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The decision to leave the EU provoked the biggest constitutional crisis of recent British history. The referendum—a device for circumventing the parliamentary process—was followed by conflict between a minority government and a majority of MPs unwilling to leave the EU without satisfactory alternative arrangements. The courts, drawn into this conflict, upheld conventions that sustain the authority of Parliament and restrain the despotic power of ministers. The reaction of members of the current government was to take disreputable and anti-democratic positions against both the Speaker of the House of Commons and the courts. They now have a sufficient majority in Parliament to resume adherence to constitutional conventions and restore a political culture of debate and tolerance, but they show little sign of doing so, and there is a risk that they will do irreparable damage to the political culture that underpins democracy.  相似文献   
在"法院调取通话记录""交警查手机"等实践争议引导下,学者们借助基本权利限制的"保护范围—限制—限制的合宪性论证"的审查框架,推进了通信权的宪法释义。但将通话记录排除出通信权的保护范围,并不能有效解决实践难题,且因为过早窄化保护范围而会影响基本权利的保护效果。诉诸隐私权或者个人信息权的方案亦难以成立。应认识到《宪法》第40条存在因制宪者预见不足而产生的宪法漏洞。如果将"检查通信"理解为"示例性规定",则《宪法》第40条容有对通信权限制的其他可能性。在"通信内容"和"非内容的通信信息"分层构造下,可以建立起既能回应生活事实和实践争议,又能落实宪法严格保护目标的教义学体系和审查框架。基本权利个论的研究,有助于反思基本权利保护范围的"宽界定"或"窄界定",以及法律保留体系的普适性等基本权利总论问题。  相似文献   
目的 分析不同尿酸(uric acid,UA)水平人群的中医体质类型分布状况及相关危险因素。方法 选取4 844例体检对象,对其年龄、婚姻状况、收入水平、体质量、UA和中医体质类型进行分析。根据UA水平,将受检者分为正常UA组和高UA组,并对有统计学意义的因素进行二分类Logistic回归分析。结果 正常UA组与高UA组性别、婚姻状况、体质类型、体质量指数(body mass index, BMI)比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。Logistic回归分析结果显示,以正常UA组为对照组,气虚质、痰湿质、湿热质者发生高UA的危险度增高[气虚质:OR值为1.097(95% CI为0.885~1.006,P=0.015);痰湿质:OR值为1.311(95% CI为1.007~1.708,P=0.045);湿热质:OR值为1.037(95% CI为0.822~1.307,P=0.022)]。超重、肥胖人群相比正常体质量人群,发生高UA的危险性分别增加145.7%(OR值为2.457,95% CI为2.089~2.889,P=0.000)、317.4%(OR值为4.174,95% CI为3.376~5.162,P=0.000)。结论 痰湿质、气虚质、超重和肥胖是高UA血症的危险因素。  相似文献   
目的 探讨社区老年高血压病患者中医体质类型分布和相关危险因素,为高血压病的防治提供参考。方法 根据《中国高血压防治指南(2010)》,将5 582例社区老年志愿者分为高血压病组及非高血压病组。采用中医体质调查问卷,对其进行中医体质及危险因素分析。结果 5 582例老年人中,高血压病患者占55.2%,非高血压病者占44.8%;高血压病组平和质562例(18.2%),偏颇体质2 521例(81.8%),非高血压病组平和质467例(18.7%),其余共2 032例(81.3%)。进一步分析发现,高血压病组偏颇体质主要是痰湿质,非高血压病组偏颇体质主要是气虚质,两组之间体质分布差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。Logistics回归分析结果显示:在高血压病与中医体质类型关系的模型中,痰湿质为独立危险因素;在高血压病与中医体质类型及相关因素关系的模型中,谷氨酸氨基转移酶(alanine transaminase, ALT)、痰湿质、同型半胱氨酸(homocysteine,Hcy)、血脂异常、年龄及血糖为危险因素。结论 本社区老年高血压病患者体质分布以偏颇体质多见,痰湿质、气虚质、阳虚质是较为常见的体质类型;ALT、痰湿质、Hcy、血脂异常、年龄及血糖是高血压病的危险因素。在社区慢性病管理中,根据不同中医体质类型制定相应的防治干预方案,积极调整偏颇体质,倡导健康的生活方式,加强对高血压病高危人群的干预,对社区老年高血压病的防治具有指导意义。  相似文献   
