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视频指纹技术在视频检索、识别、安全等领域有着广泛的应用,提出一种基于压缩传感理论的鲁棒性视频指纹方法,该方法采用压缩传感的稀疏性和安全性对提取的视频关键帧进行采样,再对采样矩阵分块与分类,提取能量值大的一些子块构成新的特征矩阵.对特征矩阵使用奇异值分解,对较大奇异值量化编码生成指纹.同时,也提出了高效的两步匹配方案,通过粗精两步搜索对视频进行检索,提高了视频搜索速度,实验结果表明,能准确检测视频片段,对通常的视频处理具有较强鲁棒性,满足视频检索的实时要求.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new video super resolution technique, based on the motion and static areas of the low resolution video frames. In order to separate the motion and static blocks, a block motion estimation method is performed between a reference and its neighboring frames. Among the motion blocks, the occluded blocks are identified using an adaptive threshold applied on each block individually. Structure-adaptive normalized convolution (SANC) reconstruction method is used to generate the high resolution static and motion blocks where discrete wavelet transform (DWT) based interpolation is used to produce the high resolution occluded blocks. The static and motion blocks are combined into a high resolution frame. Finally, a sharpening process is performed on the high resolution frame in order to generate the super resolved high resolution output frame. The experimental results show that the proposed technique provides significantly better qualitative visual results as well as quantitative higher PSNR than the state of the art video super resolution algorithms.  相似文献   

为解决局部运动的视频序列在超分辨率重建过程中,由于采用传统的图像间全图一致变换模型可能导致的运动估计误差增大,影响重建效果的问题,提出了基于三角网不规则分块运动估计思想和基于DTN-POCS的重建算法.从边缘点中提取特征点,利用配准获得的同名点集,在主/从图像对间构建同名不规则三角网,并以此分割图像,默认每个三角块中像素运动一致.在此基础上,把所有低分辨率帧分块投影到高分辨率坐标,以凸集投影(POCS)迭代优化.试验结果表明:重建的高分辨率图对图像中的局部运动鲁棒性更强,能有效改善重建精度.  相似文献   

依据图像局部二阶统计量能够反映图像区域变化的特性,以参考帧的局部方差为参数建立凸集投影算子和区域修复阈值的条件,提出了一种自适应选取运动估计误差阈值和图像修复误差阈值的视频图像超分辨率重构方法.实验结果表明,与传统方法相比,该算法重构图像的主观质量得到了明显增强,提高了峰值信噪比.  相似文献   

一种基于压缩域的视频拼接算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵彬  陈辉  董颖 《计算机应用》2007,27(11):2781-2785
提出了一种基于压缩域的双摄像机视频拼接算法。首先利用相位相关法估算输入视频的对应第一帧重叠区域,并在重叠区域进行SIFT角点检测和匹配,加快角点匹配速度,提高匹配稳健性,使用RANSAC算法去除外点,采用奇异值分解法配合LM非线性优化方法求解变换参数,得到首帧的对应投影矩阵;对于非首帧的配准,利用压缩视频中的当前帧与前帧的运动矢量,获得全局运动矢量,然后结合对应前帧的投影矩阵,获得相应的当前帧的投影矩阵;最后使用多频带融合算法进行图像混合以改善线性加权融合算法带来的高频细节模糊。与传统算法相比,由于省去了特征提取和匹配方法,从而减少了大量的计算步骤和时间,提高了速度,增加了实用性。实验结果表明该算法具有较好的实用价值。  相似文献   

Automatic caption localization in compressed video   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
We present a method to automatically localize captions in JPEG compressed images and the I-frames of MPEG compressed videos. Caption text regions are segmented from background images using their distinguishing texture characteristics. Unlike previously published methods which fully decompress the video sequence before extracting the text regions, this method locates candidate caption text regions directly in the DCT compressed domain using the intensity variation information encoded in the DCT domain. Therefore, only a very small amount of decoding is required. The proposed algorithm takes about 0.006 second to process a 240×350 image and achieves a recall rate of 99.17 percent while falsely accepting about 1.87 percent nontext DCT blocks on a variety of MPEG compressed videos containing more than 2,300 I-frames  相似文献   

