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Basem S. Attili 《Computing》1992,48(2):149-159
We will consider an extension of a direct method due to Griewank and Reddien for the characterization and computation of double singular points with corank 2. Singular points which satisfy certain type of symmetry will also be considered. The method used will produce an extended system which does not introduce the null vectors as variables, but gives a good idea bout them. Several numerical examples are presented to demonstrate that the method is efficient.  相似文献   

Qi系统的Hopf分叉分析与幅值控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过非线性状态反馈,不改变Hopf分叉点,实现对四维Qi系统极限环的幅值控制.推导出Qi系统在第一类非零平衡点上产生Hopf分叉的条件,绘制第一类平衡点的分叉图.采用washout filter非线性控制律,利用中心流形定理对受控系统降维,得到极限环的幅值与控制增益之间的近似解析式.通过数值模拟以及幅值解析解与数值解的比较,验证幅值预测的正确性与控制的有效性.  相似文献   

This study intends to provide an increased understanding of the laminar-turbulent transition phenomena for the buoyancy-assisted heated vertical channel flow during the early transient stage. The spectral method with weak formulation is applied in the direct numerical simulation. Initial disturbances consist of the finite-amplitude two-dimensional TS wave and a pair of three-dimensional oblique waves for the K-type disturbances. The results from the harmonic energy competitions of different wave modes show that for the buoyancy-assisted heated flow, the (kx=1, kz=1) or (1,1) and (1,0) modes would gain energy immediately and start to rise at almost the same rate. This phenomenon is different from that of the buoyancy-opposed flow, where the (1,1) mode decays slowly in the beginning until other modes gain enough energy and then it begins to grow quickly and overtakes the (1,0) mode after a short time period. These different transition patterns match with the experimental results that the flow transition is supercritical and subcritical for the buoyancy-assisted and -opposed flows, respectively. Buoyancy-assisted heated flow transition follows the general trend of an isothermal flow in the beginning, but the thermal-buoyant force is crucial in accelerating the instability and also causing notable differences during the subsequent transition process. All of the results for the vortex structures development, kinetic energy budget of the disturbances, flow visualization by tagged fluid particles, and the local temperature fluctuations are consistent in pointing to a clear pattern for the buoyancy-assisted heated flow transition.  相似文献   

This paper presents a direct domain decomposition method, coupled with a Chebyshev collocation approximation, for solving the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in the vorticity-streamfunction formulation. The method is based on the influence matrix technique used to treat the lack of vorticity boundary conditions on no-slip walls as well as to enforce the continuity conditions at the interfaces between adjacent subdomains. The multi-domain approach is proposed in order to extend the use of spectral approximations to non-rectangular geometries and singular solutions. It is applied to the computation of a four domain configuration, corresponding to a forced throughflow in a rotating channel-cavity system which is important in air cooling devices and cannot be modeled by single-domain spectral approximations.  相似文献   

For hydraulic computations that take flow and pressure regulators into account, a little-known variant of the Newton method is used. Successive approximations belong to the interior of a set R specified by linear inequalities. In contrast to the base variant of the method of interior points, the Jacobian matrix is square. The solution of the problem of flow distribution is found on the boundary of R. The local convergence of the method considered is analyzed. Translated from Kibernetika i Sistemnyi Analiz, No. 4, pp. 173–178, July–August, 2000.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with two dimensional numerical simulations of plane extrusion of a Newtonian fluid. The problem is discretized using the spectral element method and the free surface is evolved according to an ALE treatment. Numerical simulations are performed over a wide range of Reynolds and Weber numbers to highlight the effects of inertia and surface tension, respectively. Convergence of the numerical approximations with respect to polynomial order is demonstrated for the sensitive measures of free surface location and downstream relaxation distance. The higher the inertia the further downstream the relaxation occurs. Numerical results show good qualitative and quantitative agreement with predictions of other numerical schemes and experiments.  相似文献   

Vortex methods using vorticity–velocity formulations have become an increasingly powerful and popular means of studying complex fluid flow systems. The problem of combining an integral equation method and grid-free discrete vortex method (DVM) when studying three-dimensional wall-bounded flows is considered. While the normal boundary condition is satisfied by means of a boundary integral equation (BIE), we also consider the problem of recovering pressure from given vorticity and velocity fields when using Lagrangian DVMs in terms of a BIE. For validation purposes, vortical flow past a sphere and past a flat plate are considered, for which the commonly used method of images is available. Results of near-wall boundary-layer flow simulations are then presented as an illustration of the numerical scheme. The importance of hairpin vortices is highlighted. Finally, results on wall compliance fluid flow are displayed emphasizing the versatility of the numerical method.  相似文献   

