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In recent decades, a norm of tolerating group differences has been promoted by laypeople and leaders as a way to manage cultural and religious diversity. But whether such a policy is beneficial for the targets’ sense of group belonging and well-being is unknown. This research investigates how being tolerated differs from being discriminated against and being accepted in its associations with affective well-being and ethnic and national identification of ethnic minorities. We test whether being tolerated is related to well-being through its association with both group identifications. With a sample of ethnic minority group members in the Netherlands (N = 518) we found that being tolerated is related to higher well-being through increased national identification, but not as strongly as being accepted. Being tolerated is different from experiencing discrimination against and being accepted, and its relations to well-being and group belonging often fall between those of discrimination and acceptance. Toleration is associated with higher well-being, but only to the extent that its targets feel included in the overarching national category.  相似文献   
运用文献资料等研究方法,搜集整理改革开放以来中国知网CNKI系列数据库发表的我国少数民族传统体育的推广路径研究的相关文献,并对其进行归纳整理和计量学统计分析。研究认为:少数民族传统体育的推广路径研究大致经历了推广自觉、推广认可和推广自信三个阶段,内容主要包括了少数民族传统体育的政策、民运会、非物质文化遗产、学校、旅游、现代媒体等推广路径,研究特征主要表现为彰显多样性、呈现阶段性和体现实效性。同时研究发现,少数民族传统体育的推广路径研究存在研究的文献数量失衡、研究方法的失调和量的研究范式的缺少、研究方向的不连续的问题。  相似文献   
The steepest decline in achievement in New Zealand primary schools occurs in Years 7 and 8, with the greatest decline in the subject area of mathematics. The cohort that achieves at the lowest level in New Zealand schools is Pasifika. This study considers the views of those stakeholders involved in the teaching of these children. It seeks to uncover the positive steps being taken to advantage this group and the difficulties principals, teachers and parents face to improve achievement. One-to-one interviews were used to elicit advice and information to provide evidence of best teaching practices for Pasifika students  相似文献   
论民族院校独特的文化功能   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
民族院校是党和国家为解决国内民族问题而建立的综合性普通高等院校,是培养少数民族高素质人才、研究我国民族理论和民族政策、传承和弘扬各民族优秀文化的重要基地,是展示我国民族政策和对外交往的重要窗口。民族院校作为一种特殊的教育形式,符合多元文化教育的世界发展趋势,依据文化的平等与繁荣这一中国社会主义民族关系的目标要求,促进一体多元中华文化的整合是民族院校的基本功能,并且具有其独特的优势;继承、弘扬和发展我国少数民族的优秀传统文化是民族院校的神圣使命。  相似文献   
在高校信息化建设的进程中,电子邮件作为一种不可缺少的信息沟通手段受到越来越多的研究者的关注,对垃圾邮件过滤技术的研究是其中重要的组成部分。研究垃圾邮件过滤技术,尤其是其中针对少数民族文字的过滤技术,有着重要的实际意义。本文通过结合少数民族文字来分析垃圾邮件的过滤技术,构建少数民族文字字符集规则,为民族院校信息化建设的发展提供一个可以参考借鉴的研究方向。  相似文献   
在我国少数民族地区,多元文化园本课程是国家课程和地方课程的补充更能关照民族文化的多样性,从深层促进各少数民族地区学前儿童在多元文化的环境中交往交流交融,尊重差异、包容多样,培养学前儿童中华民族共同体意识。根据泰勒原理与校本课程开发理论,在中国少数民族教育的双重性和多元文化教育的场域中,我国民族地区多元文化园本课程开发要遵循一定的原则和目标。  相似文献   
浅论少数民族传统体育活动发展的途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从少数民族传统体育发展的理论角度出发,分析和探讨了少数民族传统体育活动发展的现状和途径。  相似文献   
锡伯族民间故事是我国少数民族文学中一个重要的组成部分。从中可以看到古代锡伯人的社会生活、信仰习俗和文学想象力以及民族心理特质。锡伯族民间故事同其他兄弟民族民间故事,有着许多联系和相似。在语言运用上,因为使用锡伯语,所以保留着独特的风貌。  相似文献   
本文根据西南少数民族地区语言使用的客观实际,以中介语和交际中介语的理论和研究方法为指导,探寻西南少数民族地区汉语教学的特点。研究的主要对象是西南少数民族的汉语交际中介语,力图分析其在使用范围、习得方式、变化速度、发展趋势等方面的特点,并从交际的实际需要出发,提出交际中介语与教学中介语互动的新思路,以求制定符合客观实际的指导策略,改进现行的西南少数民族地区汉语教学的理论和方法,有效地提高汉语教学的质量。  相似文献   
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