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Granulite-facies xenoliths from an Upper Devonian lamprophyre dyke near Tangier, Nova Scotia, provide new information about the lower crust in the Meguma Zone. Two mineralogically and chemically distinet groups of xenoliths occur. Both groups contain quartz+feldspar+biotite+Fe–Ti oxides+sulfides. In addition, group A contains garnet+graphite±[aluminosilicates+spinel±sapphirine (hight Al2O3 subgroups A1 and A2)] or [clinopyroxene+sphene+apatite (high CaO sub-group A3)]. Group B has highly variable proportions of orthopyroxene (B1), clinopyroxene (B2), and amphibole (B3). Trace-element contents of the highly aluminous xenoliths compare closely with average to upper crustal model compositions and are similar in many aspects to other undepleted granulite-facies rocks. LowP-T sedimentary assemblages of quartz-chlorite-clay minerals-calcite-albite or paragonite can account for the compositions of group A xenoliths. Within group B, a high-MgO (MgO>13 wt%) subgroup with high transition-metal contents, and low-MgO (MgO<9 wt%) sub-groups with higher LIL (large-ion-lithophile) element contents exist. Although the rare-earth and high-field-strength elements indicate a tholeiitic or low-K calc-alkaline chemistry, the LIL elements are as high as those from high-K calc-alkaline volcanic are rocks. Isotopically, group A ranges from Ndt=-2.56 to-0.80 and87Sr/86Sr t =0.7046 to 0.7182 fort=370 Ma. For group B these values are +1.45 to +5.33 and 0.7028 to 0.7048, respectively. Model ages (TCHUR) are correspondingly low and are tightly constrained (544±52 Ma). These young ages contrast with the middle Proterozoic Nd model ages of the overlying Meguma Zone low-grade flysch. This time-inverted stratigraphy appears to be the product of a tectonic break between a younger autochthonous Tangier lower crust (Avalon), and an older allochthonous Meguma Group upper crust.  相似文献   

Zircons from granulite xenoliths entrained in a Late Cretaceous mafic dike in the Jiaodong Peninsula, North China Craton (NCC), show three distinct U-Pb age populations. Part of the old zircon grains yield discordant data that project to ages of about 2.4 to 2.5 Ga, a few grains indicate growth at about 2.0 Ga and a third group yield Cretaceous ages with peaks at 120 and 90 Ma. The oldest zircons give Hf TDM model ages of 2.6-2.8 Ga. These results demonstrate the existence of original Archean lower crust in the Jiaodong region. Zircons of 2.0 Ga have similar Hf TDM model ages as the Neoarchean-Paleoproterozoic grains, suggesting that these zircons were products of metamorphic recrystallization due to thermal event without juvenile input. Early Cretaceous zircons yield εHf(t) values of − 21 to − 12 and Late Cretaceous zircons large variable εHf(t) from + 4 to − 50. These data suggest that magmatic underplating occurred in the Neoarchean to Earliest Proterozoic lower crust of the NCC, both in the Early and Late Cretaceous. It is suggested that the Mesozoic magma underplating, which also provided the heat source for the voluminous Mesozoic magmatism in the NCC, significantly modified the composition of the Archean to Paleoproterozoic lower crust of the NCC.  相似文献   

Mafic granulite and pyroxenite xenoliths from Cenozoic alkaline basalts at Hannuoba, Hebei Province, North China have been selected for a systematic geochemical and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic study, which provides a unique opportunity to explore nature of the lower crust and the interaction between the continental crust and lithospheric mantle beneath an Archean craton. The major, compatible and incompatible elements and radiogenic isotopes of these xenoliths suggest great chemical heterogeneity of the lower crust beneath the Hannuoba region. Petrological and geochemical evidences indicate a clear cumulate origin, and most likely, they are related to basaltic underplating in different geological episodes. However, the Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic compositions of the xenoliths reveal a profound enriched source signature (EM I) with some influence of EM II, which implies that some portion of pre-existing, old metasomatized subcontinental lithospheric mantle could have played an important role in their genesis. It is suggested that the interaction between continental crust and subcontinental mantle as manifested by basaltic underplating would be closely related to regional tectonic episodes and geodynamic processes in the deep part of subcontinental lithospheric mantle.  相似文献   

