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由舰船垂向分量磁场获得其三分量磁场的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
三分量测磁仪使用不便,且造价较高,因此提出一种改进的磁场推算法.该法仅用舰船下方某平面上少量测量点的垂向磁场即可算出测量面下方所需场点的舰船三分量磁场.从理论上证明了该方法的可行性,建立了磁场推算的数学模型,在此基础上进行了船模实验.实验证明该算法可行,具有较高的推算精度,且算法直观,编程简单,计算速度快,可以方便地应用于工程实际,对舰船磁防护的研究具有重要价值.  相似文献   

针对现有的主要以等效源法实现的曲面航磁异常转换方法存在计算工作量大,很难应用于实际中大面积航磁数据的转换处理,提出插值 迭代法和频率域转换方法相结合,实现曲面上航磁异常和梯度分量以及梯度分量之间的快速转换方法.该方法利用插值 迭代法将曲面上的航磁异常或梯度异常向上延拓到某一个平面,在该平面上利用频率域方法实现相应的转换,将转换结果延拓回原来的曲面上.模型试验结果表明,该方法具有较高的计算精度.实测数据的转换结果与实测的梯度之间具有很好的一致性,证明了方法的有效性.  相似文献   

The first Global Navigation Satellite System Occultation Sounder(GNOS) which is compatible of both Bei Dou System(BDS)and Global Positioning System(GPS) was successfully launched into orbit onboard the Feng Yun 3 C satellite(FY-3 C) on September 23, 2013, and it has already gathered a large amount of ionosphere radio occultation(RO) data so far. However, the detailed analysis and validation of GPS ionosphere RO data have not been done up to now. Therefore, this paper discusses the configuration of the FY-3 C GNOS, the methods and results of GPS ionosphere occultation processment, the quality analysis of the GPS ionosphere RO products, and the precision consistency between the GNOS GPS ionosphere RO product and ionosonde data. The peak electron density(Nm F2) correlation coefficient is 0.97, the corresponding standard deviation is 16.08%. The peak value altitude(hm F2) correlation coefficient is 0.89, and the corresponding standard deviation is 23.79 km. The in-orbit operation of GNOS provides a basis data set for the monitoring, forecasting and research of ionosphere's space weather.  相似文献   

依据区域重磁异常特征研究及其数据处理成果,揭示了晋东南沁水煤田深部构造和区域构造格局,为探讨煤田构造的控制因素提供了依据。  相似文献   

To better understand the mechanism of the Mw6.3 L’Aquila (Central Italy) earthquake occurred in 2009, global positioning system (GPS) and interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) data were used to derive the coseismic slip distribution of the earthquake fault. Firstly, based on the homogeneous elastic half-space model, the fault geometric parameters were solved by the genetic algorithm. The best fitting model shows that the fault is a 13.7 km×14.1 km rectangular fault, in 139.3° strike direction and 50.2° southwest-dipping. Secondly, fixing the optimal fault geometric parameters, the fault plane was extended and discretized into 16×16 patches, each with a size of 1 km×1 km, and the non-uniform slip distribution of the fault was inverted by the steepest descent method with an appropriate smoothing ratio based on the layered crustal structure model. The preferred solution shows that the fault is mainly a normal fault with slight right-lateral strike slip, the maximum slip of 1.01 m is located in the depth of 8.28 km, the average rake is −100.9°, and the total geodetic moment is about 3.34×1018 N·m (Mw 6.28). The results are much closer than previous studies in comparison with the seismological estimation. These demonstrate that the coseismic fault slip distribution of the L’Aquila earthquake inverted by the crustal model considering layered characters is reliable.  相似文献   

大比例尺地形图数字化数据的精度分析与处理   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对手工数字化地图的数据误差进行了理论研究,分析其误差来源,性质并对数据进行处理,对于系统误差,通过坐标转换来削弱,评定地图数字化的精度可有用模拟法,通过手工数字化地形图实验,得出误差的统计分布服从正态分布,根据随机误差的统计特性,建立距离模型,角度模型,面积模型,曲线模型等平差模型,并可根据实际情况将各基本模型组合成混合模型来提高数字化精度。  相似文献   