介绍了空间域和频率域图像配准原理,在总结已有成果的基础上,对几种典型的算法进行了分析和比较,最后给出了超分辨率图像配准方法的发展方向.  相似文献   

We discuss new theoretical and experimental results on the dynamic rate shaping (DRS) approach for transcoding compressed video bitstreams (MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, H.261, as well as JPEG). We analyze the behavior of DRS assuming a first order autoregressive source. We propose a set of low complexity algorithms for both constrained and unconstrained DRS and substantiate the almost-optimal experimental performance of the memoryless algorithm by assuming a first order autoregressive source. By deriving the statistical and rate-distortion characteristics of different components of the interframe rate shaping problem, we offer an explanation as to why the set of optimal breakpoint values for any frame is somewhat invariant to the accumulated motion compensated shaping error from past frames. We also present an extensive experimental study on the various DRS algorithms (causally optimal, memoryless, and rate-based) both in their constrained and generalized forms. The study proves the computational viability of the DRS approach to transcoding and identifies a range of rate shaping ratios for which it is better than requantization, both complexity-wise as well as in performance. This result is significant in that it opens up the way to construct much simpler memoryless algorithms that give minimal penalty in achieved quality, not just for this but possibly other types of algorithms. This is also the very first use of matrix perturbation theory for tracking the spectral behavior of the autocorrelation matrix of the source signal and the motion residual it yields.  相似文献   

基于鲁棒抠图算法提出了一种鲁棒视频抠图算法。新算法给出了一种基于少量手工标记的Strokes生成Trimap的方法,为视频帧半自动生成较为粗糙的Trimap划分,同时结合标记传递策略大大减少视频抠图过程中的手工标记操作。理论分析和实验结果证明鲁棒视频抠图算法能够获得较优的视频抠图结果。  相似文献   

Low power as a de facto is one of the most important criteria for many signal-processing system designs, particularly in multimedia cellular applications and multimedia system on chip design. There have been many approaches to achieve this design goal at many different implementation levels ranging from very-large-scale-integration fabrication technology to system design. In this paper, the multirate low-power design technique will be used along with other methods such as look-ahead, pipelining in designing cost-effective low-power architectures of compressed domain video coding co-processor. Our emphasis is on optimizing power consumption by minimizing computational units along the data path. We demonstrate both low-power and high-speed can be accomplished at algorithm/architecture level. Based on the calculation and simulation results, the design can achieve significant power savings in the range of 60%-80% or speedup factor of two at the needs of users  相似文献   

Video indexing is employed to represent the features of video sequences. Motion vectors derived from compressed video are preferred for video indexing because they can be accessed by partial decoding; thus, they are used extensively in various video analysis and indexing applications. In this study, we introduce an efficient compressed domain video indexing method and implement it on the H.264/AVC coded videos. The video retrieval experimental evaluations indicate that the video retrieval based on the proposed indexing method outperforms motion vector based video retrieval in 74 % of queries with little increase in computation time. Furthermore, we compared our method with a pixel level video indexing method which employs both temporal and spatial features. Experimental evaluation results indicate that our method outperforms the pixel level method both in performance and speed. Hence considering the speed and precision characteristics of indexing methods, the proposed method is an efficient indexing method which can be used in various video indexing and retrieval applications.  相似文献   

马彦博  李琳  陈缘  赵洋  胡锐 《图学学报》2022,43(4):651-658
为了减少视频的存储和传输开销,通常对视频进行有损压缩处理以减小体积,往往会在视频中引入各类不自然效应,造成主观质量的严重下降。基于单帧的压缩图像复原方法仅利用当前帧有限的空间信息,效果有限。而现有的多帧方法则大多采用帧间对齐或时序结构来利用相邻帧信息以加强重建,但在对齐性能上仍有较大的提升空间。针对上述问题,提出一种基于多帧时空融合的压缩视频复原方法,通过设计的深度特征提取块和自适应对齐网络实现更优的对齐融合,充分地利用多帧时空信息以重建高质量视频。该方法在公开测试集上(HEVC HM16.5低延时P配置)优于所有对比方法,并在客观指标上(峰值信噪比PSNR)相比于目前最先进的方法 STDF取得了平均0.13 dB的提升。同时,在主观比较上,该方法也取得了领先的效果,重建出更干净的画面,实现了良好的压缩不自然效应去除效果。  相似文献   