英基丰  汤艳杰 《岩石学报》2022,38(12):3735-3746



Dunitic xenoliths from late Palaeogene, alkaline basalt flows on Ubekendt Ejland, West Greenland contain olivine with 100 × Mg/(Mg + Fe), or Mg#, between 92.0 and 93.7. Orthopyroxene has very low Al2O3 and CaO contents (0.024–1.639 and 0.062–0.275 wt%, respectively). Spinel has 100 × Cr/(Cr + Al), or Cr#, between 46.98 and 95.67. Clinopyroxene is absent. The osmium isotopic composition of olivine and spinel mineral separates shows a considerable span of 187Os/188Os values. The most unradiogenic 187Os/188Os value of 0.1046 corresponds to a Re-depletion age of ca. 3.3 Gy, while the most radiogenic value of 0.1336 is higher than present-day chondrite. The Os isotopic composition of the xenoliths is consistent with their origin as restites from a melt extraction event in the Archaean, followed by one or more subsequent metasomatic event(s). The high Cr# in spinel and low modal pyroxene of the Ubekendt Ejland xenoliths are similar to values of some highly depleted mantle peridotites from arc settings. However, highly depleted, arc-related peridotites have higher Cr# in spinel for a given proportion of modal olivine, compared to cratonic xenolith suites from Greenland, which instead form coherent trends with abyssal peridotites, dredged from modern mid-ocean ridges. This suggests that depleted cratonic harzburgites and dunites from shallow lithospheric mantle represent the residue from dry melting in the Archaean.  相似文献   

The complex microstructure of kelyphitic rims around garnet in lower crustal garnet granulite xenoliths from the Bakony–Balaton Highland Volcanic Field, Central Pannonian Basin has been studied in order to identify controls on garnet breakdown. Symplectites comprised of a vermicular intergrowth of submicron sized anorthite, orthopyroxene and spinel replace garnet at a sharp reaction front. Based on element distribution maps the transformation of garnet to symplectite is isochemical. Phase diagram calculations indicate that this reaction was induced by a pressure decrease and/or a temperature increase. In site-specific TEM foils prepared by focused ion beam technique and oriented parallel and perpendicular to the reaction front 200 nm wide rods of anorthite and 20 nm wide rods of spinel are identified. The rods are oriented approximately perpendicular to the replacement front and are embedded in an orthopyroxene matrix. The regular spacing of the symplectite phases along the reaction front suggests that their growth is controlled by diffusion. The kinetics of symplectite formation has been modelled based on irreversible thermodynamics. During interaction of the xenolith with the host basalt the microstructure and chemistry of the An–Opx–Spl symplectite was significantly modified and it was partially replaced by an olivine bearing symplectite. In contrast to primary symplectite formation, these processes were metasomatic in nature including addition of sodium, titanium and some trace elements from the basaltic melt and can clearly be discerned from the garnet breakdown. Based on these observations it is inferred that symplectite formation took place within the deep crust during the extension of the Pannonian Basin between 15 and 30 km depth at high temperature (850–1,050°C) prior to the volcanic transport to the surface.  相似文献   

Granulitic xenoliths, enclosed in Neogene alkali basalts from the Atakor and Adrar N'Addjer volcanic massifs in Central Hoggar, southern Algeria, include mafic metaigneous and felsic metasedimentary rocks. The main mineral phases of metaigneous xenoliths are plagioclase and pyroxenes whereas quartz, feldspars, sillimanite, garnet and sapphirine occur in metasedimentary granulites. The metaigneous xenoliths represent a magmatic sequence of cumulitic and non-cumulitic rocks which resembles gabbroic bodies associated with anorthosites and has calc-alkaline affinities. Similar types and distributions of granulitic xenoliths are widespread and are probably characteristic of the lower crust in general, suggesting its homogeneity on a large scale but heterogencity on a local scale.  相似文献   

