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Objective To examine the relationship of single-nucleotide polymorphisms(SNPs)in candidate genes with the lipid responses to simvastatin.Methods Chinese patients were treated with simvastatin 40 mg daily for at least 6 weeks.20 SNPs in 11 genes were genotyped.Results 95 patients age(mean±SD)57.5±10.6 years completed the treatment.The Adiponectin 45T>G polymorphism was significantly related to absolute reductions in total cholesterol(TC)and LDL-cholesterol with a trend(P=0.053)for percentage reductions in TC(TT∶TG∶GG=-38.4%∶-35.6%∶-32.6%).Similar findings were seen with LDL-Receptor(LDLR)SNPs(2052T>C and 1866C>T)with absolute reductions in TC and LDL-cholesterol significantly associated.The Breast Cancer Resistance Protein(ABCG2)421C>A polymorphism was related(P<0.05)to HDL-cholesterol response(CC∶CA∶AA=+0.50%∶-5.73%∶-11.41%).Conclusions Adiponectin,LDLR and ABCG2 SNPs had some influence on the lipid responses to simvastatin.  相似文献   
目的研究0.5%心居康杀白蚁饵剂对台湾乳白蚁(Coptotermes formosanusShiraki)的防治效果。方法2001年在无锡和杭州进行了试验研究,试验分实验室和建筑物现场试验两个部分进行。结果无论是地上(AG)投药,还是地下(IG)投药,不论是室外投药还是室内投药,消灭一个族群需要35~69 d,平均(54.75±12.25)d。消灭一个族群只需要0.5%心居康杀白蚁饵剂48~150 g,平均(103.05±28.9)g,折合有效成分(0.52±0.146)g。结论0.5%心居康杀白蚁饵剂均可以达到消灭台湾乳白蚁的整个族群。  相似文献   
Abstract In the present economic climate and with increasing expenditure on neonatal intensive care, there has been a demand for economic evaluation and justification of neonatal intensive care programmes. This study assesses the inhospital costs of neonatal intensive care. Fixed and variable costs were calculated for services and uses of an Intensive/Special Care Nursery for the year 1985 and corrected to 1987 Australian dollar equivalents. Establishing a new neonatal intensive care unit of 43 cots in an existing hospital with available floor space including operating costs for a year were estimated in Australian dollars for 1987 at $6 408 000. Daily costs per baby for each level of care were $1282 ventilator, $481 intensive, $293 transitional and $287 recovery, respectively. The cost per survivor managed in the Intensive/Special Care Nursery in 1985 showed the expected inverse relationship to birthweight being $2400 for > 2500 g, $4050 for 2000–2500 g, $9200 for 1500–1999 g, $23 900 for 1000–1499 g and $63 450 for < 1000 g. Further analysis for extremely low birthweight infants managed in 1986 and 1987 demonstrated costs per survivor of $128 400 for infants < 800 g birthweight and $43 950 for those 800–999 g. This methodology might serve as a basis for further accounting and cost-evaluation exercises.  相似文献   
The outcome of radiotherapy in patients with stage I testicular seminoma was evaluated. During the period 1960–89 (inclusive) 270 patients with stage I seminoma of the testis received radiotherapy to the para-aortic nodes and ipsilateral hemipelvis following radical orchidectomy. Two hundred and fifty seven patients (95.2%) received a minimum tumour dose of 30Gy in 20 daily fractions using 4–6 MV photons. The 5 year overall and recurrence-free survival rates were 97 and 95%, respectively. Only eight of the 270 patients relapsed and three were cured with ‘salvage’therapies. Of the 11 patients who died, four deaths (36%) were