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Based on full-resolution Magellan radar images, the detailed structural analysis of central Ishtar Terra (Venus) provides new insight to the understanding of the Venusian tectonics. Ishtar Terra, centered on 65° N latitude and 0° E longitude includes a high plateau. Lakshmi Planum, surrounded by highlands, the most important being Maxwell Montes to the East. Structural analysis has been performed with classical remote-sensing methods. Folds and faults identified on radar images were reported on structural map. Their type and distribution allowed to define the style of the crustal deformation and the context in which these structures formed. This analysis shows that Lakshmi Planum formed under a crustal stretching associated with a volcanic activity. This area then became a relatively steady platform, throughout the formation of Maxwell Montes mountain belt. Maxwell Montes is characterized by a series of NNW-SSE trending thrust faults dipping to the East, formed during a WSW-ESE horizontal shortening. In its NW quarter, the mountain belt shows a disturbed deformation controlled by pre-existing grabens and old vertical crustal fault zone. The deformation of this area is characterized by a shortening of cover above a flat detachment zone, with a progressive accommodation to the southwest. All these tectonic structures show evidence of horizontal and vertical crustal movements on Venus, with subsidence, mountain belt raise, West regional overthrusting of this mountain belt, and regional shear zone.  相似文献   
The authors have made a comparative study of surface deformations deduced from the analysis of recent faults, and deformation in depth deduced from, focal mechanisms associated with shallow earthquakes. The initial results obtained in the Paphos region of Cyprus are presented.Study of striations on centi- to decametric-scale fracture surfaces which affect Plio-Quaternary beaches in the Paphos region has enabled the authors to determine statistically the position of the principal axes of Plio-Quaternary deformation: lengthening X (strike N32°, dip 12°NE), shortening Z (N297°, 23°NW) and intermediate Y (N138°, 65°SE).On the 10th of September 1953 a superficial earthquake (depth 6 km) of 6.5 magnitude occurred near Paphos (location 34.9°N, 32.2°E) whose focal mechanism has been studied. Fault-plane solutions were obtained using 36 data points relating to the initial movements of the P-waves measured by longand short-period seismographs. Unfortunately the distribution of data with respect to the focus is such that it does not permit a single, but rather three possible solutions. Two of these are compatible with the model of deformation deduced from surface study. While the most probable solution favours a normal fault (solution no. 3), the system of deep strike-slip faults (solution no. 2) is equally compatible with the existence of predominantly normal surface faults.The preliminary results constitute part of a more regional study of the eastern Mediterranean. The authors consider it fundamental to establish this type of correlation when studying neotectonics.  相似文献   
Since the mid-late Eocene, North China has been subjected to extensional stress, resulting in the formation and development of basins. The dynamic origin of this crustal extension has long been an issue of debate. This paper presents the results of kinematic analyses of faults obtained from two seperated areas in North China. In the Weihe graben situated on the southernmost margin of the Ordos block, analyses of fault kinematics were coupled with an analysis of the basin's subsidence history. Three successive extensional tectonic phases accompaning the basin's formation and development have been distinguished. The Palaeogene extension was oriented in a WNW-ESE direction; the Neogene extension in a NE-SW direction and the Pliocene-Quaternary extension in a NW-SE direction. Such changes have also been recorded by fault kinematics along the southern Tanlu fault zone. This has been demonstrated by three successive sets of fault striations indicating normal dip slip resulting from NW-SE extension, then left-  相似文献   
