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The authors examined gender differences in rates of comorbid psychiatric disorders among adolescents with 1 or more psychoactive substance use disorders. Baseline diagnostic data were obtained from 135 adolescents, ages 12 to 19, and their parents-guardians, who participated in a study to develop and efficacy test Integrated Family and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. Rates of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and conduct disorder were higher among drug-abusing male adolescents compared with drug-abusing female adolescents. However, high rates of disruptive behavior disorders also characterized drug-abusing female adolescents. Similarly, drug-abusing female adolescents exhibited a higher rate of major depression compared with drug-abusing male adolescents. However, rates of dysthymia, double depression (i.e., major depression and dysthymia), and bipolar disorder were equivalent between genders. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study examined whether adolescents with major depressive disorder (MDD) display the abnormal electroencephalographic (EEG) alpha asymmetries found in depressed adults. Resting EEG was recorded in 25 right-handed female outpatients (19 with MDD, 11 of whom also had a current anxiety disorder; 6 with anxiety disorders only) and 10 non-ill controls. In contrast to the non-ill controls, adolescents having MDD but no anxiety disorder showed alpha asymmetry indicative of less activation over right than over left posterior sites. Within the MDD patient group, comorbid anxiety disorders reduced the posterior alpha asymmetry, supporting the potential importance of evaluating anxiety in studies of regional brain activation in adolescent MDD. These preliminary findings are similar to those from adult studies that suggest that MDD is associated with right parietotemporal hypoactivation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors hypothesized that anxiety and unipolar mood disorders are often comorbid because each disorder indicates a broad, higher order factor. In a clinical subsample of the nationally representative National Comorbidity Survey participants (N?=?251), a one-factor model fit the correlations among 7 dichotomous anxiety and unipolar mood diagnoses. Following the lead provided by literature on the structure of emotional and behavioral problems in children, we labeled this factor internalizing. Item response theory was used to explore how each diagnosis mapped onto the internalizing factor. The test information function derived from the 7 diagnoses suggested that they measure primarily the higher end of the factor. In addition, very high scores on internalizing (meeting criteria for 6–7 disorders) were associated with increased social costs, a phenomenon not well captured by the "comorbidity" concept. The results underscore the need to develop clinical assessment instruments that span the full range of the internalizing factor and measure both the shared and distinctive features of anxiety and unipolar mood disorders in a graded, continuous fashion. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Objective: To examine the relationship between psychiatric disorders and sexual behaviors among adolescents receiving mental health treatment. Adolescents in mental health treatment have been found to have higher rates of HIV risk behavior than their peers, but data concerning the relationship between psychopathology and risk are inconsistent and limited. Method: Eight hundred and forty adolescents (56% female, 58% African American, mean age = 14.9 years) and their parents completed computerized assessments of psychiatric symptoms via the Computerized Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children (Shaffer, 2000a, 2000b). Adolescents also reported on sexual risk behaviors (vaginal/anal sex, condom use at last sex) and completed urine screens for a sexually transmitted infection (STI). Results: Adolescents meeting criteria for mania, externalizing disorders (oppositional defiant, conduct, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorders), or comorbid for externalizing and internalizing disorders (major depressive, generalized anxiety, and posttraumatic stress disorders) were significantly more likely to report a lifetime history of vaginal or anal sex than those who did not meet criteria for any psychiatric disorder (odds ratio [OR] = 2.0, 2.3, and 1.9, respectively). Adolescents meeting criteria for mania were significantly more likely to have 2 or more partners in the past 90 days (OR = 3.2) and to test positive for a STI (OR = 4.3) relative to adolescents who did not meet criteria for a psychiatric disorder. Conclusions: The presence of internalizing and externalizing disorders, especially mania, suggests the need for careful screening and targeting of adolescent sexual behavior during psychiatric treatment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The co-occurrence of anxiety disorders with other mental, addictive, and physical disorders has important implications for treatment and for prediction of clinical course and associated morbidity. METHOD: Cross-sectional and prospective data on 20,291 individuals from the Epidemiologic Catchment Area (ECA) study were analysed to determine one-month, current disorders, one-year incidence, and one-year and lifetime prevalence of anxiety, mood, and addictive disorders, and to identify the onset and offset of disorders within the one-year prospective period. RESULTS: Nearly half (47.2%) of those meeting lifetime criteria for major depression also have met criteria for a comorbid anxiety disorder. The average age of onset of any lifetime anxiety disorder (16.4 years) and social phobia (11.6 years) among those with major depression was much younger than the onset age for major depression (23.2 years) and panic disorder. CONCLUSIONS: Anxiety disorders, especially social and simple phobias, appear to have an early onset in adolescence with potentially severe consequences, predisposing those affected to greater vulnerability to major depression and addictive disorders.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Mental disorders impose a multi-billion dollar burden on the economy each year; translating the burden into economic terms is important to facilitate formulating policies about the use of resources. METHODS: For direct costs, data were obtained from national household interview and provider surveys; for morbidity costs, a timing model was used that measures the lifetime effect on current income of individuals with mental disorders, taking into account the timing of onset and the duration of these disorders, based on regression analysis of Epidemiologic Catchment Area study data. RESULTS: The total economic costs of mental disorders amounted to US$147.8 billion in 1990. Anxiety disorders are the most costly, amounting to $46.6 billion, or 31.5% of the total; schizophrenic disorders accounted for $32.5 billion, affective disorders for $30.4 billion, and other mental disorders for $38.4 billion. CONCLUSIONS: Mental illnesses, especially anxiety disorders, are costly to society. Although anxiety disorders have a higher prevalence than affective disorders and schizophrenia, use of medical care services is lowest for anxiety disorders. Anxiety disorders appear to be under-recognised and untreated even though treatment interventions have been shown to be effective and can be delivered in a cost-efficient manner.  相似文献   

