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Chfr, a checkpoint with FHA and RING finger domains, plays an important role in cell cycle progression and tumor suppression. Chfr possesses the E3 ubiquitin ligase activity and stimulates the formation of polyubiquitin chains by Ub-conjugating enzymes, and induces the proteasome-dependent degradation of a number of cellular proteins, including Plk1 and Aurora A. While Chfr is a nuclear protein that functions within the cell nucleus, how Chfr is localized in the nucleus has not been clearly demonstrated. Here, we show that nuclear localization of Chfr is mediated by nuclear localization signal (NLS) sequences. To reveal the signal sequences responsible for nuclear localization, a short lysine-rich stretch (KKK) at amino acid residues 257–259 was replaced with alanine, which completely abolished nuclear localization. Moreover, we show that nuclear localization of Chfr is essential for its checkpoint function but not for its stability. Thus, our results suggest that NLS-mediated nuclear localization of Chfr leads to its accumulation within the nucleus, which may be important in the regulation of Chfr activation and Chfr-mediated cellular processes, including cell cycle progression and tumor suppression.  相似文献   

Pan1 is an actin patch-associated protein involved in endocytosis. Our studies revealed that in oleate-grown cells Pan1 is located in the nucleus as well as in patches. One of three putative nuclear localization signals (NLS) of Pan1, NLS2, directed beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) to the nucleus. However, GFP-Pan1(886-1219), containing NLS2, was found in the cytoplasm indicating that it may contain a nuclear export signal (NES). A putative Pan1 NES, overlapping with NLS3, re-addressed NLS(H2B)-NES/NLS3-beta-gal from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. Inactivation of the NES allowed NLS3 to be effective. Thus, Pan1 contains functional NLSs and a NES and appears to shuttle in certain circumstances.  相似文献   

ING4 (inhibitor of growth 4) is a candidate tumor suppressor gene that is implicated as a repressor of cell growth, angiogenesis, cell spreading and cell migration and can suppress loss of contact inhibition in vitro. Another group and we identified four wobble-splicing isoforms of ING4 generated by alternative splicing at two tandem splice sites, GC(N)7GT and NAGNAG, which caused canonical (GT-AG) and non-canonical (GC-AG) splice site wobbling selection. Expression of the four ING4 wobble-splicing isoforms did not vary significantly in any of the cell lines examined. Here we show that ING4_v1 is translocated to the nucleolus, indicating that ING4 contains an intrinsic nucleolar localization signal. We further demonstrate that the subcellular localization of ING4 is modulated by two wobble-splicing events at the exon 4-5 boundary, causing displacement from the nucleolus to the nucleus. We also observed that ING4 is degraded through the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway and that it is subjected to N-terminal ubiquitination. We demonstrate that nucleolar accumulation of ING4 prolongs its half-life, but lack of nucleolar targeting potentially increases ING4 degradation. Taken together, our data suggest that the two wobble-splicing events at the exon 4-5 boundary influence subnuclear localization and degradation of ING4.  相似文献   

Two dUTPase isoforms (23 kDa and 21 kDa) are present in the fruitfly with the sole difference of an N-terminal extension. In Drosophila embryo, both isoforms are detected inside the nucleus. Here, we investigated the function of the N-terminal segment using eYFP-dUTPase constructs. In Schneider 2 cells, only the 23 kDa construct showed nuclear localization arguing that it may contain a nuclear localization signal (NLS). Sequence comparisons identified a lysine-rich nonapeptide with similarity to the human c-myc NLS. In Drosophila embryos during nuclear cleavages, the 23 kDa isoform showed the expected localization shifts. Contrariwise, although the 21 kDa isoform was excluded from the nuclei during interphase, it was shifted to the nucleus during prophase and forthcoming mitotic steps. The observed dynamic localization character showed strict timing to the nuclear cleavage phases and explained how both isoforms can be present within the nuclear microenvironment, although at different stages of cell cycle.  相似文献   

【目的】研究鸭源新城疫病毒(Newcastle disease virus,NDV)M蛋白核定位信号(nuclear localization signal,NLS)突变对其毒力和复制能力的影响。【方法】利用鸭源NDV SS1株P基因和F基因上的AgeⅠ和Bstz17Ⅰ酶切位点,将overlapPCR方法获得的M蛋白NLS突变的片段替换到p NDV/SS1GFP中获得全长质粒pNDV/SS1GFP-M/NLSm。通过反向遗传学技术拯救M蛋白NLS突变体病毒,并对拯救的病毒进行血凝(hemagglutination,HA)试验、荧光试验和M基因测序鉴定。另外,对突变体病毒进行M蛋白的亚细胞定位观察,以及病毒的生物学特性、空斑形成能力和体外增殖能力测定。【结果】成功构建M蛋白NLS突变的全长质粒pNDV/SS1GFP-M/NLSm。细胞转染物接种鸡胚后的第1代尿囊液无HA效价,盲传3代才能检测到拯救病毒的HA效价。进一步的荧光试验和M基因测序确定拯救的病毒是突变体病毒r SS1GFP-M/NLSm。与亲本病毒rSS1GFP相比,突变体病毒M蛋白由细胞核定位变为细胞质定位。此外,突变体病毒的毒力、在鸡胚上的复制能力以及在细胞中的空斑形成能力显著降低,并且感染细胞后产生的细胞病变轻微,M蛋白和绿色荧光蛋白的表达量均降低,说明M蛋白NLS突变使病毒的体外增殖能力受到抑制。【结论】NLS突变导致的M蛋白细胞核定位功能丧失可明显降低鸭源NDV的毒力和复制能力。  相似文献   

