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Freshwater fish species and Baltic salmon (Salmo salar) are important to small-scale fisheries in Finland and Sweden. The formerly local markets for these species have expanded as trade has been opened up to international competition. In this study we use cointegration analysis to test the spatial integration of freshwater fish markets in Finland and between Finland and Sweden. The analysed fish species are salmon, perch (Perca fluviatilis), pikeperch (Sander lucioperca), European whitefish (Goregonus lavaretus) and pike (Exos lucius), and the data covers ex-vessel prices from 1993 or 1995 to 2004. We found that the regional prices in Finland were cointegrated. This indicates that the prices are determined on a single market in Finland. Moreover, the study suggests that Finnish and Swedish markets in Baltic salmon, whitefish, pikeperch and perch were partially integrated, while integration of pike markets could not be found. The political implication is that an essential part of the local small-scale fisheries’ operational environment is determined outside the national borders.  相似文献   
The growing stock more than doubled from 1.6 to 3.4 million m3 between 1912 and 2005 in forests on an area of 387 km2 in southern Finland. The stock expansion continued for 93 years noting interim results, which were available for 1959, 1982, 1994 and 1999. Forested area in the region hardly changed. Carbon sequestration was mainly a result of a long-term recovery from forest degradation, a legacy of land use in the 18th and 19th centuries. Tree demography responded to management change especially of mature stands: Average tree size and stocking density of stands increased. On average the expanding biomass stock sequestered 18 tons C annually per km2 (18 g C per m2). In comparison, the emissions of fossil carbon in the region were estimated at 12 tons C per km2 (12 g C per m2) on average. However, fossil CO2 emissions exceeded biomass sequestration in recent decades. The powerful and persistent expansion of the carbon stock was an unintended co-benefit of forestry, which was motivated by the intention to improve timber yield. On the more negative side the change in management introduced clear-cuts, and a loss of diverse elements of the pre-industrial biota.  相似文献   
Regional socio-economic importance of fisheries in Finland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The total value of Finnish fisheries production in 1997 was almost FIM 2 billion. The bulk of this sum was from processing and wholesaling, but in terms of value added, somewhat more than half was contributed by the primary sector, i.e. fishing and fish farming. In economic terms, fisheries accounted for 0.1% of gross domestic product (GDP) in 1997 and the relative job creation capacity was 0.15%. This paper examines the structure of Finnish fisheries in terms of production value and employment. It also considers the level of dependency on fisheries and of value added along the production chain. The focus is on concentration of the industry and on input to the economy at the regional level. The concentration of fisheries and regional dependence on fisheries are assessed in absolute and relative terms. Examining employment and value added in these two ways enables the regional nature of fisheries to be shown in greater detail. The input of fisheries to the regional economy is examined by the share of value added and by location quotients. The location quotient compares an area's share of a particular activity with that area's share of some basic or aggregated phenomenon. The location quotient showed that fisheries have importance not only in the coastal area but also inland.  相似文献   
