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目的 引入视觉信息流的整体和局部处理机制,提出了一种多路径卷积神经网络的轮廓感知新方法。方法 利用高斯金字塔尺度分解获得低分辨率子图,用来表征视觉信息中的整体轮廓;通过2维高斯导函数模拟经典感受野的方向选择性,获得描述细节特征的边界响应子图;构建多路径卷积神经网络,利用具有稀疏编码特性的子网络(Sparse-Net)实现对整体轮廓的快速检测;利用具有冗余度增强编码特性的子网络(Redundancy-Net)实现对局部细节特征提取;对上述多路径卷积神经网络响应进行融合编码,以实现轮廓响应的整体感知和局部检测融合,获取轮廓的精细化感知结果。结果 以美国伯克利大学计算机视觉组提供的数据集BSDS500图库为实验对象,在GTX1080Ti环境下本文Sparse-Net对整体轮廓的检测速度达到42幅/s,为HFL方法1.2幅/s的35倍;而Sparse-Net和Redundancy-Net融合后的检测指标数据集尺度上最优(ODS)、图片尺度上最优(OIS)、平均精度(AP)分别为0.806、0.824、0.846,优于HED (holistically-nested edge detection)方法和RCF (richer convolution features for edge detection)方法,结果表明本文方法能有效突出主体轮廓并抑制纹理背景。结论 多路径卷积神经网络的轮廓感知应用,将有助于进一步理解视觉感知机制,并对减弱卷积神经网络的黑盒特性有着重要的意义。  相似文献   
目标检测试图用给定的标签标记自然图像中出现的对象实例,已经广泛用于自动驾驶、监控安防等领域。随着深度学习技术的普及,基于卷积神经网络的通用目标检测框架获得了远好于其他方法的目标检测结果。然而,由于卷积神经网络的特性限制,通用目标检测依然面临尺度、光照和遮挡等许多问题的挑战。本文的目的是对卷积神经网络架构中针对尺度的目标检测策略进行全面综述。首先,介绍通用目标检测的发展概况及使用的主要数据集,包括通用目标检测框架的两种类别及发展,详述基于候选区域的两阶段目标检测算法的沿革和结构层面的创新,以及基于一次回归的目标检测算法的3个不同的流派。其次,对针对检测问题中影响效果的尺度问题的优化思路进行简单分类,包括多特征融合策略、针对感受野的卷积变形和训练策略的设计等。最后,给出了各个不同检测框架在通用数据集上对不同尺寸目标的检测准确度,以及未来可能的针对尺度变换的发展方向。  相似文献   
卷积神经网络(CNN)在光学图像分类领域中得到广泛应用,然而,合成孔径雷达(SAR)图像样本标注难度大、成本高,难以获取满足CNN训练所需的样本数量.随着SAR仿真技术的发展,生成大量带标签的仿真SAR图像并不困难.然而仿真SAR图像样本与真实样本间难免存在差异,往往难以直接支撑实际样本的分类任务.为此,该文提出了一种...  相似文献   
针对传统遥感图像处理中的时间成本和人工成本高、效率低等问题,以提高遥感高光谱图像分类中的处理速度、精度,降低参数量为目标,提出改进的2DCNN模型En-De-2CP-2DCNN.首先,使用1DCNN、2DCNN与3DCNN在Pavia University HSI数据集上分别进行分类实验,对比分析各自优缺点.其次,在保持较快的处理速度和不增加模型参数量的前提下,选择2DCNN为基础模型,参考SegNet的Encoder-Decoder结构,融入双卷积池化思想进行基础模型改进,同时优化学习策略.结果表明:En-De-2CP-2DCNN模型F1为99.96%,达到3DCNN的同等水平(99.36%),较改进前(97.28%)提高2.68个百分点;处理速度(5 s/epoch)和1DCNN位于同一量级,快于3DCNN(96 s/epoch);参数量(2.01 MB)较改进前降低了1.54 MB,虽高于3DCNN(316 KB),但远低于1DCNN(19.21 MB).En-De-2CP-2DCNN模型在处理速度和参数量方面的改进,有利于进一步实现移动端的轻量化部署.  相似文献   
Alzheimer's disease is a severe neuron disease that damages brain cells which leads to permanent loss of memory also called dementia. Many people die due to this disease every year because this is not curable but early detection of this disease can help restrain the spread. Alzheimer's is most common in elderly people in the age bracket of 65 and above. An automated system is required for early detection of disease that can detect and classify the disease into multiple Alzheimer classes. Deep learning and machine learning techniques are used to solve many medical problems like this. The proposed system Alzheimer Disease detection utilizes transfer learning on Multi-class classification using brain Medical resonance imagining (MRI) working to classify the images in four stages, Mild demented (MD), Moderate demented (MOD), Non-demented (ND), Very mild demented (VMD). Simulation results have shown that the proposed system model gives 91.70% accuracy. It also observed that the proposed system gives more accurate results as compared to previous approaches.  相似文献   
