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2008年初我国低温雨雪冰冻灾害的气候特征   总被引:48,自引:0,他引:48  
 利用中国606个时间序列超过40 a的气象台站逐日气温、降水和天气现象等资料,确定了定义低温、降雪、冰冻和多年一遇等指标的方法,对2008年初我国低温雨雪冰冻灾害的空间分布、持续时间、历史强度和灾害影响等进行了综合分析。结果表明:2008年1月中旬到2月上旬,我国长江中下游至江南地区发生了历史罕见的低温雨雪冰冻灾害,灾害发生区域的最大连续低温日数、最大连续降雪量和最大连续冰冻日数均为1951年以来历年冬季的最大值,综合各种指标统计其强度为百年一遇。此次灾害具有影响范围广、持续时间长、发生强度大等特点,对我国电力、交通、农业、林业、人民生活等方面产生了重大影响。  相似文献   
2008年初我国低温雨雪冰冻灾害的气候特征   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
利用中国606个时间序列超过40 a的气象台站逐日气温、降水和天气现象等资料,确定了定义低温、降雪、冰冻和多年一遇等指标的方法,对2008年初我国低温雨雪冰冻灾害的空间分布、持续时间、历史强度和灾害影响等进行了综合分析。结果表明:2008年1月中旬到2月上旬,我国长江中下游至江南地区发生了历史罕见的低温雨雪冰冻灾害,灾害发生区域的最大连续低温日数、最大连续降雪量和最大连续冰冻日数均为1951年以来历年冬季的最大值,综合各种指标统计其强度为百年一遇。此次灾害具有影响范围广、持续时间长、发生强度大等特点,对我国电力、交通、农业、林业、人民生活等方面产生了重大影响。  相似文献   
通过对河南省1951-2000年1月份降雪量及其影响因子的分析发现,降雪偏多的主要气候成因与太阳黑子活动高峰期及赤道东太平洋偏低的海温具有明显的相关性,与其它物理因子相关性较差。  相似文献   
从降雪预警业务实际出发,设计了基于最优化法的雷达估测降雪方法,对2007年3月4日特大暴雪过程开展雷达降雪估测试验,并分析估测结果的误差。针对温度变化、雪花末速度、与雷达的距离和计算方法等方面的误差因素制定了3种改进方案。改进后的估测降雪量与实况降雪量的相关系数提高到0.66(超过99%信度检验),平均相对误差降低至48.74%,对于0.3 mm/h的较弱降雪和5 mm/h以上的强降雪均具有估测能力。其中距离雷达50~100 km的样本估测降雪量与实况降雪量的相关系数达到0.82。在3种改进方案中,考虑降雪末速度影响的改进效果不明显,这可能与本次暴雪过程的回波较均匀有关;按雷达与样本距离分类进行雷达降雪估测的效果最明显,不仅可以增加相似程度,还减小了雷达近距离高估和远距离低估的误差;而算法的改进进一步提高估测精度。本次雷达降雪估测对于1.6~2.5 mm/h的较强降雪和2.6 mm/h以上的强降雪平均相对误差较小,分别为31%和27%,但雷达降雪估测高估了1.5 mm/h以下的降雪而低估2.6 mm/h以上的强降雪。一方面说明雷达回波对于降雪强弱变化不是很敏感,另一方面在业务实际工作中有可能利用这种一致性的误差进行订正,以提高降雪估测精度。   相似文献   
对咸阳机场的两次能见度突然转差的天气进行分析比较,探讨该类形势下大雾的成因及周边地理环境对成雾的影响,并对此类天气的预报思路提出几点建议。  相似文献   
The concept of wet bulb potential vorticity and SCAPE (slantwise convective available potentialenergy) is used to calculate the horizontal and vertical distribution of moist symmetric instabilityincluding convective symmetric instability (CSI) and local symmetric instability (LSI) in the processof a storm snowfall in North China.The potential contribution of moist symmetric instability to anarrow storm snowfall belt occurring in the Hetao and Lindong,Linxi region of Inner Mongolia andthe relationship between moist symmetric instability and direction of the basic flow,wind shear andmoisture are discussed.It is found that the strong snowfall belt is almost parallel with negative valuearea of wet bulb potential vorticity at low levels in the vicinity of snow area.And the dynamicalmechanism of the strong snowfall center in the Lindong,Linxi region is different from that in theHetao region.The former is induced by frontogenetical forcing with weak symmetric instability in thewarm section of frontal area and the latter triggered by obvious moist symmetric instability.  相似文献   
2005年12月威海连续性暴雪的气候背景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用1966—2005年NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和威海冬季降雪资料,对威海冬季降雪的时空分布特征以及2005年12月威海连续性暴雪的气候背景进行分析。结果表明:威海冬季降雪量呈明显的北多南少分布;12月降雪量和暴雪日数明显多于其他月份。威海市2005年12月的气候特征与威海12月降雪偏多年的气候特征非常相似,表现为东北亚大气环流经向型,中国东北、黄渤海到日本海一带500 hPa位势高度距平和850 hPa温度距平均为显著的负值中心,1000 hPa风场距平为气旋性弯曲;2005年12月的要素距平明显大于降雪偏多年。此外,2005年11月下旬黄渤海海温较常年显著偏高,为大气提供了充足能量,并造成边界层大气极不稳定;山东半岛地形抬升及其北岸的海陆风与环境风辐合,直接导致不稳定能量释放而形成威海连续性暴雪。  相似文献   
Mean annual snowfall in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GSMNP) exhibits considerable spatial variability, ranging from 30 cm in the valleys to 254 cm at higher elevations. Snowfall can be tied to a variety of synoptic classes (e.g., Miller A or B cyclones, 500 hPa cutoff lows), but the frequency and significance of different synoptic classes have not been fully assessed, particularly at higher elevations. In this paper, we manually classify all snowfall events during the period 1991 to 2004 according to a synoptic classification scheme, calculate mean annual snowfall by 850 hPa wind direction and synoptic class, and develop composite plots of various synoptic fields. Hourly observations from nearby first-order stations and 24 hr snowfall totals from five sites within the GSMNP are used to define snowfall events. NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data are used to develop composite plots of various synoptic fields for cyclones passing south and then east of the area (e.g., Miller A cyclones). Results indicate that over 50% of the mean annual snowfall at higher elevations occurs in association with low-level northwest flow, and that Miller A cyclones contribute the greatest amount to mean annual snowfall at all elevations.  相似文献   
