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We present a theoretical investigation of non-equilibrium condensation of refractory metalsinthe primordial solar nebula, in relation to the origin of “Fremdlinges” included inCAIs. Todescribe the nucleation process of grains from vapor, weadopted asemi-phenomenological modelmodified fromthe classical nucleation theoryby the introductionof the second virial coefficient of vapor. This modelachieves excellent agreement with nucleation rate experiment. However,the second virial coefficients are unknown for a vapor of refractory metals. To overcome this, weexpress the nucleation rate by theuse of the chemical potential of dimersinsteadof the second virial coefficient.On the basis of this new nucleation theory,we have performed numerical simulations ofnon-equilibrium condensation of refractory metals andfind thattheircondensation temperatures, Tc, decrease considerably in comparison withequilibrium condensation. Even if the characteristiccooling time scale is aslarge as 1×105 years, the decrease in Tc isfrom 200 to 400 Kfor rare elements such as W, Re,and Os. This remarkablenon-equilibrium behaviormainly stemsfromthelow totalpressure in the primordial solar nebula. From our new modelwealso obtainthe typical size ofgrainsformed in condensation. We findthatthe cooling time should be ?1×105 years for sub-micron-sized or largerrefractory metal nuggetsto form.  相似文献   
Kyoko  Okino Yukihiro  Kato 《Island Arc》1995,4(3):182-198
Abstract The Nankai Trough, off southwest Japan, is one of the best sites for the study of geomorphic characteristics of a clastic accretionary prism. A recent multibeam survey over the central and eastern parts of the Nankai accretionary prism has revealed a large variation of the topography along the trough axis. Analysis of the bathymetric data suggests the existence of prism deformational features of different scales, such as depressions, embayment structures and cusps. These structures are the results of slope instability caused by basement relief of subducted oceanic plate. Unstable slopes recover by new accretion and development of a low angle thrust. Small-scale deformation due to the subduction of a small isolated seamount is then adjusted to the regional trend. By contrast, a 30 km indentation of the wedge observed in the eastern part of the Nankai Trough, the Tenryu Cusp, has seemed to retain its geometry. The subducted Philippine Sea plate has deformed greatly near the eastern end of the Nankai Trough, because of the collision between the Izu-Ogasawara (Bonin) arc and central Japan. Therefore, the indentation may be the result of the continuous subduction of a basement high, such as the Zenisu Ridge, which has been formed under north-south compression due to the arc-arc collision.  相似文献   
Aircraft, radiosonde, surface-flux, and boundary-layer windprofiler data from the Cooperative Atmosphere Surface Exchange Study's 1997 field project, CASES-97, are combined with synoptic data to study the evolution of the vertically-averaged mixed-layerpotential temperature []and mixing-ratio [Q] onthree nearly-cloudless days from 1000 CST to 1200CST (local noon is approximately 1230 CST). This was achieved through examination of the terms in the time-tendency (`budget')equations for []and [Q]. We estimate three of the terms –local time rate of change, vertical flux divergence, andhorizontal advection. For the [Q]-budget, vertical flux divergence usually dominates, buthorizontal advection is significant on one of the three days. The [Q]-budget balances for two of the three days to within the large experimental error. For the -budget,vertical flux divergence accounts for most of the morningwarming, with horizontal advection of secondary importance.The residual in the -budget has the same sign for all three days, indicating that not all the heating is accounted for. We can balance the []-budgets to within experimental error on two of the three days by correcting the vertical-flux divergence for apparent low biases in the flux measurements of one of the aircraft and in the surface fluxes, and accounting for direct heating of the mixed layer by radiative flux divergence allowing for the effects of carbonaceous aerosols. The [];-budget with these corrections also balances on the third day if horizontal gradients from synoptic maps are used to estimate the horizontal advection. However, the corrected budget for this day does not balance if the horizontal gradient in the advection term is estimated using CASES-97aircraft and radiosondes; we suggest that persistent mesoscale circulations led to an overestimate of the horizontal gradient andhence horizontal advection.  相似文献   