Gender differences in anxiety were examined in a large sample of adolescents that included 1,079 who had never met criteria for any disorder, 95 who had recovered from an anxiety disorder, and 47 who had a current anxiety disorder. Participants were examined on a wide array of psychosocial measures. There was a preponderance of females among current and recovered anxiety disorder cases, but not among those who had never experienced an anxiety disorder. The female preponderance emerges early in life, and retrospective data indicate that at age 6, females are already twice as likely to have experienced an anxiety disorder than are males. Psychosocial variables that were correlated with both anxiety and gender were identified. Statistically controlling for these variables did not eliminate the gender differences in prevalence or anxiety symptom means. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The comorbidity of alcoholism with anxiety and depressive disorders was examined in four epidemiologic investigations from diverse geographic sites. Despite variability in lifetime prevalence rates for these disorders, there was strong cross-site consistency in the magnitude and specific patterns of comorbidity. Individuals with alcohol abuse or dependence generally experienced a twofold to threefold increased risk of anxiety and depressive disorders. Phobic conditions typically preceded the onset of alcoholism, but no systematic pattern was observed for panic or depressive disorders. Considerable heterogeneity was also observed concerning the impact of comorbid conditions on symptoms of the index disorder. While the presence of comorbid anxiety or depressive disorders was consistently associated with moderate increases in the symptoms of alcohol abuse or dependence, alcoholism was associated with large increases in the number of depressive symptoms and little or no increase in phobic symptoms. The findings are discussed in terms of the self-medication hypothesis and the etiologic heterogeneity of these forms of comorbidity in the general population.  相似文献   

The current and lifetime comorbidity of depressive (i.e., major depressive disorder and dysthymia) with other common mental disorders was examined in community samples of older adolescents (n?=?1,710) and adults (n?=?2,060). Current and lifetime histories of depression in the adolescents were highly comorbid with several other mental disorders. The adults had a lower but statistically significant degree of comorbidity, primarily with substance use disorder. Depression in both groups was more likely to occur after the other disorder rather than to precede it. Comorbidity did not affect the duration or severity of depression. Comorbidity in the adolescents was associated with greater frequency of suicidal behavior and treatment seeking. The findings suggest that early-onset depression is associated with a greater degree of comorbidity and may represent a more serious form of the disorder. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This analysis used methods of structural equation modeling to assess the extent to which comorbidity between conduct and affective disorders could be explained by (1) common or correlated causal factors that influenced both outcomes or (2) reciprocal causation between these conditions. METHOD: Data were obtained during the course of a 16-year longitudinal study of a birth cohort of New Zealand children. The data analyzed comprised measures of conduct and affective disorders at ages 15 and 16 years and data on a series of antecedent childhood factors. RESULTS: Structural equation modeling suggested that a substantial component of the comorbidity between conduct and affective disorders arose because the risk factors associated with the development of conduct disorders in teenagers overlapped and were correlated with the risk factors for adolescent affective disorders; of the shared variance between conduct disorder and affective disorders, more than two thirds was explained by common risk factors. These conclusions were replicated using diagnostically scored measures and methods of categorical data analysis. Model extensions suggested an absence of direct causal pathways between conduct and affective disorders. CONCLUSIONS: A substantial amount of the correlation and comorbidity between conduct and affective disorders arises because the risk factors and life pathways that predispose adolescents to one outcome are also associated with the risk factors and life pathways that predispose adolescents to the other outcome. Nonetheless, even after control for common causal factors, there was evidence of some unexplained comorbidity between conduct and affective disorders.  相似文献   