Although generally regarded as functional in the cytoplasm, a number of microRNAs (miRNAs) have been found in the nucleus, possibly with a role in gene regulation. Here we report that, in fact, a substantial fraction of all human miRNAs are present in the nucleus of neural stem cells. Further, subsets of these miRNAs display consistently higher standardized rank in the nucleus than in the cytoplasm of these cells, as identified with an RT-qPCR technology and confirmed by microarray analysis. Likewise, other miRNAs display higher cytoplasmic standardized ranks. Three samples were partitioned into nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions in six assays for 373 miRNAs. From the 100 most highly expressed miRNAs, standard scores of nuclear and cytoplasmic concentrations were determined. Among those, 21 miRNAs had all three nuclear standard scores higher than all three cytoplasmic scores; likewise, 31 miRNAs had consistently higher cytoplasmic scores. Random concentrations would result in only five in each set. Remarkably, if one miRNA has a high standard score in a compartment, then other miRNAs having the same 5' seeds and certain similar 3' end patterns are also highly scored in the same way. That is, in addition to the seed sequence, 3' sequence similarity criteria identify families of mature miRNAs with consistently high nuclear or cytoplasmic expression.  相似文献   

细胞中DNA复制和RNA生物形成发生在细胞核,而蛋白质的合成场所位于细胞质,这些生命活动的整合依赖于功能蛋白等在两个亚空间尺度的选择性穿梭.这是一个信号介导的过程,需要能量和可溶性因子如穿梭载体的参与.通过介绍功能蛋白受控核移位机制研究进展,拓宽了其潜在的医学应用,该领域的深入研究,将有力推动抗病毒治疗和基因治疗载体的设计研究.  相似文献   

纳米载药体系作为一类具有可控性和靶向性的药物递送工具,可以保护生物分子药物免于细胞内快速酶促降解、免于快速血液清除,确保将生物分子药物安全递送至作用部位,从而有效改善药物的生物利用度,提高药物疗效并降低毒副作用,在生物医学领域具有广阔的应用前景,在功能材料研究和肿瘤靶向治疗研究中受到广泛关注.近年来,通过使用功能性生物...  相似文献   

In this study, 107 types of human papillomavirus (HPV) L1 protein sequences were obtained from available databases, and the nuclear localization signals (NLSs) of these HPV L1 proteins were analyzed and predicted by bioinformatic analysis. Out of the 107 types, the NLSs of 39 types were predicted by PredictNLS software (35 types of bipartite NLSs and 4 types of monopartite NLSs). The NLSs of the remaining HPV types were predicted according to the characteristics and the homology of the already predicted NLSs as well as the general rule of NLSs. According to the result, the NLSs of 107 types of HPV L1 proteins were classified into 15 categories. The different types of HPV L1 proteins in the same NLS category could share the similar or the same nucleocytoplasmic transport pathway. They might be used as the same target to prevent and treat different types of HPV infection. The results also showed that bioinformatic technology could be used to analyze and predict NLSs of proteins.  相似文献   

Precise subcellular localization is an important factor in regulation of the functions of protein tyrosine phosphatases. The non-receptor form of protein tyrosine phosphatase epsilon (cyt-PTP(epsilon)) can be found in cell nuclei, among other cellular locations, while p67 PTP(epsilon), a naturally occurring isoform which lacks the 27 N terminal residues of cyt-PTP(epsilon), is exclusively cytosolic. Using deletion and scanning mutagenesis we report that the first 10 amino acid residues of cyt-PTP(epsilon), in particular residues R4, K5, and R9, are critical components for its nuclear localization. We also establish that increased oxidative stress enhances accumulation of cyt-PTP(epsilon) in cell nuclei. Of the four known protein forms of PTP(epsilon), cyt-PTP(epsilon) is the only one which includes the extreme N-terminal sequence containing R4, K5, and R9. The role of the unique N terminus of cyt-PTP(epsilon) is therefore to regulate its subcellular localization. The existence of naturally occurring forms of PTP(epsilon) which lack this sequence and which are generated by translational and posttranslational mechanisms, suggests that nuclear localization of cyt-PTP(epsilon) can be actively regulated by cells.  相似文献   