A numerical model was developed for the bioaccumulation of mercury (Hg) in fish. The model is based on the bioenergetic calculation of fish growth, food consumption, respiration, specific dynamic action and waste losses (egestion/excretion) using the program of Hewett and Johnson (1992). Based on the predation and food results obtained, the accumulation of Hg in fish is calculated taking into account the concentrations of methyl mercury (MeHg) in food and water, its intake and accumulation from food and from water, and the removal of Hg from the body. Some species at various levels of food web are considered in the multistep model applications. The model is used to compute the changes of Hg contents in perch (as prey) and pike (as predator) caused by the release of Hg from the bottom sediments when the Kokemäki River in Western Finland was dredged. The model results were not far from the observed results even though the forcing conditions had been described only roughly.  相似文献   
Most methods used to estimate N status require collection, processing and analysis of soil and/or plant tissue samples. In this study, leaf chlorophyll content of cereals, determined in the field with a portable chlorophyll meter (Minolta SPAD-502), was used to predict N availability of wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.), barley ( Hordeum vulgare L.), oats ( Avena sativa L.) and rye ( Secale cereale L.). The results indicated that accurate nitrogen (N) fertilizer recommendations based on chlorophyll content have both environmental and economic advantages. Determination of leaf chlorophyll content with a chlorophyll meter accurately indicated plant N status allowing N fertilizer requirement to be accurately determined and resulting in increased N uptake efficiency. Applying N fertilizer on this basis improved production economics and improved physical input-output ratio during grain yield formation. Using a chlorophyll meter, responsive and non-responsive categories can be determined at the stage of maximum number of florets per ear primordium (Zadoks' GS 37-41) and at pollination (i.e. pollen grains on well-developed stigmatic hairs, GS 52-58).  相似文献   
The effect of forest structure and health on the relative surface temperature captured by airborne thermal imagery was investigated in Norway Spruce-dominated stands in Southern Finland. Airborne thermal imagery, airborne scanning light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data and 92 field-measured sample plots were acquired at the area of interest. The surface temperature correlated most negatively with the logarithm of stem volume, Lorey’s height and the logarithm of basal area at a resolution of 254?m2 (9?m radius). LiDAR-derived metrics: the standard deviations of the canopy heights, canopy height (upper percentiles and maximum height) and canopy cover percentage were most strongly negatively correlated with the surface temperature. Although forest structure has an effect on the detected surface temperature, higher temperatures were detected in severely defoliated canopies and the difference was statistically significant. We also found that the surface temperature differences between the segmented canopy and the entire plot were greater in the defoliated plots, indicating that thermal images may also provide some additional information for classifying forests health status. Based on our results, the effects of forest structure on the surface temperature captured by airborne thermal imagery should be taken into account when developing forest health mapping applications using thermal imagery.  相似文献   
Potato virus Y (PVY) is a major pathogen of potato and transmitted non-persistently by aphids. Aphis fabae is the main vector of PVY in the High Grade Seed Potato Production Area (HG area) in Finland, where the number of aphids and infection pressure with PVY are rather low, but problems with PVY occur in PVY-susceptible cultivars. The aim of the study was to test straw mulch, mineral oil, birch extract, and insecticides for control of PVY in small-scale field experiments and, additionally, at farm level in growers’ fields in the HG area of Finland. The insecticide esfenvalerate reduced the incidence of PVY in the progeny tubers by 29% in one of the 3 years, whereas other chemical treatments or birch extract had no significant effect on PVY incidence. Spraying foliage with mineral oil (Sunoco 11 E/3) reduced the incidence of PVY in 2 years by 43 to 58%, respectively. Straw mulch spread to the field at the time of plant emergence reduced PVY incidence in all 3 years by 50–70%. At farm level, straw mulch reduced the incidence of PVY in the progeny tubers by 25–47%, respectively, in both years tested; however, combining application of straw mulch and mineral oil did not further reduce incidence of PVY. Successful control of PVY in the HG area of Finland using straw mulch may be explained by transmission of PVY early in the growing season at the time of plant emergence and the relatively low number of vector aphids.