the result of uncontrolled testicular cancer, six (55%) intercurrent illness and one (9%) the result of attempted salvage. Patients staged and treated prior to 1979 had a significantly worse disease-free survival compared to patients treated during and after 1979. As side effects were negligible, it was concluded that radiotherapy for stage I seminoma provides excellent cure rates. The difficulties arranging a ‘surveillance’programme in so large a State as Queensland are discussed.  相似文献   
A pilot cord blood TSH screening program for congenital hypothyroidism was commenced in Hong Kong in April 1982. By April 1984, 14 411 neonates born in two hospitals were screened for this disorder. Five cases of primary hypothyroidism and two cases of transient hypothyroidism were detected. The detection of cases of congenital hypothyroidism with only moderately elevated cord blood TSH values means that the recall rate will remain high.  相似文献   
5-Flourouracil(5-FU) is one of well known anti-cancer drugs, but its toxicity in normal lymphocytes remains a major problem in chemotherapy. The eastern traditional drug, Bupleuri radix(BR), has been used for the treatment of liver diseases and contains series of triterpene saponins.  相似文献   
目的孤立肺结节(solitary pulmonary nodules)时常在胸部X光片与电脑断层(CT)上被发现,往往是诊断上的挑战。时常要靠切片检查方能进一步评估。非侵袭性的检查或许能够避免侵袭性的组织切片的风险舆成本。本研究意在评估氟-18去氧葡萄糖正子断层造影用于电脑断层无法判断的孤立肺结节的诊断效力。方法在2000年8月与2005年3月间,共有48位病患因为电脑断层无法判断的孤立肺结节(直径不大于3公分)被转介至本院做氟-18去氧葡萄糖正子断层造影检查。所有病患在接受静脉注射10毫居里的氟-18去氧葡萄糖後约60分钟开始接受正子断层造影检查。本院使用之正子断层扫瞄仪的机型为CTI,ECAT,HR+。所有病患的正子断层影像均由两位已知其电脑断层结果的资深核普科普师共同判读。当正子断层影像上在封应于电脑断层上的孤立肺结节的氟-18去氧葡萄糖摄取强度超过肝脏的摄取强度时判读为阳性,若不然则判读为阴性。最终诊断则是根据病理报告或追踪病人的情况至少一年的结果。结果在总共48个孤立肺结节中,其中有21个为恶性,27个为良性病灶。藉正子断层影像之助,所有21个恶性病灶及27个良性病灶中的20个被正确的归类(灵敏度100%,专一度74%,阳性预测值75%,阴性预测值100%)。结论本研究显示氟-18去氧葡萄糖正子放射断层造影能有效的区别良性舆恶性的孤立肺结节。氟-18去氧葡萄糖正子放射断层造影实乃提供了一种非侵袭性的评估电脑断层无法判断良恶性的孤立肺结节的方法,其高度的阴性预测值或得以减少侵袭性的组织切片的需要。  相似文献   
目的测定两仪共振丹对老化鼠生殖能力的作用。材料与方法我们给8周和18周大的雄鼠服用两仪共振丹溶液8天;给4周和18周大的雌鼠服用4天或8天。我们按雄鼠附睾精液的浓度、运动能力和形态毕以及交配频率测定雄鼠的生殖能力,并按完全排卵的卵母细胞和卵母细胞常态测定雌鼠的生殖能力。同时.对雌雄鼠体外受精和胚胎发育也进行了检测。为了比较差异.我们设立了对照组.以同样的方式给予等量纯水。为测量两仪共振丹的抗氧化作用.对睾丸的n—NOS基因表达、卵巢的i—NOS和e-NOS基因表达进行了测定。结果18周大的雌鼠服用两仪共振丹4—8天,完整排卵的母卵细胞和正常母卵细胞的数量明显增加。服用4天和8天两仪共振丹溶液提高了4周和18周大雌鼠的受精率。服用8天的4周鼠和服用4天和8天的18周鼠.体外受精的胚胎发育率有所提高。用两仪共振丹治疗4周和18周的雄鼠.对精液的浓度、活动性和形态学的改善都是有效的。两仪共振丹溶液可以提高4周和18周鼠的交配率、受精率和体外受精的胚胎发育。两仪共振丹溶液会极大地限制8周鼠睾丸组织的n-NOS基因表达。卵巢组织的i-NOS在8周鼠和18周鼠的基因表达均下降.但是e-NOS只在18周鼠中下降。结论我们可以说.两仪共振丹溶液对鼠的生殖能力的改善具有有益的作用.特别是对老化鼠更为有效。  相似文献   
IL-12对支气管哮喘小鼠Th2免疫应答的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
目的 哮喘是Th2细胞介导的气道慢性非特异性炎症。IL 12在抗原致敏阶段可有效抑制Th2免 疫应答形成,而对已产生的Th2免疫应答是否同样具有抑制作用尚有争议。本研究探讨IL 12对哮喘时已产生的 Th2免疫应答的影响,为临床应用提供可靠的理论依据。方法 实验一:取25只6~8周雌性BALB/c小鼠,腹腔 注射鸡卵清蛋白(OVA)和氢氧化铝致敏。于致敏前、致敏后第7,14,21,28天,各取处死5只检测脾脏单个核细胞 培养上清液中的Th2类细胞因子IL 4和IL 5水平,观察Th2免疫反应形成情况。实验二:另取40只相同小鼠随机 分为哮喘组(n=20)和IL 12治疗组(n=20),均腹腔注射鸡卵清蛋白(OVA)和氢氧化铝致敏后雾化吸入OVA诱 发哮喘。IL 12治疗组在致敏后25d开始连续5d腹腔内注射0.5μg(1mL)重组IL 12,哮喘组仅注射PBS。两组 均在最后1次诱发后(致敏后30d)处死,取支气管肺泡灌洗液(BALF)和脾脏单个核细胞培养上清液检测Th2类 细胞因子IL 4、IL 5和Th1类细胞因子IFN γ水平(ELISA法)。结果 实验一:小鼠在致敏后14d脾脏单个核细 胞分泌IL 4和IL 5明显增高,说明小鼠致敏后第14天已形成Th2免疫应答。实验二:与哮喘组比较,IL 12治疗组 BALF中IL 4(192±19pg/mLvs19±5pg/mL)和IL 5浓度(328±71pg/mLvs141±15pg/mL  相似文献   
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