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摘    要:目的了解和掌握云南省景洪市鼠疫疫情现状,为制定鼠疫防治措施提供科学依据。方法 2003-2012年间,在全市范围内每年设固定监测点1个,每月开展监测,流动监测点每月1~2个,开展鼠疫宿主及媒介监测。宿主动物监测采用笼(夹)夜法,常规方法梳检鼠体寄生蚤,地面游离蚤采用粘蚤纸法捡集。所获鼠血清进行间接血凝试验(IHA)检测鼠疫F1抗体;鼠脏器、蚤标本分别进行鼠疫细菌学分离培养。结果 2003-2012年共捕获鼠5种5657只,鼠密度在2.30%~6.57%之间,总鼠密度4.01%,其中黄胸鼠占99.82%(5647/5657)。染蚤鼠数为753只,染蚤率4.06%~25.34%之间,总染蚤率13.31%,获蚤1784匹,蚤指数在0.11~0.80之间,鼠体总蚤指数0.32。其中印鼠客蚤934匹,占52.35%,黄胸鼠印鼠客蚤总指数0.17(934/5647)。共布放粘蚤纸45 473张,获蚤3种7526匹,平均地面游离蚤指数为0.17。其中印鼠客蚤地面游离蚤指数在0~0.034之间。对5657只剖检的鼠脏器进行鼠疫细菌学分离培养,检出鼠疫菌6株,检菌率为0.11%;IHA 2896份,阳性16份,阳性率为0.55%。反向血凝试验(RIHA)108份,阳性4份,阳性率为3.7%。鼠体蚤、地面游离蚤标本经鼠疫细菌学检验,均为阴性。结论景洪市动物间鼠疫仍时有发生,应加强监测,定期开展群众性灭鼠灭蚤及健康教育工作,有效控制动物鼠疫发生,防止波及人间。

关 键 词:鼠疫   宿主监测   间接血凝试验   媒介监测

Surveillance for plague in Jinghong,Yunnan,2003-2012
Abstract:Objective To understand the status quo of plague epidemic in animals in Jinghong, Yunnan province and provide scientific evidence for plague prevention and control. Methods From 2003 to 2012,one fixed surveillance site for monthly surveillance and 1-2 floating surveillance sites for plague host or vector surveillance were set every year. Rodents were captured by using cages to detect flea on rodents. Ground free flea were picked up by using flea sticking paper. Hemagglutination test(IHA)was conducted to detect plague F1 antibodies in rat sera. Yersinia pestis was isolated from rat organs and flea specimens respectively. Results A total of 5657 rats in 5 species were captured during 2003-2012. The rat density ranged from 2.30% to 6.57%. The overall rat density was 4.01%. Rattus flavipectus accounted for 99.82% of the total rats captured(5647/5657). Fleas were detected in 753 rats(13.31%, ranging from 4.06% to 25.34%). A total of 1784 fleas were detected in rats and flea index in rats ranged from 0.11 to 0.80. The overall flea index in rats was 0.32. Xenopsylla cheopis accounted for 52.35%(934)and the index of Xenopsylla cheopis in Rattus flavipectus was 0.17(934/5647). A total of 45 473 flea sticking paper were placed and 7526 fleas were picked up. The ground free flea index was 0.17. The ground free Xenopsylla cheopis index ranged from 0 to 0.034. Six strains of Yersinia pestis were isolated from the organs of 5657 rats(0.11%).In IHA, 16 of 2896 serum samples were positive(0.55%). In reverse IHA, 4 of 108 serum samples were positive(3.7%). No Yersinia pestis was detected in fleas. Conclusion Plague in amimsls occasionally occurs in Jinghong. It is necessary to strengthen the surveillance, conduct regular mass deratization and depulization as well as health education to control animal plague and prevent the spread to human.
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