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Postmortem computed tomography (PMCT) is integrated into the evaluation of decedents in several American medical examiner offices and medicolegal death investigative centers in many other countries. We retrospectively investigated the value of PMCT in a series of firearm homicide cases from a statewide centralized medical examiner’s office that occurred during 2016. Autopsies were performed or supervised by board-certified forensic pathologists who reviewed the PMCT scans prior to autopsy. PMCT scans were re-evaluated by a forensic radiologist blinded to the autopsy findings and scored by body region (head–neck, thoracoabdominal, and extremities). Injury discrepancies were scored using a modified Goldman classification and analyzed with McNemar’s test. We included 60 males and 20 females (median age 31 years, range 3–73). Based on PMCT, 56 (79.1%) cases had injuries relevant to the cause of death in a single body region (24 head–neck region, 32 thoracoabdominal region). Out of these 56 cases, 9 had a missed major diagnosis by PMCT outside that region, including 6 extremity injuries visible during standard external examination. Yet all had evident lethal firearm injury. We showed that PMCT identifies major firearm injuries in homicide victims and excludes injuries related to the cause of death in other regions when a single body region is injured. Although PMCT has a known limited sensitivity for soft tissue and vascular pathology, it can be combined with external examination to potentially reduce or focus dissections in some of these cases depending on the circumstances and medicolegal needs.  相似文献   
宛程 《国际安全研究》2019,37(4):76-107
对于“伊斯兰国”而言,建构和输出意识形态至关重要。特定内容的意识形态不仅催生了“伊斯兰国”组织,并最终实现了其“领土”形式。在内容上,“伊斯兰国”汲取了之前政治伊斯兰的理论建构成果,并在“圣战”组织的实践过程中确立了复归的“哈里发国”和暴恐化的“圣战”两大核心意识形态。不仅如此,“伊斯兰国”还对两大核心意识形态进行了激进化实践。在复归的“哈里发国”方面,“伊斯兰国”试图通过宣示权力和荣耀来奠定其合法性基础,并以此来操弄族群身份认同,以吸引更多支持者;在暴恐化的“圣战”方面,“伊斯兰国”致力于对暴力进行形塑和展示,推动“暴力仪式观”的传播,从而造成了新恐怖的弥散;此外,“伊斯兰国”还试图通过篡改伊斯兰教义教法的方式来建构复归的“哈里发国”同暴恐化的“圣战”之间的联系。在“伊斯兰国”遭遇地面战场的失利之后,这些意识形态及其实践会为其续命。鉴于这种情况,需要对“伊斯兰国”的核心意识形态及其实践给予更多关注并进行深入研究,从而提供应对之策。  相似文献   
政治合法性是政治学研究的一个基本命题,是各个政权更是执政党应该首先解决好的重大问题。在我国,解决这一问题,关系到执政党执政地位的持久性、稳固性,关系到社会主义制度优越性的发挥和合理性认证。针对我国政治合法性的特殊性,我们党与时俱进,开拓创新,提出了“三个代表”的重要思想和建设社会主义政治明这一全新执政课题,构筑起了我国政治合法性的双翼,为实现执政党执政合法性和社会主义政治制度合法性的良性互动指明了前进方向和现实路径。  相似文献   
侦查讯问具有结果价值和程序价值。这两种价值的不同追求决定着侦查讯问的诉讼结构,而且该结构一般与庭审方式保持了相同的理念运作。然而从我国1996年刑诉改革以来,对抗制特色庭审方式与强职权侦查讯问方式存在着不可调和的价值冲突,以至司法实践中两种制度难以对接运作,问题颇多。  相似文献   
论我国反商业贿赂立法之缺失与完善   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
商业贿赂是一种不正当竞争行为,同时也是腐败的一种重要表现形式,它侵害了市场经济的公平竞争秩序,腐蚀了我国的廉政制度,严重影响了我国市场经济的健康发展。然而,我国现行的反商业贿赂立法存在法条分散、概念界定模糊、司法解释缺失等问题,从而给执法部门在司法实践中造成了很大的困难。因此,明确商业贿赂的范围、构成要件和法律责任对于我国现阶段开展反商业贿赂专项治理具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   
法律英语的语言特点及课程设计   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着中国入世,法律英语作为一门新兴的专业英语将在中国迅速发展,然而,传统的通用英语教学不能满足培养涉外法律专业人才的需求。本文通过对法律英语的语言特点及其课程设计中应注意的若干问题的表述,谈对法律英语教学的一些看法。  相似文献   
Acute myoglobinuria as a fatal complication of heroin addiction   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A fatal case of myoglobinuria complicating heroin addiction is described. Clinically the patient had no overt symptoms of rhabdomyolysis. Pathologists should be alerted to this rare complication in heroin addicts who die of no apparent cause. The antimyoglobin immunoperoxidase technique is useful in confirming the diagnosis.  相似文献   
Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis for the purpose of individualization is now being used in casework in the People's Republic of China. This report describes the use of the multilocus minisatellite probe 33.15 to solve three cases, including two homicides and a rape. In the third case, fetal tissue was analyzed to prove that the alleged rapist was, in fact, the father. In each case, analysis of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) resulted in a positive match. The probability of chance association of the DNA fingerprint was calculated as 5.6 x 10(-12), which is similar to the figures reported in the literature.  相似文献   
自第二十次全国公安会议召开以来,有关公安队伍正规化建设问题越来越引起上级机关高度重视,公安部、财政部也对基层公安机关有关警力不足、经费保障等问题行文予以解决,但由于缺乏制度保证及各地区情况的特殊性,有关政策文件还不能完全解决实际困难。笔者在一年带队支教工作之余,与县公安局民警和领导长期接触中,深感公安工作现状有其典型性。一、编制不合理,警力严重不足,民警健康状况堪忧(一)特克斯县基本情况特克斯县位于新疆西北部的伊犁哈萨克自治州首府伊宁市的东南部山区,距乌鲁木齐市850公  相似文献   
耿显榜  程永强 《学习论坛》2005,21(11):15-19
充分发挥农村党支部的战斗堡垒作用和党员的先锋模范作用,增强他们的自富带富能力,对于全面建设小康社会、奋力实现中原崛起意义重大。新形势下,发挥农村基层党组织和党员作用需要多形式培训、多途径选拔、多载体激励农村支部书记,切实解决农村基层组织建设存在的思想认识不到位,工作进展不平衡以及个别基层党组织工作方法单一、管理不到位、工作机制不适应、实用技术欠缺、致富能力较差等问题,加大培养选拔政治素质高、群众威信高、自富能力强、带富能力强型支部书记的力度,提高农村党员队伍的整体素质。  相似文献   
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