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<正>前言本情景的制作缘起于编辑部送给我的一盒威龙北非兵人。怎奈因诸事扰之,期间停工半年有余,致使整个制作周期长达一年两个月。停工虽打乱了制作的节奏,但却使我有机会沉淀下来总结自己这几年模型制作的心得。所以,本情景可以说是我为了求证自己这些感悟对与错的一个实验性作品。我将本情景的背景设定在1942年北非的突尼斯,德军北非军团501重型坦克营一辆三号N型坦克和一辆82侦察车相聚于某一小镇,装甲兵和侦察车成员正在相互交流情报,而一些装甲掷弹兵则在休整补充物资。  相似文献   
21世纪是网络的时代,随着互联网的迅速发展《网络安全教育》必然成为了中等职业院校安全教育的重要内容之一。  相似文献   
The objective of this research is the rapid reconstruction of ancient buildings of historical importance using a single image. The key idea of our approach is to reduce the infinite solutions that might otherwise arise when recovering a 3D geometry from 2D photographs. The main outcome of our research shows that the proposed methodology can be used to reconstruct ancient monuments for use as proxies for digital effects in applications such as tourism, games, and entertainment, which do not require very accurate modeling. In this article, we consider the reconstruction of ancient Mughal architecture including the Taj Mahal. We propose a modeling pipeline that makes an easy reconstruction possible using a single photograph taken from a single view, without the need to create complex point clouds from multiple images or the use of laser scanners. First, an initial model is automatically reconstructed using locally fitted planar primitives along with their boundary polygons and the adjacency relation among parts of the polygons. This approach is faster and more accurate than creating a model from scratch because the initial reconstruction phase provides a set of structural information together with the adjacency relation, which makes it possible to estimate the approximate depth of the entire structural monument. Next, we use manual extrapolation and editing techniques with modeling software to assemble and adjust different 3D components of the model. Thus, this research opens up the opportunity for the present generation to experience remote sites of architectural and cultural importance through virtual worlds and real-time mobile applications. Variations of a recreated 3D monument to represent an amalgam of various cultures are targeted for future work.  相似文献   
The critical properties of the mixed manganite La0.67–x Y x Ba0.23Ca0.1Mn O3 with x=0.10 and x=0.15 around the paramagnetic(PM)-ferromagnetic(FM) phase transition were investigated through various techniques. These involved modified Arrott plots, Kouvel-Fisher method and Widom scaling relation. Magnetic data, analyzed in the critical region, using the above methods, yielded the critical exponents for(x=0.10) La0.57Y0.10Ba0.23Ca0.1Mn O3(β=0.312±0.002 and γ=1.147±0.003 at T C=299.23±0.05 K). Moreover, the estimated critical exponents of(x=0.15) La0.52Y0.15Ba0.23Ca0.1Mn O3 were β=0.286±0.004 and γ=0.943±0.002 at T C=289.53±0.06 K. The critical exponents’ values were close to the theoretical values of 3D-Ising model and tricritical mean-field model. These results suggested that the present composition should be close to a tricritical point in the La0.67–x Y x Ba0.23Ca0.1Mn O3 phase diagram. Expressing the field dependence as ΔS M∝H n allowed us to establish a relationship between the exponent n and the critical exponents of the material and to propose a phenomenological universal curve for the field dependence of ΔS M.  相似文献   
在这个泛偶像的时代,有太多风采照人、气质高雅的“星”和学富五车、雄韬伟略的“家”,他们固然值得仰望和崇拜;但是,这也是一个反偶像的时代,当正统的“偶像文化”被推到极致后,许多人产生“审美疲劳”,他们开始有意识地颠覆传统,告别英雄、躲避崇高。“芙蓉姐姐”的出现和风起云涌正是如此:“她颠覆了理想型偶像的高大全假大空,掏出大众心中的真、小乃至庸常的一面,甚至以反讽、自嘲的面目出现。”殊途同归的是,在民众的集体狂欢之后,所谓的反偶像,最终又走上了炮制偶像的路子——在博客江湖,一切成为平民的现实:一个渺小的,甚至和明星毫无关联的  相似文献   
当我们驾车向西穿过宾西法尼亚州时,大地披着一层冬装。虽然这不是想念蓝色鸣鸟的季节,但我却无法将它从头脑中驱赶。  相似文献   
为了分析多水库系统中两座水库之间灌溉用水的分配问题,建立了基到动态规划的神经网络模型。为了研究从一座上游水库取水在下游两座之库之间进行水量分配的问题,提出了3个状态变量和4个决策变量的改进的动态规划算法。采用神经网络模型,用3个状态变量动态规划算法得出调度原则,就所研究的多水库系统实例来说,新的动态规划神经网络模型的性能很好,将该模型的性能与临时凑合的标准调度原则和以前推荐使用的约束动态规划神经网络模型进行了比较。  相似文献   
伊朗卡尔黑多目标水利枢纽,首台机组于2002年9月投运。介绍了工程历史,并从导流系统遂洪道、渗漏控制和惟幕灌浆等方面介绍了工程的技术要求。  相似文献   
水电站运行过程中河床变形会使河底高程逐渐降低。从而导致下游流量特性曲线下降以及水电站水头增大。水头增大使水电站气蚀特性发生变化,导致动力设备的正常工作条件受到破坏。并对其运行安全性和效率造成不利影响。以卡马河的沃特金水电站为例,阐述了河床变形对水电站动力设备工作条件的影响。  相似文献   
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