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This study investigated the subcellular distribution of Cu, Zn, Cd and Ag in liver of mallard (Anas platyrhynchos), spot-billed duck (A. poecilorhyncha) and great cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) to better understand metal fractionation and dynamics in avian liver. Most of the total Cu, Zn, Cd and Ag were present in hepatocytosol, and their concentrations increased with total hepatic levels in all the three avian species. Copper, Zn and Cd in hepatocytosol were present mostly in metallothionein fractions (MTs), and Cu and Cd contents in this fraction were positively correlated with hepatocytosol levels in all the species. Silver was observed mostly in both high-molecular weight and MT fractions in hepatocytosol in mallard and great cormorant, whereas it was present in both low-molecular weight and MT fractions in spot-billed duck, suggesting that distribution of Ag in the hepatocytosol was species-specific. The elution profile of metals in MT fractions revealed six metallic peaks in mallard and spot-billed duck, and three peaks in great cormorant, implying the presence of multiple MT isoforms in the liver of these avian species. The present study demonstrated that MTs are closely associated with metal regulation, especially Cu and Cd, in these three aquatic birds.  相似文献   
Three subspecies belong to middle-late Maastrichtian Bolivinoides draco group (B. draco aegyptiacus, B. d. draco, and B. d. dorreeni) are described of which one is new: Bolivinoides draco aegyptiacus from Abu Zenima section, west central Sinai, Egypt. This new subspecies differs from the other Bolivinoidid taxa in possessing well-developed two divergent medial longitudinal ribs along the smooth test surface, with another one rib in the central part between them. In this study, the early Maastrichtian B. miliaris is not related to this group. The other evolutionary trends are also distinguished and the paleogeographic distributions of Bolivinoides members in the Middle East are presented.  相似文献   
Nineteen trace elements were determined in liver, muscle, kidney, gonads, and hair of 18 harp seals (Phoca groenlandica) from Pangnirtung in the Baffin Island, Canada. Concentrations of V, Mn, Fe, Cu, Mo, Ag, and Hg in the liver, Co, Cd, and Tl in the kidney, and Ba and Pb in the hair were significantly higher than those in other tissues. Significant positive correlations between Hg concentrations in the hair, and liver, kidney and testis imply usefulness of the hair sample for non-destructive monitoring of Hg in the harp seals. It is suggested that whereas Hg preferentially accumulates in the liver, the accumulation in other tissues is induced at higher hepatic Hg levels. In contrast, Se may not be accumulated in other tissues compared with the liver even at higher hepatic Hg levels because of the presence of excess Se for Hg detoxification in other tissues.  相似文献   
中蒙边界地区构造单元划分   总被引:4,自引:16,他引:4  
以板块构造理论为指导,中蒙合作完成中蒙边界地区1∶100万地质编图成果的基础上,对中蒙边界地区构造格架进行了统一厘定和划分。该区Ⅰ级构造单元主体隶属于中亚构造带的阿尔泰—兴蒙造山系,部分属塔里木—华北陆块区。阿尔泰—兴蒙造山系可划分为10个Ⅱ级、27个Ⅲ级和69个Ⅳ级构造单元。塔里木—华北陆块部分划分出2个Ⅱ级、2个Ⅲ级和4个Ⅳ级构造单元。这些不同级别的构造单元较全面地概括了中蒙边界地区的地质面貌。  相似文献   
