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19世纪的西方文论异彩纷呈,研究的重点都以研究作家为主。20世纪初,俄国形式主义学派打破传统,将研究的重点转向作品本身,形成了现代西方文论的一次重要转折,并对西方文学批评的演变和发展产生了极大影响。“文学性”与“陌生化”是俄国形式主义理论精髓的集中体现。用俄国形式主义的方法分析《致凯恩》的“文学性”与“陌生化”,可以领略到这首诗的“形式美”,同时也暴露出俄国形式主义者在文学研究中只看文本的片面性。  相似文献   

Family is widely regarded as a cornerstone of student support. When family support exist as an essential form of social capital making, rupture of family ties places students in a disadvantageous position. This paper focuses on estranged students’ accounts of their experiences of higher education, highlighting how capital dynamics shape their academic trajectories. Based on interviews with 21 estranged students, our research uncovers different dimensions of estranged students’ struggles and successes as they move through academia. This paper explores the social imagination that surrounds the university student, or ‘student experience’, as resting upon family support. The authors propose that widening participation policies and practices need to be more attuned to the realities that mark estranged students’ experiences, as they are not only impacted by the scarcity of either economic or social capital, but also by the instability of interrelated capitals that contribute to precarious and volatile experiences.  相似文献   
从词源学考证,异化是一个含义丰富且有争议的概念。而到了黑格尔、费尔巴哈和青年马克思时期,异化理论主要有三种形态:外化、异化和对象化。从异化观中引申出来的美学观点在异化与对象化关系、人的本质和审美层面等问题上表现出不足,因此可以从历史和唯物的、自由和实践的角度提出:美是具体的肯定的价值在社会关系中最自由的显现,其显现过程就是自由的实践,显现方式就是形象。  相似文献   

While investigation on family estrangement is growing within academic circles, research regarding the interconnection between experiences of estrangement and higher education (HE) is still limited. Sociological understandings of these issues are even scarcer, with policy interventions and practical guidance forming early interventions in HE. Set within the context of Scotland, this paper explores the experiences of HE students who are estranged from their family, and interrogates the ways students develop a sense of identity in the context of their academic lives. The paper applies Goffman’s work on stigma and identity management in relation to Bourdieu’s concept of capitals to cast a critical eye on the identity formation of estranged students. In doing so, we challenge normative assumptions of what it means to be a university student in contemporary society and urge institutions and policy makers to rethink the complexity of students’ academic lives in more inclusive ways.  相似文献   
哲学家萨特认为,福克纳的文学作品体现了存在主义哲学的基本精神,作品多角度的叙事方式,陌生化的形式都是为了创造出一个荒诞、破碎的世界,与存在主义表达的虚无观念不谋而合。文章试图从存在主义哲学视角来分析《我弥留之际》中荒谬、虚无的世界以及人物的怪诞,并从虚无的世界,人与人之间的疏离和人物荒诞的选择这三个方面,具体分析作品中所体现出来的存在主义思想,从而指出人堕落的思想、自私的选择和自我的封闭必然导致自我的毁灭。  相似文献   
青少年从传统上与社会隔离到主动疏离于社会,割断了真实社会化与虚拟社会化的连续性,垂直约束减弱,横向的平等关系和力量关系适应困难。建立包含或超越多元价值观的社会化标准,确立相对稳定的、明确的社会规范和价值观念,诉诸一种整合机制,以期规范信息社会的行为是必须和有效的。  相似文献   
昌耀诗歌的陌生化主要体现在语言和意象两方面。语言方面指他对古汉语的复活和对日常汉语的疏离;意象方面指他在意象选取、生成时与日常世界的偏离。昌耀诗歌的陌生化追求一方面使他的诗歌具有典雅的风貌和阅读的新鲜感;另一方面,这种陌生化有时又成了诗歌阅读的障碍。  相似文献   
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