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在分析西韩城际铁路沿线黄土分布特征的基础上,选取代表性场地开展现场试坑浸水试验。试验结果表明:场地实测最大自重湿陷量为46 mm,仅为室内压缩试验计算值的0.23倍;湿陷土层厚度15 m,除Q;黄土全部具有湿陷性外,Q;上部黄土亦具有湿陷性;地表水自然入渗深度超过50 m,浸润角约为40°,浸润范围约为浸水试坑直径的1.7倍。对现场实测值和室内计算值差异原因进行深入分析,得出在黄土结构未完全破坏之前,发生过湿陷的土体在特定条件下还有可能再次湿陷的结论。  相似文献   
陈士清 《水运工程》2020,(4):115-119
为验证倒运海水道整治工程是否达到整治标准的通航要求,选取斗朗—川槎大桥段作为实船试验河段,采用该航段设计船型500吨级满载船作为试航船,进行实船适航试验。测量试验河段的水深地形、表面流速流向、航标配布和水位,试验船舶沿设计航线进行上下水航行,实时测量试航船舶航行轨迹、对岸航速、舵角、漂角、船舶与河岸之间的安全距离等航行指标及航行状态,并结合通航规范及标准,对整治后航道技术参数的合理性、航标配布的合理性等进行分析评价。结果表明,本试验航段的整治效果达到了整治标准的通航要求。研究成果可为类似工程提供参考。  相似文献   
选取煤层厚度、煤层瓦斯含量、回风流平均瓦斯浓度、相对瓦斯涌出量、岩石类型、连通封闭性、深度值、隧道跨度、隧道长度、通风风速和涌水量等11项瓦斯灾害指标作为隧道施工瓦斯灾害风险评价指标体系,并建立各指标的等级标准。将序关系分析法(G1)和反熵权法(AEW)运用拉格朗日乘子法确定组合权重,构建各指标的单指标测度函数,并计算出各指标的综合测度评价向量。为了优化未确知测度置信度识别准则,引进集对分析(SPA)关联系数确定各隧道的瓦斯灾害风险等级。并对24个瓦斯隧道进行瓦斯灾害评价,并和FDA法评价结果和现场实测结果进行对比,精度达到91.7%,基本符合实际情况,表明了该评价方法合理有效,可为隧道施工瓦斯灾害评价提供理论参考。  相似文献   
针对铁路规划项目功能定位定性分析为主的客观性不足问题,以宝鸡至汉中铁路为研究对象,选取节点间旅客交流时间或节点间运输距离为权重,运用Space L构造法建立区域铁路客、货运输网络拓扑结构模型;采用复杂网络分析方法,基于"有无对比"思想及等级化线路技术标准,结合应用Pajek软件与R软件,测算区域铁路运输网络直径、平均距离、边介数、网络效率等加权特征参数,以及非加权特征参数集聚系数进行网络测度分析,并进行网络最小生成树分析;以网络分析结果为基础,从路网、通道、客运、货运四个方面对铁路规划项目功能进行定量化综合定位,宝汉铁路为宁陕及陇东地区与川渝地区间南北纵向新通道的骨架干线,是一条以货为主、客货共线的区域路网干线铁路。  相似文献   
现有高速铁路轨道长波不平顺静态检测主要采用矢距差法或简化矢距差法,存在与检测起点相关、含有里程相位差、基础变形时检测幅值偏大、与车体振动加速度匹配性较差等缺点。利用中点弦测法对轨道长波不平顺进行静态检测,通过对中点弦测法不同测弦长度有效测量波长范围和列车敏感波长分析,采用60 m测弦长度的中点弦测法最适合时速300~350 km运营期高速铁路;利用车辆-轨道动力学仿真分析和最小二乘法拟合相结合方法,提出运营期高速铁路300及350 km·h^-1速度下的轨道长波高低不平顺控制标准,并进行实例验证。结果表明:60 m弦中点弦测法既可保证轨道长波不平顺检测的准确性,又能很好地体现车体振动响应;时速300 km运营期高速铁路轨道长波高低不平顺3级控制标准建议值分别为9,15,21 mm;时速350 km分别为7,11,15 mm。  相似文献   
Ship operation and ice loading in floe ice fields have received considerable interest during recent years. There have been several numerical simulators developed by different institutes which can simulate ship navigation through floe ice fields and estimate ship performance and local ice loads. However, public data obtained from full-scale measurement covering comprehensively ship performance and ice loads under various ice thicknesses, concentrations and floe sizes are rare. The 2018/19 Antarctic voyage of the Polar Supply and Research Vessel (PSRV) S.A. Agulhas II gathered considerable data of the ship in floe ice fields under various thicknesses, concentrations, and floe sizes. The aim of this paper is to carry out statistical analysis to seek suitable probability distributions which adequately fit the measured ice load and therefore suitable to be used as parent distributions for long-term estimation. For this aim, three categories of probability distributions, namely standard distributions, truncated distributions and mixture distributions are tested. It is found that truncated distributions can fit the load data better than standard distributions bounded at the threshold. In addition, mixture distributions are shown to have promising features, which fit the data well and are able to separate distribution components. Subsequentially, the well-performed distributions are used as parent distributions to make long-term load estimations. The estimation results demonstrate that long-term estimations are sensitive to the selection of parent distribution, which addresses the importance of finding correct distribution to model short-term ice loads. The data of ten selected cases will be published for the use of other researchers.  相似文献   