This paper analyzed the anomalous low-temperature events and the anomalous rain-abundant events in January since 1951 and winter since 1880 for southern China.The anomalous events are defined using ±1σ thresholds.Twelve cold Januaries are identified where temperature anomaly below-1σ,and ten wet Januaries are identified where precipitation anomaly above +1σ.Among these events there are three patterns of cold-wet Januaries,namely 1969,1993 and 2008.The NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data are used to check the atmospheric circulation changes in association with the anomalous temperature and precipitation events.The results show that the strong Siberian High(SBH),East Asian trough(EAT) and East Asian jet stream(EAJS) are favorable conditions for low-temperature in southern China.While the anomalous southerly flow at 850 hPa,the weak EAT at 500 hPa,the strong Middle East jet stream(MEJS) and the weaker EAJS are found to accompany a wetter southern China.The cold-wet winters in southern China,such as...更多 January of 2008,are mainly related to a stronger SBH,and the circulation in the middle to upper troposphere is precipitation-favorable.In wet winters,the water vapor below 500 hPa is mainly transported by the anomalous southwesterly flow and the anomalous southern flow over the Indo-China Peninsula and the South China Sea area.The correlation coefficients of MEJS,EAMW(East Asian meridional wind) and EU(Eurasian pattern) to southern China precipitation in January are +0.65,-0.59 and-0.48 respectively,and the correlations for high-pass filtered data are +0.63,-0.55 and-0.44 respectively,the significant level is all at 99%.MEJS,EAMW and EU together can explain 49.4% variance in January precipitation.Explained variance for January and winter temperature by SBH,EU,WP(west Pacific pattern) and AO(Arctic Oscillation) are 47.2% and 51.5%,respectively.There is more precipitation in southern China during El Nio winters,and less precipitation during La Nia winters.And there is no clear evidence that the occurrence of anomalous temperature events in winter over southern China is closely linked to ENSO events.  相似文献   
The concept of wet bulb potential vorticity and SCAPE(slantwise convective available potential energy) is used to calculate the horizontal and vertical distribution of moist symmetric instability including convective symmetric instability(CSI) and local symmetric instability(LSI) in the process of a storm snowfall in North China.The potential contribution of moist symmetric instability to a narrow storm snowfall belt occurring in the Hetao and Lindong,Linxi region of Inner Mongolia and the relationship between moist symmetric instability and direction of the basic flow,wind shear and moisture are discussed.It is found that the strong snowfall belt is almost parallel with negative value area of wet bulb potential vorticity at low levels in the vicinity of snow area.And the dynamical mechanism of the strong snowfall center in the Lindong,Linxi region is different from that in the Hetao region.The former is induced by frontogenetical forcing with weak symmetric instability in the warm section of frontal area and the latter triggered by obvious moist symmetric instability.  相似文献   
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