为提高海洋飓风强度的观测频次和测量准确度,对综合利用热带气旋全球导航卫星系统(CYGNSS)和土壤湿度主动-被动探测(SMAP)卫星数据监测飓风强度进行了研究.首先,介绍了卫星数据特征;然后,以佛罗伦萨飓风为例,提出了融合这两种卫星数据监测海洋飓风强度的方法,其中包括卫星数据预处理、基于像素级影像融合方法的高风速区域提...  相似文献   

《中国电视报》的报版版样原来是通过电话线传输的 ,速度慢、质量差。PES数据卫星通信小站的设计与建立 ,大大提高了传版的速度与质量 ,同时为该站与各省之间的数据、话音、传真、视频图象的传输提供服务  相似文献   

介绍了一种动态大气腐蚀区域地图数据处理方法,该方法通过建立待检测金属的腐蚀速率与大气环境数据的归一化关联模型,并在模型中确定数据的权值;将预设时间间隔内分区存储的腐蚀速率与相应的标准速率比较,得到相应子区域内的大气腐蚀性等级。调取颜色存储区内与腐蚀性等级相匹配的颜色填充至区域地图的相应子区域内,并将权值最大的大气环境数据文本插入区域地图的该子区域内,形成并输出动态大气腐蚀区域地图,从而确定了当前监测时间点的主要环境影响因素和监测区域内腐蚀性时间历程内的连续变化过程。  相似文献   

Distinguishing geochemical anomalies from background is a basic task in exploratory geochemistry. The derivation of geochemical anomalies from stream sediment geochemical data and the decomposition of these anomalies into their component patterns were described. A set of stream sediment geochemical data was obtained for 1 880 km 2 of the Pangxidong area, which is in the southern part of the recently recognized Qinzhou-Hangzhou joint tectonic belt. This belt crosses southern China and tends to the northwest (NE) direction. The total number of collected samples was 7 236, and the concentrations of Ag, Au, Cu, As, Pb and Zn were measured for each sample. The spatial combination distribution law of geochemical elements and principal component analysis (PCA) were used to construct combination models for the identification of combinations of geochemical anomalies. Spectrum-area (S-A) fractal modeling was used to strengthen weak anomalies and separate them from the background. Composite anomaly modeling was combined with fractal filtering techniques to process and analyze the geochemical data. The raster maps of Au, Ag, Cu, As, Pb and Zn were obtained by the multifractal inverse distance weighted (MIDW) method. PCA was used to combine the Au, Ag, Cu, As, Pb, and Zn concentration values. The S-A fractal method was used to decompose the first component pattern achieved by the PCA. The results show that combination anomalies from a combination of variables coincide with the known mineralization of the study area. Although the combination anomalies cannot reflect local anomalies closely enough, high-anomaly areas indicate good sites for further exploration for unknown deposits. On this basis, anomaly and background separation from combination anomalies using fractal filtering techniques can provide guidance for later work.  相似文献   

以东营市某基坑工程为例,旨在探讨深基坑降水对周边建筑物沉降的影响,采用比较分析计算结果与现场实测值的方法,研究了基坑降水对坑周建筑物沉降的影响.提出了由于深基坑降水使周围土体应力重新调整引发坑周土体沉陷的结论和控制建议,这对不均匀沉降量的分析、实时预测有现实意义,可供类似工程参考.结果表明,理论和实测值最大相差17%,说明基坑周边建筑物沉降是由降水引起.  相似文献   

对影响自动数字化效率较大的两种地图符号——冲沟和陡崖进行了分析研究,提出了一种旋转式内跟踪方法对它们进行自动提取.用分版等高线图进行的实验结果表明。该方法大大提高了冲沟和陡崖教字化的效率和准确性.该方法已应用于1:50000地图数字化生产中。  相似文献   