Medical image fusion is considered the best method for obtaining one image with rich details for efficient medical diagnosis and therapy. Deep learning provides a high performance for several medical image analysis applications. This paper proposes a deep learning model for the medical image fusion process. This model depends on Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). The basic idea of the proposed model is to extract features from both CT and MR images. Then, an additional process is executed on the extracted features. After that, the fused feature map is reconstructed to obtain the resulting fused image. Finally, the quality of the resulting fused image is enhanced by various enhancement techniques such as Histogram Matching (HM), Histogram Equalization (HE), fuzzy technique, fuzzy type Π, and Contrast Limited Histogram Equalization (CLAHE). The performance of the proposed fusion-based CNN model is measured by various metrics of the fusion and enhancement quality. Different realistic datasets of different modalities and diseases are tested and implemented. Also, real datasets are tested in the simulation analysis.  相似文献   
Classification of brain hemorrhage computed tomography (CT) images provides a better diagnostic implementation for emergency patients. Attentively, each brain CT image must be examined by doctors. This situation is time-consuming, exhausting, and sometimes leads to making errors. Hence, we aim to find the best algorithm owing to a requirement for automatic classification of CT images to detect brain hemorrhage. In this study, we developed OzNet hybrid algorithm, which is a novel convolution neural networks (CNN) algorithm. Although OzNet achieves high classification performance, we combine it with Neighborhood Component Analysis (NCA) and many classifiers: Artificial neural networks (ANN), Adaboost, Bagging, Decision Tree, K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN), Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), Naïve Bayes and Support Vector Machines (SVM). In addition, Oznet is utilized for feature extraction, where 4096 features are extracted from the fully connected layer. These features are reduced to have significant and informative features with minimum loss by NCA. Eventually, we use these classifiers to classify these significant features. Finally, experimental results display that OzNet-NCA-ANN excellent classifier model and achieves 100% accuracy with created Dataset 2 from Brain Hemorrhage CT images.  相似文献   
为提升复杂环境中漂浮式风力机平台筋腱结构隐性损伤识别率,基于卷积神经网络(convolutional neural network,CNN),提出连续多尺度卷积神经网络(continues-multi-scale convolutional neural network,CMS-CNN),建立“端到端”的损伤识别模型。为验证CMS-CNN方法的有效性,以10 MW漂浮式风力机为研究对象,对损伤位置、程度进行故障诊断,结果表明:连续多尺度模型比传统多尺度的诊断结果更佳;横荡加速度受环境载荷影响较小,基于此响应信号所训练的CMS-CNN诊断模型更可靠;CMS-CNN模型可在筋腱结构微弱损伤时实现精准定位,亦能完成结构隐性损伤程度识别。  相似文献   
针对传统的基于数据驱动的机械故障模式识别方法中需要人工构造算法提取特征以及人工构造特征提取算法繁琐的问题,结合卷积神经网络(CNN)在图像特征自动提取与图像分类识别中的广泛应用,提出了一种基于CNN图像分类的轴承故障模式识别方法。首先,利用集合经验模态分解(EEMD)方法对轴承振动信号进行自适应分解并用相关系数对得到的本征模函数分量进行筛选。其次,对筛选得到的本征模函数分量进行伪魏格纳-威利时频分析(PWVD)计算得到信号的时频分布图,并对时频图进行预处理。最后,将轴承15种不同工况预处理后的时频图利用CNN进行特征提取与分类识别。将该方法与同类方法进行了对比,分类正确率提高了4.26%。  相似文献   
针对电机故障诊断问题,设计一种新型的一维卷积神经网络结构(1D-CNN),提出一种基于声信号和1DCNN的电机故障诊断方法。为了验证1D-CNN算法在电机故障识别领域的有效性,以一组空调故障电机作为实验对象,搭建电机故障诊断平台,对4种状态的空调电机进行声信号采集实验,制作电机故障声信号数据集,并运用1DCNN算法对数据集进行分类,计算出基于该算法的电机故障识别准确率。实验结果表明,1D-CNN算法作为一种新型结构深度学习算法,能够对电机故障声信号进行很好分类,分类准确率高于FFT-BP、SVM、FFT-SAE等算法。为了探究1D-CNN算法内在机制,还对1D-CNN算法性能进行t-SNE可视化分析。  相似文献   
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