Pediatric anxiety disorders are common illnesses that, if left untreated, may induce academic, family, and interpersonal problems. Cognitive-behavioral techniques and other psychotherapeutic interventions may be adequate for the treatment of most anxiety disorders. For patients with severe symptoms or for whom psychotherapeutic approaches are not adequate, medications are indicated. Among the available medications, the SSRIs are currently the first choice; however, other medications, such as the benzodiazepines and the TCAs, may be used alone or sometimes in combination with the SSRIs. Caution with respect to medication interactions and side effects is indicated. In particular, long-term side effects in these medications have not been well studied.  相似文献   

This study examined the prevalence, comorbidity, and clinical correlates of personality disorders in an outpatient sample (N = 352) with anxiety and depression. Subjects were diagnosed using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R (SCID) on Axes I and II, and they also completed interview and self-report measures of symptoms. Subjects with a personality disorder were less likely to be married, more likely to be single or divorced, had lower family incomes, had more severe symptoms of both anxiety and depression, and had a greater number of lifetime Axis I diagnoses. Subjects with dysthymic and bipolar disorders were more likely, and subjects with panic disorder uncomplicated by agoraphobia were less likely to have a personality disorder compared to the rest of the sample. The most prevalent personality disorders were Avoidant, Obsessive-Compulsive, Paranoid, and Borderline. Paranoid co-occurred with Narcissistic, and Borderline co-occurred with Histrionic personality disorder significantly more often than chance and base rates would predict.  相似文献   

Outpatients with a principal diagnosis of an anxiety disorder (n = 347) were administered the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R/Axis II Disorders (SCID-II) during their intake evaluation. At least one personality disorder was found in 35% of these patients. Patients with social phobia (61%) and generalized anxiety disorder (49%) were most often diagnosed with a personality disorder. Patients with simple phobia were rarely diagnosed with a personality disorder (12%). The most commonly diagnosed personality disorders were from the "anxious/fearful" cluster (27% received at least one diagnosis from cluster C), most notably avoidant and obsessive-compulsive personality. Our findings suggest that personality disorders, in general, are less prevalent among anxious patients than among depressive patients.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To review the major community-based epidemiological studies that have reported data on anxiety disorders in individuals aged 65 and over and to examine age-related changes in their prevalence and incidence. DATA SOURCES AND STUDY SELECTION: All English language entries relating to anxiety in the BIDS, EMBASE, Medline and PsychLit computerized databases, together with a search of relevant citations. DATA SYNTHESIS: The prevalence of phobic disorders in the population aged 65 or over lies between 0.7% and 12% over a 1-6-month period. As the rates for social phobia, 1%, and simple phobia, 4%, are fairly consistent, much of this variation is due to agoraphobia, whose prevalence lies between 1.4% and 7.9%. The prevalence of obsessive-compulsive disorder is 0.1-0.8%, panic disorder 0.1% and generalized anxiety 4%. Women do have a higher prevalence of anxiety disorders than men but this difference diminishes with increasing age, as does the apparent prevalence of all anxiety disorders apart from generalized anxiety, measured without hierarchical rules, which appears to be maintained or increase. The relative importance of various explanations for this apparent reduction is discussed, including the three that are of greatest public health and clinical importance: cohort effects, anxiety-related mortality and comorbidity between anxiety and cognitive impairment. A tri-dimensional approach (psychic, somatic and behavioural) to anxiety measurement is advocated in order to facilitate future studies of age-related changes which may lead to a reappraisal of the status of generalized anxiety as a 'residual category'.  相似文献   

Graves' disease is the predominant cause of hyperthyroidism in the pediatric age group. Other disorders must be recognized, however, because adequate management relies on a precise diagnosis. Careful monitoring of the thyroid status is required during this active phase of growth and development.  相似文献   