针对工程环抱形防波堤平面布置方案,利用整体物理模型试验手段进行了验证。结果表明:1)掩护后传入港内波峰线发生了偏转和波能集中,致使码头局部泊稳条件不满足标准要求。将位轴线顺时针旋转15°,与波峰线平行优化布置后,则满足。2)根据越堤波浪是否冲击港内码头轴线标准,论证10.0、10.5、11.0 m共3个防波提高程掩护体,得出11.0 m是可行的。3)防波堤外侧质量6 t护面块体失稳,经多次优化后采用质量10 t则稳定,弧形转弯处勾连性护面块体受侧向波浪力作用比受正向波浪力偏于危险。4)将试验结果与规范公式计算值进行对比,前者均大,因此对于弧形转弯段的处理应给予关注,尽量遵循规范要求轴线夹角的相关规定。5)试验再次验证了三维港池整体物理模型试验在防波堤稳定性、越浪量和优化设计方面的必要性。  相似文献   
针对盾构机在粉质黏土层中推进引起的地层扰动进行分析尤为重要。以新建京张高铁JZSG-1标段清华园隧道2号~1号盾构区间为例,采用现场实测与数值模拟相结合的方法,研究大直径泥水平衡盾构隧道穿越粉质黏土层引起的地层扰动,得到土体横向水平位移及地表沉降的变化规律。需对横向1.5D范围内地表及建(构)筑物进行地层加固、加强监控量测;在盾构掘进过程中,应根据沉降数据实时调整盾构掘进参数及加固方案,以期更好地控制地表沉降。针对掌子面释放系数和注浆层软化模量进行参数分析数值计算,提出地表沉降的有效控制方法,在条件允许情况下适当提早管片的拼装及适当加快注浆层的硬化速度,可有效控制地表沉降。  相似文献   
In this paper we present a full-scale experimental field study of the effects of floater motion on a main bearing in a 6 MW turbine on a spar-type floating substructure. Floating wind turbines are necessary to access the full offshore wind power potential, but the characteristics of their operation leave a gap with respect to the rapidly developing empirical knowledge on operation of bottom-fixed turbines. Larger wind turbines are one of the most important contributions to reducing cost of energy, but challenge established drivetrain layouts, component size envelopes and analysis methods. We have used fibre optic strain sensor arrays to measure circumferential strain in the stationary ring in a main bearing. Strain data have been analysed in the time domain and the frequency domain and compared with data on environmental loads, floating turbine motion and turbine operation. The results show that the contribution to fluctuating strain from in-plane bending strain is two orders of magnitude larger than that from membrane strain. The fluctuating in-plane bending strain is the result of cyclic differences between blade bending moments, both in and out of the rotor plane, and is driven by wind loads and turbine rotation. The fluctuating membrane strain appears to be the result of both axial load from thrust, because of the bearing and roller geometry, and radial loads on the rotating bearing ring from total out-of-plane bending moments in the three blades. The membrane strain shows a contribution from slow-varying wind forces and floating turbine pitch motion. However, as the total fluctuating strain is dominated by the intrinsic effects of blade bending moments in these turbines, the relative effect of floater motion is very small. Mostly relevant for the intrinsic membrane strain, sum and difference frequencies appear in the measured responses as the result of nonlinear system behaviour. This is an important result with respect to turbine modelling and simulation, where global structural analyses and local drivetrain analyses are frequently decoupled.  相似文献   
SK?2型双块式混凝土轨枕是高速铁路无砟轨道结构中的重要预制件,单一生产厂日均产量达到800~1400根,但目前的人工检测方式无法满足双块式轨枕的出厂检验要求。本文提出的双块式轨枕外形质量快速检测系统可满足TB/T 3397—2015《CRTS双块式无砟轨道混凝土轨枕》的出厂检验要求,与双块式轨枕生产线相匹配,大大提高了检测效率,实现了双块式轨枕全参数、自动化、智能化检测。检测数据自动上传至生产管理平台,可对双块式轨枕生产质量进行跟踪管理。  相似文献   
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