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根据现场实测数据,分析了热泵机组及整个热泵区域供热系统的能效情况。结果表明,海水源热泵机组在冬季海水温度极低的情况下仍可运转,但机组的制热性能系数很低(约为2.43),系统整体的制热性能系数则更低(测试平均值为1.86)。进一步分析了影响机组制热性能的因素。模拟计算发现,若选择市场上性能优良的热泵机组,其制热性能系数将提升34.2%,系统整体能效可提升约24.2%。  相似文献   

作为一种可再生资源,海水源人泵是从海洋水资源转化为能量,同时还节能环保,大连作为沿海城市,海洋资源丰富,这就为海水源人泵在大连地区的广泛应用和发展带来了诸多益处,本文从海水源热泵技术特性以及耐海水腐蚀技术措进行了详细的分析。  相似文献   

介绍了一个海水源热泵系统的优化设计。针对工程所面临的多项难题和不确定因素,确定主因,制定了相应的对策和实施方案,全方位地对系统设计进行优化升级,并跟踪实施的效果,提出日后海水源热泵系统改进的方向。  相似文献   

热泵机组由于其具有节能,环保及冷暖联供等优点.目前在国内广泛应用。水源热泵技术是利用地球表面浅层水源如地下水、河流和湖泊中吸收的太阳能和地热能而形成的低温低垃热能资源.并采用热泵原理,通过少量的高位电能输入.实现低位热能向高位热能转移的一种技术。  相似文献   

王绍瑞 《山西建筑》2015,(1):119-121
根据吐鲁番地区的气候特征和区域供热供冷特点,在地下水取水、回灌、水温和水量获得保证的条件下,在设计上采取了一系列提高系统能效的措施,包括尽量缩小水源热泵系统的作用半径,并采用高效循环泵,控制输送水泵的耗电输热比;选择水源侧大温差且高效的热泵机组,优化机组设计参数等,实施方案在注重节能效益的同时也使系统的经济性有所提高。  相似文献   

海水源热泵与传统空调系统能耗比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了海水源热泵这一新式空调系统的工作原理及性能特点,介绍了海水源热泵与传统空调系统--风冷热泵制冷、制热工况下系统各组成部分能耗计算模型.在海水源热泵优化运行条件下结合工程实例对2种空调系统能耗进行理论对比,对2种空调系统在不同工况下的热泵机组效能和系统效能分别进行了详细的比较分析,体现了海水源热泵空调系统的节能性.  相似文献   

本文以江苏盐城某沿海建筑为例,对海水源热泵与当地常用的几种传统空调方案的全年能耗进行了计算和比较,分析了海水源热泵的节能潜力;而后通过对各方案几种主要污染物CO2、SO2、NOx和悬浮颗粒物年排放量的计算,分析了海水源热泵的环保效益.分析结果表明海水源热泵在江苏地区的应用可以获得较大的节能率,与传统方案1~4相比,全年节能率分别达39.3%、38.5%、26.3%和39.4%,同时在减少污染物排放方面也优于传统方案,并且随着我国发电能源结构的调整,其环保特性将得到更为明显的体现.目前海水源热泵在中国的应用仅限于辽宁、山东、天津等寒冷气候区的沿海城市,本文的研究对扩大海水源热泵的应用地域是一种有益的探索,可为江苏沿海地区建筑空调方案的选择提供参考.  相似文献   

海水源热泵空调系统的经济与环境评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
端木琳  李震  舒海文  蒋爽  朱颖心 《暖通空调》2007,37(8):149-153,148
结合一典型工程介绍了海水源热泵空调系统的设计方案。对传统系统和海水源热泵空调系统的经济性进行了对比,结果表明只有在一定的优惠政策下,海水源热泵空调系统才在经济上可行。对海水取排水区域温度场的模拟结果表明,在规模适度和合理设计取排水口位置的条件下,海水的温升满足国家海水排放标准。  相似文献   

介绍海水源热泵的工作原理和特点,并以厦门地区某一办公建筑物为例,应用TRNSYS软件对海水源热泵系统进行全年能耗分析。分析结果表明.相对于传统风冷热泵系统.海水源热泵系统全年平均能耗降低17%,节能效果明显。结合厦门地区的自然条件和资源现状,总结该地区开展海水源热泵的优势。  相似文献   

渗滤取水技术在海水源热泵系统中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
结合工程实例,对渗滤取水技术在海水源热泵系统中应用的技术和经济性进行了探讨,结果显示,渗滤取水系统能为热泵系统提供水质好且夏季水温较低和冬季水温较高的海水;采用渗滤取水系统的海水源热泵空调系统无论在初投资还是运行费用上都优于直接利用地表海水的海水源热泵空调系统和传统的冷水机组加城市热网系统。  相似文献   

空气源热泵与地板供暖联合运行实验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
付祥钊  林真国  王勇  张素云 《暖通空调》2005,35(2):100-103,128
在夏热冬冷地区的住宅中,对该系统在初始运行、连续运行以及停机等工况下的室温变化、能耗及机组运行情况作了实验。结果表明,优化空气源热泵与地板供暖系统之间的匹配具有很大节能潜力;利用地板供暖系统的蓄能特性,采用夜间运行、白天停机的运行模式,对电网负荷可以起到削峰填谷的作用。  相似文献   

