一侧,但也可以长距离运移到斜坡带聚集。  相似文献   


Understanding fluid flow structures in a rifted basin may enhance our knowledge of their origination and evolution. Through geochemical analysis and seismic interpretation, different fluid flow features are identified in the central depression of Qiongdongnan basin, northern South China Sea. These structures include mud diapir, gas chimney, hydrothermal pipes, faults, blowout pipes, and associated extrusions. Mud diapirs are primarily located on the slope belts, whereas gas chimneys are on the basement highs in the southwest of the study area. Their distribution appears closely controlled by tectonic stress field and overpressure, the later is caused by hydrocarbon generation and compaction disequilibrium. High sediment overloading, weak post-rift tectonic activity, and high average geothermal gradient may contribute to the compaction disequilibrium. The occurrence of gas chimneys on the basement high suggests that lateral transportation and relief of overpressure is a significant factor. Distribution of broad hydrothermal pipes is related with the thinning continental crust and pre-existing boundary faults in the central depression. They are probably attributed to intruded sills dissolution and were caused by hydrothermal fluids vertically. Geochemical data from gas reservoirs analysis indicates that mud diapirs and gas chimneys are critical pathways for thermogenic gases, whereas hydrothermal pipes and part of the faults may act as pathways of both thermogenic and inorganic gases. The blowout pipes mainly occur in the northwestern central depression near the continental slope, where fluid flows ascend gradually from a series of Pliocene-current prograding wedge-formed units with a hydraulic fracture in shallow. Hundreds of seafloor pockmarks and mounds associated with blowout pipes located above the NE-SW elongated Pliocene-Quaternary slope-break belts. These extrusive structures indicate that fluids ascend through blowout pipes and were expelled at the present seabed. Our results indicate that fluid flow structures are probably responsible for fluid activities and must be taken into account when assessing the hydrocarbon potential, geologic hazard, and benthic ecosystem.  相似文献   

To reveal the causes of differences in the hydrocarbon accumulation in continental marginal basins in the centralsouthern South China Sea,we used gravity-magnetic,seismic,drilling,and outcrop data to investigate the tectonic histories of the basins and explore how these tectonic events controlled the hydrocarbon accumulation conditions in these basins.During the subduction of the Cenozoic proto-South China Sea and the expansion of the new South China Sea,the continental margin basins in the central-southern South China Sea could be classified as one of three types of epicontinental basins:southern extensional-foreland basins,western extensional-strike slip basins,and central extensional-drift basins.Because these basins have different tectonic and sedimentary histories,they also differ in their accumulated hydrocarbon resources.During the Cenozoic,the basin groups in the southern South China Sea generally progressed through three stages:faulting and subsidence from the late Eocene to the early Miocene,inversion and uplift in the middle Miocene,and subsidence since the late Miocene.Hydrocarbon source rocks with marine-continental transitional facies dominated byⅡ-Ⅲkerogen largely developed in extremely thick Miocene sedimentary series with the filling characteristics being mainly deep-water deposits in the early stage and shallow water deposits in the late stage.With well-developed sandstone and carbonate reservoirs,this stratum has a strong hydrocarbon generation potential.During the Cenozoic,the basin groups in the western South China Sea also progressed through the three developmental stages discussed previously.Hydrocarbon source rocks with lacustrine facies,marine-continental transitional facies,and terrigenous marine facies dominated byⅡ2-Ⅲkerogen largely developed in the relatively thick stratum with the filling characteristics being mainly lacustrine deposits in the early stage and marine deposits in the late stage.As a reservoir comprised of self-generated and self-stored sandstone,this unit also has a high hydrocarbon generation potential.Throughout those same three developmental stages,the basin groups in the central South China Sea generated hydrocarbon source rocks with terrigenous marine facies dominated byⅢkerogen that have developed in a stratum with medium thicknesses with the filling characteristics being mainly sandstone in the early stage and carbonate in the late stage.This reservoir,which is dominated by lower-generation and upper-storage carbonate rocks,also has a high hydrocarbon generation potential.  相似文献   

