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Lipid metabolism plays a significant role in influenza virus replication and subsequent infection. The regulatory mechanism governing lipid metabolism and viral replication is not properly understood to date, but both Phospholipase D (PLD1 and PLD2) activities are stimulated in viral infection. In vitro studies indicate that chemical inhibition of PLD1 delays viral entry and reduction of viral loads. The current study reports a three-dimensional pharmacophore model based on 35 known PLD1 inhibitors. A sub-set of 25 compounds was selected as the training set and the remaining 10 compounds were kept in the test set. One hundred and twelve pharmacophore models were generated; a six-featured pharmacophore model (AADDHR.57) with survival score (2.69) produced a statistically significant three-dimensional quantitative structure–activity relationship model with r2 = 0.97 (internal training set), r2 = 0.71 (internal test set) and Q2 = 0.64. The predictive power of the pharmacophore model was validated with an external test set (r2 = 0.73) and a systematic virtual screening work-flow was employed showing an enrichment factor of 23.68 at the top 2% of the dataset (active and decoys). Finally, the model was used for screening of the filtered PubChem database to fetch molecules which can be proposed as potential PLD1 inhibitors for blocking influenza infection.  相似文献   

A pharmacophore model has been developed using diverse classes of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) tyrosine kinase (TK) inhibitors useful in the treatment of human tumours. Among the top 10 generated hypotheses, the second hypothesis, with one hydrogen bond acceptor, one ring aromatic and three hydrophobic features, was found to be the best on the basis of Cat Scramble validation as well as test set prediction (r training?=?0.89, r test?=?0.82). The model also maps well to the external test set molecules as well as clinically active molecules and corroborates the docking studies. Finally, 10 hits were identified as potential leads after virtual screening of ZINC database for EGFR TK inhibition. The study may facilitate the designing and discovery of novel EGFR TK inhibitors.  相似文献   

The dual inhibitors against aldose reductase (ALR2) and protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) may present an anti‐diabetic potency in insulin resistance without risks of serious diabetic complications. Therefore, in the present study, we constructed two separate pharmacophore mapping‐based 3D quantitative structure–activity relationship models for ALR2 (AADRR.11093 with standard deviation 0.663, 0.719, F 22.3, root‐mean‐square error 0.705, 0.647, Pearson‐r 0.802) and PTP1B (AARR.155 with standard deviation 0.146, 0.945, F 82.70, root‐mean‐square error 0.351, 0.621, Pearson‐r 0.831) employing the dataset of 54 flavonoids as ALR2 inhibitors and 46 naphthoquinones as PTP1B inhibitors to identify structural features necessary for the inhibition of both enzymes. These models were subsequently used as 3D query search for hierarchical virtual screening‐based designing using the PHASE database of 1.5 million compounds. Designed dual inhibitors were further subjected to GLIDE XP docking analysis using high‐resolution 3D structures of ALR2 (1US0, at resolution of 0.66 Å) and PTP1B (2F71 at resolution of 1.55 Å) available in the Protein Data Bank to authenticate identified structural features with important binding interactions necessary for dual inhibition. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

BRD4靶点和多种肿瘤密切相关,是具有良好成药性的热门靶点.本文选取活性较好且结构差异较大的BRD4小分子抑制剂作为训练集分子,基于配体小分子共同特征(HipHop)方法使用Discovery Studio 3.0分子模拟软件构建了药效团.药效团通过测试集验证、ROC曲线验证(SE(sensitivity)=0.937...  相似文献   

The Gly/NMDA receptor has become known as potential target for the management of neurodegenerative diseases. Discovery of Gly/NMDA antagonists has thus attracted much attention in recent years. In the present research, a cheminformatics approach has been used to determine structural requirements for Gly/NMDA antagonism and to identify potential antagonists. Here, 37 quinoxaline derivatives were selected to develop a significant pharmacophore model with good certainty. The selected model was validated by leave-one-out cross-validation, an external test set, decoy set and Y-randomization test. Applicability domain was verified by the standardization approach. The validated 3D-QSAR model was used to screen virtual hits from the ZINC database by pharmacophore mapping. Molecular docking was used for assessment of receptor–ligand binding modes and binding affinities. The GlideScore and molecular interactions with critical amino acids were considered as crucial features to identify final hits. Furthermore, hits were analysed for in silico pharmacokinetic parameters and Lipinski’s rule of five, demonstrating their potential as drug-like candidates. The PubChem and SciFinder search tools were used to authenticate the novelty of leads retrieved. Finally, five different leads have been suggested as putative novel candidates for the exploration of potent Gly/NMDA receptor antagonists.  相似文献   

