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Cropland fallows are the next best-bet for intensification and extensification, leading to increased food production and adding to the nutritional basket. The agronomical suitability of these lands can decide the extent of usage of these lands. Myanmar’s agricultural land (over 13.8 Mha) has the potential to expand by another 50% into additional fallow areas. These areas may be used to grow short-duration pulses, which are economically important and nutritionally rich, and constitute the diets of millions of people as well as provide an important source of livestock feed throughout Asia. Intensifying rice fallows will not only improve the productivity of the land but also increase the income of the smallholder farmers. The enhanced cultivation of pulses will help improve nutritional security in Myanmar and also help conserve natural resources and reduce environmental degradation. The objectives of this study was to use remote sensing methods to identify croplands in Myanmar and cropland fallow areas in two important agro-ecological regions, delta and coastal region and the dry zone. The study used moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) 250-m, 16-day normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) maximum value composite (MVC), and land surface water index (LSWI) for one 1 year (1 June 2012–31 May 2013) along with seasonal field-plot level information and spectral matching techniques to derive croplands versus cropland fallows for each of the three seasons: the monsoon period between June and October; winter period between November and February; and summer period between March and May. The study showed that Myanmar had total net cropland area (TNCA) of 13.8 Mha. Cropland fallows during the monsoon season account for a meagre 2.4% of TNCA. However, in the winter season, 56.5% of TNCA (or 7.8 Mha) were classified as cropland fallows and during the summer season, 82.7% of TNCA (11.4 Mha) were cropland fallows. The producer’s accuracy of the cropland fallow class varied between 92 and 98% (errors of omission of 2 to 8%) and user’s accuracy varied between 82 and 92% (errors of commission of 8 to 18%) for winter and summer, respectively. Overall, the study estimated 19.2 Mha cropland fallows from the two major seasons (winter and summer). Out of this, 10.08 Mha has sufficient moisture (either from rainfall or stored soil water content) to grow short-season pulse crops. This potential with an estimated income of US$ 300 per hectare, if exploited sustainably, is estimated to bring an additional net income of about US$ 1.5 billion to Myanmar per year if at least half (5.04 Mha) of the total cropland fallows (10.08 Mha) is covered with short season pulses.  相似文献   
黄朝煊  袁文喜  胡国杰 《岩土力学》2021,(1):113-124,134
目前通过对软土地基预加固处理来提高桩基水平承载力已被工程界认可,但如何在工程前期设计过程中估算软土地基预处理后桩基水平承载力提高值仍是技术难点。基于此,参考Bowles[1]的地基土水平抗力计算式,同时考虑成层软土地基预排水固结处理影响,通过数学推导,推求出根据原状软土室内土工试验抗剪强度指标及预加固处理时间,估算软土地基预处理后桩基水平承载力提高值的实用计算方法。考虑桩侧土弹塑性屈服影响,推导出成层软土中水平受荷桩弹塑性解析解及塑性区深度的计算式,给出了桩顶水平位移、桩身最大弯矩的无量纲计算式及相关计算源代码。依托于浙江省某水闸桩基工程案例,根据提出的计算方法对桩基水平承载力、桩顶水平位移及桩身最大弯矩等性状进行预估计算,并与地基预处理前、后现场试桩检测值进行验证对比,认为桩基水平承载力、桩顶水平位移及桩身最大弯矩等预估计算成果与工程现场试桩的检测值较接近,对类似工程设计具有较好的参考价值。  相似文献   
用树木年轮重建伊犁南天山北坡西部的降水量序列   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
根据采自伊犁地区南天山北坡11个采点的树木年轮样本,建立了每个采点的3种年表。通过单相关普查发现,标准化树轮年表序列与当年1~5月的降水显著相关。分析表明该时段降水与树木年轮生长呈正相关具有明确的树木生理学意义。利用新源上限(XNAUt)、昭苏上限(ZUt、ZUt 2)和特克斯下限(TLt)4个标准化树轮年表序列可较好地重建该区域在该时段的降水量。经交叉检验,所得重建方程是稳定可靠的,重建的降水序列是可信的。通过分析发现:伊犁地区南天山北坡300年以来1~5月的降水大致经历了6个偏湿阶段和6个偏干阶段;有2.0~2.8年、24.8年、28.3年、33年、99年的变化准周期;在1909年发生由多向少的突变;1740年、1870年发生由少向多的突变,其中又以1870年前后的突变最为明显。  相似文献   
From 2000 to 2006, a total of 75 bivalve species were identified, varying from 29 (spring 2001) to 54 species (spring 2005) per year. Seasonal tendencies in diversity varied according the year, thus the interpretation of long-term and regional scales is essential before drawing any conclusions in other studies. Richness and diversity consistently decreased with depth and increased with sediment grain size (from low in very coarse sand to high in coarse silt). Diversity decreased progressively from 3 to 16 m depth, thus the harsher shallower environments (due to waves and tidal air exposure) showed greater diversity than the most stable areas. Communities in finer sediments were more diverse than those in coarser sand. Evenness showed patterns opposite to diversity, overall.Diversity and evenness maps (produced with multivariate universal kriging), showed that most geographic areas with greater diversity were farer from river outflows and wastewater treatment plants. Two types of geographic pattern were observed: areas with persistently greater bivalve diversity