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面貌是人类最重要的特征,其形态受到颅骨几何形态、面部软组织分布以及性别、年龄、身体质量指数、营养状况等多种因素的影响。考古遗址出土的古代人类遗骸,其面部软组织大多已经消失,如何根据颅面形态关系推测古人类颅骨的生前面貌已成为人类学家和考古学家关注的热点问题之一。传统手工颅面复原是由人类学家和艺术家使用雕塑技艺在颅骨上用可塑物质生成其生前面貌的技术。近年来,随着医学影像采集和计算机技术的发展,计算机颅面复原技术已经成为信息科学、体质人类学、法医人类学交叉研究的前沿技术之一。本文通过梳理和归纳相关文献的研究方法,对手工颅面复原技术、计算机颅面复原技术和颅面复原结果评价方法作简要综述,并对颅面复原技术在体质人类学中的应用进行了回顾和展望。  相似文献   

中国汉族成年女性与6个民族成年女性头面部软组织厚度的分析陈守榕,邓国顺(辽宁省铁岭市公安局213研究所法医研究室,铁岭市112000)当发现无名尸骨时,依据现场情况无法认定身源,可以用颅骨面貌复原的手段来初步恢复颅骨的本来面目,以达到缩小侦察范围的目...  相似文献   

山顶洞101号头骨化石是东亚地区保存最为完整的化石之一,是探讨东亚地区现代人起源的重要研究材料。本文依据数据集中现生人的面部软组织平均分布,提出了计算机三维颅面复原方法,实现了101号头骨生前面貌的预测复原。主要包括三个步骤:首先使用CT完成了101号男性头骨和下颌骨仿制模型的三维重建。然后,利用计算机技术将现生人的面部软组织分布作为101号头骨的面部软组织分布,实现了颅面虚拟复原,并采用手工绘画技巧再现了复原面貌的形态特征。最后,提出了一种基于面部软组织分布和面貌统计形状模型的形态分析方法,实现了颅面复原结果的评估。山顶洞101号头骨的复原面貌具有头部较长、额头前倾、眉弓粗壮等特征,与101号头骨的几何形态基本一致。该技术再现了更新世晚期人类的脑颅及面部的形态特征,为古人类颅面复原的研究提供了技术支持和参考资料。  相似文献   

颅骨性别鉴定在法医学和颅骨面貌复原等领域具有重要研究意义和应用价值,针对传统颅骨性别鉴定需要专家参与且主观性强、计算机辅助方法需要人工标定特征点等问题,本文提出了结合改进卷积神经网络和最小二乘法的颅骨性别鉴定方法。首先,获取三维颅骨模型多角度颅骨图像,利用改进的卷积神经网络计算每个样本的每张图像属于男性和女性的概率;其次,基于概率均值采用最小二乘法计算每张图像对性别鉴定的权重;最后,利用上述步骤得到的最优参数构造决策函数,通过决策值完成颅骨性别鉴定。本文方法抛弃了繁琐的手动测量,对完整颅骨的性别鉴定正确率高达94.4%,对不完整颅骨的性别鉴定正确率高达87.5%,能够获得较好的颅骨性别鉴定性能。  相似文献   

2011年安徽白鹭洲发现战国时期保存完整的楚国贵族墓葬,因墓主人头发和发簪保存完好、墓主身份显赫而备受关注。该头骨保存完整,具有亚洲蒙古人种的特征,根据骨骼的形态推测其为女性,年龄为35-39岁。为展现该地区战国贵族妇女的容貌、丰富该地区考古多样性提供研究材料。本文首先使用高分辨率CT对该个体的头骨及下颌骨进行了扫描和重建,然后采用基于偏最小二乘回归的颅面复原方法实现生前容貌基本形态的复原。最后,结合考古资料,利用三维模型处理软件对面貌复原模型及其发饰进行了三维建模和纹理贴图等处理,提高了颅面复原模型的真实感,生动形象地再现战国贵族女性面部的形态特征。  相似文献   

