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Professional baseball players are often thought of as making multi-million-dollar salaries, but most professional baseball players have recently made under $15,000 a year. Minor league players toiled under an onerous system resulting from baseball's judicially created antitrust exemption and lobbying efforts that exempted them from minimum wage and overtime. These factors allowed teams to impose a uniform player contract (UPC) on players with numerous unconscionable provisions for years. However, a late-night Tweet in August of 2022 sent shockwaves through the sports and labor world, announcing that the Major League Baseball Players Association (MLBPA) was sending out authorization cards to represent minor league players. After years of fighting to maintain the authority to impose conditions on minor league players, through lobbying and litigation, Major League Baseball (MLB) turned over a new leaf and recognized the unionization of minor league players under the MLBPA less than three weeks later. In light of this long sought-after recognition, this article takes a novel approach. First, it provides historical context for baseball's unique ability to impose working conditions on minor leaguers without significant concern for legal ramifications. Second, it provides an overview of the doctrine of contractual unconscionability and analyzes the prior UPC as an unconscionable agreement. Finally, it details the historic unionization process and makes detailed recommendations to ameliorate the unconscionable conditions minor league players have faced when they negotiate with MLB owners to draft their initial collective bargaining agreement.  相似文献   
"文学"这一全然晚近的词在诞生之初,便与虚构有着某种密切而又复杂的联系。这种联系并非现今大众观念中根深蒂固的"文学虚构即虚假"——将自然真实与文学艺术所含有的虚构进行简单化的二元对立——的观念,而是一个更加值得深思与探讨的话题。因此,可以通过探讨文学本质同虚构间的联系来摈弃精神锈斑,在粗略的真假对立之外,尝试追寻属于文学与虚构的另一种答案。  相似文献   
基于四个省份十二个煤矿一线员工的问卷调查数据,采用相关性分析和多元回归分析的方法, 从个人、家庭、企业、工作四方面,探究了我国煤矿一线员工过度劳动影响因素。研究发现:经济利益、自我发展、 家庭责任、不和谐的家庭关系、考核标准、薪酬制度、企业文化、工作量、工作要求、工作环境对煤矿一线员工 过度劳动的产生具有显著的正向影响,家庭支持对煤矿一线员工过度劳动的产生具有显著的负向影响。不同年龄、 不同工龄、不同收入的员工,过度劳动程度存在显著差异。年龄越大、工龄越长、收入越高的员工过劳程度更高。 总体上看,煤矿一线员工普遍存在过度劳动且较为严重。  相似文献   
国家政治安全视角下境外非政府组织的管理路径   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
国家政治安全是国家安全的根本,处于国家安全体系中的至高层次和根本地位。境外非政府组织作为在境外成立的非营利、非政府社会组织,选择在开放的中国开展活动,对我国经济社会发展发挥了积极作用。但部分境外非政府组织来华活动动机不纯,企图传播西方政治理念,开展影响我国政治安全的活动。新时期,防治境外非政府组织在华活动,必须进一步完善在华境外非政府组织管理法律法规,把好"合法性准入"关,做好资金管控工作,健全监督管理协调机制,构建在华境外非政府组织完整信息数据库和大数据预测预警分析平台,最终实现在华境外非政府组织的规范化发展,确保国家政治安全。  相似文献   
An important component of crime scene reconstruction is bloodstain pattern analysis (BPA). Where BPA concerns impact patterns, estimating the area of origin is critical information for scene reconstruction. Traditionally, this is achieved by measuring individual bloodstains and performing trigonometric calculations; however, 3D scanning has been proposed as a viable alternative for overcoming logistical and practical concerns with the manual method. Therefore, this project aimed to establish whether the FARO Focus 3D scanner and FARO Zone 3D software can improve the accuracy of area of origin estimates relative to the manual method. We created a series of eight bloodstain impact patterns and performed paired analysis using the two methods to estimate areas of origin for each pattern. Our data suggested that FARO-derived estimates were generally more accurate than using the manual method. FARO-estimated heights of origin areas were generally closer to the true distance. Both methods underestimated the distance from the wall for most patterns originating 150mm or greater from the wall, but overestimated distances for patterns originating closer to the wall. The degree to which distances were underestimated increased significantly the further the blood source was from the wall and was greater for FARO-derived estimates. The results of this research contribute to the validation of these instruments for operational implementation for BPA and should be considered alongside the practical benefits of 3D scanning relative to manual methods. Further, 3D scanning can provide reliable BPA reconstruction documentation for technical review and court presentation.  相似文献   
张红 《财经法学》2020,(3):150-160
个人信息本来是极其隐私的事物,在大数据时代却时刻处于"裸奔"状态,时刻面临被侵犯的风险。特别在新冠肺炎疫情防控中,大数据技术发挥了重要作用,个人信息保护再次引起关注。整体而言,日本个人信息保护法以"个人优先"与"公共优先"的宗旨博弈为出发点,以"个人信息"的概念界定为基础,以个人信息权的保护为核心,以个人信息保护机构的独立设置为落脚点,为个人信息的保护奠定了基础。我国应当积极行动起来,尽快颁布《个人信息保护法》,助力大数据时代个人信息保护和数字经济的发展。  相似文献   
Journal of Youth and Adolescence - Language brokering is a prevalent phenomenon in ethnic minority immigrant populations. Although accruing evidence points to the beneficial impacts of healthy role...  相似文献   
淮海战役胜利以来的70年,党情、国情、世情已经发生的较大的变化,看似时过境迁,但淮海战役中党的组织优势的成功实践,对于我们"继续发挥党的组织优势,激发全党的奋斗精神,以更好的状态、更实的作风团结带领全国各族人民奋力谱写新时代中国特色社会主义新篇章"[1]554仍具有十分重要的指导意义。本文系统梳理淮海战役中党的政治领导力、思想引领力、群众组织力、社会号召力等强大优势的成功实践,得出新时代条件下继续发挥党的组织优势、贯彻落实好党的十九大确定的重大决策部署的重要启示。  相似文献   
机动侦查权是检察机关侦查权力不可或缺的一部分。从保留必要性来看,监察委员会的调查权和公安机关的侦查权均不能取代其法律监督的宪法地位。修订后的《刑事诉讼法》对检察机关机动侦查权的适用范围做出了限缩,机动侦查权在司法活动中运用的频率偏低。其原因是,检察机关机动侦查权在修订后的《刑事诉讼法》的相关规定要求下存在适用边界不明、启动程序繁琐、机关职权划分不明等问题。在明确《刑事诉讼法》对机动侦查权的功能定位是适时监督、寻求个案正义的前提下,通过划分机动侦查权适用的具体范围、简化机动侦查权的启动程序、确立检察机关启动机动侦查权的主导地位等路径对检察机关机动侦查权进行完善。  相似文献   
《论〈《政治经济学批判》序言〉的时代意义》蕴涵着习近平同志对马克思历史唯物主义基本原理的精准论述,以及结合当代中国共产党人正在积极推进的社会主义改革和建设实践所作的严谨思考。它深刻反映了习近平同志当年为思考和探索人类社会发展规律和人类社会的基本结构科学方法,是坚持马克思主义与发展马克思主义的典范性文献,是与马克思主义唯物史观进行的一次建设性对话,其思想精髓对于我们今天自觉发挥历史唯物主义在改革实践中的指导作用,并通过实践进一步丰富历史唯物主义的科学内涵,从而不断提升对中国特色社会主义的规律性认识,有着深远的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   
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