Crustal xenoliths from basanitic dikes and necks that intruded into continental sediments of the Cretaceous Salta Rift at Quebrada de Las Conchas, Provincia Salta, Argentina were investigated to get information about the age and the chemical composition of the lower crust. Most of the xenoliths have a granitoid composition with quartz-plagioclase-garnet-rutile ± K-feldspar as major minerals. The exceedingly rare mafic xenoliths consist of plagioclase-clinopyroxene-garnet ± hornblende. All xenoliths show a well equilibrated granoblastic fabric and the minerals are compositionally unzoned. Thermobarometric calculations indicate equilibration of the mafic xenoliths in the granulite facies at temperatures of ca. 900 °C and pressures of ca. 10 kbar. The Sm-Nd mineral isochron ages are 95.1 ± 10.4 Ma, 91.5 ± 13.0 Ma, 89.0 ± 4.2 Ma (granitoid xenoliths), and 110.7 ± 23.6 Ma (mafic xenolith). These ages are in agreement with the age of basanitic volcanism (ca. 130–100 and 80–75 Ma) and are interpreted as minimum ages of metamorphism. Lower crustal temperature at the time given by the isochrons was above the closure temperature of the Sm-Nd system (>600–700 °C). The Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr isotopic signatures (147Sm/144Nd = 0.1225–0.1608; 143Nd/144Ndt 0 = 0.512000–0.512324; 87Rb/86Sr = 0.099–0.172; 87Sr/86Srt 0 = 0.708188–0.7143161) and common lead isotopic signatures (206Pb/204Pb = 18.43–18.48; 207Pb/204Pb = 15.62–15.70; 208Pb/204Pb = 38.22 –38.97) of the granitoid xenoliths are indistinguishable from the isotopic composition of the Early Paleozoic metamorphic basement from NW Argentina, apart from the lower 208Pb/204Pb ratio of the basement. The Sm-Nd depleted mantle model ages of ca. 1.8 Ga from granitoid xenoliths and Early Paleozoic basement point to a similar Proterozoic protolith. Time constraints, the well equilibrated granulite fabric, P-T conditions and lack of chemical zoning of minerals point to a high temperature in a crust of nearly normal thickness at ca. 90 Ma and to a prominent thermal anomaly in the lithosphere. The composition of the xenoliths is similar to the composition of the Early Paleozoic basement in the Andes of NW Argentina and northern Chile. A thick mafic lower crust seems unlikely considering low abundance of mafic xenoliths and the predominance of granitoid xenoliths. Received: 21 July 1998 / Accepted: 27 October 1998  相似文献   

A.G. Dessai  A. Markwick  H. Downes 《Lithos》2004,78(3):263-290
Granulite and pyroxenite xenoliths in lamprophyre dykes intruded during the waning stage of Deccan Trap volcanism are derived from the lower crust beneath the Dharwar craton of Western India. The xenolith suite consists of plagioclase-poor mafic granulites (55% of the total volume of xenoliths), plagioclase-rich felsic granulites (25%), and ultramafic pyroxenites and websterites (20%) with subordinate wehrlites. Rare spinel peridotite xenoliths are also present, representing mantle lithosphere. The high Mg #, low SiO2/Al2O3 and low Nb/La (<1) ratios suggest that the protoliths of the mafic granulites broadly represent cumulates of sub-alkaline magmas. All of the granulites are peraluminous and light rare-earth element-enriched. The felsic granulites may have resulted from anatexis of the mafic lower crustal rocks; thus, the mafic granulites are enriched in Sr whereas the felsic ones are depleted. Composite xenoliths consisting of mafic granulites traversed by veins of pyroxenite indicate intrusion of the granulitic lower crust by younger pyroxenites. Petrography and geochemistry of the latter (e.g. presence of phlogopite) indicate the metasomatised nature of the deep crust in this region.Thermobarometric estimates from phase equilibria indicate equilibration conditions between 650 and 1200 °C, 0.7-1.2 GPa suggestive of lower crustal environments. These estimates provide a spatial context for the sampled lithologies thereby placing constraints on the interpretation of geophysical data. Integration of xenolith-derived P-T results with Deep Seismic Soundings (DSS) data suggests that the pyroxenites and websterites are transitional between the lower crust and the upper mantle. A three-layer model for the crust in western India, derived from the xenoliths, is consistent with DSS data. The mafic nature of this hybrid lower crust contrasts with the felsic lower crustal composition of the south Indian granulite terrain.  相似文献   