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung In dem Vortrag werden organische Verbindungen behandelt, die in einigen Gemüsepflanzen primär als Pflanzenstoffe vorkommen, aus denen beim Zerquetschen oder bei sonstiger Schädigung der Pflanzen durch rasche Enzymreaktionen sekundär verschiedene Verbindungen entstehen. Die sekundär entstehenden Verbindungen haben oft spezifische physiologische, antibiotische, die Schleimhäute reizende und in einigen Fällen antithyreoide Wirkungen. Sie haben meistens auch einen charakteristischen Geruch.Im Biochemischen Forschungsinstitut, Helsinki, sind besonders organische Schwefelverbindungen inAllium-Arten (Allium cepa, Allium sativum undAllium schoenoprasum),Brassica-Arten sowie in Kresse (Tropaeolum majus, Lepidium sativum und einigen anderen) untersucht worden. DieAllium-Arten enthalten eine Anzahl verschiedener Cystein-Derivate sowohl als freie Aminosäuren als auch als -Glutamylpeptide. Propenylcysteinsulfoxyd ist die zentralste Schwefelverbindung in Zwiebeln und Schnittlauch und Allylcysteinsulfoxyd in Knoblauch.Aus Propenylcysteinsulfoxyd entstoht bei der Schädigung der Zwiebel die tränentreibende Substanz. Bei massenspektrometrischen Untersuchungen konnte sie als Propenylsulfensäure, die erste bekannte Substanz dieser Gruppe identifiziert werden. Dipropyldisulfid und Propenyl-propyl-disulfid sind die charakteristischen Geruchsstoffe in Zwiebel und Schnittlauch. Die verhältnismäßig schwache antibiotische Wirkung der Zwiebel beruht auf vielen sekundären Verbindungen, die aus mehreren verschiedenen Cystein-Derivaten wie Propyl- und Methylcysteinsulfoxyden entstehen. Die viel stärkere antibiotische Wirkung des Knoblauchs ist hauptsächlich auf Allylthiosulfinat zurückzuführen (Stoll). Eine große Anzahl -Glutamyldi- und tripeptide sind ausAllium-Arten isoliert und chemisch charakterisiert worden. Sie sind aktive Reservestoffe, die durch -Glutamylpeptidase hydrolisiert werden. Chemisch und energetisch entsprechen sie Glutamin.Aus Kohl und Kohlrübe sind ein Indol-Senfölglucosid, Glucobrassicin und sein N-Methoxy-Derivat isoliert worden. Diese Verbindungen sind in vieler Hinsicht interessant, da aus ihnen beim Zerquetschen der Pflanzen sich sowohl Wachstumshormone (hauptsächlich Indolylacetonitril) als Ascorbigen bilden. Ascorbigen bildet sich, wenn 3-Hydroxymethylindol, ein Produkt bei der enzymatischen Spaltung des Glucobrassicins, mit der in Pflanzen enthaltenen Ascorbinsäure reagiert. Aus einigen Senfölglucosiden enzymatisch entstandene Senföle haben stark antimikrobielle Wirkungen. Das wirksamste, das Wachstum sowohl von Staphylococcus als auch Schimmel hemmende Senföl ist Benzyl-isothiocyanat. Gemäß in diesem Laboratorium gemachten Beobachtungen können verschiedene sekundäre Verbindungen sich in verschiedenen Pflanzen aus demselben Senfölglucosid bilden. In zerquetschten Samen und Blättern vonTropaeolum majus bildet sich nur Benzyl-isothiocyanat, während in zerquetschten Samen vonLepidium sativum Benzyl-nitril, Benzyl-thiocyanat und Benzyl-isothiocyanat entstehen. Die früher bekannte Bildung der Alkylisothiocyanate aus entsprechenden Senfölglucosiden unter Lossenscher Umlagerung ist nicht der einzige Typ der Spaltungsreaktionen dieser Glucoside. Außer der Bildung von Benzyl-thiocyanat aus Benzylsenfölglucosid inLepidium-Arten, bildet sich Allylthiocyanat (Knoblauchgeruch!) aus Allylsenfölglucosid inThlaspi arvense und einigen anderen Pflanzen. Somit können offenbar verschiedene Enzymsysteme in verschiedenen Pflanzen dasselbe Substrat auf mancherlei Weise spalten. Bei Untersuchungen über die chemische Zusammensetzung der Pflanzen verdienen die enzymatischen Spaltprodukte somit spezielle Aufmerksamkeit auch in dem Fall, daß in verschiedenen Pflanzen dasselbe Substrat vorhanden ist.
