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某些地方性疾病地区环境中硒的研究──硒的水平及形态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙淑庄  曹静祥 《卫生研究》1995,24(3):141-147
于全国8省市自治区内克山病、大骨节病氟中毒和硒中毒等地方病区,癌症和肝炎地区性的高发区及正常地区内的30个调查点,采集空气、水、土壤等环境样品,分析硒水平及硒存在形态。调查结果为空气硒:室内以陕西永寿大骨节病区最低3.3ng/m3,湖北建始县硒中毒区最高614.2μg/m3;室外空气硒浓度以云南宣威肺癌多发区最低为0.3ng/m3,仍是建始县的最高371.1ng/m3;室内外空气颗粒物中硒90%存于>10μm的细颗粒物中。室外空气中气态硒的百分比(均值为23.3%)高于室内(均值为9.7%);颗粒物中不同价态硒分布云南的以Se(Ⅵ)为主占63.5%,陕西以Se(Ⅳ)为主占56.7%,湖北的以Se(<Ⅳ)为主占79.5%,土壤硒为58(克山病区)~9037ng/g(硒中毒区),水溶性硒占总硒的百分比以硒中毒、氟中毒、克山病及大骨节病等地区较低,多在5%以下,其它地区的较高,多在10%以上;其不同价态硒的百分比分布与空气颗粒物的基本一致。水中硒含量大部分在0.3ng/L以下,只有高硒和硒中毒地区为1~683ng/L。不同价态硒的百分比的分布以Se(Ⅵ)为主均值71.4%,Se(Ⅳ)均值18.5%,Se(<Ⅳ)均?  相似文献   
ABSTRACT In the Darfur region of Sudan, 85.5% of 4134 subjects examined, mainly school children, had goitre and in 23.9% the goitre was large (stage II or III). The prevalence of goitre was high in prepubertal children of both sexes and in adult females. There was a higher frequency of large goitre in the rural than in the urban areas (40.9 nad 11.4%, respectively). In Port Sudan on the Red Sea Coast the goitre rate was 13.5% among 7697 schoolchildren, but here visible goitre was extremely rare. Of the subjects from Darfur, 54.5% excreted less than 50 μg of iodine/g creatinine, while all except one subject in Port Sudan excreted mote than that. the median urinary excretion of iodine was 45.6μg/g in subjects from Darfur and 171.2 in those from Port Sudan, the mean value being significantly lower in the former than in the latter (p<0.001). The iodine content of all water samples was very low, nad the contents of calcium nad fluoride were not high. Ohter goitrogenic facotrs cound not be excluded. However, iodine dificiency is the major cause of goitre in the Darfur region nad a prophylactic programme is urgently needed.  相似文献   
本文就我省大别山区霍山县地方性甲状腺肿和地方性克汀病流行区——太平乡185例成人血清铜、锌、锰、镁测定结果与非病区正常成人495例均值相比较,发现锰、铜、铜/锌比值高:锌、镁低,均具有统计学意义。对当地水、土壤检测这些元素也有相应发现。推测在当地地甲病和地克病的病因和发病原理上,除缺碘为基础外,这些元素含量的异常也可能起着重要影响。在今后的防治中,除补碘外,对这些有关元素也应考虑作相应补充或驱除。  相似文献   
The aim of the present study was to describe the intraoral pattern of dental fluorosis among fluoride tablet consumers. One hundred and forty-two children, of whom 56 had participated in a fluoride tablet program of 0.5/1.0 mg NaF per day were examined blindly for possible fluoride-induced enamel changes. A low prevalence of dental fluorosis was found among non-participants. The later in life the tooth was formed, the higher was the prevalence. The subjects who had participated in the fluoride tablet program showed a significantly higher prevalence of fluorosis. They could be divided into three groups: Group 1 exhibited a tooth prevalence pattern not statistically different from that of the non-participants, group 2 showed dental fluorosis in almost all teeth except in those formed before the start of the tablet program. In group 3 the early and the late formed teeth showed very little fluorosis while those formed in the few years just after the initiation of the fluoride tablet intake were affected by fluorosis.  相似文献   
本文应用 Mop-Videoplan 图象分析仪对氟中毒家猪胫骨进行了骨计量学的初步研究。四环素双标记后将家猪胫骨制备成骨磨片,在荧光及普通光学显微镜下测量了一系列骨计量学参数。结果表明,氟中毒导致家猪胫骨髓腔面皮质新骨体积明显增加,但其增加程度不与血氟呈正相关。新骨体积增加可能是造成临床 X 线氟骨症表现骨髓腔狭窄的原因。骨动力学研完表明,氟中毒造成四环素双标记明显减少,这可能与氟抑制骨组织的转换过程有关。  相似文献   
本文叙述了在克山病病区粮中混合1000ppm锰后,大鼠肝、心肌、肾脏及毛中锰含量显著升高,肝铁下降、但对组织中的硒含量无显著影响。这表明锰干扰硒的代谢,可能与给锰途径及饲料中蛋白质含量有关。  相似文献   
采用希-内智力测验对碘缺乏地区山西省沁源县白孤窑乡148名儿童补碘后智力发育调查。结果显示,智商均值99.93±19.24,智力低下者占3.38%,超出正常地区水平。学龄期男童智商显著高于学龄前期儿童及学龄期女童。地方性甲状腺肿患病率9.46%,尿碘中位数399.73nmol/L,小于196.99nmol/L者占13.89%,超出国家碘缺乏病基本控制标准  相似文献   
采用原子吸收分光光度法测定了106名7~14岁农村儿童头发中氟、锌、铜、铁、镁的含量,其中高氟区50名(男24,女26);对照区56名(男25,女31)。分析结果显示:高氟区儿童发氟明显高于对照区(P<0.05)发铜、镁则低于对照区(P<0.01)。在同一地区,发氟随年龄增长而升高;发中铜、镁、铁、氟的含量有性别间差异,均为女性高于男性(P<0.05);锌与铁呈负相关,镁分别与锌、铜、铁呈正相关(P<0.05)。  相似文献   
随机抽取了江西宜丰县μg/L地甲病和地克病高发区车上乡(地甲现患率为44.10‰,地克病现患率为6.40‰,水碘含量为3.1μg/L(3-7岁儿童108人和低发区的新庄乡(地甲为32.00‰,地克病为0.00‰,水碘含量为6.7μg/L)同龄115人的智能情况,并进行了对比研究。结果表明,车上乡儿童智商(IQ)平均值为92.78±12.99,极显地低于新庄乡儿童的IQ均值(其IQ为99.42±13.25),t=3.777,p<0.005。两地智地中下-低下占其所在组全部儿童的百分比分别为41.67T和20.00%,亦极显地不同(x^2=15.55,P<0.01 ),说明高发区缺碘对儿童智能有相当的。此外,还发现两地被测儿童的身高,体重及粗动作能力均低于国内外同龄的一般水平,并就其原因进行了初步讨论。  相似文献   
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