In winter, lakes and lagoons at high altitudes or high latitudes have interesting hydrological cycles that differ from those in other seasons or in other regions, because water surfaces are covered with ice. Hydrological balances of lakes and lagoons are complex dynamic systems, and to elucidate them, isotopic tracers of water have been used as effective tools along with observations of precipitation, evaporation, inflows, and outflows. Here, to understand hydrological processes during freezing periods in the brackish Saroma‐ko Lagoon, Hokkaido, northern Japan, we examined horizontal and vertical distributions of salinity and isotope compositions of lagoon water and ice in 2005 and 2006. Horizontal and vertical gradients of salinity and isotope compositions were observed from the river mouth to the sea channel, and factors determining these distributions were considered. The mixing of freshwater and seawater and a freezing effect were presumed to be factors in relationships between salinity and isotopes and in relationships between surface waters and ice just above the water. A simple box model for water balance was constructed based on these putative factors to reproduce the distributions of salinity and isotope compositions of surface waters and ice. An evaluation of the model revealed that this hydrological system is controlled primarily by horizontal advection of the epilimnion, freshwater influx, and the ice growth rate. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Abstract— Outside the Earth's atmosphere, silica aerogel is one of the best materials to capture finegrained extraterrestrial particles in impacts at hypervelocities. Because silica aerogel is a superior insulator, captured grains are inevitably influenced by frictional heat. Therefore, we performed laboratory simulations of hypervelocity capture by using light‐gas guns to impact into aerogels finegrained powders of serpentine, cronstedtite, and Murchison CM2 meteorite. The samples were shot at >6 km s?1 similar to the flyby speed at comet P/Wild‐2 in the Stardust mission. We investigated mineralogical changes of each captured particle by using synchrotron radiation X‐ray diffraction (SR‐XRD), transmission electron microscope (TEM), and field emission scanning electron microscope (FE‐SEM). SR‐XRD of each grain showed that the majority of the bulk grains keep their original mineralogy. In particular, SR‐XRD and TEM investigations clearly exemplified the presence of tochilinite whose decomposition temperature is about 300 °C in the interior of the captured Murchison powder. However, TEM study of these grains also revealed that all the samples experienced melting and vesiculation on the surface. The cronstedtite and the Murchison meteorite powder show remarkable fracturing, disaggregation, melting, and vesiculation. Steep thermal gradients, about 2500 °C/μm were estimated near the surface of the grains (<2 μm thick) by TEM observation. Our data suggests that the interior of >4 μm across residual grains containing abundant materials that inhibit temperature rise would have not experienced >300 °C at the center.  相似文献   
In order to understand the penetration process of projectiles into lower-density targets, we carry out hypervelocity impact experiments using low-density (60 mg cm?3) aerogel targets and various types of projectiles, and observe the track formation process in the targets using a high-speed camera. A carrot shaped track, a bulbous, and a “hybrid” one consisting of bulbous and thin parts, are formed. The results of the high-speed camera observations reveal the similarity and differences on the temporal evolution of the penetration depth and maximum diameter of these tracks. At very early stages of an impact, independent of projectile type, the temporal penetration depth is described by hydrodynamic models for the original projectiles. Afterward, when the breakup of projectiles does not occur, intact projectiles continue to penetrate the aerogels. In the case of the breakup of projectiles, the track expands with a velocity of about a sound velocity of the aerogel at final stages. If there are large fragments, they penetrate deeper and the tracks become a hybrid type. The penetration of the large fragments is described by hydrodynamic models. Based on these results, we discuss the excavation near the impact point by shock waves.  相似文献   
We monitored seasonal changes of the abundance and composition of microorganisms in the fish-farm sediment in Kusuura Bay, Amakusa, Japan, using the quinone profiling technique, during bioremediation by introducing cultured colonies of polychaete, Capitella sp. I. In November 2004, approximately 9.2 million cultured worms were transferred to the fish-farm sediment, which increased rapidly, and reached 458.5 gWW/m(2) (528,000 indiv./m(2)) in March 2005. During this fast-increasing period of Capitella, the microbial quinone content of the surface sediment (0-2 cm) also increased markedly, and reached 237 micromol/m(2) in January 2005, although the water temperature decreased to the lowest levels in the year. Particularly, the mole fraction of ubiquinone-10 in total quinones in the sediment, indicating the presence of alpha subclass of Proteobacteria, increased by 9.3%. These facts suggest that the bacterial growth was enhanced markedly by the biological activities of worms in the sediment, and the bacteria played an important role in the decomposition of the organic matter in the sediment.  相似文献   