The district heating and cooling (DHC) system of a seawater-source heat pump is large system engineering. The investments and the operational cost of DHC pipe network are higher than a tradition system. Traditional design methods only satisfy the needs of the technology but dissatisfy the needs of the economy, which not only waste a mass of money but also bring problems to the operation, the maintenance and the management. So we build a least-annualized-cost global optimal mathematic model that comprises all constrict conditions. Furthermore, this model considers the variety of heating load and cooling load, the operational adjustment in different periods of the year. Genetic algorithm (GA) is used to obtain the optimal combinations of discrete diameters. Some operators of GA are selected to reduce the calculation time and obtain good calculation accuracy. This optimal method is used to the design of the DHC network of Xinghai Bay commercial district which is a real engineering. The design optimization can avoid the matter of the hydraulic unbalance of the system, enhance the running efficiency and greatly reduce the annualized-cost comparing with the traditional design method.  相似文献   

太阳能-土壤源热泵系统联合供暖运行模式的探讨   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
针对青岛地区的气候条件,对太阳能一土壤源热泵系统(SESHPS)有、无蓄热水箱时各联合供暖运行模式进行了数值模拟。结果表明,与土壤源热泵相比,联合供暖运行模式具有明显的节能效果,有、无蓄热水箱时的节能率分别为14.5%和10.4%;有蓄热水箱时的联合供暖运行模式二(集热器与埋管串联运行,载热流体先经过埋管后进入集热器)的效果最佳。对SESHPS联合供暖运行模式的优化结果表明,可按能量比例63%与37%或尺寸比例13.8m/m^2来设计埋管长度与集热器面积。  相似文献   

As a renewable energy utilization system, the electric-driven seawater source heat pump district heating system is gaining popularity in some coastal areas. However, under what conditions can the system achieve its energy-saving effect and how to evaluate its energy-saving potential are not clear in practice. In this paper, an expression of the critical COP value of the heat pump unit for energy-saving (COPh,c) is derived through the comparison of the system and the conventional boiler house district heating system in the energy consumption respect. On the other hand, the actual COP values of the heat pump unit (COPh,a) are calculated by an experimental data regression model on the basis of the manufacturer's dataset. The comparison of the values of COPh,c and COPh,a makes the energy-saving judgment of an electric-driven seawater source heat pump district heating system and its energy-saving potential, if it has, readily available. It was found that both the heating district radius and the natural conditions of the seawater are the most important factors that determine the energy efficiency of the system. And through comparison, it was also found that the type of the fuel of the boiler has significant impact on the crucial index value of COPh,c.  相似文献   

单双级混合式热泵供暖系统总制热能效比的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
设计了一台空气源热泵冷热水机组的实验样机,对其在不同工况下的运行参数和特性进行了实验研究和数值计算,得到了系统分别处于单级和双级耦合运行工况下总制热能效比EER的数值,并分析了其变化规律及影响因素。  相似文献   

江守利  程文龙  赵锐  陈则韶 《暖通空调》2007,37(12):66-69,76
提出了一种可在环境温度下实现能量输运的供热系统。该系统利用吸收式热泵原理,以氨水为工作流体,发生器和冷凝器布置在热源端,而吸收器和蒸发器布置在热用户端,利用吸收器中溶液吸收蒸气所放出的吸收热来提供热能。由于采用质量分数不同的氨水作为能量载体,因此,可以在环境温度下实现能量输运,没有散热损失;同时,由于该系统利用潜热供热,大大减少了泵功耗。分析结果表明,当供热距离较远时,该系统具有明显优势。  相似文献   

以中新天津生态城能源站为例,分析了联合系统一次能源效率、燃料节约率、经济性、影响因素的敏感性和环保性等,结果表明,冷热电三联供系统的能源利用率可达88.9%,联合系统的能源消耗比常规系统少18.5%,冷热电三联供系统的初投资在6年内可以收回。  相似文献   

The electric-driven seawater source heat pump district heating system is a renewable energy utilization system, but this cannot guarantee the energy-saving effect of the system. The static energy-saving judgment between this system and the conventional boiler house district heating system was provided in a former research paper. However the static method has proved to be a very rough evaluation method and may lead to misjudgment as well. So a quasi-dynamic method, taking the total energy consumption during a whole heating season into consideration, is established in this paper. The energy-saving index turns out to be the expression of the lower limit of the average COP of the seawater source heat pump unit throughout the heating season (COPh,mc). Then a case study is presented to show how the index of COPh,mc and the actual average COP of the heat pump unit throughout the heating season (COPh,ma) are calculated. The calculation results show that the quasi-dynamic method improves the calculation accuracy dramatically, and thus provides a better solution to the quantitative energy-saving evaluation of the electric-driven seawater source heat pump district heating system.  相似文献   

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