信号蛋白分子的入核及出核转运是细胞因子和生长因子信号转导途径中的重要环节.核定位序列(NLS)是信号蛋白分子上与入核转运相关的氨基酸序列.核孔复合物(NPC)、核转运蛋白importin和能量供应体Ran/TC4在入核转运过程中也发挥了重要作用.另外,很多细胞因子和生长因子或其受体上所含有的NLS序列也具有核定位功能,并可能通过“伴侣机制”参与其他信号蛋白分子的入核转运.  相似文献   

Myopodin is an actin bundling protein that shuttles between nucleus and cytoplasm in response to cell stress or during differentiation. Here, we show that the myopodin sequence 58KKRRRRARK66, when tagged to either enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) or to enhanced cyan fluorescent protein-CapG (ECFPCapG), is able to target these proteins to the nucleolus in HeLa or HEK293T cells. By contrast, 58KKRR61-ECFP-CapG accumulates in the nucleus. Mutation of 58KKRRRRARK66 into alanine residues blocks myopodin nuclear import and promotes formation of cytoplasmic actin filaments. A second putative nuclear localization sequence, 612KTSKKKGKK620, displays much weaker activity in a heterologous context, and appears not to be functional in the full length protein. Thus myopodin nuclear translocation is dependent on a monopartite nuclear localization sequence.  相似文献   

Mitogaligin, a protein encoded by galig, an internal cytotoxic gene of the galectin-3 locus, is mostly a mitochondrial protein. Mitochondrial targeting is due to an already identified mitochondrial localization signal. Interaction of mitogaligin with mitochondria leads to cytochrome c cytosolic leakage and ultimately to cell death. We have previously pointed out that mitogaligin can also be directed to the nucleus when the mitochondrial addressing signal is inactivated, indicating a possible dual intracellular localization of the protein. When expressed in the nucleus, mitogaligin exhibits also apoptotic properties leading to cell death. In this report, we show that nuclear addressing of mitogaligin depends on a sequence differing from classical signals containing basic, lysine or proline-tyrosine rich residues. The signal consists of a long sequence of amino acids residues based on a series of a short repetitive degenerated sequence.  相似文献   

The use of the Nuclear Overhauser Effect to determine backbone and side-chain conformations of oligopeptides is discussed. The distance between the Hα proton of a given residue and the amide proton of the following residue depends only on the dihedral angle ψ. A calibration curve is given for the determination of ψ from the Nuclear Overhauser Effect involving these protons. In amino acids with branched side chains, e.g., threonine, isoleucine, and valine, the Nuclear Overhauser Effect involving the Hβ proton and the amide proton in either the same or the following residue gives limited information about both χ1 and either or ψ. The Nuclear Overhauser Effect involving the Hα and Hγ protons in leucine gives information about χ1 and χ2.  相似文献   

The eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A (eIF5A) is a ubiquitous protein of eukaryotic and archaeal organisms which undergoes hypusination, a unique post-translational modification. We have generated a polyclonal antibody against murine eIF5A, which in immunocytochemical assays in B16-F10 cells revealed that the endogenous protein is preferentially localized to the nuclear region. We therefore analyzed possible structural features present in eIF5A proteins that could be responsible for that characteristic. Multiple sequence alignment analysis of eIF5A proteins from different eukaryotic and archaeal organisms showed that the former sequences have an extended N-terminal segment. We have then performed in silico prediction analyses and constructed different truncated forms of murine eIF5A to verify any possible role that the N-terminal extension might have in determining the subcellular localization of the eIF5A in eukaryotic organisms. Our results indicate that the N-terminal extension of the eukaryotic eIF5A contributes in signaling this protein to nuclear localization, despite of bearing no structural similarity with classical nuclear localization signals.  相似文献   

Recently we have sequenced cDNA of plant glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase (GlnRS) from Lupinus luteus. At the N terminal part the protein contains a lysine rich polypeptide (KPKKKKEK), which is identical to a nuclear localization signal (NLS). In this paper we showed that two synthetic peptides (20 and 8 amino acids long), which were derived from lupin GlnRS containing the NLS sequence interact with DNA, but one of them (8aa long) changing its conformation from the B to the Z form. This observation clearly suggests that the presence of the NLS polypeptide in a leader sequence of GlnRS is required not only for protein transport into nucleus but also for regulation of a gene expression. This is the first report suggesting a role of the NLS signal peptide in structural changes of DNA.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to determine whether amino acid variation at position 631 in the chicken Mx protein definitely influences antiviral specificity, using an artificial mutation technique by which a single amino acid was reciprocally substituted between Ser (AGT) and Asn (AAT) at position 631 of the negative and positive chicken Mx, respectively. Using permanently transfected 3T3 cell lines, the antiviral potential of chicken Mx against vesicular stomatitis virus infection was analysed. The results indicated that the phenotype of antiviral activity depends on the amino acid difference at position 631; that is, the genotype coding Asn at position 631 corresponds to the positive antiviral phenotype, and the genotype coding Ser corresponds to the negative phenotype. The present study has confirmed that the antiviral specificity of chicken Mx protein is determined by an amino acid substitution at the carboxy terminus.  相似文献   

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