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Al-Si closed-cell aluminum foam bare boards of 1 240 mm×1 100 mm with different densities and thicknesses wereprepared by molten body transitional foaming process.The sound reduction index(R)of Al-Si closed-cell aluminum foam bareboards was investigated experimentally under different frequencies(100-4 000 Hz).It is found that sound reduction index(R)issmall under low frequencies,large under high frequencies and is controlled by different mechanisms.The sound insulation propertybasically conforms with the monolayer board sound insulation theory.The sound reduction index(R)increases with the even growthof thickness and density,but its rising trend is tempered.The single number sound reduction indexes(RW)of specimen with thicknessof 20 cm and density of 0.51 g/cm3are 30.8 dB and 33 dB respectively,which demonstrates good sound insulation property forlightmass materials.  相似文献   

Sound absorption and insulation property of closed-cell aluminum foam   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The closed-cell aluminum foams (specimen p=0.31 g/cm^3, diameter of 100 nun, and thickness of 20 mm for sound absorption testing; specimen p=0.51 g/cm^3, length of 1 240 mm, width of 1 100 mm, and thickness of 30 mm for sound insulation testing) were prepared by the method of molten body transitional foaming process. Its sound absorption property under frequency of 160-2 000Hz and the sound insulation property under frequency of 100-4 000 Hz were tested. The sound absorption results show that the sound absorption property is much better under middle frequencies than that under low and high frequencies. The sound absorption coefficient climbs when frequency increases from 160 Hz to 800 Hz and then drops when frequency is increased from 800 Hz to 2 000 Hz. The function of the sound absorption mainly depends on the Helmholtz resonator, the microphone as well as cracks of closed-cell aluminum foam. The sound insulation experiments show that the sound reduction index (R) is small under low frequencies, and large under high frequencies; the weighted sound reduction index (Rw) and the highest sound reduction index (R) can reach around 30.8 dB and 43 dB, respectively.  相似文献   

利用熔体转移发泡法制备了不同密度的Al基和Al-6Si基闭孔泡沫铝(CCAF),探讨了CCAF基体的微观形貌及物相组成,对其动态压缩性能进行了研究。结果表明:Al基CCAF基体微观形貌较单一,基本上是小块状(Al20CaTi2);而Al-6Si基CCAF基体微观形貌复杂,主要呈大片状(Al3.21Si0.47和CaAl2Si3)、长针状(Al3Ti)和小白点(Al2O3)。动态压缩结果显示:Al基CCAF压缩应力—应变曲线较平缓,断裂层有明显的材料撕裂痕迹;而Al-6Si基CCAF压缩应力—应变曲线不光滑,个别曲线波动较大,断裂层出现显著的脆性材料断裂特征;随着相对密度的增加,Al基和Al-6Si基CCAF屈服强度(σpl)和表观弹性模量(E0.2)整体趋势都在增加。  相似文献   

The vesicant problem during the process of preparing closed-cell aluminum foam by molten body transitional foaming process was discussed and the effect of granularity and addition of TiH2 on porosity of closed-cell aluminum foam was investigated. The static compressive behavior of closed-cell aluminum foam and the influence of porosity on static compressive property of closed-cell aluminum foam were researched as well. The results show that with increasing granularity of TiH2, the porosity of closed-cell aluminum foam firstly increases and then decreases gradually, the granularity should be controlled in the range of 38-74μm which can result in higher porosity. The porosity of closed-cell aluminum foam increases with the increasing addition of TiH2, and the addition of TiH2 should be controlled fi'om 1.5% to 2.5% which can result in homogeneous cell and moderate strength of closed-cell aluminum foam. The compressive process of closed-cell aluminum foam obviously displays linear elastic phase, plastic collapse phase, and densification phase, and the compressive strength grows with decreasing porosity.  相似文献   

闭孔泡沫铝的电磁屏蔽性能   总被引:22,自引:3,他引:22  
采用粉末冶金发泡法制备闭孔泡沫铝,通过调整发泡剂含量、发泡温度、粘度、保温时间等手段,制得孔隙率可调、孔洞分布均匀的闭孔泡沫铝样品,并测试了不同孔隙率、孔径泡沫铝样品的电磁屏蔽性能.结果表明:在100~1000MHz内,泡沫铝的电磁屏蔽性能在60~90dB之间,且随着孔隙率、孔径的增加,泡沫铝的电磁屏蔽性能下降.  相似文献   

Cell-structure and mechanical properties of closed-cell aluminum foam   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1 INTRODUCTIONMetalfoamsexhibitunusualmechanical,ther mal,acoustic ,damping ,electricalandchemicalprop ertiesthatcannotbefoundinsolidmaterials .Thosespecialpropertiesmayleadtoavarietyofapplicationsinstructuralandfunctionalproducts.Closed cellalu minumfoamisalight massstructuralmaterialofgreatpromise .Itsdensityisonlyafractionofthatofthecorrespondingbulkmetal,butitsstrengthissuf ficientlyhightobeusedintheautomobileindustry ,buildingindustryandtransportation .Examplesoftheirapplicationsinc…  相似文献   

