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作物水分生产函数的确定是农业水资源优化配置的关键。该研究采用农业水文生态系统模型(Agro-Hydrological & Chemical and Crop systems simulator, AHC)与基因表达式编程(Gene Expression Programming, GEP)相结合的方法构建作物水分生产函数。以河套灌区3种主要作物(葵花、玉米、小麦)为研究对象,采用AHC模型模拟作物产量等,构建基于GEP算法的作物水分生产函数,探讨考虑盐分胁迫的作物水分生产函数构建的思路与方法。结果表明:1)作物模拟产量与地下水埋深、地下水矿化度和灌水量等因素有关。2)构建作物水分生产函数的最优输入因子组合为地下水埋深、灌溉量、蒸散发、地下水矿化度、土壤根层盐分对作物胁迫因子、土壤根层含水率。3)应用作物水分生产函数估算不同灌溉定额条件下作物产量(预测产量),并与AHC模型计算的产量(模拟产量)进行比较,玉米、葵花、小麦预测产量与模拟产量具有很好一致性,其决定系数分别是0.96、0.93、0.96,平均相对误差均小于5%,满足计算精度要求。因此,该研究所构建的作物水分生产函数可以较准确地估算盐分胁迫下作物产量,为农业节水与灌溉水高效利用提供科学参考。  相似文献   
以永嘉县四海山林场7 块天然阔叶林样地中602株林木为例,首先选用6种常用的树高曲线方程模拟该阔叶林主要树种的树高曲线,根据决定系数、均方根误差、平均相对误差3个统计量以及残差图检验,确定1个用于构建混合效应模型的基础模型。然后确定树种间的差异和样地间的差异作为随机效应,构建两水平的非线性混合效应模型,并利用AIC、BIC等指标评价不同混合模型的效果。结果表明,在树种水平和样地水平均同时考虑2个参数的随机效应时,模拟温州地区天然阔叶树树高曲线混合效应模型拟合效果最好,能够显著提高模型的拟合精度、大幅度减小模型误差;混合效应模型随机参数的方差协方差表明,天然阔叶树的树高曲线的变化主要受树种的影响,其次是样地的影响。  相似文献   
网络课件在C程序设计语言教学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统的黑白教学方法存在着一些弊端,导致学习效率降低、资源浪费。网络教学这种新型教育模式不仅大大提高了学习效率,而且很大程度地发挥了教育资源的作用。本文以C程序设计语言为例,阐述了制作网络课件的关键技术和实现技巧。  相似文献   
Thinning is an important strategy for carbon sequestration in forest management. Linear programming (LP) and goal programming (GP) can only set fixed parameters for the left hand side constraints, which are incapable of simulating different thinning intensities at thinned stands to map an appropriate thinning schedule for optimum carbon sequestration efficiently. However, multi-segment goal programming (MSGP) with the flexibility to set multi-level parameters can be applied by forest managers to quickly choose an appropriate level from different thinning intensities.The purpose of this study was to combine MSGP with LP to efficiently adopt thinned area and thinning intensity together as decision variables. In a demonstrated case, an appropriate thinning schedule for three age-classes was chosen from 768 combinations of thinning intensity in just one step. Each age-class was allocated well such as practicing medium thinning intensity on young age-class and strong thinning intensity on the old age-class. Totally 1379643.03 tons of carbon sequestration was obtained after two planning horizons, which was 34.75% higher than no thinning. Besides, a stable supply of wood form thinning is made for carbon sequestration in each period and the stocking of each age-class is also improved.  相似文献   
提出了新的非线性方程解法。在进行结构非线性平衡路径的全过程分析时,在仔细研究了由Crisfield和Ramm提出,并被广泛用于非线性方程求解的著名的弧长增量法的基础上,提出了一种基于牛顿-拉菲逊法的十分有效的投影增量法,该法克服了弧长增量法的一个重点缺点,即必须根据结构特性来判定如何选取关于广义荷载参数λ^i+1的一元二次方程中的二个根中的一个,而且其收敛速度要稍快,计算量也略小。并通过引进广义时  相似文献   
将解强非线性单自由度振动的改进的L-P方法推广到多自由度系统,提出了一个摄动展开式,求出了多自由度强非线性系统的渐近解。该方法有较广泛的适用性。  相似文献   
基因表达式编程(GEP)是基于遗传算法和遗传编程的具有更强数据处理和知识发现的进化算法。介绍了传统GEP算法的基本原理和关键技术,针对求解问题时传统GEP存在未成熟收敛和进化后期收敛速度慢等问题,提出了GEP算法的改进方法,并将改进算法应用于函数发现问题中。与传统GEP算法的对比试验表明改进的GEP算法具有更好的求解能力和更高的性能。  相似文献   
着重从理论上分析完备的被控对象时延在一个采样周期范围内变化时,系统B参数估计值变化的规律,得出分数时延时变的充要条件,据此,能正确区分参数时变还是分数时延发生了变化,这一结论对于计算机控制的系统,特别是对于引入复杂算法的计算机控制系统有重要意义。  相似文献   
This paper proposes a novel BP network model based on nonlinear iterative partial least-squares algorithm which can fit nonlinear data. The novel BP network model can reduce iterative step number and advance learning effieieney. This paper pretreats data by nonlinear iterative partial least-squares algorithms. The weights initialization of input floor and output floor are set by applying the loading weights of dependent variable and cause variable, the member of hidden nodes are set by applying factor numbers of nonlinear iterative partial leastsquares algorithm, the connection co- efficient is set by applying the connection matrix B. Performances of the BP, PLS, and PLS-BP are analyzed and compared. The results show that the PLS-BP has better fitting and forecasting than BP and PLS.  相似文献   
Analyses the characteristics of convex network flow programming of the economic power dispatch with security and presents a rapid algorithm. The numerical examples are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the algorithm.  相似文献   
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