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This paper aims to reveal the heat transfer mechanism of low-temperature phase change material (PCM) and design PCM heat storage device in building heating environment. Firstly, low-temperature binary PCMs of lauric acid and stearic acid are prepared, and their thermal properties are investigated by DSC. Then, shell and tube latent heat thermal energy storage units are conducted, and heat transfer experiments are carried out to analyze the heat transfer mechanism of PCM. The results demonstrate that natural convection plays an important role in heat transfer process, and the heat storage efficiency of PCMs can be significantly enhanced by increasing the fin width and improving the inlet heat transfer fluid (HTF) temperature. Furthermore, some proposals are put forward to guide the design of PCM storage device in building heating environment.  相似文献   
矿井通风仿真系统双线图的快速自动绘制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在深入研究通风网络巷道连接关系的基础上,创造性地提出一种新的效率更高的通风系统双线图的快速自动绘制方法,即"假双线法"。"假双线法"与固定宽度双线法有本质的不同,其本质是将单线巷道的线型用固定宽度双线线型表示,再对交叉点进行消隐处理,无需计算双线坐标来实现双线图的快速自动绘制。该法较好地解决了传统方法的缺陷,具有普遍性,其计算量小,执行效率高,并在双线图的基础上很容易拓展生成通风系统立体图。笔者研究成果,对于研发、改进矿井通风仿真图形系统和解决其他行业类似问题具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
对海上搜救中发现概率及其影响因素进行了研究。重点探讨了影响发现概率的核心因素扫海宽度和指数探测函数的得出和应用,并提出了扫海宽度的修正模型和指数探测函数的修正模型。以期为实际的海上搜救行动提供更加准确的理论依据,推动我国海上搜救辅助决策系统的开发与应用,最终促进搜寻成功概率的提高,保障海上员生命财产安全。  相似文献   
矿山发生局部破坏的边界条件主要是由台阶的几何特征所决定,台阶边坡几何特征主要有台阶坡面角、台阶高度、台阶的平台宽度和台阶组合4要素。在对整体边坡角优化的同时,同样需要对台阶的宽度进行优化。通过分析台阶边坡特征,计算出不同规模破坏的边界条件,进而对矿山台阶的宽度进行优化。通过对一个矿山边坡算例的优化分析,在不改变整体边坡角的前提下,对台阶宽度进行优化,可以避免某些大规模的台阶破坏可能,提高矿山边坡的稳定性。  相似文献   
泡沫树脂是一种新型安全填充密闭材料。以德国Isoschaum 型速凝泡沫树脂为例,分析与探讨了泡沫树脂材料的基本配方、性能、应用方法和应用范围以及我国在此领域的研究动向等问题。通过分析与研究发现,泡沫树脂具有良好的弹性、较低的透气性、不延燃、使用简便、可靠等优良特性,因此,建议我国矿山开采业尽快开发和应用这种新型安全填充密封材料  相似文献   
理解树木生长对气候变化和人类活动干扰的响应有助于未来森林管理和双碳政策的落实。本文基于采自吕梁山南端的油松(Pinus tabuliformis Carr.)树轮样本建立了标准树轮宽度年表。通过Pearson相关分析发现树轮年表对研究区3—7月土壤湿度(r=0.60,P<0.01,n=37)、5—6月平均最低温度(r=-0.37,P<0.01,n=63)和5月降水量(r=0.31,P<0.05,n=64)响应敏感,说明水分条件(降水和土壤湿度)是影响研究区油松径向生长的主要限制因子,温度则是通过调控土壤湿度进而影响树木径向生长过程。近百年来(1926—2011年),研究区油松发生了三次生长释放事件(1932年,1977—1980年,2001—2011年)和一次生长抑制事件(1991—1994年)。生长释放事件在次数、持续时间和发生强度上都高于生长抑制事件。适宜(不适宜)的水热组合能够促进生长释放(抑制),人类活动干扰也能够诱发生长事件。空间相关分析揭示树轮年表与研究区及周边较大范围的气候环境变化密切相关。本研究对深入了解该地区油松树种生长特征及其对气候与人类活动干扰的...  相似文献   

城镇化和工业化进程的不断推进给城市群自然资本及其可持续利用带来较大的威胁。为明确城市群建设过程中自然资本可持续性变化特征,以长三角城市群为研究对象,采用二维和三维生态足迹评价模型,同时添加水资源账户对原模型进行改进以反映长三角地区水资源潜力与压力,研究分析了2005—2019年长三角城市群生态足迹、生态压力指数和生态协调指数变化、自然资本存量消耗和自然资本流量占用情况及其影响因素与作用机制。结果表明:1)研究期间,长三角城市群人均生态足迹和生态承载力分别为4.46和1.59 hm2/人,平均人均生态赤字为2.87 hm2/人,但万元GDP生态足迹不断下降,资源利用率不断上升;2)2005—2019年,长三角城市群生态压力指数由2.48升至3.25,生态协调指数由1.30变为1.25;3)基于改进三维生态足迹模型发现,长三角城市群资本存量利用程度越来越大,且对自然资本流量的更新起到较大抑制作用,2019年研究区自然资本存量的消耗量是资本流量占有量的2.26倍;4)影响因子分析表明,工业产值、能源消耗总量、建筑用地面积和城镇化率对生态足迹起到了正向促进作用,对自然资本的可持续性产生了较大压力。

利用采自湖南慈利的马尾松树轮样本,建立研究区的标准树轮宽度年表。树轮气候响应分析发现:马尾松径向生长与月最大日降水量在生长季之前部分月份显著负相关(p0.05),在生长季之内部分月份显著正相关(p0.05),与月平均温度、月平均最低温度、月极端最低温度在生长季之前和之内大多月份均显著正相关(p0.05),其中与上一年11月到当年2月(冬季)的平均极端最低温度相关最好(r=0.62,p0.01)。重建了湖南慈利地区1854年以来冬季极端最低温度,重建气温在十年尺度上表现出明显的反"S"型,1854—1916年和1981—2015年处于暖冬时期,1917—1980年处于寒冬时期。此外,共发现29个寒冬年,其中包括3个寒冬时段,分别为1922—1925年、1927—1930年和1953—1960年,其中1953—1960年是自1854年以来最冷的时段。空间相关性分析表明重建序列可以指示我国中东部的冬季低温变化,而冬季低温可能与热带印度洋、西太平洋海温变化异常有关。  相似文献   