The Ogasawara Islands mainly comprise Eocene volcanic strata formed when the Izu–Ogasawara–Mariana Arc began. We present the first detailed volcanic geology, petrography and geochemistry of the Mukojima Island Group, northernmost of the Ogasawara Islands, and show that the volcanic stratigraphy consists of arc tholeiitic rocks, ultra‐depleted boninite‐series rocks, and less‐depleted boninitic andesites, which are correlatable to the Maruberiwan, Asahiyama and Mikazukiyama Formations on the Chichijima Island Group to the south. On Chichijima, a short hiatus is identified between the Maruberiwan (boninite, bronzite andesite, and dacite) and Asahiyama Formation (quartz dacite and rhyolite). In contrast, these lithologies are interbedded on Nakodojima of the Mukojima Island Group. The stratigraphically lower portion of Mukojima is mainly composed of pillow lava, which is overlain by reworked volcaniclastic rocks in the middle, whereas the upper portion is dominated by pyroclastic rocks. This suggests that volcanic activity now preserved in the Mukojima Island Group records growth of one or more volcanoes, beginning with quiet extrusion of lava under relatively deep water followed by volcaniclastic deposition. These then changed into moderately explosive eruptions that took place in shallow water or above sea level. This is consistent with the uplift of the entire Ogasawara Ridge during the Eocene. Boninites from the Mukojima Island Group are divided into three types on the basis of geochemistry. Type 1 boninites have high SiO2 (>57.0 wt.%) and Zr/Ti (>0.022) and are the most abundant type in both Mukojima and Chichijima Island Groups. Type 2 boninites have low SiO2 (<57.1 wt.%) and Zr/Ti (<0.014). Type 3 boninites have 57.6–60.7 wt.% SiO2 and are characterized by high CaO/Al2O3 (0.9–1.1). Both type 2 and 3 boninites are common on Mukojima but are rare in the Chichijima Island Group.  相似文献   
We determined the mineralogical and petrological characteristics of ultramafic rocks dredged from two oceanic core complexes: the Mado Megamullion and 23°30′N non-transform offset massif, which are located within the Shikoku back-arc basin in the Philippine Sea. The ultramafic rocks are strongly serpentinized, but can be classified as harzburgite/lherzolite or dunite, based on relict primary minerals and their pseudomorphs. Strongly elongated pyroxene porphyroclasts with undulatory extinction indicate high-temperature (≥700 °C) strain localization on a detachment fault within the upper mantle at depths below the brittle–viscous transition. During exhumation, the peridotites underwent impregnation by magmatic or hydrothermal fluids, lizardite/chrysotile serpentinization at ≤300 °C, antigorite crystallization, and silica metasomatism that formed talc. These features indicate that the detachment fault zones formed a fluid pathway and facilitated a range of fluid–peridotite interactions.  相似文献   
Polymineralic inclusions which consist of a few grains of diopside, enstatite, jadeite, nepheline, albite, pargasite, phlogopites and olivine were found in chromian spinel in a chromitite pod and in troctolite from Hess Deep, equatorial Pacific. The inclusion mineral suite in chromitite is characterized by Na-Al silicates, such as jadeite, nepheline and albite. Jadeite and nepheline commonly coexist with enstatite, and tend to occur as interstitial grains between subhedral enstatite (or other minerals) and host spinel. Albite, diopside and enstatite occur as equant inclusions. The mafic minerals in the inclusions have similar chemistry to those found in the troctolite and dunite. The modes of occurrence and mineral chemistry of the inclusions are controlled by magmatic precipitation, and subsequent reequilibration due to decrease of temperature in the uppermost mantle. The mafic minerals in spinel inclusions were crystallized from a melt enriched in Cr and some incompatible components formed by melt-mantle interaction process mixed to various extent with subsequently supplied more primary melt. Albite and nepheline could also be formed at the magmatic stage. Jadeite was formed by a subsolidus reaction of albite and nepheline at low temperatures (250–300 °C) at slightly less than 3 kbar. This requires a remarkable temperature decrease, at least locally, of the uppermost mantle and crust. The Hess Deep rocks were formed in the uppermost mantle beneath a spreading-ridge axis at more than 1000 °C, and were transposed outwards from the axis by corner flow. At the off-ridge conditions, the rocks were cooled and serpentinized by circulation of sea water at the mantle depth to form jadeite in chromitite. The serpentinized portion could have risen as a kind of serpentinite diapir through the thin crust up to the ocean floor. Received: 24 January 1997 / Accepted: 6 November 1997  相似文献   
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