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提升乡村治理的制度绩效是一项涉及到理念、制度和结构的系统工程,主要包括:改变传统的对立型的国家与社会关系,以先进的"强国家-强社会"互强型国家与社会关系理念来指导乡村治理;改进和完善国家法律法规、省级地方法规、各级地方性执法规定以及村级规约,提高相关制度设计的质量和水平;优化乡村治理的结构,主要着眼点在于规范两委关系、乡村关系,提高村委会选举的质量,拓展村民代表会议的功能等.  相似文献   
Ma Ngok 《当代亚洲杂志》2016,46(2):247-266
Extant Hong Kong studies have under-stated the corporatist nature of the Hong Kong state. From the 1980s, as part of its political strategy, the Chinese government had helped to build a corporatist state in Hong Kong that incorporated various sectoral elites, leading to a change in the role of the state after 1997. Through an empirical study of the behaviour of functional constituency legislators and policy outputs after 1997, this article shows that the functional constituencies as a corporatist structure introduced many sector-oriented demands. These sectoral representatives lobbied for favourable polices, increased representation for their sectors, and more state resources. This drove the post-1997 Hong Kong state to sectoral intervention, as resources were diverted to selected sectors, creating new legitimacy problems for the regime.  相似文献   
<正>How the panda craze was ignited in a small county in China Pandas are natural stars.Since 2008,when Paramount Pictures’ animation comedy Kungfu Panda became an international hit,the giant bears having been hobnobbing  相似文献   
马宁 《法学研究》2015,(3):102-119
保险合同法可以体系化地解读为意思自治、给付均衡与合理期待三个核心原则的组合。立法者希望籍说明义务来消减信息不对称,贯彻意思自治。但在建构制度规范时,并未考虑信息传送方的履行成本,对信息接收方的识别成本与关注焦点也存在认识误区。这种过度理想化的设计已被实践证明是失败的。立法应废止实质性的明确说明义务,代之以形式化的信息提供义务。对于意思自治的不足,可以通过提升给付均衡度和更有效保障被保险人对获取保险产品的合理期待加以填补。  相似文献   
马小红 《中国法学》2015,(2):220-233
中国法史及法史学的研究自上世纪初形成以来,在法学界或为炙手可热的"学科",或为可有可无的"冷门"。这种冷热两极现象的背后,反映的是对学术目标的多种误读。比如,盲目地主张"创新",单纯地强调学术服务于"时势",本末倒置地将"学科"完善视为学术的目的等等。正是这种学术目标的误读,导致中国法史研究长期纠缠于方法的争论而忽视基础问题的研究。纠正学术目标误读的方式在于充分认识并尊重学术研究的规律,对基础问题的研究应在"传承"中创新;培养学人的独立品格,逐渐改善人云亦云的学风;将学科视为学术研究的途径而不是目的,以促进而不是桎梏学术研究的发展。  相似文献   
Are internalizing and externalizing behavior problems interrelated via mutually reinforcing relationships (with each behavior leading to increases over time in levels of the other behavior) or mutually suppressing relationships (with each behavior leading to decreases over time in levels of the other behavior)? Past research on the directionality of these relationships has led to ambiguous results, particularly in adolescence. Furthermore, the extent to which prior results will generalize to adolescents with low levels of cognitive abilities remains unknown. This second limit is particularly important, given that these adolescents are known to present higher levels of externalizing and internalizing behaviors than their peers with average-to-high levels of cognitive abilities, and that the mechanisms involved in the reciprocal relationships between these two types of behaviors may differ across both populations. This study examines the directionality of the longitudinal relationships between externalizing and internalizing behavior problems as rated by teachers across three measurement waves (corresponding to Grades 8–10) in matched samples of 138 adolescents (34.78?% girls) with low levels of cognitive abilities and 556 adolescents (44.88?% girls) with average-to-high levels of cognitive abilities. The results showed that the measurement structure was fully equivalent across time periods and groups of adolescents, revealing high levels of developmental stability in both types of problems, and moderately high levels of cross-sectional associations. Levels of both internalizing and externalizing behaviors were higher among adolescents with low levels of cognitive abilities relative to those with average-to-high levels of cognitive abilities. Finally, the predictive analyses revealed negative reciprocal longitudinal relationships (i.e., mutually suppressing relationships) between externalizing and internalizing problems, a result that was replicated within samples of adolescents with low, and average-to-high levels of cognitive ability.  相似文献   
中国特色社会主义法治应当是包括了党内法规和国家法律在内的法治规范。我国的国家治理体系不可能纯粹地建构于国家法律之上。从法学发展的历史来看,法的定义和概念并不是一成不变的。法的外在表现形式不应成为判断的绝对依据和标准,而应当结合法作为一种调整和指引人们行为的规范这一本质特征进行理解。党内法规具有明显的政党属性,党内法规在制定过程中具有程序性,党内法规在外在形式上具有特定性。广义的法治是规则之治,服从规则并非意味着只服从国家法律,还要遵循各种符合宪法规范与法治精神的其他法治规范。全面依法治国的实现有赖于党内法规与国家法律的优势互补,形成法治合力。  相似文献   
正One international physicist-turned-farmer and her journey through life in China Joan Hinton never could have imagined that China would become the destination of her lifetime. She came, saw, experienced, anticipating more progress and development to occur nationwide, and then just ended up living here her whole life.  相似文献   
At the invitation of the Chinese Association for International Understanding (CAFIU), Deputy Speaker of the Hungarian National Assembly and Power Equipments Co., Ltd and Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd, and attended the opening ceremony of the 8th China (Shenzhen) International  相似文献   
南方丝绸之路从古至今在推动中国西南地区与周边国家,特别是中印关系发展的过程中都扮演着十分重要的角色,它不仅为中印两国的经济发展和文化繁荣作出了巨大贡献,而且为中印两国的民族解放事业中立下了不朽功勋。进入二十一世纪以来,这条连接中国西部与南亚的国际大通道正在继续为推动中印关系发展和中国实施新一轮西部大开发战略发挥着越来越大的作用。重振“南方丝绸之路”,让这条古老的大国际通道重振昔日雄风,对中印两国都具有十分重要的现实意义和历史意义。  相似文献   
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