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Netherlands International Law Review -  相似文献   
涂小雨 《学习论坛》2006,22(2):78-80
党政关系的法制化是通过宪法与法律对党和政府的职能进行合理的界分,各司其职,各负其责,并建立起一套调节党政关系的法律体系,将党政关系的运作纳入法制化的轨道,最终实现党政关系的和谐协调。党政关系法制化能否实现直接影响着党政关系的调整,关系着依法治国的进程。  相似文献   
屠凤莲 《学习论坛》2005,21(4):33-35
刚柔相济的处事谋略在中国几千年的历史上备受推崇。在社会主义革命和社会主义建设的新的历史时期,邓小平继承并发展了这一谋略,创造性地把它运用于领导过程,体现出了绵里藏针、以柔克刚和坚决果敢、刚中有柔的特点,凸现了刚柔相济的领导艺术。  相似文献   
重视学习、善于学习是中华民族的优良传统。党的十六大明确提出要建设全民学习、终身学习的学习型社会,这为我们创建学习型机关提供了良好的契机。创建学习型机关,是新世纪党的机关建设面临的一项崭新的重大课题。本文对创建学习型机关的深刻内涵、必然性和重要性以及如何创建学习型机关作了初步的探讨。  相似文献   
秦汉户籍制度是中国较早期、比较完整并且比较有效的人口管理制度。尽管带有历史局限性,秦汉户籍制度仍蕴涵了理性化的管理机制,其功能如控制人口并使之内部协调,指挥管理并使之利于政权稳固,重农抑商并使之成为国家税收的重要保障,决策应变并使之成为实施各项国策的坚强后盾等等,其中的理性因素在现代社会仍有积极意义。  相似文献   
Suicide is a leading cause of death among adolescents, many of whom fail to disclose suicide concerns to adults who might help. This study examined patterns and predictors of help-seeking behavior among adolescents who seriously considered suicide in the past year. 2,737 students (50.9?% female, 46.9?% male; racial distribution 79.5?% Caucasian, 11.9?% Hispanic/Latino, and 3.6?% Black/African-American) from 12 high schools in rural/underserviced communities were surveyed to assess serious suicide ideation (SI) in the past year, disclosure of SI to adults and peers, attempts to get help, attitudes about help-seeking, perceptions of school engagement, and coping support. Help-seeking was defined as both disclosing SI to an adult and perceiving oneself as seeking help. The relationship between adolescents' help-seeking disclosure and (1) help-seeking attitudes and (2) perceptions of social resources was examined among suicidal help-seeking youth, suicidal non-help-seeking youth, and non-suicidal youth. Of the 381 (14?%) students reporting SI, only 23?% told an adult, 29?% sought adult help, and 15?% did both. Suicidal help-seekers were similar to non-suicidal peers on all measures of help-seeking attitudes and social environment perceptions. Positive attitudes about help-seeking from adults at school, perceptions that adults would respond to suicide concerns, willingness to overcome peer secrecy requests, and greater coping support and engagement with the school were associated with students' increased disclosure of SI and help-seeking. This study supports prevention strategies that change student norms, attitudes and social environments to promote help-seeking among adolescents with SI. Promising intervention targets include increasing students' perceptions of the availability and capability of adults to help them, and strengthening students' understanding of how existing resources can help them cope.  相似文献   
非政府组织在农村社会救助中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会救助作为社会保障制度的原始形态和重要组成部分,是保障公民生存权的最后一层安全网,因而在改善民生、构建和谐社会中具有基础性的特殊意义.现阶段我国农村社会救助的主要制度有:五保供养制度、农村最低生活保障制度和农村救灾救助制度等.这些制度在实施中都不同程度地存在着问题.非政府组织在参与农村社会救助方面的优势,可以弥补农村社会救助的不足,能够起到补充资金提高效率和满足多样性的作用.在农村社会救助过程中构建政府与非政府组织合作模式的路径在于:构建共同的治理空间,形成组织上的互补和探索科学的合作方式.  相似文献   
上海地区青少年“涉黑”犯罪实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过调查发现,上海地区的青少年“涉黑”犯罪具有不是“涉黑”犯罪组织的最重要成分;在犯罪组织中大多处于从属地位,外来青少年所占比例突出,更易受到罪犯之间裙带关系的影响,绝大部分“涉黑”青少年无前科,犯罪类型多样等等特点。  相似文献   
政府与市场关系的理论随着经济的发展而发展,其理论分析主要集中在市场的作用以及市场中政府行为的边界,对政府与市场关系的不同解释对应着不同的政策措施。我国目前正处于经济转型期,正确认识市场与政府的关系对于建设服务型政府是十分必要的。  相似文献   
Mardin, is a city in the southeastern part of Turkey where people from different cultures and religions have been living together peacefully for centuries. The province hosted many valuable historical constructions representing different civilizations. Kasimiye Medresse, one of the most important educational centers of its times, has a sacred value for people in Mardin. The reason is that the stain on the wall of Kasimiye Medresse is considered to be Sultan Kasim's blood. Our study aims to analyze if the stain in question is blood. Serological tests are performed by using "Kastle-Meyer" and "Luminol" reactives on the scrapped samples taken from stained and unstained parts of the wall. At the end of the analysis, the stain is turned out to be a dye made of herbal roots ending the rumour of centuries.  相似文献   
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