目的:三维超声心动图评估不同年龄段和性别主动脉瓣二叶畸形(bicuspid aortic valve malformation,BAV)的应用价值。方法:超声心动图检测我院2012年6月至2014年9月70例BAV患者,根据年龄段分为4组,≤20岁年龄组7例,21-40岁年龄组14例,41-60岁年龄组30例,≥60岁年龄组19例;根据性别分为2组,男性42例,女性28例。测量不同病例分组的主动脉窦部及升部内径、室间隔厚度、左心功能及左房横径,比较主动脉瓣狭窄、关闭不全、钙化及脱垂四个合并症发生率。结果:在心脏结构指标方面,年龄段分组室间隔厚度≥60岁年龄组12.37±1.64 mm高于≤20岁年龄组10.43±2.22 mm和21-40岁年龄组11.00±1.92 mm;左房横径41-60岁年龄组38.73±7.95 mm和≥60岁年龄组40.05±9.71 mm高于≤20岁年龄组29.86±1.86 mm。性别分组左心功能女性64.18±6.04%高于男性58.71±11.28%。在合并症发生率方面年龄段分组主动脉瓣狭窄41-60岁年龄组80%、≥60岁年龄组84%高于21-40岁年龄组50%,性别分组狭窄男性81%大于女性54%,关闭不全女性79%大于男性50%。结论:三维超声心动图诊断BAV可获得更加全面、具体、直观的诊断信息,BAV的超声表现与患者年龄段和性别密切相关。  相似文献   

叶惟泠 《生理学报》1987,39(4):412-419
本实验用反相离子对色谱-电化学检测分析法,同时分离并测定生物样本中结构极为相似的单胺类递质及其代谢产物。实验采用等比洗脱,在30min内至少可测定九个这类化合物。生物样品的预处理简单,因而平均回收率能达到90%以上。十个化合物(包括3,4-二羟基苄胺)保留时间变异系数为0.73±0.18%(均值±标准差,下同);峰面积变异系数为1.11±0.45%;在50—100pg至40ng范围内,相夫系数为0.996±0.006。本文对我们所用的色谱分析条件进行了讨论。  相似文献   

目的:探讨血清肌酐、尿素氮在不同年龄段脑梗死患者中水平差异性,及其与阴虚证的相关性.方法:将149例脑梗死患者按照不同年龄段分为五组,测定其血清肌酐、尿素氮含量.分析不同年龄段脑梗死患者血清肌酐、尿素氮差异,并参照<国家标准应用中医内科疾病诊疗常规>将脑梗死患者分为阴虚证组和非阴虚证组,分析阴虚证与血清肌酐、尿素氮水平的相关性.结果:70-79岁脑梗死患者肌酐水平高于50-59岁患者,70-79岁与80-89岁脑梗死患者尿素氮水平高于50-59岁患者,差异具有显著统计学意义(P<0.05);70-79岁脑梗死患者肌酐水平高于50-59岁患者,差异具有极显著统计学意义(P<0.01);脑梗死患者阴虚证与非阴虚证血清肌酐、尿素氮含量无明显差别,且脑梗死患者阴虚证与非阴虚证血清肌酐、尿素氮升高例数无明显差别,Logistic回归分析发现脑梗死患者阴虚证与冠心病史和脑梗死家族史存在相关性,但与血清肌酐、尿素氮水平无明显相关性.结论:与50-59岁脑梗死患者相比,70-89岁脑梗死患者更易出现肾功能不全;血清肌酐、尿素氮尚不能作为脑梗死阴虚证微观辩证的指标,肌酐、尿素氮与脑梗死患者阴虚证的相关性有待于进一步研究.  相似文献   