Three algorithms based on the bifurcation theory are proposed to compute the O(2) symmetric positive solutions to the boundary value problem of the Henon equation on the unit disk. Taking l in the Henon equation as a bifurcation parameter, the symmetry-breaking bifurcation point on the branch of the O(2) symmetric positive solutions is found via the extended systems. Finally, other symmetric positive solutions are computed by the branch switching method based on the Lyapunov-Schmidt reduction.  相似文献   

We consider boundary value problems for the Laplace equation in three-dimensional multilayer domains composed of an infinite strip layer of finite height and a half-space containing a bounded cavity. The unknown (harmonic) function satisfies the Neumann boundary condition on the exterior boundary of the strip layer (i.e. at the bottom of the first layer), the Dirichlet, Neumann or Robin boundary condition on the boundary surface of the cavity and the corresponding transmission (matching) conditions on the interface layer boundary. We reduce this boundary value problem to a boundary integral equation over the boundary surface of the cavity by constructing Green's matrix for the corresponding transmission problem in the domain consisting of the infinite layer and the half-space (not with the cavity). This direct integral equation approach leads, for any of the above boundary conditions, to boundary integral equations with a weak singularity on the cavity. The numerical solution of this equation is realized by Wienert's [Die Numerische approximation von Randintegraloperatoren für die Helmholtzgleichung im R 3, Ph.D. thesis, University of Göttingen, Germany, 1990] method. The reduction of the problem, originally set in an unbounded three-dimensional region, to a boundary integral equation over the boundary of a bounded domain, is computationally advantageous. Numerical results are included for various boundary conditions on the boundary of the cavity, and compared against a recent indirect approach [R. Chapko, B.T. Johansson, and O. Protsyuk, On an indirect integral equation approach for stationary heat transfer in semi-infinite layered domains in R 3 with cavities, J. Numer. Appl. Math. (Kyiv) 105 (2011), pp. 4–18], and the results obtained show the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed method. In particular, exponential convergence is obtained for smooth cavities.  相似文献   

An efficient direct numerical simulation method to tackle the problem of particulate flows at moderate to high concentration and finite Reynolds number is presented. Our method is built on the framework established by Glowinski and his co-workers [Glowinski R, Pan TW, Hesla TI, Joseph DD. A distributed lagrange multiplier/fictitious domain method for particulate flow. Int J Multiphase Flow 1999;25:755-94] in the sense that we use their Distributed Lagrange Multiplier/Fictitious Domain (DLM/FD) formulation and their operator-splitting idea but differs in the treatment of particle collisions. Compared to our previous works [Yu Z, Wachs A, Peysson Y. Numerical simulation of particle sedimentation in shear-thinning fluids with a fictitious domain method. J Non Newtonian Fluid Mech 2006;136:126-139; Yu Z, Shao X, Wachs A. A fictitious domain method for particulate flow with heat transfer. J Comput Phys 2006;217:424-52; Yu Z, Wachs A. A fictitious domain method for dynamic simulation of particle sedimentation in Bingham fluids. J Non Newtonian Fluid Mech 2007;145:78-91], the novelty of our present contribution relies on replacing the simple artificial repulsive force based collision model usually employed in the literature by an efficient Discrete Element Method (DEM) granular solver. The use of our DEM solver enables us to consider particles of arbitrary shape (at least convex) and to account for actual contacts, in the sense that particles actually touch each other, in contrast with the repulsive force based collision model. We validate GRIFF,1 our numerical code, against benchmark problems and compare our predictions with those available in the literature. Results, which, to the best of our knowledge, have never been reported elsewhere, on the 2D sedimentation of isometric polygonal particles with collisions are presented.  相似文献   

A numerical method for solving a class of quasi-linear singular two-point boundary value problems with a transition layer is presented in this paper. For the problem ? u xx +a(u+f(x))u x +b(x, u)=0, we develop a multiple scales method. First, this method solves the location of the transition layer, then it approximates the singular problem with reduced problems in the non-layer domain and pluses a layer corrected problem which nearly has an effect in the layer domain. Both problems are transformed into first-order problems which can be solved easily. For the problem ? u xx +b(x, u)=0, we establish a similar method which approximate the problem with reduced problems and a two-point boundary value problem. Unsteady problems are also considered in our paper. We extend our method to solve Burgers’ equation problems by catching the transition layer with the formula of shock wave velocity and approximating it by a similar process.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an efficient numerical method for computing the dynamics of coupling Bose–Einstein condensates in optical resonators at extremely low temperature, which is modeled by Gross–Pitaevskii equations (GPEs) coupled with an integral and ordinary differential equation (IODE). Our numerical method is based on an integration factor method for solving the IODE and a time-splitting sine pseudospectral method for solving the GPEs. Our numerical method keeps well the dynamical properties of the mathematical model and have spectral accuracy in space. Through extensive numerical simulations, we analyze which factors may be useful for uniting Bose–Einstein condensates in optical resonators and study the possible way of dynamically uniting two Bose–Einstein condensates in optical resonators.  相似文献   

