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The binding characteristics of glucocorticoids to cytoplasmic and nuclear fractions of the adenohypophysis were determined and an attempt was made to correlate steroid uptake with physiological action. Binding was of high affinity and exhibited a limited number of acceptor sites for dexamethasone (Dx). It was shown that the steroid-receptor complex dissociated rapidly at 37 degree C, but was stable at low temperatures. An inverse relationship was detected between the plasma corticosterone (B) titer and the capacity of receptors to combine 3h-Dx. Shortly after stress or injection of physiological doses of B,50 to 70% of the acceptor sites were saturated. Progressive desaturation of the occupied receptors appeared to depend upon time and the plasma B concentration. Some evidence was also provided supporting a possible correlation between the extent of Dx inhibition of in vitro ACTH secretion and the degree of binding sites' occupancy. These results suggest that glucocorticoid binding to pituitary receptors may be correlated with the physiological action of the steroids on ACTH release.  相似文献   
Ten metabolically healthy patients who had undergone gastric resection were fed intravenously from the preoperative to the 5th postoperative day. No metabolic alternations were observed by using a low dosis of 0.12 mg/kg.h of glucose, fructose and xylitol in combination with amino acids. We were able to limit the so-called postaggressive syndrome by eliminating the fasting state. These results were proven by evaluating the most important metabolic parameters like triglycerides, free fatty acids, lactate and by measuring the carbohydrate-nitrogen balances.  相似文献   
This paper deals with a spontaneous malignant transformation in one of our XP fibroblast lines. This cell line, designated XP29MA, was derived from a 14-year-old boy who did not show skin tumors or precancerous alterations either at the time of clinical examination or when the biopsy was taken. We have compared the following features in both the malignant and the benign cell line from which the malignant line developed: tumor formation in nude mice, repair capacity, cytogenetic status, light and electron microscopic characteristics. The benign cell line XP29MA had a doubling time of 4.3 d, did not form tumors in nude mice, showed a very low repair capacity (as determined by colony-forming ability, unscheduled DNA synthesis and alkaline elution) but exhibited a normal cytogenetic and ultrastructural status. In contrast, the transformed cell line XP29MAmal grew three times faster, formed colonies in methyl cellulose, gave rise to fibrosarcomas in nude mice, showed a drastically higher repair capacity, and was characterized by an extreme genetic imbalance, resulting from numerical and structural chromosome alterations of Nos. 1, 3, 4, 8, 12, 16, 17, 18, 20 and 21. Ultrastructural examination revealed fusiform and polygonal cells, the latter exhibiting large indented nuclei, vesicular dilatations of the endoplasmatic re-ticulum and numerous lysosomes. The higher repair capacity in XP29MAmal cells is tentatively explained in terms of reversion, enhancement of post-replication repair and/or expression of SOS-type functions.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die primitive Organisation des Halsgrenzstranges erfolgt als einheitliche Zellsäule. Die erste Anlage besteht in paraaortalen geflechtartigen Zellverbänden im thorakalen und unteren cervicalen Abschnitt. Später verlängert sich die Zellsäule nach cranial bis zur Schädelbasis.Die Segmentierung des Truncus sympathicus erfolgt erst sekundär und muß in Beziehung gebracht werden zum Längenwachstum der Wirbelsäule. Zahl und Lage der Ganglien zwischen dem konstanten Ganglion cervicale superius und dem Ganglion cervicale inferius sind sehr variabel. Innerhalb der Rami interganglionares sind auch beim Erwachsenen stets Ganglienzellen vorhanden. Entsprechend der individuellen Variation der sympathischen Halsganglien ist auch die Anordnung der Verbindungen besonders in den mittleren Halssegmenten je und je verschieden.Rami communicantes werden zuerst im thorakalen Bereich ausgebildet, gefolgt von longitudinalen Verbindungen innerhalb des ganzen noch unsegmentierten Grenzstranges, und schließlich entstehen im cervicalen Abschnitt innere und äußere Rami communicantes als Verbindung mit den ventralen Spinalnervenästen und den Hirnnerven.Die Rami communicantes profundi bilden ein Geflecht, das sich im Canalis costotransversarius vom 4.–8. Cervicalnerven erstreckt und auch Zweige abgibt an den periarteriellen Plexus vertebralis.
