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Summary The present study describes a cytological stable alien chromosome translocation in tetraploid durum wheat. By crossing the hexaploid 1BL/1RS wheat-rye translocation line Veery to the tetraploid durum wheat cultivar Cando it was possible to select a 28 chromosomic strain homozygous for the 1BL/1RS translocation. The disease resistance potential of the short arm of rye chromosome 1R, which has been widely introduced in many hexaploid bread wheat cultivars could be now also used for the improvement of durum wheat.  相似文献   
Summary A new Hessian fly (Mayetiola destructor) resistance gene derived from Balbo rye and its transfer to hexaploid wheat via radiation-induced terminal and intercalary chromosomal translocations are described. Crosses between resistant Balbo rye and susceptible Suwon 92 wheat and between the F1 amphidiploids and susceptible TAM 106 and Amigo wheats produced resistant BC2F3 lines that were identified by C-banding analysis as being 6RL telocentric addition lines. Comparative chromosomal analyses and resistance tests revealed that the resistance gene is located on the 6RL telocentric chromosome. X-irradiated pollen of 6RL addition plants was used to fertilize plants of susceptible wheats TAM 106, TAM 101, and Vona. After several generations of selection for resistance, new sublines were obtained that were homogeneous for resistance. Thirteen of these lines were analyzed by C-banding, and three different wheat-6RL chromosomal translocations (T) were identified. Wheat chromosomes involved in the translocations were 6B, 4B, and 4A. Almost the complete 6RL arm is present in T6BS · 6BL-6RL. Only the distal half of 6RL is present in T4BS · 4BL-6RL, which locates the resistance gene in the distal half of 6RL. Only a very small segment (ca 1.0 m) of the distal region of 6RL is present in an intercalary translocation (Ti) Ti4AS · 4AL-6RL-4AL. The 6RL segment is inserted in the intercalary region between the centromere of chromosome 4A and the large proximal C-band of 4AL. The break-points of the translocations are outside the region of the centromere, indicating that they were induced by the X-ray treatment. All three translocations are cytologically stable and can be used directly in wheat breeding programs.Cooperative investigations of the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station, Departments of Entomology and Plant Pathology, the Wheat Genetics Resource Center, Kansas State University, and the US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. Contribution No. 91-117-JDeceased  相似文献   
Summary Progenies of a tetraploid 1BL/1RS wheat-rye translocation line, CV 256, selected from the cross Cando x Veery, were analyzed by means of Giemsa C-banding. CV 256 is cytologically stable for the presence of the 1BL/1RS translocation but still segregating for A- and B-genome chromosomes of Cando and Veery. In CV 256, nucleolar activity of the 1RS NOR locus is suppressed, as judged by the absence of a secondary constriction in that rye segment and the capability of organizing nucleoli. PAGE analysis of prolamins confirmed the presence of two 1RS secalins in all single seeds analyzed. SDS-PAGE analysis of reduced glutenins of single seeds indicated that some seeds contained the Cando Glu-B1 locus (subunits 6+8), some contained the Veery Glu-B1 locus (subunits 7+9) while others contained all four subunits, indicating that the material was heterozygous. Pm8 resistance is expressed in the tetraploid 1BL/1RS translocation line based on the reactions of six well-defined powdery mildew isolates. However, Pm8 resistance is not expressed in the hexaploid wheat cultivars Olymp, Heinrich and Florida, which also contain the 1BL/1RS translocation. Obviously, the existence of the 1BL/1RS translocation is not a proof for the expression of the associated genes. PAGE results did not show a clear linkage between powdery mildew resistance and the presence of 1RS secalins.  相似文献   
Summary Four wheat-rye lines derived from a cross between hexaploid wheat ND 7532 and Chaupon rye were homogeneous for resistance to biotype L of the Hessian fly,Mayetiola destructor. Because the wheat parent was susceptible and the rye parent was resistant to larval feeding, resistance was derived from rye. Resistance of Chaupon and the wheat-rye lines was expressed as larval antibiosis. First-instar larvae died after feeding on plants. Chromosomal analyses using C- and N-banding techniques were performed on plants of each line to identify genomes and structural changes of chromosomes. Results showed that two of the resistant lines were chromosome addition lines carrying either the complete rye chromosome,2R, or only the long arm of2R. The other two resistant lines were identified as being2BS/ 2RL wheat-rye translocation lines. It was concluded, therefore, that the long arm of rye chromosome2R carries a gene or gene complex that conditions antibiosis to Hessian fly larvae and, in the2BS/2RL translocation lines, this rye chromatin is cytologically stable and can be used directly in wheat breeding programs.Cooperative investigations of the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station, Departments of Agronomy, Entomology, and Plant Pathology, Wheat Genetics Resource Center, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Kansas State University. Contribution No. 89-507-JPartly supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   
黑麦6R染色体在小麦背景中的减数分裂行为   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
减数分裂既是高等生物染色体变异的敏感期,又是变异得以顺利传递给子代的关键期。以黑麦6R染色体为例,观察其在小麦背景中的减数分裂行为,先是发现6R抑制小麦同源染色体正常配对,造成单价体数量的增加;同时注意到6R与其部分同源的小麦染色体6D几乎不能发生配对。其次是观察到单价体在减数分裂期容易产生断裂的现象,特别是首次发现单价体碎裂,对进一步深入研究异源染色体臂间易位和小片段易位的形成具有借鉴价值。  相似文献   