Antimicrobial and antithyroid compounds in some edible vegetables
The lecture deals with organic compounds found in some edible vegetables as primary plant substances, from which various secondary compounds are formed by rapid enzymatic reactions when the plants are crushed or otherwise damaged. The secondary compounds have often specific physiologic, antibiotic, mucous membrane-irritating and in some cases antithyroid effects. They have mostly also characteristic flavours.At the Biochemical Research Institute, Helsinki, especially organic sulphur compounds inAllium species(Allium cepa, Allium sativum andAllium schoenoprasum), inBrassica-species and cresses (Tropaeolum majus, Lepidium sativum and some others) have been investigated.Allium species contain a number of different cysteine derivatives both as free amino acids and as -glutamyl peptides.Propenyl cysteine sulphoxide is the most central sulphur compound in onion and chive, and allyl cysteine sulphoxide in garlic. When onion is crushed, the lachrymatory substance is formed from propenyl cysteine sulphoxide. By mass spectrometric studies it could be identified as propenyl sulphenic acid, the first known substance of this group. Dipropyl disulphide and propenyl propyl disulphide are the characteristic flavour compounds of onion and chive. The relatively weak antibiotic effect of onion depends on many secondary compounds formed from several different cysteine derivatives like propyl and methyl cysteine sulphoxides. The much stronger antibiotic effect of garlic depends mainly on allyl thiosulphinate (Stoll). A great number of -glutamyl di- and tripeptides have been isolated fromAllium species and chemically characterized. They are active reserve substances, hydrolyzed by -glutamylpeptidase. Chemically and energetically they correspond to glutamine.From cabbage and rutabaga an indole mustard oil glucoside, glucobrassicin, and its methoxy derivative were isolated. These compounds are very interesting in many respects, because when crushing the plants both growth hormones (mostly indolylacetonitrile) and ascorbigen are formed from them. Ascorbigen is formed when 3-hydroxy methyl indole, formed by enzymatic reaction, reacts with ascorbic acid found in plants. Mustard oils, formed enzymatically from some mustard oil glucosides, have strong antimicrobial effects. The most effective mustard oil inhibiting the growth of both Staphylococcus and moulds is benzyl isothiocyanate. According to observations in this laboratory different secondary compounds can be formed in different plants from the same mustard oil glucoside. In the crushed seeds and leaves ofTropaeolum majus practically only benzyl isothiocyanate is formed, whereas in the crushed seeds ofLepidium sativum benzyl nitrile, benzyl thiocyanate and benzyl isothiocyanate are formed. The classical formation of alkylisothiocyanates from mustard oil glucosides by Lossen rearrangement is not the only type of splitting reaction of these glucosides. Besides the formation of benzyl thiocyanate from benzyl mustard oil glucoside inLepidium species, allyl thiocyanate (garlic like odour) is formed from allyl mustard oil glucoside inThlaspi arvense and some other plants. Thus in different plants obviously different enzymic systems can split the same substrate in different ways. In studies of the chemical composition of plants the enzymic splitting products thus deserve special consideration also in the case that the same substrate is present in different plants.

Résumé Notre exposé traite de substances organiques de quelques légumes, qui se recontrent dans les tissus végétaux, et qui secondairement, à la suite d'écrasement ou pour toute autre cause, engendrent par voie enzymatique de nouvelles substances intéressantes. Ces substances secondaires ont souvent des proprietés physiologiques très specifiques: elles sont antibiotiques, elles irritent les muqueuses, dans certains cas elles sont antithyroidiennes. Elles ont généralement une odeur caractéristique.L'institut de recherches biochimiques d'Helsinki a étudié notamment les substances thioorganiques des espèces d'Allium (Allium cepa, A. sativum,A. schoenoprasum), deBrassica, duTropaeolum majus, de la MâcheLepidium sativum.Les espèces d'Allium contiennent une série de dérivés de la Cystéine, soit à l'état d'aminoacides isolés, soit à l'état de -glutamylpeptides. Le sulfoxyde de propénylcystéine est la combinaison centrale. Chez les Oignons et la Ciboulette, le sulfoxyde d'allylcystéine chez l'Ail. Le sulfoxyde de propénylcystéine engendre, lorsque les tissus sont déchirés, la substance lacrymogène.La spectrographie de masse a permis d'identifier cette dernière à l'acide propénylsulfénique, premier exemple d'un constituant naturel appartenant à ce groupe. Le disulfure de dipropyle, le disulfure de propényle-propyl sont les substances odorantes caractéristiques de l'oignon et de la ciboulette. L'action antibiotique relativement faible de l'oignon