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Forward citations of patents have been used extensively to capture the impact of technological knowledge. However, our understanding of the factors shaping patent citation patterns remains limited. One of the main limitations is the lack of scholarly attention paid to the dynamic influences arising from the evolution of technology fields. From an evolutionary perspective, technological impact is not simply determined by the static attributes of a technology itself; it is also dynamically affected by changes in the external conditions. Drawing on this viewpoint, this study suggests a model for understanding patent citation patterns by reflecting the evolution of the technology fields to which each patent belongs. Four such factors are explored: technology cycle time, potential of technological convergence, popularity of the technology field, and technological novelty. Based on the proposed model, we show how expected citation patterns can change as a result of different scenarios for technology field evolution. We conduct a case study of patents in the information technology and healthcare industries to show citation patterns of patents across heterogeneous industries as well as those within an industry. Contributions to the innovation literature and research investment decisions are discussed.  相似文献   

Changes in information communication technology across the Asian region have altered our field substantively and methodologically. The rapid growth of digitized communications allows us to find new purchase in examining questions fundamental to our understanding of communication theories, norms, and practices across Asia. While methods such as text mining and user analytics are increasingly popular among computational scholars, here, we focus on online field experiments, an approach to studying communication that has the potential to overcome many existing obstacles to social scientific inquiry but one that has been used relatively rarely in Asia. In this paper, we discuss what online field experiments are and how they differ from traditional experiments as well as online lab and survey experiments. We show how researchers can go about designing and implementing online field experiments, focusing on issues where online field experiments differ from their traditional counterparts – legal and ethical considerations, construct validity, randomization and spillover, and statistical analyses. Finally we discuss how online field experiments can advance our understanding of communication in Asia by helping researchers to gain insight and make causal inferences on attitudes, behaviors, and interactions that were previously unobservable ?.  相似文献   
中文电子病历的分词及实体识别研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的/意义]健康医疗大数据是我国重要的基础性战略资源,本研究对中文电子病历分词与实体识别的探讨与实证较好地完成了医疗数据的信息抽取任务,对今后医疗大数据在语义层面的应用发展具有重要意义。[方法/过程]本研究首先融合权威词表、官方标准、健康网站数据及其他医学补充词库构建了词语数量级达到10万的医学词表;然后对电子病历的字段进行分词,对比了jieba工具、导入词典后的jieba、无监督学习及AC自动机4种模型的分词效果;最后,以自动分词和人工标注结果为语料,实现基于条件随机场的电子病历实体识别研究,并比较不同实体类别以及不同文本特征下的实体识别效果,选出最优模板。[结果/结论]分词结果显示,AC自动机的效果最好,F值可达82%;实体识别结果表明,"检查"和"疾病"实体的识别效果最好,而"症状"的识别效果不太理想。  相似文献   
[目的/意义] 公共图书馆地理空间布局影响着读者到馆方式和成本花费,进而影响读者对图书馆访问的体验和频次。[方法/过程] 基于出行链理论和场域理论,围绕公共图书馆地理空间布局,对读者访问公共图书馆的便利性进行了解析,分析了城市公共交通和生活设施分布和公共图书馆网络布局之间的动态关系和量化评价,利用ArcGIS对苏州城市公共图书馆布局进行了案例分析。[结果/结论] 提出建立与公共交通互动关系、接入图书馆馆外空间以及延伸到读者生活圈的策略,以提升公共图书馆地理空间布局便利性。  相似文献   
论科技学术期刊的4个特定审稿评判标准   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毛殷 《编辑学报》2015,27(5):419-422
编辑作为审稿中的主导者,其审稿决策质量对于保障审稿的公平、公正、客观起到十分重要的作用.制订明确、统一的审稿标准是有效规范编辑的审稿决策行为、提高审稿可靠性的基础.在审稿决策机制中,容易产生偏差的审稿标准主要包括研究领域的适合度、研究类型的适合度、创新性和主题的关注度(读者的阅读需求).围绕期刊特点对这些评价标准及其要素做出越详细的规定,就越能减少主观性给审稿决策带来的负面影响.  相似文献   
潮汕侨批记载着有关潮汕大地与海外世界各地的许多宝贵历史资料,是研究近现代华侨史、金融史、邮政史、海外交通史、国际关系史等的珍贵档案文献。侨批文献著录应遵循客观著录原则、完整著录原则、关联著录原则、批封结合内信著录原则,著录项目包括列字编号、收批地址、收批人、批款、寄批人信息、写批日期、内信、邮路。目前潮汕侨批文献著录工作正在起步中,有待进一步探讨和实践。  相似文献   
抗日战争时期,我国图书馆遭到严重破坏,图书损毁严重,致使教育、科研资料严重缺乏。基于当时情况,我国图书馆界开展了文献请援活动,通过中华图书馆学会、战时图书征集委员会及国际学术文化资料供应委员会的努力,得到了英美等国的大力支持,收到了大量的图书、设备及钱款,有效地缓解了我国文献紧张的局面,对我国图书馆界战时的工作及战后的恢复都起到了积极的作用。  相似文献   
文章基于三阶段DEA 方法对我国区域R&D 效率进行了测算分析,实证结果表明:环境效应和随机因素对 R&D 效率产生了重要影响;我国区域R&D 整体效率水平不高,R&D 效率提升的空间还很大。因此,文章进一步提出在 加大政府对科技力度、提高信息化水平和贸易依存度的同时要注意R&D 经费支出的有效性、善于利用外商直接投资所带 来的技术溢出效应和实现R&D 人员的有效利用以提高R&D 整体效率的建议。  相似文献   
柏泳 《大观周刊》2011,(45):126-126
刘翔的夺冠带起了田径热,使我国跨栏项目整体水平得到提高并打破了;原有世界田径运动的失衡对抗;但也同时暴露了中国田径运动中存在的问题,给运动员本身造成了巨大压力。  相似文献   
张丽  姜虹 《大观周刊》2011,(22):62-63
城郊耕地作为耕地的重要组成部分,面1瞄巨大保护压力,保护城郊耕地有着重要的现实意义。然而我国的城郊耕地利甩中却存在很多问题,本文在对这些问题进行了.成因分析的基础上提出相应的对策,包括建立规划控制机制、完善土地产权制度、推进城市土地集约利用、提高耕地补偿、创新耕地使用权流转模式等。  相似文献   
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