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The sea ice cover in the Arctic Ocean has been reducing and hit the low record in the summer of 2007. The anomaly was extremely large in the Pacific sector. The sea level height in the Bering Sea vs. the Greenland Sea has been analyzed and compared with the current meter data through the Bering Strait. A recent peak existed as a consequence of atmospheric circulation and is considered to contribute to inflow of the Pacific Water into the Arctic Basin. The timing of the Pacific Water inflow matched with the sea ice reduction in the Pacific sector and suggests a significant increase in heat flux. This component should be included in the model prediction for answering the question when the Arctic sea ice becomes a seasonal ice cover.  相似文献   
Kosmochlor (NaCrSi2O6) was synthesized by the flux method from melts along the join Na2O·2 SiO2-Na2O·Cr2O3·4 SiO2 at 1000° C in air, and isolated by dissolving the glassy matrix with hydrofluoric and perchloric acids. The join CaMgSi2O6-NaCrSi2O6 was studied at 1 atmosphere in air by the quenching technique at temperatures between 900° and 1450° C, using mixtures of kosmochlor and diopside crystals or diopside glass as starting materials. The phases are diopside solid solution, kosmochlor, spinel (Mg-chromite), eskolaite (Cr2O3) and glass. The maximum solubility of kosmochlor in diopside is 24 wt percent at 1140° C, while diopside is not soluble at all in kosmochlor, resulting in the existence of a wide range of immiscibility. Petrologic significance of the results is discussed.  相似文献   
Characteristics of stationary Rossby-waves are investigated by use of equations expressing conservation of potential vorticity for a quasi-geostrophic two-layer flow of an incompressible inviscid fluid on a beta-plane. A two-dimensional problem is discussed; the basic flow is directing eastward without horizontal shear, and the stationary Rossby-waves are produced by a two-dimensional bump extending in the north-south direction which is located on a sloping bottom with a constant north-south gradient.When the slope is steep, stream-lines are scarcely displaced being influenced by the bump. When the bottom has no north-south inclination, however, there is a case where group velocity of Rossby-waves produced by the bump directs westward and the stream-lines meander sinusoidally at the west of the bump. This phenomenon is called upstream influence. These two special cases have a possibility to explain two different mean paths for the Kuroshio namely, the path along the continental slope and the path with a stationary meander at the west of the Izu-Ogasawara Ridge.  相似文献   
Seven rare-earth elements (La, Ce, Sm, Eu, Tb, Yb, Lu) and Co, Cr, Sc, Ba, Hf and Th have been determined by non-destructive neutron activation analysis on the Quaternary volcanic rocks in Hokkaido, Japan. The trace-element abundances are discussed in terms of the petrological problems, particularly the origin of calc-alkali magma. On the basis of the La/Sm ratio and the contents of K, Ba, Th and La, lateral variations in the contents of trace elements exist across the Kurile and the northern Honshū arcs. The calc-alkali rocks can be classified into three types which correspond to Kuno's three basalt-magma types. There is no essential difference in the rare-earth patterns between the basaltic rocks and the associated calc-alkali rocks in each petrographic province. This suggests that the calcalkali rocks may be derived from the basaltic magmas by fractional crystallization under certain conditions.  相似文献   
The 1995 Hyogoken–Nambu earthquake caused severe liquefaction over wide areas of reclaimed land. Furthermore, the liquefaction induced large ground displacement in horizontal directions, which caused serious damage to foundations of structures. However, few analyses of steel pipe piles based on field investigation have so far been conducted to identify the causes and process of such damage. The authors conducted a soil–pile-structure interaction analysis by applying a multi-lumped-mass-spring model to a steel pipe pile foundation structure to evaluate the causes and process of its damage. The damage process analyzed in the time domain corresponded well with the results of detailed field investigation. It was found that a large bending moment beyond the ultimate plastic moment of the pile foundation structure was induced mainly by the large ground displacement caused by liquefaction before lateral spreading of the ground and that the displacement appeared during the accumulating process of the excess pore water pressure.  相似文献   