Chromosome arm 1RS of rye (Secale cereale) is a valuable resource for wheat (Triticum aestivum) improvement. 1AL.1RS and 1BL.1RS translocations play an important role in wheat breeding, since wheat carrying these chromosomal translocations has higher tolerance to biotic and abiotic stress. In this study, the presence of 1RS and the distribution of 1AL.1RS and 1BL.1RS wheat-rye translocations were examined in 66 Iranian cultivars and 70 regional foreign accessions of bread wheat, using three rye-specific primers (“RYER3/F3”, “O-SEC5′-A/O-SEC3′-R”, “PAWS5/S6”). Based on “RyeR3/F3”, the presence of 1RS was verified in 15 (23%) Iranian cultivars and in two (3%) foreign accessions. Further, “O-SEC5′-A/O-SEC3′-R” and “PAWS5/S6” were used to distinguish 1AL.1RS and 1BL.1RS translocations. According to results from these primers, 1BL.1RS was identified in 14 (21%) Iranian cultivars and two (3%) foreign accessions. The results confirm that “Sholeh” is the only cultivar (1.5%), among all cultivars and accessions, that carries 1AL.1RS. This study provides a useful tool in marker-assisted selection of materials containing 1RS, and in the creation of new Iranian common wheat cultivars with a larger genetic diversity in wheat breeding programs.  相似文献   
Summary The introgression of genetic material from alien species is assuming increased importance in wheat breeding programs. One example is the translocation of the short arm of rye chromosome 1 (1RS) onto homoeologous wheat chromosomes, which confers disease resistance and increased yield on wheat. However, this translocation is also associated with dough quality defects. To break the linkage between the desirable agronomic traits and poor dough quality, recombination has been induced between 1RS and the homoeologous wheat arm IDS. Seven new recombinants were isolated, with five being similar to those reported earlier and two havina new type of structure. All available recombinantsw ere characterized with DNA probes for the loci Nor-R1, 5SDna-R1, and Tel-R1. Also, the amount of rye chromatin present was quantified with a dispersed rye-specific repetitive DNA sequence in quantitative dot blots. Furthermore, the wheat-rye recombinants were used as a mapping tool to assign two RFLP markers to specific regions on chromosome arms 1DS and 1RS of wheat and rye, respectively.  相似文献   
Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) breeders world-wide have used rye (Secale cereale L.) as a source of genes for agronomic improvement. The 1BL/1RS wheat-rye chromosomal translocation derived from the Russian cultivars Kavkaz and Aurora has been among the most common means of accessing useful rye genes. Unfortunately, deleterious wheat quality effects are often associated with the presence of 1RS. The identification of genetic backgrounds capable of alleviating the deleterious effects of 1RS is crucial for its continued exploitation. End-use quality parameters and flour protein composition, as measured by size-exclusion high-performance liquid chromatography (SE-HPLC) of 373 wheat lines, derived from seven 1BL/1RS breeding populations, were analyzed. In all populations, significant quality defects were detected in 1BL/1RS lines compared to non-1RS sister lines. The detrimental quality effects resulted from alteration of the ratio of flour protein composition, especially, decreased glutenin concentrations, and increased salt-water soluble protein concentrations. The end-use quality of 1BL/1RS lines, however, was highly dependent on genetic backgrounds. The potential exists for improvement in quality through crosses between 1RS lines with high glutenin, or low salt-water soluble protein concentrations, and non-1RS lines with strong dough properties.Joint contribution of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service and Department of Agronomy, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, as Journal Series Paper No. 10598. Mention of firm names or trade products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the University of Nebraska over other firms or products not mentioned  相似文献   
Summary The zymogram phenotypes that Chinese Spring-Imperial, Holdfast-King II and Kharkov-Dakold wheat-rye addition lines presented for esterase isozymes were determined using polyacrylamide gel ectrophoresis. The analyses were carried out with different parts of the dry kernel, namely embryo plus scutellum and endosperm, leaves and roots. In all cases, embryo plus scutellum, endosperm and leaf presented different patterns of esterases. The patterns of leaves and roots were the same. Results indicate that rye esterases exist as monomers and dimers. Dimeric esterases are controlled by one locus located on the 3R chromosomes of Imperial, King II and Dakold rye cultivars. Five loci involved in the production of monomeric esterases have been located on the 6R chromosomes of these cultivars, specifically on the long arm of the King II 6R chromosome. On the basis of these results, considerations concerning chromosome homoeology and homology are made.  相似文献   
Rye chromosomes of wheat-rye addition lines were successfully identified by means of an RFLP analysis with 30 probes. Our results are in agreement with previous cytological data concerning the identity of lines F (+1R), D (+2R), C (+3R), A (+4R), E (+5R) and B (+7R). Two categories of chromosomal rearrangements have been distinguished, namely: (1) deletions: the current line D possesses a chromosome 2R deleted on its short arm and the line G a chromosome 3R deleted on its long arm; we have also noticed a deletion on the long arm of wheat chromosome 1A in line F61; and (2) evolutionary reciprocal translocations in rye relative to wheat which have been previously mentioned in the literature. The anther culture response of the different lines was studied. A significant difference between FEC 28 and the addition lines was observed for embryo production and plant regeneration. It appears that genes located on S 10 chromosome arm 3RL and on FEC 28 chromosome arm 1AL increase embryo frequency whereas gene(s) located on S 10 chromosome 5R reduce(s) it. Plant regeneration results suggest that genes increasing regeneration ability and green-plant frequency are located on S 10 chromosome 4R. The long arm of chromosome 1A seems to be involved positively in green-plant regeneration whereas chromosomes 1R and 3R limit plant regeneration.  相似文献   
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