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研究了存在不确定拒绝服务(denial of service,DoS)攻击的异构多智能体系统协同控制问题.网络环境的开放性会导致网络攻击的复杂性不断提高,其中,对于一类不确定网络攻击的研究具有重要的现实意义.由于不确定攻击情况下模态获取困难,将导致控制器模态与系统模态产生不匹配问题.首先,正常情况下所有智能体都是时间同...  相似文献   

针对当前防御DoS攻击方法因判定攻击帧合法性条件属性过多所导致DoS防御性能不足的问题,基于粗决策理论,利用粗决策规则方法,建立防御无线DoS攻击的模型,给出基于粗决策规则的防御DoS智能帧过滤算法(802.11w-SFF),并对该方法进行实验分析.802.11w-WiFi设备在攻击速率为250fps的情况下,未使用802.11wSFF方法时,TCP流量变为没有攻击时的16%,UDP丢失率上升为80%;使用802.11w-SFF方法后,802.11wWiFi设备的TCP/UDP数据通信性能没有受到DoS攻击的影响.实验分析说明802.11w-SFF方法应用于移动网络能有效地防御DoS攻击.  相似文献   

Science China Technological Sciences - Event-triggered consensus in leader-following multi-agent systems with actuator fault is considered in this paper, in which the fault investigated can be...  相似文献   

针对协同过滤推荐系统应用中存在的数据稀疏、可扩展性受限等问题,提出了一种基于用户聚类的二分图网络协同推荐算法.该算法在用户聚类阶段对二分图网络进行用户中心聚类,并获取用户聚类中心及其所在的群组,基于用户群组的评价信息为目标用户提供更广泛的推荐数据;在协同推荐阶段,围绕聚类中心及其所在群组为未评分项目完成预测评分,为用户推荐综合评分最高的Top-n项目.结果表明,该算法能够提升目标用户推荐的准确度,并能改善协同推荐的多样性.  相似文献   

This paper characterizes the joint effects of plant uncertainty, Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks, and fading channel on the stabilization problem of networked control systems (NCSs). It is assumed that the controller remotely controls the plant and the control input is transmitted over a fading channel. Meanwhile, considering the sustained attack cycle and frequency of DoS attacks are random, the packet-loss caused by DoS attacks is modelled by a Markov process. The sampled-data NCS is transformed into a stochastic form with Markov jump and uncertain parameter. Then, based on Lyapunov functional method, linear matrix inequality (LMI)-based sufficient conditions are presented to ensure the stability of uncertain NCSs. The main contribution of this article lies in the construction of NCSs based on DoS attacks into Markov jump system (MJS) and the joint consideration of fading channel and plant uncertainty.  相似文献   

In this article, we study the secure control of the Markovian jumping neural networks(MJNNs) subject to deception attacks.Considering the limitation of the network bandwidth and the impact of the deception attacks, we propose two memory-based adaptive event-trigger mechanisms(AETMs). Different from the available event-trigger mechanisms, these two memory-based AETMs contain the historical triggered data not only in the triggering conditions, but also in the adaptive law. They can adjust the data...  相似文献   

针对目前软负载均衡算法中无线资源统计不具有普适性,未考虑用户业务需求与异构资源单元差异性匹配的问题,根据网格计算的思想,在异构无线网络中提出了基于网格的负载均衡算法。该算法首先将无线资源映射成不同的三维资源单元,每个三维资源单元相当于一个网格。然后将业务分成不同的子业务流(数据包),统一分给不同的网格,实现业务的分布式分流,在保证用户QoS的情况下,实现网络的负载均衡。仿真结果表明:基于网格的负载均衡算法能够较好地均衡异构网络间的负载,降低负载偏离度,提高系统吞吐率。  相似文献   

配电网的高噪声、阻抗变化大以及高传输衰减是制约电力线通信发展的主要障碍。本文结合部分工程数据,对低压配电网的通信信道传输衰减特性进行了仿真研究。文中讨论了线路的参数计算、线路模拟试验、现场数据与模拟数据比较以及线路衰耗设计试验等内容,并给出了相关结论。  相似文献   

基于结构化覆盖网的连续 top-k 联接查询算法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
由于分布式计算环境中数据的分散性,在结构化覆盖网上进行连续查询是一个富有挑战性的工作.本文首次提出基于结构化覆盖网连续top-k联接查询的算法,在对新数据做联接查询前,通过预计算排序函数的估值,对不可能最终影响top-k结果的数据裁剪,达到减少网络流量和计算负载目的.实验证明,这种方法在保证更多的节点参与到查询同时,能有效降低网络流量.  相似文献   

In a wireless sensor network (WSN), multiple groups of source nodes communicate with their respective destination nodes with the help of a common relay network. To remove the inter-session interference among multiple transmission sessions at each destination in a wireless sensor network, a network code division multiplexing (NCDM) scheme is proposed for the parallel session model. The fundamental of the NCDM scheme takes advantage of the property of the low-density generator matrix (LDGM) code to calculate the equivalent received signal. Then the NCDM scheme is analyzed. Based on the analysis of the soft processing, a new code design criterion for the construction of the generator matrix is developed. Simulation results show that by following the proposed code design criterion, the bit error ratio (BER) performance gap between the scheme we studied and the serial session scheme can be managed effectively.  相似文献   