安徽女山下地壳麻粒岩包体中的水:红外光谱分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
运用显微傅立叶变换红外光谱技术,对安徽女山新生代玄武岩中的10个麻粒岩包体的主要组成矿物(单斜辉石、斜方辉石、斜长石)进行了观察。结果显示,这些名义上的无水矿物中都普遍含有以OH一形式赋存的结构水,其含量(H10wt.)分别可以高达~2340ppm(单斜辉石)、~1590ppm(斜方辉石)和~910ppm(斜长石)。不同样品间矿物的结构水含量具有明显的不均一性的分布特点,这很可能是对其原岩性质的一种反映。根据单矿物的水含量和各自的体积分数计算出的全岩水含量为125~963ppm。根据二辉石温度计计算的女山麻粒岩包体的平衡温度为~800~900℃,对应于女山最下部地壳(-25~35km),因此本文数据为大陆下地壳含水与否提供了初步的最直接的证据,并且其水含量可能具有不均一性的分布特点。  相似文献   

Post-collisional K-rich volcanic rocks (KVRs) can provide an opportunity to constrain the architecture of the lithosphere and the mechanisms of plateau uplift. However, their petrogenesis and geodynamic setting remain in dispute. Lithium concentrations and isotopic compositions of 87 potassic, ultrapotassic and Mg-rich potassic volcanic rocks (PVRs, UPVs, and MPRs, respectively) in SW Tibet, along with new Pb–Sr–Nd isotope data and whole-rock analyses, are used to constrain their mantle source and genesis. These rocks are characterized by very similar δ7Li values: PVRs vary from −4.9‰ to +3.2‰, UPVs from −3.9‰ to +1.7‰, and MPRs from −1.2‰ to +3.5‰. They can be classified into two groups: Group I (19 out of 87 samples) with heavier δ7Li values (+1.0‰ to +3.5‰) similar to those reported for mid-ocean-ridge and ocean-island basalts (MORBs and OIBs, respectively), and Group II (68 out of 87 samples) with lighter values (−4.9‰ to +1.0‰) similar to those of Indian lower crust. These variable isotopic compositions may record the isotopic signature of the early-middle Miocene subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM). This paper demonstrates the existence of isotopically light mantle domains beneath the Lhasa terrane, which were ascribed to the interaction with fluids/melts derived from the subducted Indian lower crust. The modeling curves of Indian lower crust with a metasomatized mantle composition fully account for compositional variations in the PVRs, UPVs, and MPRs. They were generated by the partial melting of SCLM, which was metasomatized by fluids/melts derived from the subducted Indian lower crust (ca. 4–14%, ca. 4–10%, and ca. 6–10% for the PVRs, UPVs, and MPRs, respectively). The Li isotopic data indicate that the Indian lower crust was subducted beneath the central Lhasa subterrane, and this sheds new light on the formation of the Tibet Plateau.  相似文献   