through time and areas that changed locally from year to year. This spatial analysis can be used to establish priority conservation areas for management purposes, and to analyse the persistency of regional diversity patterns. The area with most habitat heterogeneity (Sotavento) corresponded to greatest diversity.There was a positive relationship between Spisula solida and Chamelea gallina landings and bivalve diversity 2 years and 1 year later, respectively. Possibly, local fisheries, by selectively withdrawing the commercial numerically dominant species from the ecosystem, increased diversity 1 to 2 years later, as the ecological niches of the dominants are quickly filled by several other species thereby creating a more even community. On regional scales, no significant impact was found on long-term bivalve diversity in local fisheries,  相似文献   
?????????12??GPS???????????????????????????GPS???????????????????????????????????GPS?????????????б???????????????3mm?????????????????????????仯?????????????????????????  相似文献   
RTK-GPS�����������񶯵Ķ�Ƶ�ʳɷַ���   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
???????RTK-GPS(????????λ??)???????????????????????????????????????????????????????RTK-GPS???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????е??  相似文献   
1960-2015年青海三江源地区降水时空特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
青海三江源地区是中国生态系统最为敏感和脆弱的地区,其降水特别是生长季降水的波动,是影响本区及江河中下游水资源安全、生态系统可持续发展的关键因素。综合线性趋势、Mann-Kendall检验、BG分割算法、R/S、EEMD等多方法细致辨识了1960-2015年研究区降水量序列的时空特征。结果显示:① 三江源降水量总体呈现弱增趋势,21世纪以来降水量显著增加,各子源区气候倾向率不尽相同;② 年、季降水量自东南向西北递减,澜沧江源区夏季降水和黄河源区秋季降水呈弱减趋势,雨量弱减区在空间上呈斑块状分布;③ 年、季降水量年代际变化和增湿率的空间差异较明显,春夏季降水气候倾向率与经纬度、海拔的复相关性显著高于冬季;④ 20世纪90年代中后期,各子源区降水总体显现增强信号,并于2002年前后发生突变;⑤ 年际和低值年代际显著周期是造成降水量变动的主要因素;⑥ 除澜沧江源区夏季降水趋于减少外,其他年、季降水量变化呈现增幅不一的转湿趋势;⑦ 横向比较各子源区可见,长江源区降水变化更能表征高原气候变化。研究结果显示,研究区降水时空序列变化具有明显的区域和季节差异性特征,与以往类似研究存在些许差异,可见为有效提高气候序列演变过程及突变诊断的准确性,仍需进一步融合多方法实施集成分析。  相似文献   
A voice enhancement algorithm based on the Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) and the improved spectral subtraction is proposed for the low-SNR (Signal Noise Ratio) shortwave time signal. This method is proposed to solve the problem that the shortwave time signal cannot be used for timing in complex noisy environments. The core idea of this method is to use the Hilbert-Huang Transform (HHT) algorithm to make the empirical mode decomposition on the noisy shortwave signal, and to select the intrinsic mode functions containing the shortwave signal information for the signal reconstruction by through the maximum correlation. Then, to make the spectral subtraction on the reconstructed signal to achieve the purpose of noise reduction. The experimental result shows that this method has a better noise reduction than the traditional methods.  相似文献   
Active hydrogen maser is the main frequency standard for establishing and maintaining the time scale. It has the characteristics of high short-term stability and low phase noise. At present, it plays an increasingly important role in the international atomic time (TAI) and various local time scales. Firstly, in combination with the internal state parameters of an active hydrogen maser, the correlation between the internal state parameters and the comparison data of a hydrogen maser is analyzed, and a method for the performance monitoring of a hydrogen maser is proposed. Secondly, according to the characteristics of hydrogen maser performance, a method for evaluating the performance of a hydrogen maser is given. The hydrogen maser performance includes mainly two aspects, namely the frequency stability and predictability. The performances of two types of active hydrogen masers (CH1-75 and MHM-2010) are evaluated by this method. The correlation analysis of the atomic clock state parameters and comparison data shows that the state parameter monitoring can effectively predict the variation of the hydrogen maser performance. The evaluation results of atomic clock frequency stability and predictability show that the atomic clock with a higher medium-and-long term frequency stability has a better predictability. There are two methods for the predictability evaluation, one is based on the data published by BIPM (Bureau International des Poids et Measures), and another one is based on the quadratic model. Both methods are consistent with the weights published by BIPM. Therefore, the two methods can be used as a quantitative method to evaluate the predictability of a hydrogen maser.  相似文献   
以新一轮国土资源大调查“柴达木盆地地下水资源及其环境问题调查评价”项目为依托,围绕时序预测建模软件(Time Series Forecast V1.0)的研发与应用,按照现代预测学理论对柴达木盆地的水文、气象等多因子时序量进行了百年预测。针对多因子综合评价模型提出并采用了先进可行的“主成分”分析法,建立了“特征向量”与“综合指标”的对等关系,从而避免了以往诸多评价模型中人为因素的干扰,提高了预测结果的可信度。  相似文献   
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