The problem of the current state of subaerial morphosculptures on the periglacial East Siberian Shelf is still debatable due to the lack of in situ data. Therefore, any new information contributes to the knowledge of the evolution of the Arctic environment. In view of this, a complex of interdisciplinary oceanological studies was carried out in the southeastern part of the Laptev Sea. Using a side-scan sonar, images of the bottom surface were made, which show the shape of low-center-polygonal relief of the part of the modern coastal lowland area in the coastal zone near the area under study. Possible factors controlling the state of this morphosculpture within the East Siberian Shelf area of interest are considered.  相似文献   
气候变暖背景下干旱区水文、水资源的变化仍是影响区域水资源利用和洪水灾害防治的关键科学问题。基于1957—2019年长序列的水文、气象资料,系统分析了昆仑山北麓车尔臣河流域的水文变化特征及其对气候变化的响应。总体上,车尔臣河流域的水文过程的显著变化发生在1990s末期,变化前后年径流量约增加了54.67%,所有季节径流的增加共同造成了年径流的增加,其中夏季径流的增加对年径流增加的贡献最大,其次依次为秋季、春季和冬季。降水增加(第一控制因素)和气温升高(第二控制因素)共同造成了车尔臣河流域水文过程的变化。具体到径流年内变化,降水是春夏季径流变化的主控因素,而秋冬季径流变化的主控因素是气温。径流增加为中下游提供更多水资源的同时,也导致年际间水文洪涝和干旱事件发生的频率增加、强度增强。冰冻圈在该地区水文循环中起着重要的作用,但其对水文过程的影响仍不明确,加强阿尔金高山区的冰川、多年冻土监测将为进一步预估水文对气候变化的响应提供基础数据支撑。  相似文献   
2007年6月粤东持续性暴雨的成因分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
黄忠  吴乃庚  冯业荣  蔡安安 《气象》2008,34(4):53-60
为了探讨2007年6月7-10日广东东部和珠江三角洲地区持续性暴雨的成因,使用常规气象观测资料、自动站资料以及NCEP的1°×1°的分析资料对这次过程环流特征和影响系统进行分析,同时使用局地经向环流线性诊断模式对这次过程进行模拟诊断.结果表明:这次粤东暴雨过程是在我国中高纬度稳定的两槽一脊的环流形势下,先后受东槽引导从华东沿海南下冷空气和受从西南地区不断东南移短波槽和低涡引导南下的冷空气影响,在华南北部形成稳定的锋面低槽和低空切变线,有利于水汽的辐合和雨带维持;孟加拉湾的西南急流和副高西侧南海西南气流是两支主要水汽输送带;此次暴雨与暴雨区上空中低层正(负)、高层负(正)的垂直螺旋度(散度)变化密切相关.中高纬度和低纬度系统共同影响以及暴雨区高层和低层动力热力条件配合,使得局地经向环流异常,造成了此次持续性强降水.定量诊断结果表明,在各个动力和热力因子中,潜热加热作用对这次暴雨过程贡献最大,此外反映西风急流和斜压槽活动的西风动量平流以及反映北方弱冷空气作用的水平温度平流也有一定的作用.  相似文献   
采用地面雨量计校准后的南京信息工程大学 (Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, NUIST) C波段双偏振 (C band Dual Polarization Radar, NUIST CDP) 雷达降水估测数据,研究全球降水观测 (Global Precipitation Measurement, GPM) 计划多星融合降水产品 (Integrated Multi satellite Retrievals for GPM, IMERG) 对苏皖地区梅雨、台风和飑线等不同类型降水观测精度,结果表明,①梅雨降水过程中,IMERG的累计降水量整体大于NUIST CDP的累计降水量;②台风降水过程中,IMERG一定程度上低估了累计降水量较大时的降水结果;③IMERG不能很好地观测到飑线降水的空间结构,几乎没有观测到这次降水过程中的强降水区域。  相似文献   
This paper is concerned with the geological history and petrology of a major polygenic volcanic edifice dating back to Upper Pleistocene to Holocene time. This long-lived volcanic center is remarkable in that it combines basaltic and trachybasaltic magmas which are found in basaltic andesite and trachybasaltic–trachyandesite series. The inference is that the coexisting parent magmas are genetically independent and are generated at different sources at depth in an upper mantle volume. The associated volcanic rocks have diverse compositions, stemming from a multi-stage spatio–temporal crystallization differentiation of the magmas and mixing of these in intermediate chambers.  相似文献   
Introduction Traditional agriculture based on indigenous knowledge (IK) has been practiced in many areas for centuries. Such practices are often the basis of very sustainable technologies, which are potentially suitable for developmental programs. Polthanee (2001) reported that such farmer practices have been repeatedly found to be valid, rational and usually suited to the local environmental conditions. Moreover, with increased under- standing of agro-ecosystems, professionals in agricultura…  相似文献   
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