In this Special Section, this article reviews South Korean views on Japan's ‘peace’ Constitution and the Abe government's attempts at constitutional reform. It identifies three different understandings among South Korean academics on why Japan is escalating attempts to revise the Constitution under the Abe government. An in-depth analysis demonstrates that all three perspectives pay specific attention to Japan's constitutional reform in relation to security policy changes. However, they differ in assessing the impact of Japan's constitutional reform on South Korea as well as how South Korea should deal with such a change. A minority opinion considers Japan's ‘remilitarisation’ through constitutional revision as conducive to South Korean security interests by increasing deterrence against North Korea, whereas the dominant opinion is that any attempt to revise the Constitution could be in and of itself a potential threat to South Korea's security due to a lack of trust attributed to unresolved historical conflicts between Korea and Japan. However, all three approaches pay hardly any attention to the positive role of Japan's peace Constitution while Japan's peace Constitution might provide a regional peace model in Northeast Asia.  相似文献   
在翻译艺术特征的总体关照下,法学翻译本身并无什么独特之处,与其他翻译在翻译艺术性上是同质的。中国当今的法学译者大部分对翻译本身,包括翻译理论与翻译技能,了解不够;在进行翻译前,很多人似乎没有进行过专门的翻译技能训练,也缺乏翻译理论的阅读;而与翻译直接关涉的语言文化涵养与对原著的研究,很多译者似乎还难以达到法学翻译的要求。鉴于中国当下的学术环境,应使法学学术出版非商业化,提升法学论著翻译的地位,真正落实翻译校读,建立法学翻译论著出版的专家匿名审查制与法学翻译批评机制等等制度,法学译者也应自觉地进行翻译上的学习与训练,获取基本的翻译技能与翻译素养,才有可能翻译出优秀的法学译著。  相似文献   
马琳 《政法论丛》2012,(1):124-129
德日犯罪论第一次进入我国的时候,由于种种原因,并未引起任何反响。再次面对德日犯罪论,刑法学界已经由赞叹走向对该理论的反思。这一反思主要从两个向度上展开:理论自身和方法论。德日犯罪论所具有的外在不稳定性,表明该理论还在发展,其内在的缺陷,显示出该理论仍需完善。而仅仅运用哲学方法对它进行研究也存在一定的问题。德日犯罪论的中国命运不容乐观。  相似文献   
在看待美国宪法观念中,一种观念将美国宪法视为自然法或高级法的摹本,认为美国宪法的特征在于人类凭借理性发现和宣布了自然法或高级法;另一种观念则将美国宪法视为纯粹的人民主权的意志表达。这两种观念都存在一定的曲解:美国宪法其实和古典自然法之间存在着巨大的断裂,是一种现代自然权利体系之下的人为宪法,但这种宪法并不是未经筛选的人民意志的表达,而是理性引导之下的意志表达。美国宪法的这种特征要求当代的法律人政治家既不能神话宪法,也不能轻视宪法,而是要求将宪法视为政治科学的教材,通过理解与对话来提升理性,从而思考宪法在当代的挑战。  相似文献   
人民民主是我国社会主义国家政权的本质,发展社会主义民主,实现人民当家做主是我国宪法、宪政的核心使命。秉承这一使命,我国现行《宪法》实施30年来,极大地促进了我国社会主义民主政治的发展。然而,在当前我国社会主义建设的新时期,社会主义民主政治也面临着不少问题与挑战。因此,有必要结合既有成就,正视新时期的挑战,通过进一步推进我国现行《宪法》的实施,探索社会主义民主政治发展的新路向。而培育社会主义民主文化,关注公民身份、提升公民的民主行动能力,走社会主义民主渐进发展之路,促进我国社会主义民主制度的完善与创新则是最为重要的环节。  相似文献   
The dimensions of the crisis generated by the systematic persecution and expulsion of Rohingyas by the Myanmar authorities have been a sustained subject for global debate in these present times. The refusal of the Myanmar government to heed the world's warnings, its obfuscations in the matter of following through on the recommendations of the Annan Commission, and the dogged reluctance of Aung San Suu Kyi, once an ardent advocate of democracy and human rights in her country, to speak up for the Rohingyas have left the international community deeply disappointed. And disturbing too is a report by UN investigators on human rights abuses in Myanmar's Rakhine state. The problem does not look about to be resolved any time soon, with more than 750,000 Rohingyas taking refuge in neighbouring Bangladesh, pushing social dynamics in an already over-populated country to the edge. The fear is that the crisis could fester before getting dangerously out of hand, unless the global community goes for decisive action.  相似文献   
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