Plasmodium falciparum dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (PfDHODH) catalyses the fourth reaction of de novo pyrimidine biosynthesis in parasites, and represents an important target for the treatment of malaria. In this study, we describe pharmacophore-based virtual screening combined with docking study and biological evaluation as a rational strategy for identification of novel hits as antimalarial agents. Pharmacophore models were established from known PfDHODH inhibitors using the GALAHAD module with IC50 values ranging from 0.033 μM to 142 μM. The best pharmacophore model consisted of three hydrogen bond acceptor, one hydrogen bond donor and one hydrophobic features. The pharmacophore models were validated through receiver operating characteristic and Günere–Henry scoring methods. The best pharmacophore model as a 3D search query was searched against the IBS database. Several compounds with different structures (scaffolds) were retrieved as hit molecules. Among these compounds, those with a QFIT value of more than 81 were docked in the PfDHODH enzyme to further explore the binding modes of these compounds. In silico pharmacokinetic and toxicities were predicted for the best docked molecules. Finally, the identified hits were evaluated in vivo for their antimalarial activity in a parasite inhibition assay. The hits reported here showed good potential to become novel antimalarial agents.  相似文献   

HIV-1 integrase (IN) is a retroviral enzyme that catalyses integration of the reverse-transcribed viral DNA into the host genome, which is necessary for efficient viral replication. In this study, we have performed an in silico virtual screening for the identification of potential HIV-1 IN strand transfer (ST) inhibitors. Pharmacophore modelling and atom-based 3D-QSAR studies were carried out for a series of compounds belonging to 3-Hydroxypyrimidine-2,4-diones. Based on the ligand-based pharmacophore model, we obtained a five-point pharmacophore with two hydrogen bond acceptors (A), one hydrogen bond donor (D), one hydrophobic group (H) and one aromatic ring (R) as pharmacophoric features. The pharmacophore hypothesis AADHR was used as a 3D query in a sequential virtual screening study to filter small molecule databases Maybridge, ChemBridge and Asinex. Hits matching with pharmacophore hypothesis AADHR were retrieved and passed progressively through Lipinski’s rule of five filtering, molecular docking and hierarchical clustering. The five compounds with best hits with novel and diverse chemotypes were subjected to QM/MM docking, which showed improved docking accuracy. We further performed molecular dynamics simulation and found three compounds that form stable interactions with key residues. These compounds could be used as a leads for further drug development and rational design of HIV-1 IN inhibitors.  相似文献   

The pathogenic Ebola virus (EBOV) causes a potential health risk and global spread. To date, few drugs are available for the treatment of Ebola virus disease (EVD) that allow researchers to use computational methods for designing potential drugs. The developed PHASE-based common six-point pharmacophore hypothesis (AADHPR_1) showed the necessity of two hydrogen bond acceptor features, one hydrogen bond donor feature, one hydrophobic group feature, one positively ionizable and one aromatic ring feature for further designing. We developed best 3D-QSAR models with high regression coefficients for the training (r2>0.82) and test (Q2>0.5) sets for both atoms-based and field-based 3D-QSAR models. The molecule 1A-4 (docking score = –4.711 kcal/mol) was obtained as best docked (SP mode) on Ebola virus envelope glycoprotein (PDB ID-3CSY) as compared with the standards oseltamivir (docking score = –4.39 kcal/mol) and zanamivir (docking score = –3.392 kcal/mol). The obtained ZINC hit ZINC58935541 showed a good docking score of –4.892 kcal/mol. The ZINC58935541 molecule also showed a strong binding affinity towards the receptor cavity of Ebola virus envelope glycoprotein when simulated for 1.2 ns. The good QikProp parameters reflect the fact that this molecule, upon optimization into a lead, might become a good candidate for the treatment of EVD.  相似文献   

Summary Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3 is a regulatory serine/threonine kinase, which is being targeted for the treatment of a number of human diseases including type-2 diabetes mellitus, neurodegenerative diseases, cancer and chronic inflammation. Selective GSK-3 inhibition is an important requirement owing to the possibility of side effects arising from other kinases. A pharmacophore mapping strategy is employed in this work to identify new leads for selective GSK-3 inhibition. Ligands known to show selective GSK-3 inhibition were employed in generating a pharmacophore map using distance comparison method (DISCO). The derived pharmacophore map was validated using (i) important interactions involved in selective GSK-3 inhibitions, and (ii) an in-house database containing different classes of GSK-3 selective, non-selective and inactive molecules. New Lead identification was carried out by performing virtual screening using validated pharmacophoric query and three chemical databases namely NCI, Maybridge and Leadquest. Further data reduction was carried out by employing virtual filters based on (i) Lipinski’s rule of 5 (ii) van der Waals bumps and (iii) restricting the number of rotatable bonds to seven. Final screening was carried out using FlexX based molecular docking study.  相似文献   