So far, the nature and evolution of the lower crust under central Spain have been constrained mainly on the basis of a heterogeneous suite of granulite xenoliths from the Spanish Central System (SCS). In recent years, ultramafic volcanics from the Calatrava Volcanic Field (CVF) have also provided deep-seated crustal xenoliths which have not been studied in detail. Our data, combining mineral, whole-rock and isotopic geochemistry with U–Pb–Hf isotope ratios in zircons from the CVF and SCS xenoliths, highlight the felsic composition of the lower crust under central Iberia. A number of the Calatrava xenoliths represents Variscan igneous protoliths, which are a minor population in the SCS, and were likely formed by crystallisation of intermediate and felsic melts in the lower crust during the Variscan orogeny (leucodiorite protolith age of 314 ± 3 Ma and leucogranite protolith age of 308 ± 2.5 Ma). U–Pb data of metamorphic zircons show that granulite-facies metamorphism mainly occurred from 299 to 285 Ma in both areas. These ages are slightly younger than those of granitic intrusions that could be genetically related to the granulitic residue, which points to a main role of U–Pb isotope resetting in lower crustal zircons during HT or UHT conditions. The zircon U–Pb–Hf isotopic ratios support the idea that the lower crust in central Iberia consists mainly of Ordovician–Neoproterozoic metaigneous and metasedimentary rocks associated with the Cadomian continental arc of northern Gondwana. These rocks provide evidence of mixing between juvenile magmas and an enriched crustal component, ultimately extracted from an Eburnean crust. Other more evolved components present in detrital zircons are likely related to recycling of Archean crust derived from North Africa cratonic terranes.  相似文献   

Granulite facies gabbroic and dioritic gneisses in the Pembroke Valley, Milford Sound, New Zealand, are cut by vertical and planar garnet reaction zones in rectilinear patterns. In gabbroic gneiss, narrow dykes of anorthositic leucosome are surrounded by fine‐grained garnet granulite that replaced the host two‐pyroxene hornblende granulite at conditions of 750 °C and 14 kbar. Major and trace element whole‐rock geochemical data indicate that recrystallization was mostly isochemical. The anorthositic veins cut contacts between gabbroic gneiss and dioritic gneiss, but change in morphology at the contacts, from the anorthositic vein surrounded by a garnet granulite reaction zone in the gabbroic gneiss, to zones with a septum of coarse‐grained garnet surrounded by anorthositic leucosome in the dioritic gneiss. The dioritic gneiss also contains isolated garnet grains enclosed by leucosome, and short planar trains of garnet grains linked by leucosome. Partial melting of the dioritic gneiss, mostly controlled by hornblende breakdown at water‐undersaturated conditions, is inferred to have generated the leucosomes. The form of the leucosomes is consistent with melt segregation and transport aided by fracture propagation; limited retrogression suggests considerable melt escape. Dyking and melt escape from the dioritic gneiss are inferred to have propagated fractures into the gabbroic gneiss. The migrating melt scavenged water from the surrounding gabbroic gneiss and induced the limited replacement by garnet granulite.  相似文献   

We report new textural and chemical data for 10 garnet peridotite xenoliths from the Udachnaya kimberlite and examine them together with recent data on another 21 xenoliths from the 80–220 km depth range. The samples are very fresh (LOI near zero), modally homogeneous and large (>100 g). Some coarse-grained peridotites show incipient stages of deformation with <10 % neoblasts at grain boundaries of coarse olivine. Such microstructures can only be recognized in very fresh rocks, because fine-grained interstitial olivine is strongly affected by alteration, and may have been overlooked in previous studies of altered peridotite xenoliths in the Siberian and other cratons. Some of the garnet peridotites are similar in composition to low-opx Udachnaya spinel harzburgites (previously interpreted as pristine melt extraction residues), but the majority show post-melting enrichments in Fe and Ti. The least metasomatized coarse peridotites were formed by 30–38 % of polybaric fractional melting between 7 and 4 GPa and ≤1–3 GPa. Our data together with experimental results suggest that garnet in these rocks, as well as in some other cratonic peridotites elsewhere, may be a residual mineral, which has survived partial melting together with olivine and opx. Many coarse and all deformed garnet peridotites from Udachnaya underwent modal metasomatism through interaction of the melting residues with Fe-, Al-, Si-, Ti-, REE-rich melts, which precipitated cpx, less commonly additional garnet. The xenoliths define a complex geotherm probably affected by thermal perturbations shortly before the intrusion of the host kimberlite magmas. The deformation in the lower lithosphere may be linked to metasomatism.  相似文献   

