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A minor natural oil seepage is described from an unlikely setting in the Oman Mountains. The host rocks are fractured pelagic limestones of the lower member of the Triassic – Lower Jurassic Matbat Formation of the Hamrat Duru Group in the lower part of the allochthonous Hawasina Complex. This paper summarises Oman's established oil families and documents previously recorded oil seepages as context for describing the new seepage, its geochemistry, and possible source rock. The seep oil is different to those known from Oman's oil fields and probably derived from a poor quality, Mesozoic clastic source rock containing a mix of terrigenous and marine organic matter. The most likely source appears to be the Toarcian turbiditic upper member of the Matbat Formation, equivalent to the clastic Mafraq Formation of the Arabian Platform. The occurrence of source rocks in the allochthonous sediments of the NeoTethyan Hawasina Basin has been suspected previously, though their commercial significance remains to be established.  相似文献   
Aim Pockmarks are craters on the sea floor formed by sub‐sea‐floor fluid expulsions, which occur world‐wide at all ocean depths. These habitats potentially host a highly specialized fauna that can exploit the hydrocarbons released. Pockmarks at relatively shallow depths can be easily destroyed by human activities, such as bottom trawling. In the present study, we investigated the combined effects of sea‐floor heterogeneity, rate of fluid emission and trophic conditions of different pockmarks on the biodiversity of the deep‐sea assemblages. Location Continental slope of the Gulf of Lions, western Mediterranean Sea, at water depths from 265 to 434 m. Methods We investigated the biodiversity associated with sea‐floor pockmarks that are both inactive and that have active gas emissions. Control sites were selected on the sea floor outside the influence of the gas seepage, both within and outside the pockmark fields. We examined the combined effects of: (i) sea‐floor heterogeneity; (ii) variable levels of fluid (gas) emissions; and (iii) trophic characteristics of the meiofaunal assemblage structure and nematode diversity. Results Sediments within the pockmark fields had lower meiofaunal abundance and biomass when compared with the surrounding sediments that were not influenced by the gas seepage. Although several higher taxa were absent in the pockmarks (e.g. Turbellaria, Tardigrada, Cumacea, Isopoda, Tanaidacea, Nemertina and Priapulida, which were present in the control areas), the richness of the nematode species within all of these pockmarks was very high. About 25% of the total species encountered in the deep‐sea sediments of the investigated areas was exclusively associated with these pockmarks. Main conclusions We conclude that both active and inactive pockmarks provide significant contributions to the regional (gamma) diversity of the continental slope in the western Mediterranean Sea, and thus the protection of these special and fragile habitats is highly relevant to the conservation of deep‐sea biodiversity.  相似文献   