Upregulation of store-operated Ca2+ influx via ORAI1, an integral component of the CRAC channel, is responsible for abnormal cytokine release in active rheumatoid arthritis, and therefore ORAI1 has been proposed as an attractive molecular target. In this study, we attempted to predict the mechanical insights of ORAI1 inhibitors through pharmacophore modelling, 3D-QSAR, molecular docking and free energy analysis. Various hypotheses of pharmacophores were generated and from that, a pharmacophore hypothesis with two hydrogen bond acceptors, one hydrogen bond donor and two aromatic rings (AADRR) resulted in a statistically significant 3D-QSAR model (r2 = 0.84 and q2 = 0.74). We believe that the obtained statistical model is a reliable QSAR model for the diverse dataset of inhibitors against the IL-2 production assay. The visualization of contours in active and inactive compounds generated from the 3D-QSAR models and molecular docking studies revealed major interaction with GLN108, HIS113 and ASP114, and interestingly, these residues are located near the Ca2+ selectivity filter region. Free energy binding analysis revealed that Coulomb energy, van der Waals energy and non-polar solvation terms are more favourable for ligand binding. Thus, the present study provides the physical and chemical requirements for the development of novel ORAI1 inhibitors with improved biological activity.  相似文献   

Ligand-based virtual screening (LBVS) and structure-based virtual screening (SBVS) approaches were used to identify new inhibitors for ATAD2 bromodomain. The LBVS approach was used to search 23,129,083 clean compounds to identify compounds similar to an active compound with reported pIC50 equal to 7.2. Based on LBVS results, 19 compounds were selected. To perform SBVS, by applying nine filters on 23,129,083 clean compounds, 1,057,060 compounds were selected. After performing SBVS on these selected compounds with idock software, 16 compounds with the lowest binding energies were selected. More accurate molecular docking analysis was performed on these 35 selected compounds by using iGEMDOCK software and six of them with the lowest binding energies were selected as hit compounds. These compounds were zinc36647229, zinc77969074, zinc13637358, zinc77971540, zinc12991296 and zinc19374204.  相似文献   

B-Raf kinase has been identified as an important target in recent cancer treatment. In order to discover structurally diverse and novel B-Raf inhibitors (BRIs), a virtual screening of BRIs against ZINC database was performed by using a combination of pharmacophore modelling, molecular docking, 3D-QSAR model and binding free energy (ΔGbind) calculation studies in this work. After the virtual screening, six promising hit compounds were obtained, which were then tested for inhibitory activities of A375 cell lines. In the result, five hit compounds show good biological activities (IC50 < 50 μM). The present method of virtual screening can be applied to find structurally diverse inhibitors, and the obtained five structurally diverse compounds are expected to develop novel BRIs.  相似文献   

Methionine Aminopeptidases MetAPs are divalent-cofactor dependent enzymes that are responsible for the cleavage of the initiator Methionine from the nascent polypeptides. MetAPs are classified into two isoforms: namely, MetAP1 and MetAP2. Several studies have revealed that MetAP2 is upregulated in various cancers, and its inhibition has shown to suppress abnormal or excessive blood vessel formation and tumor growth in model organisms. Clinical studies show that the natural product fumagillin, and its analogs are potential inhibitors of MetAP2. However, due to their poor pharmacokinetic properties and neurotoxicities in clinical studies, their further developments have received a great setback. Here, we apply structure-based virtual screening and molecular dynamics methods to identify a new class of potential inhibitors for MetAP2. We screened Otava’s Chemical Library, which consists of about 3 200 000 tangible-chemical compounds, and meticulously selected the top 10 of these compounds based on their inhibitory potentials against MetAP2. The top hit compounds subjected to ADMET predictor using 3 independent ADMET prediction programs, were found to be drug-like. To examine the stability of ligand binding mode, and efficacy, the unbound form of MetAP2, its complexes with fumagillin, spiroepoxytriazole, and the best promising compounds compound-3369841 and compound-3368818 were submitted to 100 ns molecular dynamics simulation. Like fumagillin, spiroepoxytriazole, and both compound-3369841 and compound-3368818 showed stable binding mode over time during the simulations. Taken together, these uninherited-fumagillin compounds may serve as new class of inhibitors or provide scaffolds for further optimization towards the design of more potent MetAP2 inhibitors -development of such inhibitors would be essential strategy against various cancer types.  相似文献   