目的 多假设预测是视频压缩感知多假设预测残差重构算法的关键技术之一,现有的视频压缩感知多假设预测算法中预测分块固定,这种方法存在两点不足:1)对于视频帧中运动形式复杂的图像块预测效果不佳;2)对于运动平缓区域,相邻图像块的运动矢量非常相近,每块单独通过运动估计寻找最佳匹配块,导致算法复杂度较大。针对这些问题,提出了分级多假设预测思路(Hi-MH),即对运动复杂程度不同的区域采取不同的块匹配预测方法。方法 对于平缓运动区域的图像块,利用邻域图像块的运动矢量预测当前块的运动矢量,从而降低运动估计的算法复杂度;对于运动较复杂的图像块,用更小的块寻找最佳匹配;对于运动特别复杂的图像块利用自回归模型对单个像素点进行预测,提高预测精度。结果 Hi-MH算法与现有的快速搜索预测算法相比,每帧预测时间至少缩短了1.4 s,与现有最优的视频压缩感知重构算法相比,对于运动较为复杂的视频序列,峰值信噪比(PSNR)提升幅度达到1 dB。结论 Hi-MH算法对于运动形式简单的视频序列或区域降低了计算复杂度,对于运动形式较为复杂的视频序列或区域提高了预测精度。  相似文献   

Efficient indexing methods are required to handle the rapidly increasing amount of visual information within video databases. Video analysis that partitions the video into clips or extracts interesting frames is an important preprocessing step for video indexing. We develop a novel method for video analysis using the macroblock (MB) type information of MPEG compressed video bitstreams. This method exploits the comparison operations performed in the motion estimation procedure, which results in specific characteristics of the MB type information when scene changes occur or some special effects are applied. Only a simple analysis on MB types of frames is needed to achieve very fast scene change, gradual transition, flashlight, and caption detection. The advantages of this novel approach are its direct extraction from the MPEG bitstreams after VLC decoding, very low complexity analysis, frame-based detection accuracy and high sensitivity  相似文献   

基于H.264的视频水印技术   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
傅德胜  王建荣 《计算机应用》2009,29(4):1174-1176
针对H.264/AVC编码标准的新特性,提出一种基于H.264低比特率视频流的视频内容认证和版权保护方案。在H.264视频编码时,在传统差分能量水印(DEW)算法基础上,通过在水印嵌入过程中引入能量分布公式,改进了传统的差分能量水印算法,增加了嵌入的有效性和水印的稳健性;视频解码阶段提取水印,不需要原视频作参考,为盲检测。实验结果表明该方案具有较小的码率变化和视频失真,证明了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

Image and video analysis requires rich features that can characterize various aspects of visual information. These rich features are typically extracted from the pixel values of the images and videos, which require huge amount of computation and seldom useful for real-time analysis. On the contrary, the compressed domain analysis offers relevant information pertaining to the visual content in the form of transform coefficients, motion vectors, quantization steps, coded block patterns with minimal computational burden. The quantum of work done in compressed domain is relatively much less compared to pixel domain. This paper aims to survey various video analysis efforts published during the last decade across the spectrum of video compression standards. In this survey, we have included only the analysis part, excluding the processing aspect of compressed domain. This analysis spans through various computer vision applications such as moving object segmentation, human action recognition, indexing, retrieval, face detection, video classification and object tracking in compressed videos.  相似文献   

压缩视频感知(Compressed Video Sensing,CVS)是一种利用压缩感知(Compressed Sensing,CS)以及分布式视频编码(DVC)的视频压缩方法,故又被称为分布式视频压缩感知。在CVS中,每帧图像经过块划分、压缩采样后对数据进行DPCM,最后使用均匀或者非均匀量化进行量化。目前,CVS量化器的设计大多是在采样数据或残差数据服从高斯分布的前提下设计的,通过Kolmogorov-Smirnov检验进一步分析压缩采样后的数据,利用劳埃德最佳量化器准则训练量化码书,设计出一种简单、高效的量化器。经实验,设计的量化器相比于传统的量化方法在BD-Rate上减少了约14.2%,在BDPSNR上提升了约0.11?dB,提高了CVS的压缩效率和重建质量。  相似文献   

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