闭孔泡沫铝材料制备过程中气泡的形成与演化   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
以熔体直接发泡法制备闭孔泡沫铝材实验为基础,通过获得不同实验阶段的泡沫铝样品,以及对实验样品切面或断面进行观察和分析,描述了在熔体发泡法制造泡沫铝过程中TiH2加入熔体后的分解过程,原始气泡的形成方式以及产生的气泡和未分解TiH2的存在状态;解释了气泡进一步长大的原因和未分解的TiH2如何释放气体;表述了气泡的合并和无泡层的形成.结果表明:未分解的TiH2颗粒粘附在熔体内形成的较小气泡表面,即气/液相界面上;在恒温发泡过程中气泡壁上吸附的尚未分解的TiH2颗粒进一步分解并向气泡内释放气体,使气泡长大;相邻气泡壁上的TiH2局部浓度较高并集中释放气体,导致气泡壁破裂及气泡间的合并.  相似文献   

组合形式对打孔闭孔泡沫铝板吸声效果的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
将不同打孔率、厚度、打孔方式的闭孔泡沫铝板与玻璃棉进行组合,使用驻波管吸声测试仪进行吸声系数测试,研究组合形式对闭孔泡沫铝板吸声效果的影响。结果表明,通过对吸声峰值、降噪系数、半峰宽值的计算和比较可以看出,吸声峰值在低频的试样在前、峰值在高频的试样在后的组合形式有利于吸声,出现两个吸声峰,降噪系数和半峰宽值也都大大提高;打孔闭孔泡沫铝板与玻璃棉的组合使峰值略有提高,但性能总体的改变不大,而玻璃棉本身易造成环境污染,因此,该种组合不适于在吸声领域应用。  相似文献   

基于吹气法制备A356基泡沫铝工艺,采用高速搅拌并分批连续加入粉末的方式,避免熔体中颗粒分布不均匀的问题;采用静置吹气头通入压缩空气发泡,通过设计和控制气路,制备出不同孔径、不同壁厚、稳定的泡沫铝.结果表明A356基泡沫铝是一种典型的塑性泡沫材料,泡孔呈十四面体形状,泡壁较薄,厚度小于150μm,可控的泡孔平均直径范围很宽,为10~25mm;泡沫铝在致密化阶段的塑性变形量可达70%以上;不作任何预处理的泡沫铝在高频率声波下的吸声系数可达0.9以上;在泡沫样品后设置0~70mm空腔,其在低频率声波下的吸声性能显著提高;所制备的泡沫铝具有较好的声学性能和力学性能.  相似文献   

Ca增粘熔体发泡法制备闭孔泡沫铝的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
研究了熔体发泡法制备闭孔泡沫铝过程中,金属钙对熔体的增粘机理以及不同钙加入量对闭孔泡沫铝孔隙率的影响。发现加入金属Ca并搅拌均匀后,主要生成金属间化合物CaAl4和CaAl2,在熔体中弥散存在,且CaAl4熔点(697℃)高于制备泡沫铝的试验温度(680℃),处于半熔化状态,因此增加了铝熔体粘度。试验近一步证实,纯铝中金属钙的加入量对闭孔泡沫铝孔隙率有很大影响,当加入量为2.5%制备所得的泡沫铝的孔隙率最高。  相似文献   

泡沫铝接触反应钎焊工艺及性能   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用接触反应钎焊法,以铜箔-铝片-铜箔复合中间层替代单层铜箔在真空(真空度为10-3 Pa)条件下,改变焊接保温时间焊接泡沫铝,得到不同性能的焊接试样.对焊接接头的宏观、微观组织结构与抗弯强度进行了分析比较.结果表明,在焊接温度570℃的条件下,焊接保温时间为15 min的焊接试样失效发生在母材处,其余试样失效位置均发生在焊缝位置.随着保温时间的增加,焊接接头抗弯强度呈现先升后降的变化趋势.保温时间为15 min条件下所得到的焊接接头抗弯强度最高,且高于母材.  相似文献   

《Acta Materialia》2004,52(1):181-189
Deformation and energy absorption characteristics of a closed-cell aluminum foam, ALPORAS, during deep indentation were experimentally investigated by employing frustum of cone shaped indenters with varying cone angles and are compared with those observed in uniaxial compression with an objective of estimating mechanical properties such as shear strength from the indentation experiments. Morphological examination of the indents obtained when the cone angle is 0° (a flat-ended cylindrical punch) reveals crushing of the cells beneath the indenter and tearing of the cells at the periphery. No lateral spread in plastic deformation is observed. When the cone angle is greater than 0°, shearing of the foam at the periphery takes place in addition to tearing, and the shearing increases with the cone angle. An analytical model that incorporates all the three modes of deformation, crushing, tearing, and shearing, is used to describe the force–displacement and energy absorption data as a function of the cone angle. In turn, it was demonstrated that material properties such as the tear energy and shear strength could be extracted from the conical indentation data.  相似文献   