本项目对1896例腊尔山区6~16岁苗族学生(男919例,女977例)进行了人体测量,测量了10项头面部形态指标,并根据公式计算13项头面部指数值。结果表明,苗族学生头面部各指标均值随年龄增长而增加,同年龄段头面部各指标均值男生一般高于女生,且多数年龄段差异有统计学意义;男性的头长宽的、形态面的、形态上面的、容貌面的、颧额宽的、容貌上面的和容貌上面高的指数以及女性的形态面的、形态上面的、容貌面的、颧下颌宽度的、容貌上面高的指数随年龄增长总体趋势是先增加后递减;男性头面高的以及女性的头长高的、头宽高的和头面宽的指数随年龄增长逐渐增加;男女性之间的头长高的、头宽高的和额顶宽的指数比较显示,多数年龄段差异有统计学意义;苗族学生头型以中头型、高头型、阔头型多见,面型以阔面型、阔上面型为主;相对于其他族群,腊尔山苗族男生面型短而宽,头型偏长,女生面型偏短,头型稍偏长而窄。腊尔山苗族学生头面部特征与融水苗族、土家族等族群较为接近,与哈萨克族、新乡汉族相距较远。  相似文献   

目的分析不同年龄段人群健康体检心电图表现。方法选取2017年3月~2018年7月在我体检中心接受健康体检的464例受检者为研究对象,将所有体检者按年龄分为30岁组,30~39岁组,40~49岁组,50~59岁组,60~69岁及≥70岁组。所有体检者均接受心电图检查,分析体检者心电图异常检出情况,比较体检者年龄与心电图异常的关系。结果 67例体检者的心电图异常总检出率为14.44%,其中30岁组与30~39岁组的心电图异常比率差异无统计学意义(P0.05),而≥40岁体检者心电图异常检出率明显高于40岁体检者,差异具有统计学意义(P0.05);40~49岁组、50~59岁组、60~69岁组以及≥70岁组的心电图异常检出率比较,差异均无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论体检者年龄与异常心电图存在一定的关联,40岁以上人群应对健康体检引起足够的重视,有助于及早发现心血管疾病。  相似文献   

Quantitative analysis of craniofacial morphology is of interest to scholars working in a wide variety of disciplines, such as anthropology, developmental biology, and medicine. T1-weighted (anatomical) magnetic resonance images (MRI) provide excellent contrast between soft tissues. Given its three-dimensional nature, MRI represents an ideal imaging modality for the analysis of craniofacial structure in living individuals. Here we describe how T1-weighted MR images, acquired to examine brain anatomy, can also be used to analyze facial features. Using a sample of typically developing adolescents from the Saguenay Youth Study (N = 597; 292 male, 305 female, ages: 12 to 18 years), we quantified inter-individual variations in craniofacial structure in two ways. First, we adapted existing nonlinear registration-based morphological techniques to generate iteratively a group-wise population average of craniofacial features. The nonlinear transformations were used to map the craniofacial structure of each individual to the population average. Using voxel-wise measures of expansion and contraction, we then examined the effects of sex and age on inter-individual variations in facial features. Second, we employed a landmark-based approach to quantify variations in face surfaces. This approach involves: (a) placing 56 landmarks (forehead, nose, lips, jaw-line, cheekbones, and eyes) on a surface representation of the MRI-based group average; (b) warping the landmarks to the individual faces using the inverse nonlinear transformation estimated for each person; and (3) using a principal components analysis (PCA) of the warped landmarks to identify facial features (i.e. clusters of landmarks) that vary in our sample in a correlated fashion. As with the voxel-wise analysis of the deformation fields, we examined the effects of sex and age on the PCA-derived spatial relationships between facial features. Both methods demonstrated significant sexual dimorphism in craniofacial structure in areas such as the chin, mandible, lips, and nose.  相似文献   

Prediction of soft tissue aesthetics is important for achieving an optimal outcome in orthodontic treatment planning. Previously, applicable procedures were mainly restricted to 2-D profile prediction. In this study, a generic 3-D finite element (FE) model of the craniofacial soft and hard tissue was constructed, and individualisation of the generic model based on cone beam CT data and mathematical transformation was investigated. The result indicated that patient-specific 3-D facial FE model including different layers of soft tissue could be obtained through mathematical model transformation. Average deviation between the transformed model and the real reconstructed one was 0.47?±?0.77?mm and 0.75?±?0.84?mm in soft and hard tissue, respectively. With boundary condition defined according to treatment plan, such FE model could be used to predict the result of orthodontic treatment on facial soft tissue.  相似文献   