Comorbidity of substance use disorders with physical and mental disorders was investigated among 1249 consecutive psychiatric consultation patients admitted to six general hospitals in Finland. Of the patients 354 (28%) were diagnosed with substance use disorders (ICD-10), of which 22% were due to use of at least two different types of psychoactive substances. Alcohol dependence (117/226) in male patients and acute drug intoxication (49/128) at a similar rate as alcohol dependence (44/128) in female patients were the most common clinical conditions. With few exceptions, all substance use disorders were comorbid and in 63% of affected patients comprised a "triple diagnosis" (i.e., physical, mental, and substance use diagnoses concurrently). Poisonings and personality disorders in both sexes, digestive system diseases in men, and injuries in women were related to substance use disorders. Conclusions for service provision were: (1) the high level of co-occurrence of physical and mental disorders with substance use disorders calls for comprehensive, multi-disciplinary assessment of any substance use problems ascertained in psychiatric consultations; (2) poisoning with substance use involvement and mental comorbidity was the most common combined clinical condition justifying provision of addiction psychiatric emergency consultations in general hospitals; (3) polydrug use indicating severe problems and complex treatment needs should be identified; and (4) psychiatric referrals of patients with physical alcohol-related disorders should be ensured in general hospitals.  相似文献   

Research conducted with adult samples suggests that anxiety sensitivity is positively related to depression (Otto et al., 1995, Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 10, 117-123). The Childhood Anxiety Sensitivity Index (CASI, Silverman et al., 1991, Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 20 162-168) was used in this study to provide an examination of the relation between anxiety, anxiety sensitivity, and depression in a sample of children and adolescents (N = 234) referred for anxiety disorders. A significant correlation between depression and anxiety sensitivity was found. This relation remained statistically significant when controlling for other aspects of anxiety (i.e. worry, physiological anxiety, and concentration). The similarities between these findings and findings obtained with adults are discussed, as well as suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between a history of trauma and the features and persistence of major depression (MDD) in patients with anxiety disorders. The study found that, among 408 patients with an anxiety disorder and past or current MDD, those patients who reported a history of trauma had a greater number of previous episodes of major depression than those patients without trauma histories. Also, of 174 patients with an anxiety disorder and current major depression, patients who reported histories of trauma, compared with patients who did not report such experiences, were less likely to remit from MDD over a 5-year period. Results suggest that a history of trauma is a risk factor for chronic depression.  相似文献   

Using data from the Bremen Adolescent Study, this report presents findings on the frequency, comorbidity and psychosocial impairment of social phobia and social fears among 1035 German adolescents of 12-17 years of age. The adolescents were randomly selected from 36 schools in the city and provincial government area of Bremen, Germany. Social phobia and other psychiatric disorders were coded based on DSM-IV criteria using the computerized personal interview of the Munich version of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview. Seventeen (1.6%) of the adolescents had met the DSM-IV criteria for social phobia at some time in their life. More girls than boys were diagnosed as suffering from social phobia. The incidence of the disorder increased with age. The lifetime frequency of social fears is much higher. The most common types of feared social situations were fear of doing something in front of other people, followed by public speaking. Social phobia very often co-occurred with depressive disorders, somatoform disorders and disorders caused by excessive or inappropriate consumption of substances. Over 94% of those with social phobia and 54.4% with any social fears were severely impaired in their daily life during the worst episode. Despite the high level of psychosocial impairment, only a small portion of the cases received professional help.  相似文献   

Social anxiety evidences significant comorbidity with alcohol use disorders and alcohol-related problems. In an effort to better understand this co-occurrence, researchers are beginning to evaluate specific drinking-related factors, including alcohol use motives, among socially anxious individuals. Drawing on Cooper's (1994) 4-factor model of drinking motives (enhancement, social, conformity, coping), a growing body of work suggests that socially anxious individuals may consume alcohol in an effort to cope with their anxious symptoms; however, no study to date has examined these relations among youth. Accordingly, we examined alcohol use motives as a function of social anxiety in a community-based sample of 50 adolescents ages 12 to 17 years (Mage = 16.35, SD = 1.10). As predicted, heightened social anxiety was associated with elevated coping-related drinking motives. More important, other alcohol-use motives did not vary as a function of social anxiety. Collectively, these findings uniquely extend research conducted with adults, and suggest socially anxious youth may be motivated to use alcohol to manage their anxious arousal. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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