对产于莒南晚中生代玄武岩中的镁铁质麻粒岩和橄榄岩包体矿物进行了傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)分析.结果显示,麻粒岩矿物和全岩中水含量分别为:单斜辉石300×10-6~1 180×10-6,斜方辉石80×10-6~169×10-6,斜长石717×10-6~1 239×10-6,全岩525×10-6~855×10-6;橄榄岩矿物和全岩中水含量分别为:单斜辉石466×10- 6~746×10-6,斜方辉石187×10-6~304×10-6,橄榄石6×10-6~15×10-6,全岩81×10-6~245×10-6.从单矿物看,麻粒岩和橄榄岩之间水含量的差距不是很明显,但麻粒岩的全岩水含量明显高于橄榄岩,表明大陆深部岩石圈的水含量在垂向上具有不均一性.  相似文献   

The occurrence of both Archean granulite terrains and granulite xenoliths in Cenozoic basalts from the Sino-Korean Craton (SKC) provides an ideal opportunity to define composition and evolution of continental lower crust of eastern China. The granulite xenoliths in Quaternary basanites from Nushan (southeastern SKC) show a basic-intermediate composition that is distinctly different from mafic granulites from Hannuoba (western SKC). They instead resemble the Archean granulite terrains in terms of mineral and whole rock compositions. Trace element modeling suggests that the “protoliths” of the Nushan granulites were likely subjected to fractional crystallization and assimilation of old crustal components. Zircon SHRIMP U-Pb dating shows at least two episodes in the formation of the lower crust at Nushan. The protoliths of the Nushan granulites were most likely formed at ca. 2.5 Ga and metamorphosed at 1.9 Ga. This late Archean crustal growth was followed by Mesozoic (∼140 Ma) basaltic underplating, which was probably coeval with the widespread thermo-tectonic lithospheric reactivation in eastern China. The Nushan granulites are therefore interpreted as dominantly derived from the late Archean crystalline basement and subordinately from the mafic layer that was accreted to the basement during late Mesozoic lithospheric thinning. The consistencies between the depth to seismic Moho and the depth to crust-mantle boundary, and between the calculated Vp (mostly < 7.0 km/s) for granulite xenoliths and the observed velocity structure strongly suggest no obvious high-velocity lowermost crust beneath Nushan and the granulite xenoliths as the dominant components in the lower crust at this locality. The modeled composition of the Nushan lower crust has SiO2 of ca. 52%, which is more basic than that at Hannuoba (SiO2 ≈ 58%, Liu et al., 2001). Such a compositional difference, in conjunction with contrasting age and seismic velocity structure of the lower crust at the two localities, highlights two fundamentally distinct tectonic domains in the SKC. The data presented in this study also yield implication for the origin of the compositional difference between granulite xenoliths and terrains.  相似文献   

Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology - Fractionation of felsic magma has been critical for the formation of high-silica rhyolites, chemical differentiation of the continental crust, and...  相似文献   

黄小龙  徐义刚 《地球化学》2002,31(5):443-454
女山麻粒岩包体的Mg#值总体较低(28-51),在化学成分上主要表现为偏中性,没有明显的辉石、石榴子石或Fe-Ti氧化物的堆晶作用,但部分有斜长石的堆晶作用,略具Eu,Sr正异常,部分则有斜长石的分离结晶,略具Eu,Sr负异常。另外,女山麻粒岩包体亏损Rb,Th,Nb,Ta,富集Ba,LREE,Zr,Hf等,具较高的Nb/Ta,Zr/Hf比值,麻粒岩相变质作用过程造成了Rb的强烈亏损,但对Nb,Ta,U,Th的影响较弱。女山麻粒岩包体的形成过程中存在岩浆的结晶分异作用,通过分离结晶混染作用模型(AFC)模拟,表明华北克拉通太古宙基性火山岩和中必一麻粒岩分别为较可能的初始岩浆和混合源,初始岩浆经过10%-40%的AFC可以形成女山麻粒岩包体的微量元素组成。总体上,女山麻粒岩包体的主元素、微量元素特征均相似于华北克拉通太古宙中性麻粒岩、华北克拉通下地壳平均值,而与扬子克拉通下地壳平均值得明显差别。因此女山地区下地壳可能仍属华北克拉通的一部分,因而支持Li(1994)的碰撞拆离模式。  相似文献   