Identification of hit compounds against specific target form the starting point for a drug discovery program. A consistent decline of new chemical entities (NCEs) in recent years prompted a challenge to explore newer approaches to discover potential hit compounds that in turn can be converted into leads, and ultimately drug with desired therapeutic efficacy. The vast amount of omics and activity data available in public databases offers an opportunity to identify novel targets and their potential inhibitors. State of the art in silico methods viz., clustering of compounds, virtual screening, molecular docking, MD simulations and MMPBSA calculations were employed in a pipeline to identify potential ‘hits’ against those targets as well whose structures, as of now, could only predict through threading approaches. In the present work, we have started from scratch, amino acid sequence of target and compounds retrieved from PubChem compound database, modeled it in such a way that led to the identification of possible inhibitors of Dam1 complex subunit Ask1 of Candida albicans. We also propose a ligand based binding site determination approach. We have identified potential inhibitors of Ask1 subunit of a Dam1 complex of C. albicans, which is required to prevent precocious spindle elongation in pre-mitotic phases. The proposed scheme may aid to find virtually potential inhibitors of other unique targets against candida.  相似文献   

Current research on antimalarial protein kinases has provided an opportunity to design kinase-based antimalarial drugs. We have developed a common feature-based pharmacophore model from a set of multiple chemical scaffolds including derivatives of 3,6-imidazopyridazines, pyrazolo[2,3-d]pyrimidines and imidazo[1,5-a]pyrazines, in order to incorporate the maximum structural diversity information in the model for the Plasmodium falciparum calcium-dependent protein kinase-1 (PfCDPK-1) target. The best pharmacophore model (Hypo-1) with the essential features of two hydrogen bond donors (HBD), one hydrophobic aromatic (HYAr) and one ring aromatic (RA) showed the classification accuracies of 86.27%, 78.43% and 100.00% in labelling the training and test set (test set-1 and test set-2) compounds into more active and less active classes. In order to identify the crucial interaction between multiple scaffold ligands and the target protein, we first developed the homology model using a template structure of P. bergheii (PbCDPK1; PDB ID: 3Q5I), and thereafter performed the docking studies. The residues such as Lys85, Phe147, Tyr148, Leu198, Val211, and Asp212 were found to be the most important interacting residues for possessing PfCDPK-1 inhibitory activity.  相似文献   

Aminoacyl tRNA synthetases are novel antibacterial drug target because of their important role in protein synthesis. In this study, we performed high throughput virtual screening of 205883 compounds from Asinex ligand database to identify potential specific inhibitors for Tyrosyl tRNA synthetase of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MtbTyrRS). Compounds are ranked based on the glide extra precision docking score. It is noted that the top ranked compounds have caffeine scaffold. The top five caffeine analogs are further evaluated for other drug‐like properties. The binding energies of caffeine analogs are estimated using mixed mode quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics calculation. The results show that these caffeine analogs have good absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion properties and high binding affinity to the MtbTyrRS. This suggests that caffeine could be a new scaffold for designing inhibitors against Tyrosyl tRNA synthetase of M. tuberculosis. The top five caffeine analogs are also subjected to docking calculations with human cytosolic and mitochondrial Tyrosyl tRNA synthetases to ascertain their specificities toward MtbTyrRS. The comparative docking studies indicate that the top five caffeine analogs are specific for MtbTyrRS. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary A linear quantitative–structure activity relationship model is developed in this work using Multiple Linear Regression Analysis as applied to a series of 51 1-(3,3-diphenylpropyl)-piperidinyl phenylacetamides derivatives with CCR5 binding affinity. For the selection of the best variables the Elimination Selection-Stepwise Regression Method (ES-SWR) is utilized. The predictive ability of the model is evaluated against a set of 13 compounds. Based on the produced QSAR model and an analysis on the domain of its applicability, the effects of various structural modifications on biological activity are investigated. The study leads to a number of guanidine derivatives with significantly improved predicted activities.  相似文献   

Kinesin-like protein (KIF11) is a molecular motor protein that is essential in mitosis. Removal of KIF11 prevents centrosome migration and causes cell arrest in mitosis. KIF11 defects are linked to the disease of microcephaly, lymph edema or mental retardation. The human KIF11 protein has been actively studied for its role in mitosis and its potential as a therapeutic target for cancer treatment. Pharmacophore modeling, molecular docking and density functional theory approaches was employed to reveal the structural, chemical and electronic features essential for the development of small molecule inhibitor for KIF11. Hence we have developed chemical feature based pharmacophore models using Discovery Studio v 2.5 (DS). The best hypothesis (Hypo1) consisting of four chemical features (two hydrogen bond acceptor, one hydrophobic and one ring aromatic) has exhibited high correlation co-efficient of 0.9521, cost difference of 70.63 and low RMS value of 0.9475. This Hypo1 is cross validated by Cat Scramble method; test set and decoy set to prove its robustness, statistical significance and predictability respectively. The well validated Hypo1 was used as 3Dquery to perform virtual screening. The hits obtained from the virtual screening were subjected to various scrupulous drug-like filters such as Lipinski’s rule of five and ADMET properties. Finally, six hit compounds were identified based on the molecular interaction and its electronic properties. Our final lead compound could serve as a powerful tool for the discovery of potent inhibitor as KIF11 agonists.  相似文献   

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