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曲谱中对《牡丹亭》的改动,是从音乐入手,改调就词.随着戏曲音乐的发展,订谱技艺的提高,《牡丹亭》拥有了自己独立完备的音乐体制,显示出在舞台搬演中的生命力.嗣后,再没有人去走改词就调的老路,《牡丹亭》的失律却恰恰给曲师们提供了驰骋技艺的广阔天地.在中国戏曲由文学时代向演技时代的转移中,《牡丹亭》能以本来的面貌参与竞争,并焕发出新的光彩,曲谱的支撑作用不容忽视.  相似文献   
武腾 《北方法学》2014,(3):141-152
围绕减价,我国主流解释论认为可由受损害方通过单方意思表示来实现,这主要源自德国法的形成权说,忽视了我国实在法体系与德国法体系的重要差异。在我国,一方面,买卖合同领域的损害赔偿奉行无过错原则,减价难觅特殊的制度功能;另一方面,由于并非奠定在解除权行使条件的基础上,减价权作为形成权来构造也缺少了关键性条件。因此,形成权说不仅逻辑欠妥,而且易使当事人之间利益失衡。在解释论上,应重视当事人之间的合意形成和司法机关的介入作用,宜将买受人主张减价的权利打造为变更合同的请求权。  相似文献   
邓前程 《思想战线》2002,28(6):130-135
明初中央政府治藏方略经历了"多封众建"、"以教固政"两个阶段,反映出治藏的步骤,首先明确了藏区是其治下的一部分,然后不断完善管理藏区的办法,实质上亦是其治藏政策的调适与定型的历史过程,之所以如此,一方面是明王朝的自身实力与当时的历史背景所决定的,另一方面表明明王朝对藏区社会认识与了解有一个不断深化的过程。  相似文献   
现行《治安管理处罚条例》存在着违法行为的种类设定偏少、调整范围过窄,处罚幅度偏低、自由裁量权过大等问题,应予以修改和完善。修改和完善《治安管理处罚条例》,必须遵循正确的指导思想,明确调整范围,科学设置立法体例,增加被处罚行为的种类,设置科学、完整的处罚体系,完善公正、公开的处罚程序。  相似文献   
现实案例暴露出行政许可变更亟需规范的问题,从理论上说,行政许可变更及变更的控制模式有多种选择。当前我国宪法在这一方面仍存在诸多缺失,因此,借鉴其他国家和地区的立法经验,从启动程序、限制程序、办理程序、公众参与程序、特殊程序、救济程序等六大方面建构行政许可变更的正当程序成为必要。  相似文献   
李智 《法学》2022,(2):162-175
现有的国际和国内体育争端解决体系基本都体现为以国际单项体育联合会及各国协会、独立体育仲裁机构(国际体育仲裁院或国内独立体育仲裁机构)、国内法院为主体的三层递进式架构。在我国,由于独立体育仲裁机制长期缺位,导致对内体育争端解决的专业性和法律效力不足,加之对外与国际争端解决机制的衔接不畅,难以公平、高效地解决体育争端,甚至造成了国内争端的国际化。《体育法》的修订为完善体育仲裁机制提供了契机,其中独立体育仲裁制度的设立应以体育自治为基础,建设完善的体育仲裁机制,通过设立中国体育仲裁委员会,进一步整合单项体育协会的内部仲裁机制,保障仲裁裁决一裁终局的效力,明晰仲裁范围,与国际体育争端解决机制形成平行且竞争的协同关系。  相似文献   
India is reported to have the most dynamic micro-insurance market in the world and the largest weather-index insurance market among developing countries. This is interesting because, paradoxically, reports readily suggest that the primary hindrance for the industry is the widespread lack of effective demand for insurance. This paper seeks to identify, understand and problematize the paradox of resolutely promoting micro-insurance and its apparent rapid growth despite a manifest absence of demand for insurance. Neo-classical theories about risk-averse behaviour do not explain the current lack of appeal of insurance among the poor. Rather, I draw on a postcolonial political economy framework to argue that expert investment in getting prices and culture right while safeguarding micro-insurance supply currently explains the celebrated dynamism of Indian micro-insurance. I argue that promoting comprehensive institutional reform for an ideal investment and entrepreneurial climate involves securing mutually beneficial linkages, collaborations and knowledge within a broad assemblage of profit motives, insurance expertise, policy-makers and professionals. Insurance experts rule by promoting the micro-insurance sector while simultaneously investing in and gaining from discursive, material and pedagogical construction of this industry. Future research should address whether such processes and products are effective in managing financial risks of the poor.  相似文献   
This article argues that if the introduction of genetically modified crops (GM crops) in developing countries is to be successful, we can and should not evade questions of access and control of technology. It implies probing into the experiences, perceptions and understanding of GM crops by the prime user: the farmer. Exactly in these respects the scholarly literature is remarkably silent. We know little about farmers' experiences and perceptions of GM crops' potential risks and benefits. This is evident when concentrating on a major GM crop – Bt cotton – and studying this in the context of China, its second largest producer in the world. Based on the results of a large survey, we demonstrate that Chinese farmers' awareness (‘having heard of’) and their understanding (‘being able to explain’) of Bt cotton is low. This may lead to ill-informed, distorted risk perceptions and a general inability to relate agricultural production problems to the specific nature of transgenic cotton cultivation. A great majority of the farmers find that the Chinese seed market was liberalised too early, in turn leading to a high incidence of ‘stealth transgenics’ or illegal seeds, the undermining of farmers' trust in private institutions, and a weakened biosafety regime. This finding points to the need for continued state intervention in the seed market, particularly in a developing context. Finally, we have discovered that farmers report a significantly lower reduction in pesticide use by Bt cotton than found in other studies. As suggested by recent research, we suspect that the higher pesticide use is necessary to control secondary pests – i.e. pests other than the cotton bollworm. We present empirical evidence that Chinese farmers perceive a substantive increase in secondary pests after Bt cotton was introduced.  相似文献   
分析宪法修改的概念,认为宪法修改有狭义和广义之分,狭义的宪法修改即有形修改,广义的宪法修改则包括有形修改和无形修改,而无形修改又被称为宪法变迁;剖析观念性修宪和制度性修宪这对概念,分析我国采取政策性修宪总体模式下,修宪的内容包括观念性修宪和制度性修宪;宪法修改的理由以及宪法修改的完善。  相似文献   
近年来,服刑人员的教育改造工作越来越受到重视,但是在教育内容上仍存在“大而全”的弊病。为提高教育改造质量,树立职业技术教育在狱内的主导地位,开展专业化、社会化的办学模式,有利于提高服刑人员回归社会的生存能力,也有助于其适应社会、立足社会。  相似文献   
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