针对大海子水库放水涵洞闸门前承压段3道伸缩缝止水功能部分失效、伸缩缝漏水防渗处理等问题,采取聚合物砂浆封缝、灌注水溶性聚氨酯堵漏、手工聚脲材料护面防渗等处理,为聚脲防渗材料在水库放水涵洞工程中的应用提供借鉴和经验。  相似文献   
低渗透油藏中不同压裂注采井网非稳态产量计算分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在井网压裂基础上进行注水,可以有效改善流场,增大泄油面积,是开发低渗透油藏的重要手段。快速准确预测低渗透油藏注水开发产量可以为开发优化设计奠定基础,但低渗透油藏注水开发呈现非稳态、非线性渗流特征,基于达西定律形成的油藏工程方法并不适用。本次研究通过流场分析,来划分等效流动单元,并在此基础上考虑了油水两相渗流启动压力梯度,采用流线积分法建立了不同压裂注采井网的水驱非稳态产量解析计算方法。与物理模拟及数值模拟相比,计算方法更简单,计算速度更快,可以为低渗透油藏压裂注采方式优选及注水开发对策制定提供手段。采用本方法计算并剖析了启动压力梯度、压裂注采方式及裂缝长度对油井生产动态的影响,结果表明:启动压力梯度增大了渗流阻力,与不考虑启动压力梯度相比,油井产量更低;受流动单元控制,不同压裂注采方式的增产效果及见水时间完全不同,同时压裂注采方式的增产效果最好,能够增产3.1倍,但见水时间仅为24个月;随着压裂缝长增加,油井产量越高,但当缝长超过最佳长度,增油效果不明显。  相似文献   
我国海上油田开采起步较晚,大部分油田处于浅水区,因此,在设计管道时,应充分考虑由浅水区波浪引起的管道周围海床渗流力。根据浅水波相关假设,考虑自由水面非线性影响,推导出椭圆余弦波的波面方程,在此基础上进一步得到一个关于速度势的表达式,并根据该表达式得出作用于海床表面的波压公式。考虑海床土的压缩性,推导出一阶近似椭圆余弦波作用下浅水区埋置管道周围海床的渗流压力解析解,最后将计算结果与大型水槽试验及以往研究成果作对比。结果表明,在椭圆余弦波的作用下,由一阶椭圆余弦波理论得到的计算结果与试验结果规律基本一致,与相似工况下的现有理论成果数值基本相同,具有一定的可行性和工程价值。  相似文献   
高温高盐油藏化学驱数值模拟技术进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对高温高盐油藏,胜利油田近年来先后研发了非均相体系、乳液表面活性剂体系等新型驱油体系,其驱油机理与传统化学驱油体系有明显的区别,现有商业化数值模拟软件无法有效表征,而自研数值模拟软件存在运算速度慢、难以支撑大规模矿场应用等难题。依托自主知识产权的化学驱数值模拟软件SLCHEM,在室内实验与机理研究基础上,建立了基于粘弹性颗粒孔喉通过系数的非均相复合驱数学模型以及表征乳液表面活性剂乳化增粘特征的数学模型,实现了相应的模拟功能,开展了室内试验的拟合与矿场模型应用,验证了模型的合理性和准确性;综合应用顺序全隐式快速求解算法、并行解法及交替方向解法,实现了百万级规模模型的快速计算。通过概念模型进行了计算效率测试,在网格数100×104、井数116口、生产历史5a条件下,计算速度为2.9h。室内实验验证与矿场实际应用表明,与商业化软件相比,改造后的SLCHEM软件能够实现对新型驱油体系室内实验结果与矿场动态指标的准确拟合,可为化学驱方案优化与动态分析提供有效的技术支持。  相似文献   
致密低渗透储层多尺度裂缝及其形成地质条件   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据限制致密低渗透砂岩储层天然裂缝扩展的岩石力学层及其界面特征,提出了多尺度裂缝的划分标准,探讨了多尺度裂缝形成的地质条件。根据油藏内天然裂缝规模及其控制界面,将天然裂缝分为大尺度裂缝、中尺度裂缝、小尺度裂缝和微尺度裂缝4级。大尺度裂缝在砂层组内发育,切割夹层,受隔层控制,延伸长度通常为百米级;中尺度裂缝在复合砂体内发育,切割层面,受夹层控制,延伸长度通常为数十米级;小尺度裂缝在单砂体内发育,受层面控制,延伸长度一般为米级至十米级;微尺度裂缝需要借助微观分析手段进行观察和识别,延伸长度一般为厘米级以下。不同尺度裂缝具有幂律分布的特点。裂缝尺度越大,数量越少;裂缝尺度越小,数量越多。多尺度裂缝的形成主要受岩石力学性质差异、岩石力学边界厚度和构造应力的控制。构造应力越大,越容易形成穿层的大尺度裂缝,较大的岩石力学性质差异和较厚的岩石力学边界才能够限制裂缝扩展;构造应力越小,越容易形成小尺度裂缝,较小的岩石力学性质差异和较薄的岩石力学边界就能够限制裂缝扩展。不同尺度裂缝对致密低渗透油藏的作用不同。微尺度裂缝主要起储集空间作用,改善了致密低渗透储层的储渗性能,是致密低渗透油藏稳产的重要因素;小尺度裂缝起储集空间和渗流通道作用,它们是控制致密低渗透储层早期产量高低的关键因素;大、中尺度裂缝主要起渗流作用,它们影响油藏开发中后期的剩余油分布规律。  相似文献   
库水位变动是三峡库区滑坡等地质灾害频发的重要原因之一。为研究库水位变动对库岸涉水滑坡变形和稳定性的影响,以庄屋滑坡为例,结合GPS位移监测数据和数值模拟分析,探讨了该滑坡在库水升降过程中变形和稳定性的响应规律。结果表明,庄屋滑坡受库水影响滑坡后缘变形大于前缘,为推移式滑坡。水位变动过程中,滑坡渗流和稳定性变化具有动水压力型滑坡特点,即在水位上升时滑体内地下水浸润线呈内凹趋势,水位下降时滑体内地下水浸润线呈外凸趋势,且具有一定的滞后性;库水位上升时滑坡稳定性系数增大,水位下降时减小;当库水位保持在恒定水位时,稳定性系数也逐渐趋于稳定。  相似文献   
童氏曲线图版法是注水开发油田标定可采储量的主要方法。随着中国注水开发油藏相继进入高含水期,出现许多实际油藏的含水率与采出程度关系与童氏曲线图版吻合性较差的现象。为此,在新的渗流特征方程的基础上,利用Welge方程,导出了童氏曲线的通式,完善了童氏曲线的理论基础。童氏曲线的通式在一定条件下,可以转化为经典的童氏曲线及其改进式,其对应的水驱特征曲线也可在一定条件下转化为马克西莫夫水驱特征曲线、校正马克西莫夫水驱特征曲线和沙卓罗夫水驱特征曲线,表明童氏曲线的通式具有较好的适应性。通过丘陵油田三间房组油藏的应用,给出了绘制实际油藏童氏曲线图版的方法和确定油藏特征参数的方法。  相似文献   
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