Development of the cervical sympathetic trunk and of the nervus vertebralis
Summary The first visible Anlage of the sympathetic trunk appears near the Aorta as a continuous column of branching cells in the thoracic and lower cervical region. Later on, the column reaches the basis of the skull.Segmentation of the trunk is a secondary process in connection with the longitudinal growth of the vertebral column. Between the superior and the inferior cervical ganglion, develop several ganglia of variable number and localization, and with variable connections. The rami interganglionares invariably contain ganglionic cells, also in the adult stage.Rami communicantes first develop in the thoracic region. thereafter, longitudinal connections originate within the still unsegmented sympathetic trunk. Finally, internal and external rami communicantes are to be observed which join the rami ventrales of the spinal nerves and the lower cranial nerves.The rami communicates profundi form a plexus within the canalis costotransversarius, extending from the 4th to the 8th cervical nerve. Communicating twigs connect it with the vertebral plexus.
A randomized trial was conducted to compare cefixime (400 mg or 800 mg single oral dose) with ceftriaxone (250 mg single intramuscular dose) in terms of efficacy and safety for the treatment of uncomplicated Neisseria gonorrhoeae urethritis or cervicitis. Of 75 men and 150 women screened, 187 had positive culture results for N. gonorrhoeae. The course of treatment was evaluable in 155 cases (59 men, 96 women). Bacteriologic eradication was evident in 97% (105 out of 108) of the patients treated with cefixime and in 100% (47 out of 47) of the patients treated with ceftriaxone. N. gonorrhoeae was eliminated at 98% (143 out of 146) and 100% (72 out of 72) of the infection sites in the respective treatment groups. Of the 187 isolates, 8 were penicillinase-producing (PPNG) and 20 had high-level tetracycline resistance (TRNG). The cefixime and ceftriaxone MIC90 for all 187 study isolates was 0.008 micrograms/ml. The adverse clinical experiences reported by the patients treated with cefixime (10%) were self-limiting; no adverse experiences occurred in the patients treated with ceftriaxone. Cefixime was as well tolerated and efficacious as ceftriaxone in the treatment of the patients with uncomplicated N. gonorrhoeae urethritis or cervicitis reported here.  相似文献   
The efficacy and tolerance of parenterally administered piperacillin were evaluated in 50 adult patients hospitalized with systemic and urinary tract infections. Dosage for 46 patients was 4 to 12 g daily and for 4 patients, 16 to 24 g daily; in each case divided doses were given every 4 to 6 h. The duration of treatment for most patients was 5 to 10 days. Of the 50 patients, 45 (90%) were considered cured, and 57 (89%) of the 64 pathogens isolated were eradicated by piperacillin treatment. Side effects, reported by 12 patients, were mild to moderate in degree and consisted of vein irritation, thrombophlebitis, pain at the injection site, and diarrhea, Piperacillin appears to be a highly effective antibiotic for treating infections caused by susceptible gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms.  相似文献   
Recently, there has been a growing interest in hemotropic mycoplasmal species (also known as the hemoplasmas), the causative agents of infectious anemia in several mammalian species. In felids, two different hemoplasma species have been recognized: Mycoplasma haemofelis (formerly Haemobartonella felis) and "Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum." Recently developed molecular methods have allowed sensitive and specific identification and quantification of these agents in feline blood samples. In applying these methods to an epidemiological study surveying the Swiss pet cat population for hemoplasma infection, we discovered a third novel and unique feline hemoplasma isolate in a blood sample collected from a cat that had exhibited clinical signs of severe hemolytic anemia. This agent was readily transmitted via intravenous inoculation to two specific-pathogen-free cats. One of these cats was immunocompromised by the administration of methylprednisolone acetate prior to inoculation, and this cat developed severe anemia. The other immunocompetent cat showed a moderate decrease in packed cell volume. Additionally, an increase in red blood cell osmotic fragility was observed. Sequencing of the entire 16S rRNA gene of the new hemoplasma isolate and phylogenetic analysis showed that the isolate was most closely related to two rodent hemotropic mycoplasmal species, M. coccoides and M. haemomuris. A quantitative real-time PCR assay specific for this newly discovered agent was developed, which will be a prerequisite for the diagnosis of infections with the new hemoplasma isolate.  相似文献   
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