The chemical bulk rock composition of 37 xenoliths, brought from depths of 25–30 km to the surface by penetrating Cenozoic alkali basaltic magma, from the Shamah Harrat, southwestern Syria, was determined by XRF spectroscopy. The geochemical character of these xenoliths points to original marls and within-plate igneous rocks. To obtain the mean chemical composition of the corresponding upper portion of the lower crust, the compositions of the 37 xenoliths were averaged and a leucogranitic and upper crustal component was added to account for assimilation by the Cenozoic magmas. This mean is more basic (SiO2—50.5 wt%) and richer in HFSE, LREE, and LILE compared to compositions of the lower crust given by Taylor and McLennan [1985. The Continental Crust: Its Composition and Evolution. Blackwell, Oxford, 312pp.] and Rudnick and Gao [2005. Composition of the continental crust. In: Rudnick, R.L. (Ed.), The Crust. Treatise on Geochemistry, vol. 3. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 1–64]. Calculations of the seismic compressional-wave velocity from our compositional mean, using the PERPLE_X computer software, yielded values around 6.85 km/s, which are in accordance with reported seismic studies for the corresponding depth levels (6.7–7.1 km/s).  相似文献   

High-K calc-alkaline magmas from the Cenozoic Qiangtang volcanic field, northern Tibetan Plateau, contain lower crustal two-pyroxene and clinopyroxene granulite xenoliths. The petrology and geochemistry of six mafic and three felsic xenoliths from the Hol Xil area south of Ulan Ul Lake are discussed. Mafic granulites (Pl, Opx, Cpx, Ksp, and Bt) contain 48.76–58.61% SiO2, 18.34–24.50% Al2O3, 3.16–5.41% Na2O, 1.58–3.01% K2O, low Mg# (30–67), LREE and LILE enrichment, high Rb/Sr (0.09–0.21), (La/Yb)N (17.32–49.35), low Nb/Ta (9.76–14.92), and variable Eu anomalies (Eu?=?0.19?0.89). They also have more evolved Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic compositions in comparison with the host dacites 87Sr/86Sr (0.710812 vs. 0.713241), ?Sr (+169.13 vs.?+203.88), 143Nd/144Nd (0.512113 vs. 0.512397), ?Nd (?4.70 to??10.05), 206Pb/204Pb (18.7000 vs. 18.9565), 207Pb/204Pb (15.7135 vs. 15.7662), and 208Pb/204Pb (39.1090 vs. 39.4733). Felsic granulites (Qtz, Pl, Ksp, Bt, and Cpx) show enrichment of LREE and LILE and have evolved Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic compositions with (La/Yb)N (2.04–10.82), 87Sr/86Sr (0.712041–0.729088), ?Sr (+180.71–+430.59), 143Nd/144Nd (0.512230–0.512388); ?Nd (?4.74 to??7.96), 206Pb/204Pb (18.9250–19.1717), 207Pb/204Pb (15.7662–15.7720), and 208Pb/204Pb (39.2109–39.6467). These geochemical data suggest that the protolith of the mafic granulites could have been a hybrid mafic magma (e.g. enriched mantle type II) or metasomatized restite derived from the partial melting of metamafic-intermediate rocks rather than basaltic cumulates, whereas the felsic granulite protolith was a quartzofeldspathic S-type granitic rock. We argue that the lower crust of the northern Tibetan Plateau is hot and heterogeneous rather than wholly gabbroic. Interaction between the mantle-derived magma and the metasedimentary/granitic lower crust of the Tibetan Plateau may have played an important role in the generation of shoshonitic and high-K calc-alkaline andesite-dacite rocks.  相似文献   

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