provient de nombreuses substances secondaires, qui prennent naissance aux dépens de divers dérivés de la cystéine, tels que les sulfoxydes de propyle et de méthylcystéine.L'action antibiotique beaucoup plus considérable de l'ail est dûe principalement au thiosulfinate d'allyle (Stoll).Un grand nombre de di- et tripeptides -glutamiques ont été isolées des espèces d'Allium, et ont été caractérisés chimiquement. Ce sont des substances de réserve s'hydrolysant aisément par des -glutamylpeptidases. Chimiquement, énergétiquement, elles correspondent à la glutamine.Le chou, le rutabaga, ont livré un glucoside indolique de l'essence de moutarde, la glucobrassicine, et son dérivé N méthoxylé. Ces combinaisons sont intéressantes à plusieurs points de vue; elles engendrent des hormones de croissance (principalement l'indolyl acetonitrile), et de l'ascorbigène. L'ascorbigène se form, lorsque le 3-Hydroxyméthylindol formé dans l'hydrolyse enzymatique de la glucobrassicine réagit avec l'acide ascorbique des tissus végétaux.Les glucosides à sénévol engendrent sons l'action d'enzymes des sénévols à haute activité antimicrobienne. Le sénévol le plus actif aussi bien sur la croissance du Staphylocoque, que sur les moisissures, est l'isosulfocyanate de benzyle. Les observations faites dans notre laboratoire ont montré que ce même glucoside engendre dans les plantes différentes des substances différentes. Dans les graines et les feuilles broyées deTropaeolum majus il ne se forme que de l'isosulfocyanate de benzyle; dans les graines bruyées deLepidium sativum, il se fait du nitrile benzylique, du sulfocyanate de benzyle, de l'isosulfocyanate de benzyle. On connaissait antérieurement la formation des isosulfocyanate d'alkyle à partir des glicosides à sénévols correspondants, par une inversion de Lossin, cette réaction n'est pas la seule qui se produise.Parallèlement à la formation de sulfocyanate de benzyle à partir de glucosides à sénévols benzyliques dans les espèces deLepidium, il se forme de l'isosulfocyanate d'allyle (odeur d'Ail) à partir des glucosides à sénévol allylique dansThlaspi arvense et quelques autres plantes. Ainsi des cystéines enzymatiques différents peuvent hydrolyser en substances différents le même substrat. L'étude de la composition chimique des végétaux doit mentionne ces divers produits d'hydrolyse enzymatique, même lorsqu'ils dérivent du même substrat.

Vortrag gehalten auf der gemeinsamen Tagung der Internationalen Vereinigung zur Erforschung der Qualität von Nahrungspflanzen (CIQ) und der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Qualitätsforschung (Pflanzliche Nahrungsmittel) (DGQ) in Mainz (25.–27. März 1969) am 25.3.1969.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of dietary betaine over a range of concentrations (between 0 and 0.5%) on growth and body composition in young feed-restricted pigs. Betaine is associated with decreased lipid deposition and altered protein utilization in finishing pigs, and it has been suggested that the positive effects of betaine on growth and carcass composition may be greater in energy-restricted pigs. Thirty-two barrows (36 kg, n = 8 pigs per group) were restrictively fed one of four corn-soybean meal-skim milk based diets (18.6% crude protein, 3.23 Mcal ME/kg) and supplemented with 0, 0.125, 0.25, or 0.5% betaine. Feed allotment was adjusted weekly according to BW, such that average feed intake was approximately 1.7 kg for all groups. At 64 kg, pigs were slaughtered and visceral tissue was removed and weighed. Carcasses were chilled for 24 h to obtain carcass measurements. Subsequently, one-half of each carcass and whole visceral tissue were ground for chemical analysis. Linear regression analysis indicated that, as betaine content of the diet was elevated from 0 to 0.5%, carcass fat concentration (P = 0.06), P3 fat depth (P = 0.14) and viscera weight (P = 0.129) were decreased, whereas total carcass protein (P = 0.124), protein deposition rate (P = 0.98), and lean gain efficiency (P = 0.115) were increased. The greatest differences over control pigs were observed in pigs consuming 0.5% betaine, where carcass fat concentration and P3 fat depth were decreased by 10 and 26%, respectively. Other fat depth measurements were not different (P > 0.15) from those of control pigs. In addition, pigs consuming the highest betaine level had a 19% increase in the carcass protein:fat ratio, 23% higher carcass protein deposition rate, and a 24% increase in lean gain efficiency compared with controls. Dietary betaine had no effects (P > 0.15) on growth performance, visceral tissue chemical composition, carcass fat deposition rate, visceral fat and protein deposition rates, or serum urea and ammonia concentrations. These data suggest that betaine alters nutrient partitioning such that carcass protein deposition is enhanced at the expense of carcass fat and in part, visceral tissue.  相似文献   
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