Conservation biologists increasingly rely on spatial predictive models of biodiversity to support decision-making. Therefore, highly accurate and ecologically meaningful models are required at relatively broad spatial scales. While statistical techniques have been optimized to improve model accuracy, less focus has been given to the question: How does the autecology of a single species affect model quality? We compare a direct modelling approach versus a cumulative modelling approach for predicting plant species richness, where the latter gives more weight to the ecology of functional species groups. In the direct modelling approach, species richness is predicted by a single model calibrated for all species. In the cumulative modelling approach, the species were partitioned into functional groups, with each group calibrated separately and species richness of each group was cumulated to predict total species richness. We hypothesized that model accuracy depends on the ecology of individual species and that the cumulative modelling approach would predict species richness more accurately. The predictors explained plant species richness by ca. 25%. However, depending on the functional group the deviance explained varied from 3 to 67%. While both modelling approaches performed equally well, the models of the different functional groups highly varied in their quality and their spatial richness pattern. This variability helps to improve our understanding on how plant functional groups respond to ecological gradients.  相似文献   
A two-dimensional numerical model for evaluating the wind flow and pollutant dispersion within a street canyon was first developed using the FLUENT code, which was then validated against a wind tunnel experiment. Then, the effects of the upstream building width and upwind building arrangement on the airflow and pollutant dispersion inside an isolated street canyon were investigated numerically. The numerical results revealed that: (1) the in-canyon vortex center shifts downwards as the upstream building width increases; (2) the recirculation zone covers the entire upstream building roof for the cases when W/H = 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 (W is the upstream building width and H is the building height), whereas the flow reattaches the upstream building roof for the cases when W/H = 2.5 and 3.0; (3) when the upstream building width is shorter than the critical width WC (= 2H), an increase in the upstream building width leads to an increase in the pollution level on the leeward wall of the canyon and a decrease in the roof-level concentrations at the upstream building; (4) when the upstream building width is longer than the critical width, the roof-level concentrations at the upstream building are negligibly small and the pollution level on the leeward wall of the canyon is almost unaffected by a further increase in the upstream building width; (5) when the buildings are placed upwind of the canyon, the flow attaches the upstream building roof and, therefore, almost none of the pollutants are distributed on the upstream building roof; and (6) the pollution levels inside the canyon and on the downstream building roof increase significantly with the number of upwind buildings.  相似文献   
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