东海与泥底辟构造有关的天然气水合物初探   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
根据所获得的高分辨率地震资料分析,发现冲绳海槽南部西侧槽坡附近以及海槽内部发育有一系列泥火山(底辟)构造,在地形上表现为泥火山地貌,在穿过泥火山的地震剖面上,表现出典型的泥底辟构造。对穿过泥底辟构造的DMS01-5地震剖面进一步的处理和解释发现,泥底辟构造顶部存在明显的似海底反射(BSR),其与海底反射波组极性相反,在BSR之上存在振幅空白带,在速度谱上出现速度异常,指示存在与泥火山有关的天然气水合物。从世界广泛发现的与泥底辟构造有关的天然气水合物来看,天然气水合物既可以在泥底辟构造的丘状外围成藏,也可以在其外围的海底沉积物中产出。在泥底辟构造的丘状外围附近,天然气水合物的形成机制类似于传统的矿物低温热液的形成;在泥底辟构造外围海底沉积物中,其形成过程类似于传统的矿物交代形成机制。冲绳海槽泥底辟构造的发育与很高的沉积速率和槽坡的活动断层有关。在冰期期间,长江携带大量的陆源物质直接输送到大陆坡地区,沉积速率达300 m/Ma,产生异常高压,同时张性断层极为发育,为流体的迁移提供了良好的通道,在异常压力以及上覆地层压力作用下大量流体向上运移,从而发育大量的泥底辟构造。富含甲烷的流体易在其外围及外围海底沉积物中形成天然气水合物藏。  相似文献   

王明健  潘军  高红芳  黄龙  李霞 《地学前缘》2022,29(2):294-302
目前的勘探成果表明,南海北部到东海南部的广阔海域普遍发育中生代地层,但是除了在台西南盆地发现工业油气藏之外,其他地区的中生界尚未有大的勘探突破。本次研究将中生代南海北部—东海南部作为一个整体,开展大地构造背景分析,厘清各构造时期盆地的性质及其形成演化机制,探讨油气资源潜力。结果表明:南海北部—东海南部从晚三叠世到白垩纪整体为一个大型盆地,盆地的演化受其周围板块相互运动所控制;晚三叠世(T3)主要受特提斯构造域控制,发育被动陆缘边缘海沉积盆地;从早侏罗世(J1)到早白垩世均受古太平洋板块(伊泽奈崎板块)向欧亚板块俯冲机制的控制,其中早—中侏罗世(J1-2)发育弧前坳陷盆地,晚侏罗—早白垩世(J3—K1)盆地性质为弧后断陷盆地;晚白垩世(K2)受太平洋板块、欧亚板块和印度板块的联合控制,性质依然为弧后断陷盆地,与前期相比,裂陷强度加大;海水由东南方向侵入,地层垂向上由海相向陆相逐渐过渡,由东南向西北和东北方向,水体逐渐变浅,亦由海相向陆相逐渐演变;中生界在南海北部潮汕坳陷等地区发育深海相和海湾相泥岩,在东海南部基隆坳陷也发育良好的海湾相泥岩,生烃潜力大,具有形成大型油气藏的物质基础和地质条件,勘探潜力巨大。本次研究结果可以为南海北部—东海南部中生界的油气资源勘探提供依据。  相似文献   


Mud diapirs and gas chimneys are widely developed in continental slope areas, which can provide sufficient gas for hydrate formation, and they are important for finding natural gas hydrates. Based on the interpretation and analysis of high-resolution 2D and 3D seismic data covering the deep-water area in the Qiongdongnan Basin (QDNB), northern South China Sea, we studied the formation mechanism of mud diapirs and gas chimneys and their relationship with natural gas hydrates. Mud diapirs and gas chimneys are columnar and domelike in shape and the internal regions of these bodies have abnormal reflections characterized by fuzzy, chaotic, and blanking zones. The reflection events terminate at the rims of mud diapirs and gas chimneys with pull-up reflections and pull-down reflections, respectively. In addition, ‘bright spots’ and diapiric-associated faults occur adjacent to mud diapirs and gas chimneys. The rapidly deposited and deeply buried fine sediments filling in the Tertiary in deep-water areas of the QDNB and overpressure potential derived from undercompacted mudstones, as well as from the pressurization of organic matter and hydrocarbon generation, provide abundant materials and intensive driving forces for the formation of mud diapirs and gas chimneys. Bottom simulating reflectors (BSRs) with strong amplitude and high or poor continuity were recognized atop the mud diapirs and gas chimneys and in the structural highs within the same region, indicating that they have a close relationship with each other. The mud diapirs and gas chimneys and associated high-angle faults provide favourable vertical pathways for the hydrocarbons migrating from deep strata to shallow natural gas hydrate stability zones where natural gas hydrates accumulate; however, some BSRs are characterized by weak amplitude and poor continuity, which can be affected by high temperature and overpressure in the process of the mud diapir and gas chimney activities. This mutually restricting relationship must be taken into consideration in the process of gas hydrate exploration in QDNB.  相似文献   