针对低轨卫星网络对地传输时实时性不足的问题,提出了一种双层卫星网络协同的数据传输与抗毁性技术.在技术中以高轨卫星网络作为通信骨干网,负责卫星网络中数据的中继与转发,低轨卫星层则负责数据的收集和辅助路由.通过高轨卫星层与低轨卫星层的联合通信,实现了低轨卫星数据的实时传输.采用多路径传输策略,提高了卫星网络的抗毁性.通过仿真,对提出的技术在吞吐率、传输时延、时延抖动以及丢包率等方面的性能进行了分析.在遭受攻击环境下,对网络的数据交付能力变化进行了研究.多层卫星协同的数据传输方法能够很好地解决单层低轨卫星网络在数据传输方面的不足,满足卫星节点多业务的实时传输需求.  相似文献   

利用地球同步气象卫星GMS-5的红外资料,计算了宁夏21个气象站点处的气象卫星资料导出量.应用宁夏各站近年来夏季逐时降水资料,通过对6839个降水个例中气象卫星资料的对比分析,发现宁夏夏季逐时降水,特别是强降水过程,在气象卫星红外资料中具有较明显的表现特征.各类降水发生时,灰度值在40~210之间,亮温介于220~310K之间,灰度变率为±100,灰度梯度在0~80之间.5mm以上强降水发生时,上述物理量的范围有不同程度缩小.各地降水极大值均产生于较暖云体之中,且大部地区强降水时云体稳定.通过对宁夏强对流特点及降水天气气候学特征的分析,发现宁夏强降水产生时,大气中水汽含量与中国南方相比显著偏低.由于地理位置与地形、地貌特性的影响,宁夏区域冷空气与水汽配合困难,特别是低层水汽输送不畅,难以形成非常有利的强降水条件.这是宁夏气候干旱的主要原因之一.这一研究对进一步认识宁夏更高时间和空间分辨率天气演变的物理机制,掌握其内在规律,进而建立精细化预报模型创造了条件.  相似文献   

Anomaly detection is crucial to the flight safety and maintenance of unmanned aerial vehicles(UAVs) and has attracted extensive attention from scholars. Knowledge-based approaches rely on prior knowledge, while model-based approaches are challenging for constructing accurate and complex physical models of unmanned aerial systems(UASs). Although data-driven methods do not require extensive prior knowledge and accurate physical UAS models, they often lack parameter selection and are limited by the...  相似文献   

针对地下工程施工的特点 ,运用监测资料以及反分析技术 ,建立符合地下工程实际特点的、实用的、可操作性强的分析流程及计算机实现过程 ,阐述围岩变形监测与反分析技术相结合的方法及应用  相似文献   

中国及邻区中新生代大型大陆扩张盆地的特点和性质取决于距离相邻相关大洋的位置。从陆内到中新生代特提斯洋岩和北西太平洋岸,分别发育了陆内、陆缘和边缘盆地,各有3个系列,羽状对称排列,越近洋岸,活动性越强,演化世代越新。发育时期盆地处于扩张状态,属于扩张性大地构造单元,具有造山作用,对于塑造造山带细部形态起决定性作用,成为造山带造形的“砥柱”。中国及邻区中新生代造山作用有3种类型,大陆扩张盆地造山作用、  相似文献   

(上接 2 0 0 0年第 4期第 34 3页 )2 扩张作用与造山作用2 .1 关于这类盆地的成因说  有关我国及邻区中新生代大陆盆地成因说 ,可概括为下列几种主张 :①分为挤压和拉张 2种盆地成因说[1 0~ 1 3] ;②早期挤压后期拉张成盆说[1 4~ 1 7] ;③挤压成盆说[1 8~ 2 3] ;④升降成盆说 ,把中国非海相盆地分为弯曲沉降、热力裂谷 (破裂沉降 )、周边上升和张弛断块 4种成因类型[2~ 4] ;⑤大陆扩张成盆说[2 ,2 5~ 2 9] 。  目前 ,多数作者认为 ,陆缘盆地和边缘盆地形成于拉张大地构造环境。然而 ,绝大多数作者依然主张陆内盆地挤压成因说。2 …  相似文献   

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