Periodic motion is an important steady-state motion in the real world. In this paper, a new generalized shooting method for determining the periodic orbit of a nonlinear dynamic system and its period is presented by rebuilding the traditional shooting method. First, by changing the time scale, the period of the periodic orbit of a nonlinear system is drawn into the governing equation of this system explicitly. Then, the period is used as a parameter in the iteration procedure of the shooting method. The periodic orbit of the system and the period can be determined rapidly and precisely. The requirement of this method for the initial iteration conditions is not rigorous. This method can be used to analyze the forced nonlinear system and the parameter exciting system. As an example, the results of the Rössler equation for an eight-dimensional, nonlinear, flexible, rotor-bearing system are compared with those obtained by the Runge-Kutta integration algorithm. The validity of this method is verified by the numerical results obtained in the two examples.  相似文献   

In this study, the decomposition method for solving the linear heat equation and nonlinear Burgers equation is implemented with appropriate initial conditions. The application of the method demonstrated that the partial solution in the x-direction requires more computational work when compared with the partial solution developed in the t-direction but the numerical solution in the x-direction are performed extremely well in terms of accuracy and efficiency.  相似文献   

In a recent paper by Bana e Costa and Vansnick [C.A. Bana e Costa, J.C. Vansnick, A critical analysis of the eigenvalue method used to derive priorities in AHP, European Journal of Operational Research 187 (3) (2008) 1422-1428], analytic hierarchy process (AHP), particularly its eigenvector method (EM) used for deriving priorities from pairwise comparison matrices, was criticized for the violation of a so-called condition of order preservation (COP). Due to this violation, the EM was considered to have a serious fundamental weakness which makes the use of AHP as a decision support tool very problematic. The consistency ratio (CR) index in the AHP was also criticized for its failure to act as an alert of this violation of COP. In this paper, we look into decision makers’ overall judgments which can be obtained through the aggregation of their direct and indirect judgments and then re-examine Bana e Costa and Vansnick’s numerical examples with a detailed analysis to show the invalidity of their criticisms.  相似文献   

A numerical method is applied to the problem of an incompressible fluid in a slowly rotating rectangular basin for the simulation of wave propagation in shallow water. The present work is a complete study of the wave motion through evaluation of the wave height and the velocity components. The results are found by the application of a fractional step method and illustrated graphically. The technique is applied by splitting the shallow water equations and successive integration in every direction along the characteristics using the Riemann invariants associated with cubic spline interpolation. It has the advantage of reducing the multidimensional matrix inversion problem into an equivalent one-dimensional problem. Numerical results are represented in three dimensions for the velocity components at different times. The distribution of temperature and concentration are also calculated and plotted.  相似文献   

Departing from a finite-difference scheme to approximate solutions of a nonlinear, hyperbolic partial differential equation which generalizes the Burgers–Huxley equation from fluid dynamics, we investigate conditions on the model coefficients and the computational parameters under which positive and bounded initial data evolve into positive and bounded new approximations. The model under investigation includes nonlinear coefficients of damping and advection, and the reaction term extends the reaction law of the classical Fisher–Kolmogorov–Petrovsky–Piscounov equation. The method can be expressed in vector form in terms of a multiplicative matrix which, under certain parametric conditions, becomes an M-matrix. Using the fact that every M-matrix is non-singular and that the entries of its inverse are positive, real numbers, we establish sufficient conditions under which the method provides new, positive and bounded approximations from previous, positive and bounded data and boundary conditions. The numerical results confirm the fact that the conditions derived here are sufficient for the positivity and the boundedness of the approximations; moreover, computational experiments evidence the fact that the method still preserves these properties for values of the model and the numerical parameters outside of the analytic regions of positivity and boundedness. We point out that our simulations show a good agreement between the numerical approximations computed through our method and the corresponding, analytical solutions.  相似文献   

Neural Computing and Applications - In this article, a length factor artificial neural network (ANN) method is proposed for the numerical solution of the advection dispersion equation (ADE) in...  相似文献   

A new stability theorem of the direct Lyapunov's method is proposed for neutral-type systems. The main contribution of the proposed theorem is to remove the condition that the 𝒟 operator is stable. In order to demonstrate the effectiveness, the proposed theorem is used to determine the stability of a neutral-type system in a critical case, i.e. the dominant eigenvalues of the principal neutral term (matrix D in Introduction) lie on the unit circle. This is difficult or infeasible in previous studies.  相似文献   

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