华南陆缘中生界地层以广东省出露最广,这套地层为陆源碎屑沉积岩,局部为火山岩。上三叠统—上白垩统划分为2个巨层序、7个超层序和15个层序。沉积充填序列展示出本地区经历了海侵-海退过程,沉积环境由海相转化为陆相环境。3个级别的海平面变化控制了层序、超层序和巨层序的发育。粤中--粤东地区中生界发育的Ⅲ级层序可归纳出3种类型:浅水型、深水型和湖盆型;浅水型层序又可以分为浅水Ⅰ型和浅水Ⅱ型。  相似文献   

Deepwater oil and gas exploration has become a global hotspot in recent years and the study of the deep waters of marginal seas is an important frontier research area.The South China Sea(SCS)is a typical marginal sea that includes Paleo SCS and New SCS tectonic cycles.The latter includes continental marginal rifting,intercontinental oceanic expansion and oceanic shrinking,which controlled the evolution of basins,and the generation,migration and accumulation of hydrocarbons in the deepwater basins on the continental margin of the northern SCS.In the Paleogene,the basins rifted along the margin of the continent and were filled mainly with sediments in marine-continental transitional environments.In the Neogene–Quaternary,due to thermal subsidence,neritic-abyssal facies sediments from the passive continental margin of the SCS mainly filled the basins.The source rocks include mainly Oligocene coal-bearing deltaic and marine mudstones,which were heated by multiple events with high geothermal temperature and terrestrial heat flow,resulting in the generation of gas and oil.The faults,diapirs and sandstones controlled the migration of hydrocarbons that accumulated principally in a large canyon channel,a continental deepwater fan,and a shelf-margin delta.  相似文献   

南海北部神狐海域天然气水合物成藏特征   总被引:6,自引:9,他引:6  
天然气水合物作为一种新型、洁净、潜在的新能源,越来越引起世界各国科学家的重视,对天然气水合物研究也进一步深入,但天然气水合物作为一种能源矿产,对其成藏机制的研究相对较少。针对我国天然气水合物调查研究相对较为详细的神狐海域,从其物质来源、气体运移通道、成藏条件等角度探讨神狐海域天然气水合物的成藏特征,指出白云凹陷古近纪埋藏的巨厚烃源岩是其成藏的主要物质基础;底辟构造发育区是形成水合物流体向上运移的主要通道;新近纪晚期大面积发育的滑塌体是水合物的主要赋存区。神狐海域具备天然气水合物成藏的优越条件,是进一步勘探水合物的远景区。  相似文献   

Temperature measurements carried out on 9 hydrocarbon exploration boreholes together with Bottom Simulating Reflectors (BSRs) from reflection seismic images are used in this study to derive geothermal gradients and heat flows in the northern margin of the South China Sea near Taiwan. The method of Horner plot is applied to obtain true formation temperatures from measured borehole temperatures, which are disturbed by drilling processes. Sub-seafloor depths of BSRs are used to calculate sub-bottom temperatures using theoretical pressure/temperature phase boundary that marks the base of gas hydrate stability zone. Our results show that the geothermal gradients and heat flows in the study area range from 28 to 128 °C/km and 40 to 159 mW/m2, respectively. There is a marked difference in geothermal gradients and heat flow beneath the shelf and slope regions. It is cooler beneath the shelf with an average geothermal gradient of 34.5 °C/km, and 62.7 mW/m2 heat flow. The continental slope shows a higher average geothermal gradient of 56.4 °C/km, and 70.9 mW/m2 heat flow. Lower heat flow on the shelf is most likely caused by thicker sediments that have accumulated there compared to the sediment thickness beneath the slope. In addition, the continental crust is highly extended beneath the continental slope, yielding higher heat flow in this region. A half graben exists beneath the continental slope with a north-dipping graben-bounding fault. A high heat-flow anomaly coincides at the location of this graben-bounding fault at the Jiulong Ridge, indicating vigorous vertical fluid convection which may take place along this fault.  相似文献   

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