Knowledge of variation in facial soft tissue thickness is important for forensic anthropologists, dentists, and plastic surgeons. Forensic anthropologists use such information as a guide in facial reconstruction and superimposition methods. The purpose of this study was to measure facial tissue thicknesses of adult males and females of Turkish origin across different types of occlusion, and to compare the results with each other and with values obtained for other populations. The study was conducted on 200 healthy individuals. The analysis of facial tissue thickness included 20 landmarks (10 dentoskeletal and 10 soft tissue) and 10 linear variables. Sex-based variation in facial tissue thickness was noted. The highest soft tissue thickness values were observed in the group with Class III occlusion type at Sn-A point for both the females (16.9, SD = 2.4) and the males (17.8, SD = 3.3). In the Class I group, the highest tissue depth was observed at Sn-A point (15.3, SD = 2.1) in females, and at Li-Id point (17.1, SD = 1.9) in males. In the Class II group, contrary to the findings for Class I, the highest soft tissue depth was at Li-Id point (16.0, SD = 1.4) in females, and at Sn-A point (18.1, SD = 2.6) in males. In conclusion, facial tissue thickness varied in adults depending on the sex and on the type of occlusion.  相似文献   

The average thickness of soft tissues on parts of the face is known, but its variation has not been related to cranial morphology. To investigate this relationship, measurements of facial soft-tissue depths and craniometric dimensions were taken on adult, white Australian cadavers (17 male and 23 female). Significant correlations between many soft-tissue depths and craniometric dimensions were found, suggesting a relationship between the amount of soft tissue present on the face and the size of the underlying bony skeleton. Soft-tissue depths were highly positively correlated with each other; craniometric dimensions were correlated but to a lesser extent. Males had thicker soft tissues and larger craniometric dimensions than females; considerable overlap of ranges was also noted. Multiple regression analysis was used to produce equations predicting the soft-tissue depth at specified areas of the face from craniometric dimensions. A subsample of nine cadavers was examined for the effects of tissue embalming. Embalming caused significant initial increases in facial soft-tissue depths. Cadavers embalmed for less than 6 months had soft-tissue depths significantly greater than for fully embalmed cadavers. The evidence that facial soft-tissue thicknesses vary with craniofacial dimensions has implications for forensic identification, facial aesthetic surgery, and approximation of the facial features of extinct individuals.  相似文献   

C L Lavelle 《Acta anatomica》1986,126(4):248-254
In view of the dubious scientific validity of traditional cephalometric analyses, the more accurate technique of biorthogonal analysis was used in this study. Developed from D'Arcy Thompson's transformation grids, this technique showed similar craniofacial shape changes in micro-, macro- and normocephalics between the ages of 12 and 16 years, implying the contrasts in facial form between these 3 samples predominantly reflect size rather than shape differences.  相似文献   

Down syndrome (DS), resulting from trisomy of chromosome 21, is the most common live-born human aneuploidy. The phenotypic expression of trisomy 21 produces variable, though characteristic, facial morphology. Although certain facial features have been documented quantitatively and qualitatively as characteristic of DS (e.g., epicanthic folds, macroglossia, and hypertelorism), all of these traits occur in other craniofacial conditions with an underlying genetic cause. We hypothesize that the typical DS face is integrated differently than the face of non-DS siblings, and that the pattern of morphological integration unique to individuals with DS will yield information about underlying developmental associations between facial regions. We statistically compared morphological integration patterns of immature DS faces (N = 53) with those of non-DS siblings (N = 54), aged 6-12 years using 31 distances estimated from 3D coordinate data representing 17 anthropometric landmarks recorded on 3D digital photographic images. Facial features are affected differentially in DS, as evidenced by statistically significant differences in integration both within and between facial regions. Our results suggest a differential affect of trisomy on facial prominences during craniofacial development.  相似文献   

