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The ‘Context and Culture’ unit of study contributes to visual arts students making informed decisions about sustainable preservation strategies in creative practice through participation in projects and activities that focus on preservation issues, and through the study of significant contemporary artists, curators and academics who engage with the archive in challenging and radical ways. This article gives an account of the complex nature of creative content created by artists, and the small acts of resistance we perform on a daily basis in creative practice.  相似文献   
通过实地勘察和走访,力图展示邢台市文物古迹的现状,在综合分析的基础上,深入探讨新形势下保护利用的对策,以期献言资政,达到弘扬民族精神,发挥文物古迹最大社会效益的目的。  相似文献   

We exploit within-teacher variation in the years that math and reading teachers in grades 4–8 host an apprentice (“student teacher”) in Washington State to estimate the causal effect of these apprenticeships on student achievement, both during the apprenticeship and afterwards. While the average causal effect of hosting a student teacher on student performance in the year of the apprenticeship is indistinguishable from zero in both math and reading, hosting a student teacher is found to have modest positive impacts on student math and reading achievement in a teacher’s classroom in following years. These findings suggest that schools and districts can participate in the student teaching process without fear of short-term decreases in student test scores while potentially gaining modest long-term test score increases.  相似文献   
胡锦涛主席提出的“构建和谐世界”重要思想是当代国际关系理论的崭新命题,也是中国外交的重要理论创新。这一重要思想反映了当前时代和国际关系发展的本质特点和客观要求,是对和平共处五项原则的继承和发展。从根本上看,它是人类社会的一个远大理想与长远目标,其实现将是一个渐进、漫长而又曲折、艰难的过程。但“构建和谐世界”的目标代表了国际关系发展的方向和时代进步趋势,符合国际社会和各国人民的根本利益,必将成为不可阻挡的历史潮流而终究得以实现。  相似文献   
在基础教育均衡发展的理念下,农村教师队伍建设被提到了有关教育部门工作的重要日程,本文在分析当前农村教师现状、农村中小学网络建设情况、传统教师培训模式的局限性的基础上提出网络环境下农村教师培养模式,内涵、培养资源、组织形式、应注意的问题等。  相似文献   
The section is an essential tool for understanding, exploring, representing and communicating spatial relations, structure and materiality in architecture, design and engineering, and therefore a recurring topic in the curricula. The section itself is destructive of nature and incompatible with a built environment in use or under construction. Hence, students throughout their education meet the section in the form of diagrammatic representations, that is, as forms of meaning emptied from scale, spatiality and materiality. This article reports on a series of four workshops, held in the spring semesters from 2011 to 2014 for first‐year students at Aarhus School of Architecture. The aim was to provide first‐year students with an experience of the relation between the section as a diagrammatic representation and the materiality, structure and spatial relations of a concrete building. The climax of each workshop was a full‐scale dissection and transformation of an abandoned house. As we shall see, the workshops fulfilled not only the intended learning goals, but created an initially unforeseen and unique context for learning about the relations between building and place and introduced the question regarding depopulation of rural areas as a pertinent processional challenge. Beyond an educational value, the research project ‘Transformation on abandonment, a new critical practice?’ transpired from the workshops. This research project and the interplay between teaching and research are discussed in the last part of the article.  相似文献   
社会主义是一个很长的历史阶段。只有正确认识其历史进程的长期性、 艰巨性、复杂性,才能树立起对社会主义的坚定信念。21世纪是社会主义在全世界复兴的时代,我们应抓住这个历史性机遇,满怀信心迈向新世纪。  相似文献   
Feldman (1977), reviewing research about the reliability of student evaluations, reported that while class average responses were quite reliable (.80s and .90s), single rater reliabilities were typically low (.20s). However, studies he reviewed determined single rater reliability with internal consistency measures which assumed that differences among students in the same class (within-class variance) were completely random—an assumption which Feldman seriously questioned. In the present study, this assumption was tested by collecting evaluations from the same students at the end of each class and again one year after graduation. Single rater reliability based upon an internal consistency approach (agreement among different students in the same class) was similar to that reported by Feldman. However, single rater reliability based upon a stability approach (agreement between end-of-term and follow-up ratings by the same student) was much higher (medianr=.59). These results indicate that individual student evaluations were remarkably stable over time and more reliable than previously assumed. Most important, there was systematic information in individual student ratings—beyond that implied by the class average response—that internal consistency approaches have ignored or assumed to be nonexistent.  相似文献   
新中国成立以来,中国养老服务事业取得了巨大的成就。随着人口老龄化、失能化和疾病慢性病化等多结构转型,为了推动养老服务事业健康、可持续发展,养老服务事业的体制也需要做出“两个转型”的相应调整,体系上需要确立“一体两翼”的定位。为此,需要从政府职能部门、资金筹集、组织管理、照护对象、照护队伍、养护医服务以及智能化七个方面进行长期照护资源的衔接与整合性发展。  相似文献   
以就业为导向构建高职院校内部教学质量监控长效机制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在高职教育的第二个战略发展阶段,应根据经济发展和高职教育改革形势的需要,树立科学的高职教育质量观,以就业为导向,以过程控制为重点,构建高职院校内部教学质量监控的长效机制,实行教学运行与质量监控两条线管理,促进教学质量的稳步提高。  相似文献   
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