The northern Fossa Magna (NFM) basin is a Miocene rift system produced in the final stages of the opening of the Sea of Japan. It divides the major structure of Japan into two regions, with north-trending geological structures to the NE of the basin and EW trending structures to the west of the basin. The Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line (ISTL) bounds the western part of the northern Fossa Magna and forms an active fault system that displays one of the largest slip rates (4–9 mm/year) in the Japanese islands. Deep seismic reflection and refraction/wide-angle reflection profiling were undertaken in 2002 across the northern part of ISTL in order to delineate structures in the crust, and the deep geometry of the active fault systems. The seismic images are interpreted based on the pattern of reflectors, the surface geology and velocities derived from refraction analysis. The 68-km-long seismic section suggests that the Miocene NFM basin was formed by an east dipping normal fault with a shallow flat segment to 6 km depth and a deeper ramp penetrating to 15 km depth. This low-angle normal fault originated as a comparatively shallow brittle/ductile detachment in a high thermal regime present in the Miocene. The NFM basin was filled by a thick (>6 km) accumulation of sediments. Shortening since the late Neogene is accommodated along NS to NE–SE trending thrust faults that previously accommodated extension and produce fault-related folds on their hanging wall. Based on our balanced geologic cross-section, the total amount of Miocene extension is ca. 42 km and the total amount of late Neogene to Quaternary shortening is ca. 23 km.  相似文献   
Using a growth model based on moult number, the assimilated carbon budget was constructed forThemisto japonica growing from the specimens just released from the marsupium to mature adults at 1–15°C. As budget parameters, growth (G), metabolism (Me), moult (Mo), and reproduction (Re) were measured and assimilation (A) was estimated as the sum of these four parameters (A=G+Me +Mo +Re). The results of the lifetime budget indicated that among these parameters the greatest allocation ofA was toMe (70–83%). Lifetime expenditure of carbon forMe was the least at 7°C, andMe increased with either increase or decrease of the temperature from 7°C. A female grown to full adult size at 7°C invested 16.6 % forG, 70.2% forMe, 2.1% forMo, and 11.1% forRe of totalA. General features seen in the partition ofA toG, Me, Mo, andRe forT. japonica are similar to those of other planktonic crustaceans being reported. Considering the profound effect of temperature on the assimilated carbon budget, practical problems in defining the representative habitat temperature for diel vertical migrators likeT. japonica in the field are discussed.  相似文献   
An Active Mass Driver (AMD) system is proposed to suppress actively the response of a building to irregular external excitations such as earthquakes and typhoons.1 This system has been introduced to an actual ten-storey office building constructed in Tokyo in August, 1989. The proposed analytical methods utilize circuits of the system and mechanical characteristics to understand the real control effect of the system. Simulation analyses are also performed to verify the analytical model and the control effect during observed earthquakes.  相似文献   
Aircraft, radiosonde, surface-flux, and boundary-layer windprofiler data from the Cooperative Atmosphere Surface Exchange Study's 1997 field project, CASES-97, are combined with synoptic data to study the evolution of the vertically-averaged mixed-layerpotential temperature []and mixing-ratio [Q] onthree nearly-cloudless days from 1000 CST to 1200CST (local noon is approximately 1230 CST). This was achieved through examination of the terms in the time-tendency (`budget')equations for []and [Q]. We estimate three of the terms –local time rate of change, vertical flux divergence, andhorizontal advection. For the [Q]-budget, vertical flux divergence usually dominates, buthorizontal advection is significant on one of the three days. The [Q]-budget balances for two of the three days to within the large experimental error. For the -budget,vertical flux divergence accounts for most of the morningwarming, with horizontal advection of secondary importance.The residual in the -budget has the same sign for all three days, indicating that not all the heating is accounted for. We can balance the []-budgets to within experimental error on two of the three days by correcting the vertical-flux divergence for apparent low biases in the flux measurements of one of the aircraft and in the surface fluxes, and accounting for direct heating of the mixed layer by radiative flux divergence allowing for the effects of carbonaceous aerosols. The [];-budget with these corrections also balances on the third day if horizontal gradients from synoptic maps are used to estimate the horizontal advection. However, the corrected budget for this day does not balance if the horizontal gradient in the advection term is estimated using CASES-97aircraft and radiosondes; we suggest that persistent mesoscale circulations led to an overestimate of the horizontal gradient andhence horizontal advection.  相似文献   
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