Sound absorption property of open-pore aluminum foams   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The sound absorption property of aluminum foam was studied by testing its sound absorption coefficients using standing wave tube method. The open-pore aluminum foams were prepared by infiltration process, with pore size of 0.5 mm to 3.2 mm and porosity of 54.2% to 77%. The frequency of indicted sound wave was ranging from 125 Hz to 10 kHz. The results show that the average values of sound absorption coefficients are all over 0.4 and the aluminum foam has better sound absorption property, its coefficients is influenced by frequency and pore structure, and reaches the maximum at about 1 kHz, with increasing porosity and decreasing cell diameter the sound absorption coefficient values increase.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study on sound absorption property of aluminum foam by evaluating its sound absorption coefficients using standing wave tube method. Experimental results showed that the average values of sound absorption coefficients (over the test frequency range) are all above 0.4, which indicate very good sound absorption property of the aluminum foams. The sound absorption coefficient is affected by frequency and pore structure, and reaches its maximum value at around 1 000 Hz. With the increase of porosity and decrease of cell diameter, the sound absorption coefficient values increase.  相似文献   

采用光学显微镜(OM)、扫描电镜(SEM)、能谱仪(EDX)和差分扫描量热仪(DSC)等手段研究了富铈混合稀土对再生铝硅合金显微组织和力学性能的影响。结果表明:富铈混合稀土能够明显细化合金晶粒,能将粗大的汉字状α-Fe变质为细小的形状,还生成了新的富稀土相。当富铈混合稀土添加量1%(质量分数)时,综合力学性能最佳。  相似文献   

利用HST 2型消失模涂料高温性能测试仪研究了涂料组成、涂层厚度、透气性、温度等对聚苯乙烯热解产物通过消失模涂层的传输特性的影响。结果表明 :增加云母粉、珠光粉加入量及涂层厚度 ,涂层透气性下降 ,热解产物传输曲线的峰值上升 ,传输时间增长。探讨了模样热解产物通过涂层的传输行为对消失模铝铸件孔隙率的影响。研究发现 ,热解产物传输曲线峰值高、传输时间长 ,有利于减少铝件的孔隙率。当热解产物传输曲线的峰值及传输时间分别达到 0 .4 12kPa和 4 8.3s以上时 ,铝铸件的针孔率可达到一级。实验结果表明 ,自制的HW 1涂料的传输性能可与美国Ashland涂料的相当  相似文献   

使用真实多孔模型和三种均质材料模型(可压缩泡沫模型、等向强化模型和随动强化模型)对AlSi7闭孔泡沫铝进行疲劳分析.所用三种均质材料模型的数值分析是基于先前在应力比R=0.1的振荡拉伸载荷下进行疲劳测试所得实验结果.计算结果表明,等向强化模型和随动强化模型均适用于分析闭孔泡沫铝的疲劳行为.此外,与等向强化模型相比,随动...  相似文献   

复合碳酸盐作发泡剂制备泡沫铝的工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用熔体发泡法制取泡沫铝,利用DSC和DTG两种方法,分析了CaMg(CO3)2的热分解特性,同时系统地研究了发泡剂含量、温度及搅拌时间对泡沫铝孔结构的影响.结果表明,发泡剂加入质量分数为2%~3%,搅拌时间1 min~2 min,发泡温度为660℃~710℃的条件下,可以制取孔结构均匀、孔隙率高的泡沫铝合金.  相似文献   

《Acta Materialia》1999,47(10):2927-2935
The results of creep tests on a closed-cell aluminum foam (Alporas) are reported. At low stresses and temperatures, the behavior is well described by existing models for foams. At high stresses and temperatures, the power law creep exponent increases from about 4 to 15 and the activation energy increases from about 100 to 450 kJ/mol. The increase in power law exponent may be related to damage; a finite element damage model of a two-dimensional honeycomb gives consistent results with the measured foam behavior.  相似文献   

LD10铝合金锻件拉伸性能分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过室温拉伸试验、拉伸断口形貌观察、能谱成分分析、显微组织观察及化学成分检测,对LD10铝合金锻件横向塑性偏低及不均匀的原因进行分析。结果表明,热处理工艺改变后锻件的横向塑性性能并没有得到明显改善。密集分布的大块状脆性相是锻件横向塑性偏低的主要原因。脆性相的尺寸大小和分布主要受锻造变形程度和变形均匀性的影响。应改进工艺使锻件均匀变形,以提高锻件的横向塑性性能。  相似文献   

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