To deeply exploit the mechanisms of ant colony optimization (ACO) applied to develop routing in mobile ad hoe networks (MANETS),some existing representative ant colony routing protocols were analyzed and compared.The analysis results show that every routing protocol has its own characteristics and competitive environment.No routing protocol is better than others in all aspects.Therefore,based on no free lunch theory,ant routing protocols were decomposed into three key components:route discovery,route maintenance (including route refreshing and route failure handling) and data forwarding.Moreover,component based ant routing protocol (CBAR) was proposed.For purpose of analysis,it only maintained basic ant routing process,and it was simple and efficient with a low overhead.Subsequently,different mechanisms used in every component and their effect on performance were analyzed and tested by simulations.Finally,future research strategies and trends were also summarized.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the leader-following consensus problem of linear multi-agent systems(MASs) with communication noise. Each agent's dynamical behavior is described by a linear multi-input and multi-output(MIMO) system, and the agent's full state is assumed to be unavailable. To deal with this challenge, a state observer is constructed to estimate the agent's full state. A dynamic output-feedback based protocol that is based on the estimated state is proposed. To mitigate the effect of communication noise, noise-attenuation gains are also introduced into the proposed protocol. In this study, each agent is allowed to have its own noise-attenuation gain. It is shown that the proposed protocol can solve the mean square leader-following consensus problem of a linear MIMO MAS. Moreover, if all noise-attenuation gains are of Q(t-β), where b∈(0,1), the convergence rate of the MAS can be quantitatively analyzed. It turns out that all followers' states converge to the leader's state in the mean square sense at a rate of O(t-β).  相似文献   

OBS网络中基于OBS-PLR丢弃算法的可控QoS方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了建立在经典服务质量QoS(QualityofService)基础上的比例QoS方案 ,并以此为理论依据 ,分析了主动丢弃算法在OBS(OpticalBurstSwitching)网络中支持比例QoS存在的问题 .针对这些问题 ,提出了光突发交换 成比例丢失率OBS PLR(OpticalBurstSwitching ProportionalLossRate)丢弃算法 ,以实现突发数据丢失率的可控、成比例 ,且不至于偏大 .理论分析及仿真结果都表明该算法提高了比例QoS控制的性能  相似文献   

在噪声不确定的条件下,提出一种多频带联合协作感知方法,根据各频段噪声功率的不确定度分别计算出检测门槛上、下限后对本地主用户信号进行多频带联合检测.接收信号能量处于检测门槛上下限之间的频段为本地检测结果不确定的频段,需要进行多点协作频谱感知,认知节点可利用本地检测中确定空闲的频段来传递本节点的感知信息,实现由本节点可用信道分担传统协作感知方法中控制信道通信量的目标.仿真结果表明,对比传统协作感知方法,新提出的协作感知方法能有效减少频谱感知过程中控制信道的通信负载,并且在本地检测结果为不确定的频段能获得更小的误警概率.  相似文献   

针对已有的研究以小尺度的试块实验而未能反映实际混凝土结构在荷载与氯盐耦合作用效应,自行设计大尺度钢筋混凝土梁的持续荷载施加装置,采用“电渗-恒电流-干湿循环”的方法对钢筋混凝土梁进行持续荷载作用下的加速锈蚀实验,并对试验后的混凝土梁的力学性能进行研究;同时,采用RCT方法研究试验梁混凝土保护层厚度范围内的氯离子分布规律,采用半电池电位法及称重法相结合来评价试验梁内纵向受拉钢筋锈蚀程度.结果表明:氯盐与持续荷载耦合作用下,随着持续荷载水平的提高,保护层厚度范围内的氯离子质量分数会增大,会在钢筋附近出现聚集现象;同时,也使纵向钢筋的锈蚀率增大,钢筋截面的锈蚀不均匀程度明显;导致混凝土梁的极限荷载减小,延性降低,截面曲率延性增高.  相似文献   

The optimal operation of water distribution networks under local pipe failures, such as water main breaks, was proposed. Based on a hydraulic analysis and a simulation of water distribution networks, a macroscopic model for a network under a local pipe failure was established by the statistical regression. After the operation objectives under a local pipe failure were determined, the optimal operation model was developed and solved by the genetic algorithm. The program was developed and examined by a city distribution network. The optimal operation alternative shows that the electricity cost is saved approximately 11%, the income of the water corporation is increased approximately 5%, and the pressure in the water distribution network is distributed evenly to ensure the network safe operation. Therefore, the proposed method for optimal operation under local pipe failure is feasible and cost-effective.  相似文献   

主要介绍了TDMoE(基于以太网的电路仿真)技术,总结了该技术实现存在的关键问题,并给出了可行的解决方法。TDMoE作为一种新技术,相关协议正在逐步完善。本文提出了一种可升级的TDMoE技术实验平台,并以实现四路E1仿真为例,介绍了该实验平台的设计和实现方法。  相似文献   

In cognitive radio (CR) relay networks,most previous work concentrates on maximizing physical layer quality of service (QoS),e.g.,spectral efficiency and achievable data rate,as relay selection criteri...  相似文献   

Static distribution of intracellular and extracellular ions can induce the spatial distribution of electric field in the cell, while stochastic diffusion and propagation of ions can generate channel current accompanied by the magnetic field. In fact, the field energy(including magnetic and electric fields) in each cell or neuron can be changed under external stimuli or the deformation of shape. Furthermore, energy pumping occurs, and the synaptic connection is created adaptively to keep energy b...  相似文献   

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