Tessier craniofacial clefts are among the most surgically challenging examples of craniofacial dysmorphology. These clefts are characterized by hypoplasia of soft-tissue and skeletal elements throughout the three-dimensional extent of the cleft. Whereas bone grafting and craniofacial osteotomies have been successful toward correcting the underlying skeletal abnormalities, the ultimate success of these reconstructions has been limited by the deficiency of skin and soft tissue. This deficiency demands reconstruction ideally with tissue of like texture, consistency, and, especially in the face, color. Craniofacial tissue expansion was used toward reconstructing these facial clefts with like-quality tissue, allowing for tension-free reconstruction after osteotomy and bone grafting. Seventeen patients with Tessier craniofacial clefts underwent preoperative craniofacial soft-tissue expansion in the surgical management of their clefts. Tissue expansion was used in the primary correction of facial clefts in eight patients, with nine patients undergoing expansion before secondary surgery. In this series, tissue expansion has evolved as an important element in overcoming the skin and soft-tissue deficiency associated with these clefts, allowing for tension-free closure and improved aesthetic results in these surgically challenging patients.  相似文献   

Finite element scaling analysis of human craniofacial growth   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The study of form change is central to traditional cephalometric research. Unfortunately, traditional cephalometric studies operate within systems of measurement that are based on registration and orientation. Measurements produced in registered systems are insufficient for the craniofacial biologist who is interested in locating morphological differences between forms. In this article we apply a registration-free method called finite element scaling analysis in a study of the form change occurring during growth of the normal human craniofacial complex. The method provides form change data that can be summarized at various morphological levels. Twenty normal male individuals are used to analyze the form change that occurs from age 4 to ages 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, and 15 years. The magnitude and direction of growth expressed as shape and size change specific to craniofacial landmarks are presented. Although exceptions occur, our analysis shows that localized size change is, on the average, greater than localized shape change. The relation between size and shape change during growth shows allometry (shape change increasing during growth along with size change) but at a lesser magnitude and slower rate. We conclude that although shape change occurs throughout ontogeny, the magnitude and rate of shape change in relation to size change diminishes as age increases. This analysis represents new insights into the understanding of human craniofacial growth at various levels of morphological integration.  相似文献   

Past investigations of the Eskimo have indicated that there are marked morphological differences in the craniofacial skeleton of this relatively isolated ethnic group compared to other ethnic and racial groups. This study, using cephalometric radiography, attempted to characterize the craniofacial phenotype of the Eskimo living in the northern Foxe Basin, Northwest Territories, Canada. Age changes were examined on a cross-sectional basis with comparisons being made with a Winnipeg Caucasian group. This investigation indicates that the Igloolik Eskimo has a phenotype, established early in life, and is distinct from the Winnipeg group. The overall size of the Eskimo craniofacial complex was significantly larger at three years of age and remained larger through the ages studied. Development of the craniofacial region, however, was fairly similar in rate and direction for both populations. The greatest differences between the Eskimo and Caucasian groups were found in the linear measurements assessing cranial width, facial width, mandibular length, facial height, protrusion of the incisors, chin point development, and nasal morphology. Differences between the two groups in the morphological relationships of the component structures include the angular relationships of the maxilla and nasal bones to the anterior cranial base, the gonial angle of the mandible, and the angle of facial convexity.  相似文献   

Prediction of soft tissue aesthetics is important for achieving an optimal outcome in orthodontic treatment planning. Previously, applicable procedures were mainly restricted to 2-D profile prediction. In this study, a generic 3-D finite element (FE) model of the craniofacial soft and hard tissue was constructed, and individualisation of the generic model based on cone beam CT data and mathematical transformation was investigated. The result indicated that patient-specific 3-D facial FE model including different layers of soft tissue could be obtained through mathematical model transformation. Average deviation between the transformed model and the real reconstructed one was 0.47 ± 0.77 mm and 0.75 ± 0.84 mm in soft and hard tissue, respectively. With boundary condition defined according to treatment plan, such FE model could be used to predict the result of orthodontic treatment on facial soft tissue.  相似文献   

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