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This paper investigates the impact of quality improvement on the modified lot size reorder point models involving variable lead time and partial backorders. The formulated models include the imperfect production process and an investing option of improving the process quality. The objective is simultaneously optimizing the lot size, reorder point, process quality level and lead time. We first assume that the lead time demand follows a normal distribution, then relax this assumption to consider the distribution-free case where only the mean and standard deviation of lead time demand are known. An algorithm procedure of finding the optimal solution is developed, and two numerical examples are given to illustrate the results.  相似文献   
中国股市限价指令簿的流动性提供研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
限价指令簿的流动性提供能力是描述其信息效率的主要指标。以上证180指数成分股的高频交易数据为样本,采用离散度和交易成本两个指标描述限价指令簿的流动性提供能力,并分别在市场和个股水平上分析其影响因素。研究结果表明,当预期市场波动增加时,限价指令簿的离散度上升,深度下降,供给的流动性减少,导致未来更高的真实波动。也就是说,流动性可以充当传递波动信息的管道,使投资者对未来波动率的预期成为现实,并主导实际市场波动。过去的市场走向是影响流动性供给的另一个重要因素,特别是当市场下滑时,限价指令簿的流动性供给将显著减少。在个股水平上,波动率和收益主要影响流动性的系统部分。  相似文献   
This article studies a general type of initiating events in critical infrastructures, called spatially localized failures (SLFs), which are defined as the failure of a set of infrastructure components distributed in a spatially localized area due to damage sustained, while other components outside the area do not directly fail. These failures can be regarded as a special type of intentional attack, such as bomb or explosive assault, or a generalized modeling of the impact of localized natural hazards on large‐scale systems. This article introduces three SLFs models: node centered SLFs, district‐based SLFs, and circle‐shaped SLFs, and proposes a SLFs‐induced vulnerability analysis method from three aspects: identification of critical locations, comparisons of infrastructure vulnerability to random failures, topologically localized failures and SLFs, and quantification of infrastructure information value. The proposed SLFs‐induced vulnerability analysis method is finally applied to the Chinese railway system and can be also easily adapted to analyze other critical infrastructures for valuable protection suggestions.  相似文献   

Hypertension and its related complications could be a major threat issue for cardiopathy and stroke. Effective prevention and control can decrease the incidence rate of complications in hypertension. Based on the medical data of 3062 patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases from 2017 to 2018 in a grade-A tertiary hospital in Shanghai, the study identified the risk factors of hypertension complications by text mining. On this basis, the K2 algorithm based on the improved particle swarm optimization was proposed to optimize the structure of the Bayesian network (BN) by establishing a multi-population cooperative search mechanism. Then the optimized BN was used to analyze and predict the incidence rate of hypertension complications. Results indicate that the major indicators of accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and AUC have been improved, and the proposed algorithm is superior to the common data mining algorithms such as the back propagation neural network and the decision tree. Through the proposed model and algorithm, the high-risk factors were identified and the occurrence probability of hypertension complications was predicted, which could provide the personalized health management guidance for hypertensive patients to prevent and control hypertension complications.

综合资源规划方法(Integrated Resources Planning,简称IRP)和需求方管理技术(Demand Side Management,简称DSM),源于能源消耗量居世界首位的美国。综合资源规划方法的出现,标志着人类在提高能源使用价值的思维方式上步入了一个崭新的时代,预示着更高更经济地利用能源,更大地满足人们日益增长的物质、文明、环境的要求,已列入21世纪人类活动的一个重要领域。与传统的电力系统规划方法不同的是综合资源规划方法在考虑供应侧资源的同时也考虑需求侧的资源,即在需求侧方面采取一些节电措施,包括季节性的削峰填谷措施,因此仅仅预测每年的最大负荷是不够的,还应预测每年的负荷曲线,同时还必须考虑采取某些措施之后,对负荷需求的影响。显然后者比前者更困难。本文讨论了综合资源规划中负荷预测的组合方法,并部分应用于大庆油田电力系统的规划中。本研究对综合资源规划方法的应用方法研究和实际的应用具有相当重要的指导和参考价值。  相似文献   
试论工商管理学科的案例研究方法   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
案例研究是世界工商管理学科发展的重要的研究方法之一。对案例研究的重视可以追溯到哈佛商学院所代表的案例学派和早期的经验学派。目前我国工商管理的研究普遍存在研究方法不规范的问题,研究成果很难被国际学术界承认,规范性研究方法是世界学术交流的共同平台。本论文旨在通过案例研究与案例教学、研究案例与教学案例的区别,在结合笔者从事案例研究与编写教学案例的经验基础上,探讨规范性案例研究的内容与方法,以及相应地案例研究的步骤与评价标准等,以促进我国工商管理学科的案例学派的学术研究与国际接轨,走向规范化。  相似文献   
一种改进的系统评价理论框架   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文提出一种改进的系统评价理论框架。研究内容分为四个部分:第一,系统思想与系统评价的历史回顾。第二,从批判(主义)的系统思想出发,提出改进的系统评价理论框架。第三,指出组织策划分析在系统评价中的重要作用。第四,分析系统评价设计中的障碍性问题,以评价措施的结构分析为引导,研究该问题的求解方法。  相似文献   
内源性融资决定中小公司股权高度集中,其发展受内外部因素约束具有自组织特征.董事会不仅具有决策、执行职能,而且还兼有监督职能和股东大会基本职能.并形成了股东会、董事会、监事会三会合一的公司治理结构.在该结构中,经理层对董事会、董事会对股东大会负责其实质就是对自己负责.对董事会和经理人的监督和激励成为了相互监督、约束、惩罚的内部相互委托-代理制衡机制,委托-代理问题成为了监督权、决策权、经营权三权合一的内部相互委托一代理的重要组织管理模式.其大股东侵害小股东利益以及小股东搭便车和代理人机会主义等公司病症不复存在.针对该模式所具有的中国本土特色的自我保障、自我激励、自我监督效率特点,并根据本土中小公司发展过程,本文提出了相应的政策建议:1.完善内部组织制度,防范绝对权威,以保障中小公司运行效率;2.建立董事会会议信息披露及会议议题实名制制度,以防范卸责行为的发生;3.建立内部竞争、淘汰制度.并随着市场机制不断完善,公司不断发展.逐步引入外部人代理,完善三会分立;4.建立董事会成员内部职工代表制度,以保障员工利益,减少劳资纠纷.  相似文献   
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