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本文报告15例具有典型疱疹样皮炎(DH)的患儿,年龄在2.5~15.5岁,病期2周至12.5年,  相似文献   
作者调查了22例先天性毛细血管扩张性大理石皮肤,其中女14例,男8例。除1例皮损在出生时即有外,15例在生后3个月内、3例在4~6个月之间、2例在1岁时确诊,另2例在11岁时被检查发现。皮损均限制于躯干的一侧、一或多个肢体。无肌肉粘膜损害,其中4例有局部灶性皮肤萎缩,8例在网状带皮损的基础上有溃疡形成,6例伴有其他异常。其中3例有炎性痣,1例有先天性泛发性纤维瘤病和单侧性萎缩,2例婴儿有青光眼;1例并发面部炎性痣,另一侧并发先天性毛细血管扩张性大理石皮肤。  相似文献   
加巴喷丁胶囊治疗疱疹后神经痛的多中心临床观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Objective To observe the clinical efficacy and safety of gahapentin in the treatment of postherpetic neuralgia. Methods A multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel design, 6-week study was performed. Patients with postherpetic neuralgia were recruited into this study and randomly divided into two groups to receive gabapentin or placebo 1800 mg daily in three divided doses with a forced titration schedule, respectively. The primary efficacy measure was change in the pain score based on a visual analogue scale from baseline to the final week of therapy, and secondary measure was the improvement in sleep quality scored on a 5-point severity scale. Efficacy and safety evaluation was performed at baseline, and 1, 3, and 6 weeks atter the treatment. Results One hundred and forty-one patients were recruited in four clinical centers, and 125 patients completed the trial, of whom 66 were in the treatment group and 59 in the control group. An improvement was observed in both pain scores and sleep scores on week 1, 3 and 6 in both two groups, and the improvement was greater in gabapentin-treated group than that in the control group. The response rate was 29.58% and 57.75%, respectively in gabapentin-treated group on week 1 and 3, com-pared to 13.04% and 40.58%, respectively, in the control group (t = 5.94, 4.12, respectively, both P <0.05).Gabapentin was well tolerated, and the most common adverse events were dizziness, vertigo, somnolence and transient abnormality of hepatic function. Conclusion Gabapentin could markedly reduce pain intensity and improve sleep quality with a low incidence of adverse events in patients with postherpetic neuralgia.  相似文献   
目的:探讨各型银屑病患者血清中抗结核杆菌及其提取物的抗体水平和可能的意义。方法:用ELISA法测定各型银屑病患者及正常对照血清中抗结核杆菌的整菌、培养液和胞浆提取物的Igc、IgM和IgA抗体水平。结果:各型银屑病患者血清中检出不同水平的抗此菌三类成份的抗体,常见型(点滴状、斑块状)银屑病的IgG抗体,少见型(红皮病型、脓疱型、关节病型)的IgA抗体水平与正常对照相比差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05),常见型银屑病和少见型银屑病IgM水平皆高于正常对照组,且有统计学差异(P〈0.05)。而且,这些与正常对照有差异的银屑病患者与肺结核病患者比较无统计学差异(P〉0.05)。结论:银屑病患者血清中存在与肺结核病患者差异不明显的抗结核杆菌整菌、培养液和胞浆提取物的IgG、IgM和IgA抗体水平,三类抗体在各型银屑病中的抗体水平可能不同。  相似文献   
134例毛囊炎和脓疱病患者随机分为两组,各外用0.5%氧氟沙星凝胶及1%诺氟沙星乳膏治疗毛囊炎30例及脓疱病37例,前者为治疗组,后者为对照组,两组疗效无显著差异(P>0.05)。  相似文献   
扁平苔藓(LP)组织学特征是伴有真皮淋巴细胞(主要是Ia阳性细胞)浸润的表皮改变。为了弄清LP的原发过程是基底角朊细胞的损伤还是目前尚未明确的抗原活化T淋巴细胞,而引起角朊细胞破坏的一种迟发超敏反应,作者从临床和组织学上已确诊为LP的6例男性患者,每人于受累区及未受累区取2mm钻孔的皮肤5份,2份移于鼠龄2~3个月的Balb裸鼠身上,3份作免疫荧光、组织学检查及多巴染色。于移植后的14天和21天取  相似文献   
目的 评价曲尼司特胶囊治疗瘢痕疙瘩的临床疗效和安全性。方法 采用多中心、随机、安慰剂平行对照的临床研究方法,将入选患者随机分为治疗组和对照组,分别接受口服曲尼司特和安慰剂治疗,两组均同时外用多磺酸黏多糖(商品名喜辽妥),于治疗后第4、8、12周随访。主要疗效指标为皮损的B超厚度,次要指标为皮损硬度、瘙痒及疼痛的评分。结果 共有143例瘢痕疙瘩患者参加本次研究,符合研究方案完成试验者124例,其中治疗组60例,对照组64例。研究结束时,主要疗效指标皮损厚度的下降率,治疗组和对照组间的差异有统计学意义(P=0.001);综合评分的下降率,治疗组和对照组的有效率分别为15.00%、4.69%(P=0.046),差异有统计学意义。两组不良事件的发生率分别为5.88%和2.86%,差异无统计学意义(P=0.438)。结论 曲尼司特胶囊治疗瘢痕疙瘩安全并有一定作用。  相似文献   
白癜风患者外周血T细胞亚群失衡   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Objective To observe the clinical efficacy and safety of gahapentin in the treatment of postherpetic neuralgia. Methods A multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel design, 6-week study was performed. Patients with postherpetic neuralgia were recruited into this study and randomly divided into two groups to receive gabapentin or placebo 1800 mg daily in three divided doses with a forced titration schedule, respectively. The primary efficacy measure was change in the pain score based on a visual analogue scale from baseline to the final week of therapy, and secondary measure was the improvement in sleep quality scored on a 5-point severity scale. Efficacy and safety evaluation was performed at baseline, and 1, 3, and 6 weeks atter the treatment. Results One hundred and forty-one patients were recruited in four clinical centers, and 125 patients completed the trial, of whom 66 were in the treatment group and 59 in the control group. An improvement was observed in both pain scores and sleep scores on week 1, 3 and 6 in both two groups, and the improvement was greater in gabapentin-treated group than that in the control group. The response rate was 29.58% and 57.75%, respectively in gabapentin-treated group on week 1 and 3, com-pared to 13.04% and 40.58%, respectively, in the control group (t = 5.94, 4.12, respectively, both P <0.05).Gabapentin was well tolerated, and the most common adverse events were dizziness, vertigo, somnolence and transient abnormality of hepatic function. Conclusion Gabapentin could markedly reduce pain intensity and improve sleep quality with a low incidence of adverse events in patients with postherpetic neuralgia.  相似文献   
西替利嗪治疗荨麻疹及变应性鼻炎的临床观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西替利嗪 (cetirizine)属新一代中枢神经系统无镇静作用的H1受体拮抗剂 ,具有较强的抗过敏作用 ,无明显中枢抑制作用 ,该药毒性低 ,安全性好。为进一步了解西替利嗪治疗急性和慢性荨麻疹的疗效和安全性 ,南京军区总医院、中国医学科学院协和医科大学皮肤病研究所、南就市鼓楼医院 3家医院的皮肤科和耳鼻喉科采用随机对照和开放治疗的方法 ,从 1997年 9月共治疗 173例 ,报道如下。1 资料与方法1·1 一般资料 主要适应症为急性和慢性荨麻疹 ,其他病种为皮肤瘙痒症 ,性别不限 ,年龄在 12~ 70岁 ,有下列情况之一者不能入选 :⑴对…  相似文献   
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