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nini 《玩电脑》2005,(6):60-60
4月26日凌晨,落落MM苦守于显示屏前,焦急地等待《魔兽世界》全国公测,1:00、2:00……在落落MM临近崩溃的一刹那,艾泽拉斯的大门开启了……《魔兽世界》全国公侧已经开始一段时间了,怎么样?操作还顺手吗?如果你的回答是“No”,那可得留心本文介绍的内容了,笔者将为各位玩家介绍一些好东东,它们能帮你省却一些繁琐的操作,增加一些贴心的功能(严重申明:本文介绍的辅助工具均属官方认可的插件,绝不是人人喊打的外挂)。  相似文献   
nini 《玩电脑》2005,(4):51-51
《罗马·全面战争》所塑造的恢弘场景和壮观的大规模战役,早在去年的E3大展上就给我们留下了深刻的印象,该作横跨公元前300年至公元前50年.这一阶段正是罗马帝国不断扩张.最终建立欧洲历史上最辉煌的庞大帝国的时期.罗马史上那些最著名的战役也都集中于此——三次布匿战争、高卢战争和罗马内战等等,在游戏中玩家将亲身领略那段传奇的战争史。  相似文献   
nini 《玩电脑》2005,(2):46-48
“音乐”与“游戏”,年轻人最喜爱的两大休闲元素,音乐游戏,将两者有机地结合在一起,自然能够轻易地引爆年轻人那根躁动的神经,而多样化的音乐游戏类型,更是给予音乐游戏迷们一个疯狂的理由,如果你不“以身试法,是很难体会甚至想像到那种驾御节奏的震撼和音乐在指间流动的快感——OK,拿出你动感的节奏。Let’Go!  相似文献   
nini 《玩电脑》2005,(3):37-37
一款优秀的游戏,应该具有超强的可塑性,《魔兽争霸Ⅲ》(WarCraftⅢ)无疑是这方面的典范。近来,《魔兽争霸》的另类游戏方式——RPG地图就颇为流行(将RPG地图直接拷贝到《魔兽争霸》游戏目录中的“map”文件夹即可)。毫不夸张地说,不少魔兽RPG地图已经作为具有很高耐玩度的独立游戏而受到广大玩家的拥戴。我们今天就为大家带来其中最为优秀的3C系列。  相似文献   
nini 《玩电脑》2005,(1):49-49
球鞋是NBA球星个性的体现。游戏画、面中,清晰的球鞋使得NBA的球星们立马“足下生辉”。此补丁将原先64×64格式的球鞋,变成了256×256,经过这一改变,不禁让人眼前一亮。安装时,只需将压缩包中的文件Shoe2005.exe复制到《NBA LlVE 2005》的安装目录运行即可。  相似文献   
nini 《玩电脑》2005,(4):49-50
手腕疼、脖子酸、腰部赘肉横生?在你每天与电脑“亲密接触”之后,一只无形的大手正在悄悄偷走你的健康。身体不是取之不尽的金矿,健康不容你我无限透支。健康从何而来呢?——锻炼!那有什么办法能够保证锻炼又兼顾电脑使用呢?——摄像头游戏!我们这里所介绍的“摄像头游戏”是凭借舞动自己身体的任何一部分来这到人机交互的目的,突破了鼠标+键盘的障碍,除了一个健康的锻炼手段,摄像头游戏更能带来几分没有束缚的轻松。  相似文献   
Within the Broader Approach Agreement, Fusion for Energy will deliver to the Japanese Atomic Energy Association, amongst other components, the 18 Toroidal Field Coils (TFCs) for the superconducting Tokamak JT-60SA [1]. These coils will be individually tested at cryogenic temperatures and at the nominal current in a test cryostat. This cryostat is provided as an in-kind contribution by Belgium and is being developed jointly with CEA-Saclay/France.The vessel is large, oval shaped with an overall length of 11 m, a width of 7.2 m and a height of 6.5 m. To reduce the heat load to the coils the cryostat is covered by LN2 cooled thermal shields. In addition to the cryostat, three test frames for the coils, the valve box vessel and the insulation vacuum system are also provided by Belgium. The Belgian contribution is design, manufacturing, assembly and test of the vacuum chamber, thermal shield and test frames by the Belgian company Ateliers de la Meuse (ALM), with the support of Centre Spatial de Liège (CSL). The TF coil test facility is assembled and the coil tests are performed by CEA/Saclay.The Belgian contribution, namely the design, manufacturing, assembly and test of the vacuum vessel, the thermal shields, and the test frames as well as of the vacuum pumping system are described in the presentation.  相似文献   
Three two-dimensional Molten Core–Concrete Interaction tests have been conducted in the VULCANO facility with prototypic oxidic corium. The major finding is that for the two tests with silica-rich concrete, the ablation was anisotropic while it was isotropic for limestone-rich concrete. The cause of this behaviour is not yet well understood.Post Test Examinations have indicated that for the silica-rich concrete, the corium melt mixed specifically with mortar, while, for limestone-rich concretes, the analysed samples were in accordance with a corium–concrete mixing. The experimental results are described and compared to numerical codes. Separate Effect Tests with Artificial Concretes and prototypic corium are proposed to understand the phenomena governing the ablation geometry.  相似文献   
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