Extensional tectonic regimes in the Aegean basins during the Cenozoic   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract Kinematics of faults in the Northern Aegean show three extensional tectonic regimes the tensional directions of which trend (1) WNW-ESE, (2) NE-SW and (3) N-S. These were active during the Upper Miocene, Pliocene-Lower Pleistocene and Mid Pleistocene-Present day, respectively. The main characteristics of the stress patterns (1) and (2) on the overall Aegean is tentatively explained by variations of the horizontal lithospheric stress value σzz due to the slab push and of the vertical lithospheric stress value σzz due to mass heterogeneities. During the Mid Pleistocene-Present, due to the slab push, tectonics were compressional along the arc boundary: σzz was σ1. In the Aegean basins, tectonics were extensional, c2Z was σ1 as a consequence of the thickness of the continental crust and, possibly of an updoming asthenosphere; thus σzz became σ2, allowing tension σ3 to be orthogonal to the compression along the arc, i.e. to be roughly parallel to the arc trend. During the Pliocene-Lower Pleistocene, the extensional regime was distinctly different. The tensional directions were roughly radial to the arc. It is suggested that σzz was weakly compressional, or eventually tensional, due a seaward migration of the slab so that σzz became σ3. In the Northern Aegean, the stress pattern has been also controlled by the westward push of the Anatolian landmass. During the Mid Pleistocene-Present day, this was typically extensional (al was vertical) and the right lateral strike-slip motion on the North Anatolian Fault transformed into a N-S-stretching, E-W-shortening of the Northern Aegean. Dextral strike-slip motions along the North Aegean Trough fault zone were possible on NE-SW-striking faults. During the Pliocene-Lower Pleistocene, normal fault components were higher; however, because the angle between the NE-SW trend of the tensional axis and the strike of the fault zone was acute, dextral strike-slip components were possible on all the faults striking NE-SW to E-W. A clockwise 15o rotation of Limnos with respect to Samothraki, Thraki and Thassos, suggested by structural data, was probably associated with these dextral motions. The WNW-ESE trending tension during the Upper Miocene indicates that the dextral North Anatolian Fault had not yet merged into the North Aegean Trough fault zone at that time. We propose that the formation of Aegean basins during the Cenozoic was related to the activity of two major Hellenic arcs. The ‘Pelagonian-Pindic Arc’ resulted in the formation of the subsident Aegean basins of Middle Eocene-Lower Miocene age and of the older Northern Aegean orogenic volcanism. The ‘Aegean Arc’ resulted in the formation of the subsident Aegean basins of Middle Miocene to Present day age and of the Southern Aegean orogenic volcanism. Were these arcs associated with a unique subduction zone or with two such zones ? In the first case, the slab is no more than 16 Myr old, in the second it may be as old as 45–50 Myr. The answer depends on the accuracy of the seismic tomography profiles.  相似文献   
华北地区上新世至第四纪断裂作用型式与左旋扩展   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
华北地区包含两个新生代引张构造域,即太行山以西的鄂尔多斯周缘地堑系和以东的华北-渤海平原盆地。鄂尔多斯周缘地堑系上新世~第四纪的断裂作用表征为正向倾滑活动为主,同时具有右旋或左旋走滑分量的运动型式,指示了NW-SE向地壳引作用,华北-渤海盆地内上新世~第四纪的断裂作用发生在NNE至NE走向的断鲜明带上,具有右旋和正向倾滑的斜向运动特征,EW走向的秦岭断裂系华北引张构造域的东界,表现为右旋走滑,与E  相似文献   

Les escaliers d’accrétion de calcite (ou stries de croissance) sont des structures typiques du glissement sur les tailles affectant les roches calcaires. Leur étude microscopique montre qu’ ils se sont formés par rupture de ponts de matière reliant des cisaillements 1erordre de type P, accompagnée d’une dilatance de la zone de faille.

La géométrie de la fracturation est dans le détail complexe et correspond à la superposition de microfractures de deuxième ordre à valeur de fentes de traction, de cisaillements conjugués et de microstylolites. La géométrie de fracturation ainsi que sa cinématique sont en accord avec les modèles analogiques et numériques proposés par Segall et Pollard (1980) et par Gamond (1983).

Les modalités de la rupture sont celles d’une déformation de type fracturation-cristallisation (crack seal), indiquant un mouvement local par saccades multiples sur la faille, avec un déplacement lent et de faible ampleur. Ceci peut être mis en relation avec un glissement (mode: II) de type “creep”, qui serait controlé par la rupture (mode I) des microbarrié res situées dans les zones de relais. Les fibres de calcites, caractéristiques des escaliers d’accrétion sont le résultat de la recristallisation orientée tardive du secteur interne de l’escalier, là où le mécanisme de fracturation-cristallisation était le plus intense.  相似文献   
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